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  1. Been gone a while, any one miss me?? Computer did crash and I lost most of my stuff So Quickstep gave me some of his tax return...and I am the proud Mama of a new Apple Mac "big screen" 'puter So, got new modem and internet provider too. Any one who has my email address needs to PM me and I will give them the new one.
  2. The good news is that after waiting for about 6 weeks, Verizon FINALLY got my DSL installed today. The bad news is that it will only work if I take my computer outside, sit it on the central air unit, run an extension cord around the house to plug the DLS modem into, and connect it directly to the telephone junction box. The modem will sync out there but not when I connect it in the house. Apparently I've got some sort of problem with my internal wiring. Too many outlets or something. The thing is, we don't even use any hard wired phones in the house, only cellular, so I just have to trace out the jacks and disconnect some or just run a new cat 5 wire from the junction box outside. Maybe I'll get around to that tomorrow.
  3. It's amazing how changing times can change a household priority. Today it seems our top priority is bandwidth. My dsl connection when it's working right runs at 1.2MB on downloads. For the past 4-6 months I have been complaining to the phone company about slow speed and dropped wireless connections. When I'm having the problem my wireless connection speed drops to less then 100K on all wireless machines. My hardwired machine (mamamo's desktop) drops to about 300K. Every time I'm on the phone with tech support we do the usual. Recycle power to the modem,turn off antivirus software,change channels on the wireless connection,Is there anything else hooked to the phone line (satellite tv,recorder,etc) NO NO NO. You can send me a bag of dsl filters I have about 10 new ones from the last time. I think they need to replace the modem. I got up this morning and the bandwidth was way down about 95K so I done a cold start on the modem (recycle dc power for 30 seconds) and still nothing no improvement. Then 30 minutes late like magic I'm back to 1.2mb connectivity. Never a problem with the telephone side of the operation. Tech support is coming out today lets hope it's broke when they show up and find something. Then again they never showed up the last three times I called them.
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