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Found 18 results

  1. I recently purchased a 2006 RSTD and like a lot of you, need more handlebar pullback. Everyone knows the problem with risers being that darn speedometer. For this reason, a lot of you use Flander’s bars which are rarely available. Rick at Buckeye Performance said he could have Flander’s make some more, but at a cost of $270 and who knows when it would be available. So, I came up with an alternative modification that is working incredibly well for me. Not wanting to practice on my stock handlebars, I bought a pair of Baron replacements that are practically the same. I used 2 pieces of 1” 7075 aluminum 6” long and ground down 3” of each piece to 13/16” diameter, leaving the other 3” at 1” diameter. On the 1” side, I drilled a 11/64” hole dead center 1.5” deep and tapped M6-1 threads to fit the bar end weights. I then coated the 13/16” side with a metal epoxy and pounded the handlebar inserts into the handlebars. It worked like a charm. I used 7075 for its hardness and durability and corrosion resistance. You could also use steel, of course. Someone could place pins or countersink screws if concerned about the ends pulling out, but I don’t think that’s ever going to happen. In retrospect, I totally would feel comfortable doing this with the stock bars if I could slide hammer out the bar end bushings.
  2. Yesterday I installed a modification that allowed me to categorize our smilies making them easier to find and also allows you to save your 20 most used smilies in your own "My Favorites". We had something similar on the old site and several people had requested that it be brought back. Installing this modification though created a conflict with the bottom navigation bar that others had requested. This was a navigation bar at the bottom of the page that prevented you from having to scroll all the back to the top of a thread. After installing the smilies mod, I spent WAY too long trying to figure out why it wouldn't work properly before finding that the bottom navbar was causing the issue. I then spent WAY too long trying to figure out how to modify the navbar mod so that it would work with the smilie mod. I failed. They will just not co-exist together. I had to decide which was the more useful modification and decided that the smilie modification was probably most useful. I still knew though that some people find it a real bother to have scroll back to the top after reading the last post of a thread. So.....I did a simple modification that adds only buttons to get back to the top of the thread that you are reading or back to the list of threads in the forum that you are in. At the bottom of the last post in a thread is a "quick navigation" drop down menu. You will now find two buttons beside it. One says "GO" and the other says "Top". If you click on the "GO" button, it will take you back the top of the forum that you are in with a list of all the threads. If you click on the "Top" button, it will take you back to the first post in the thread that you are reading. There are other links in the drop down menu. Back to forum home, other forums, etc. but those two are just click and go so you don't have to click on and then scroll down in the drop down menu. I think that this accomplishes what you wanted with the bottom navigation bar.
  3. I was looking on some other motorcycle forums and came across a modification to alter a stock flasher to work with led turn signals and keep the original flasher and the self cancellation function.www.650ccnd.com/PDFs/Flasher_mod_Revised.pdf . I haven't learned how to attach a link, but maybe some one who does will do that for us.I did a google search for Denso flasher modification, and it was the second link that was on the first page.When I convert my turn signals,I'm going to try this to keep the original functions.Hope this helps someone and thanks to the person that invented this and posted a step by step with pictures.
  4. I ordered a new " ClearView" windshield for the new 08 RSTD. Supposed to be here Friday this week. 2 inch wider, each side, and more lower, wind protection. Will take photos of the conversion, and post, if anybody is interested in that modification for an RSTD. Been waiting about 2 weeks for delivery, no problem, its been raining in Seattle again. Also have Heated grips on the way, so will be busy with modifications next week !!
  5. I've looked at the previous posts on adding a fairing to a RSTD. I really like the looks of the stratoliner deluxe fairing and was wondering if anyone happened to know how much modification would be necessary to make it fit an RSTD...I've seen the ones that look like a harley fairing, but am wanting a different look... Any input? Thanks!
