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  1. Hoping someone can help. I have a 98 RSTC with 4 into 4 pipes. I thought the dremel trick (where you cut the pipe a few inches into the back pipe) would work but the diameter of the the 4 into 4 must be smaller than the 4 into 2 because the dremel cutting disc is too large! What other mode can I do? I only want a moderate noise increase. It it would be good if someone could also recommend suitable aftermarket pipes for 4 into 4.
  2. I'm having entirely too much fun here:bang head::bang head:. Pulled the bike in last week to change the brake pads in back and the caliper sticks, so I ordered a rebuild from Earl and have a hard time bleeding it, but worse I accidentally left the key in the ACC mode and drained the battery. Now, after sitting on a 2amp charge overnight I still can't start the bike!!!:headache: Acts as though there is not enough juice. Battery says 11 amp with the key on, hit the starter and she drops to 7.5 or so and just clicks. I even tried starting her with the charger in start mode and she tries, but doesn't fully turn over. I'm tempted to say the battery is fried but how could this have killed the battery?? Battery was new this past summer. Need some help quick folks, I'm tired of driving the wife's car and the weather's been too nice as well
  3. Many thanks to Earl (Skydoc_17) for the inspiration. I had the mirror stem and just bought the cell phone mount. I like how the phone enters car mode when inserted in to the dock for simple operation. I didn't even know that this mode existed. Ill probably clean it up a little more and shoot the back side with a little black paint.
  4. Not to be confused with chicken parts..... Me and my riding has been nothing short of a trainwreck this summer. When the heat and humidity get beyond a point, I have to pretty much hang up the chaps because I just can't seem to breathe well enough to go; that or I just don't feel good enough to go. The flip side of that is that when the temp backs off a bit, it's usually because of rain and thunderstorms and MORE humidity. Anyway, that story is to set up this story! Because I haven't gotten out much and because I didn't get good results of my last 2 Battery Tenders, I didn't have anything keeping the charge up on the bikes. The GW has had an ongoing little issue with off idle performance and has been sitting basically all summer, since spring. The RSTD sat for about a month and a half, early in the year and had to be jumped to get it started. Recently, it sat for about a month for reasons I mentioned earlier and I knew that I was looking at another round of "fun with batteries." Well, the weather had been really crappy and I had done some late night research into battery maintainers. Based on what I found, I decided to buy a "Battery Minder", having the anti-sufation circuit in it. It will charge at I believe it's 1.3 amps up to 14.1V then revert to a float charge mode to keep the battery up; in this mode it will periodically hit the battery with specific hi frequency AC current to accomplish the anti-sulfation (the sulfation being what kills the batteries when they sit for long periods). I had been told that if a motorcycle battery (wet cell or other) goes dead, it's basically toast and has to be replaced. Now, the new Battery Minders I bought had a battery condition monitor included with one of them. They say to check the battery and if you get no indication the battery must be replaced. The RSTD had the absolute minimun indication, the GW battery had none! Well, not being one to just jump out there and drop $60 or $70 on another battery for the GW, I went ahead (in conflict with the instructions, I might add) and hooked it up and plugged it in. Ditto the one for the RSTD. The RSTD charged for about 24 hours and went to float mode. A day later, I felt good, the weather felt good, so I disconnected the Battery Minder and she fired right up and I went on my merry way. The Goldwing showed charge state for a full 2 1/2 days,(they recommend no more than 72 hours) then went into float mode just like the doctor ordered. What floors me is that the last time the battery on the GW went dead from sitting, like that, I had to replace it. That's why I was going to at least try to charge it up before I sprung for a new one! The battery is up full and with the BatteryMinder it should stay in top condition for a long long time (riding occasionally wouldn't hurt either, but that's a different discussion) Bottom line......I am sold on the BatteryMinder! I will not use another brand of maintainer again, unless the company itself just goes away; then whatever I get will have antisulfation or I won't have it....period. The proof is in the performance and the BatteryMinder has that in spades, IMHO! (and FWIW Northern Tool had them for ~$40)
  5. So there I was geting rid of the YICS on my 83 and then I started to think, could the lines be hooked back up together in the same way as the Jason mode or along with the jason mode to help the low end power in any way ?
  6. My stereo control unit is doing wierd things. It locks up and the buttons will not work. I rode most of the day with it in the HS mode, but couldn't swap back to SP mode. After i shut the bike down and restarted it works again. Any clues??
  7. I've been running AVG 9.0 free for about a month now but my Quickbooks started acting up. so in my infinite "wisdom" I figure I'd download PCSecurity shield2010, a program which I had paid for but due to repeated hard drive problems had not been re-installed (yet). So after installing this I ran a system scan; after 14-1/2 hours it still wasn't finished! Can't un install AVG; can't uninstall security shield; firefox won't open; outlook was acting up and after rebooting the ultimate insult, I can't get past the boot screen. i.e I cannot open it in safe mode. I do not want to re-format this thing AGAIN if at all possible. I figure I can take it upstairs and throw it of the front porch and put it out of it's misery, but my company files are on there so maybe someone here has a better alternative???
  8. :think:Has anyone seen or tried these slip ons, just got a mess of catalogs and this was something that made me say Hmmmmm...but they sure are costly but to have Mama mode at the flick of a switch would be cool http://www.jcwhitney.com/jcwhitney/product.jcw?nval=0&statenval=0&shopid=100001&productId=2012075&pageid=12&errorView=Y&selectedmmy=200002434+2007&_requestid=1830615
  9. About 2 weeks ago, I installed a Stebel air horn on my 1500 Goldwing. Wasn't easy....the only place I could find to install it was inside the fairing, right in front of the left side pocket. That location presented some challenges in getting it properly secured so it wouldn't rattle around, and in getting the wiring properly run to it. Took a couple of hours, but finally got it done. Yesterday on my way home from work, I had my first opportunity to use it in an emergency situation. I had just turned off of the main highway in front of my place of employment onto a county road lined with houses and driveways. I was accelerating when I noticed a black SUV ahead of me which was turning into a driveway on my right hand side. At that point it was probably 100 yards ahead. I was closing fast since I was in acceleration mode. Good thing I was also in "observation mode", because the driver of the SUV was NOT in observation mode. He swung into the driveway, threw the SUV into reverse and gunned it, planning on backing out onto the road in order to turn around. As soon as I saw the vehicle start to move in reverse, I swung to the left lane (no oncoming traffic, PTL) and activated the Stebel horn. What happened next had me laughing for the next mile or so.....the driver of the SUV, convinced that he had mistakenly turned onto a railroad track and that a 100-car locomotive was bearing down on his unobservant arse, stood on the brakes in record-setting time, then threw it into drive and hit the gas. As I passed his rear bumper, I gave him the obligatory "what the heck are you doing?" glare and continued on my way. Watching in my rear view mirror, the chuckles began. He sat there in that driveway for at least 10 seconds before beginning to slowly and carefully back onto the road again. I'm sure that he checked both ways about 10 times before his second attempt....or maybe he was just trying to get his heart rate back to normal before proceeding. Thank you Professor Stebel for the "always-look-both-ways" lesson that you taught an unobservant driver yesterday! The $50 for the horn and the 2 hour installation was some of the best time/money ever spent on my bike. If I would have just had my wimpy stock horns, my Wing would either be stuck into the passenger door of an SUV right now, or would have hit the side ditch pretty hard. Wouldn't want either option. If you've never heard a Stebel, believe me it is LOUD! Every rider should consider adding this safety device to his/her bike. LOUD HORNS SAVE LIVES!!!!
  10. Hi, I'm posting this in 1st gen tech and also the Audio forum. Sorry for the repeat, but I wasn't sure which would be best. My CB was working OK. I had dual short antennas. I recently switched to a single 3' Wilson Flex fiberglass antenna and a Firestik splitter, which should work better. I got it all hooked up and now the CB is stuck in receive mode whenever it is on. I disconnected the antenna and splitter and it stays in RX mode even with no antenna. It's like the squelch is turned to max sensitivity, but adjusting the squelch doesn't change anything (it used to function normally). It did work, now it doesn't. Timing is conincident with antenna change, but problem is independent of the antenna being connected. What could have happened? Second, I've read that the Firestik splitter/duplexer is very efficient for signal transfer. The CB, while stuck in RX mode, is successfully receiving signals. But they are stronger (voices sound louder) when the antenna is connected directly to the CB, compared to when wired thru the splitter? What gives? Does the "Matching" pot affect receive strength or just transmit? Thanks, Jeremy
  11. Hi, I'm posting this in 1st gen tech and also the Audio forum. Sorry for the repeat, but I wasn't sure which would be best. My CB was working OK. I had dual short antennas. I recently switched to a single 3' Wilson Flex fiberglass antenna and a Firestik splitter, which should work better. I got it all hooked up and now the CB is stuck in receive mode whenever it is on. I disconnected the antenna and splitter and it stays in RX mode even with no antenna. It's like the squelch is turned to max sensitivity, but adjusting the squelch doesn't change anything (it used to function normally). It did work, now it doesn't. Timing is conincident with antenna change, but problem is independent of the antenna being connected. What could have happened? Second, I've read that the Firestik splitter/duplexer is very efficient for signal transfer. The CB, while stuck in RX mode, is successfully receiving signals. But they are stronger (voices sound louder) when the antenna is connected directly to the CB, compared to when wired thru the splitter? What gives? Does the "Matching" pot affect receive strength or just transmit? Thanks, Jeremy
  12. Since there are several of you guys on tonite, wanna help me test a streaming server? open this link: It should open your windows player and start the strream... Hopefully its working well enough to test it...it can only support a few listeners right now...its in TEST mode! Audio reports are wanted too, so feel free to post anything you notice, poor quality, skipping, that sort of thing!
  13. walked into the local "INTERSTATE BATTERY ",THIEVERYSHIP THIS MORNING ON A WHIM. asked about a gel cell battery for my '86. salesman said we don't stock them, but i can order you one for $146.00. another sales person, said "odyssey makes one for them also.".i gave them the odyssey part # and they had ONE in stock, that was "ordered by mistake." anyhow i got out the door with it for $89.00! now my question, is, do i charge it in the wet cell mode, or agm mode? help please. just jt
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