  6. Just picked up a used 06' Midnight Venture. Wow. What a nice bike! The knucklehead before me used a screwdriver and can opener on the muffers for his version of modification. Now I'm looking for new mufflers. Any thoughts to brand, type, etc? I want it to sound healthy but not obnoxious. Thanks
  7. Put the bike away today as it does snow once in a while here in Iowa. Rick I will be contacting you real soon for the seat modification that you have made famous!
  8. As I have stated before my other bike is a Honda Valkyrie. A common performance modification that is done and I have done to mine is the one listed below. http://www.valkyrieriders.com/shoptalk/ect-mod.htm It is basically tapping into the ECM's programing which advances the timing while the bike warms up to normal operation temps to advance the timing. The Modification allows the rider to have control of advancing the timing AFTER the bike is warm also giving a bit more power and fuel efficiency. Very simple and mostly cheap and effective. I've found that my mpg increase and power increase is most noticeable with 89 octane fuels rather than 87 or 91. The modification can be turned off at any time when needed or desired. Can anyone tell me if this can be done to the Royal Star and if so where and which wires would need to be accessed.? Thanks, Tom
  9. I am looking for an HID Highway bar for my 08 Venture. Is there one that is manufactured to fit he Venture without modification of drilling holes etc?
  10. What is the best modification or change you've made to your bike you enjoy the most?
  11. What is the single most favorite modification you've made to your bike? Was it a cup holder for your water, or a Dyna 3000, new pipes, LED lighting... trailer hitch? What's the one thing you can't go without, and if you bought a new bike now it would be the first thing you do? For my last bike, for me it was The FAIC pipe I put on it. Had I of known what I know now, I would have done that first thing.. I put pullback risers on it first mod, but it wasn't the best thing I did to it. For this bike, I'm still not sure, but I'm thinking backrest will be the first thing I do, but I doubt in the long run it will be my favorite.
  12. My wife wants the venture seat on my 2005 Tour Deluxe. Can I change this out without much modification? Thanks:fiddle:
  13. Could some one steer me to where I can b y these brackets for this modification. I have RK slip ons! I tried the clasified . Thanks in advance Nevada Max
  14. I purchased a Show Chrome radiator cover from JC Whitney. Catalogue said it would fit all 2nd generation Ventures. I have a 2007. When I opened the box to install the instructions say it will fit 1999-2002 only. Called JC Whitney and they called Show Chrome who said it might fit or it might need slight modification. Since I have to dismantle quite a few parts to install I would like to know for sure if it will fit. I like the look of the cover (only one I have found in chrome). Has anyone purchased and installed one of these. If so, will it fit as is or what kind on modification if not. Thanks.
  15. Got back a few days ago with mom and had a great time. The cruise ship was alright but if I do it again it'll be in a camper and at a slower pace. I love that 3rd picture, it's exactly as was seen with no lens modification. Just georgous. Ride safe a God bless. Prayers are with everyone down south in Texas.
  16. Have any of you installed these in the rear? I got these for the front, Now I am wondering if they will fit in the rear without modification. Have you up-graded the rears? what did you use for a speaker? Did you have to modify?
  17. Anyone had a Mean City Cycle Seat Modification done on their bike. Looking to get the wife's seat done on her Honda VTX 1300, so she can keep up with the old man on our touring adventures. If yes, which grade of drivers seat modification did you select. If this mod works I might try it on my 2nd Gen Venture. Thanks
  18. My buddy has an "06" Venture as do I. We took a 350 mile trip together today and he got noticable better gas mileage that I. One tank we had 139 miles and I put in 9/10 of a gallon more that he did. He was telling me about how he modified his air box making the air intake hole larger. Also he took off the cones in the back of both tail pipes and drilled four holes in the baffell on each side. Will both these things increase your gas mileage and why?? Are there any posts here regarding both of these modifications. He was saying less back pressure from the modification on the pipes increases gas mileage and the carbs beathing easier from more air helps. Both kind of make sence to me, but I bow to the infinate knowledge of those here that live and breath this stuff. Thanks in advace for the responce.
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