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  1. Changed the oil in my 04 today, it had reg oil that the guy I bought it from had put it. but this is only it third oil change. It did have a very low chirp to it. I changed to the mobil one racing oil and after about 10 miles, no more chirp, no whine just a perfectly quiet bike. Well except for the mufflers I modified. Mobil One 4T racing 10-40 Gregg:missingtooth:
  2. Starting to get some slipping in 5th gear. The bike has 42,500 miles and it feels like I am riding into a heavy wind. Kinda a pause type feel while at speed. Also when I get on throttle in 5th it rpms up then takes off. But only in top gear. What do you guys think? You know..now that I think about it, I never noticed it until I went from Mobil 20w-50 synthetic to the Mobil Racing 4T 10w-40...could that be an issue? Thanks guys.
  3. I always change the Mobil 1/filter in the spring even when it has less than my usual 3000 miles between changes. I am beginning to think that 5000 mile/once a year change intervals would be adequate. What do you think? Is anyone using a 5K change interval with a top shelf fully synthetic oil like Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40?
  4. Somwhere in this site i found a topic on oil filters and a list of #s for the RSV i wanted the # for the walmart filter i have the # for the mobil 1 and the purilator i think the walmart super tech # is ST7371 but not sure HELP!
  5. Wal-Mart - $13.69 Canadian Tire - $15.99 Here in Ontario, it's a lot cheaper to buy Mobil 1 Synthetic MX-4T at Wally World....quite a significant difference in fact. I like the Mobil 1 oil, and this is the cheapest that I've been able to get it here. Not sure about pricing in the USA, but that's what we're paying here. gunk:think:
  6. The full synthetic oil? I just changed the oil I could not find any of the recommended around here so I went with the synthetic 10-40 Mobil 1 4 cycle motor oil, did I screw up?
  7. I know we have beat this horse to death, and I have always advocated Mobil 1 syn. Some background on where I am going with this, before I became a Nurse, i was the Public Works Director for Turner County, in Georgia. 10 years in that position and 15 years before that as the assitant director and the Shop forman. We used delo 400 15w40 in everything, the caterpilliar motorgraders have something incommon with our motorcycles, WET clutches that run in the engine oil. and at the time CAT recommended Delo 400 for the engine, transmission and every where else, on these machines. They still use it there now. We never had an oil related failure in any thing. We were running graders 20,000 hours before any internal engine work. Can not remember any clutch problems. Ok to the point, I walked into O'rielly's and bought oil for the cars, van, and was getting the oil for the venture, and noticed the Delo 400 was $12 for a gallon. the mobil one I use is $9 a quart. I decided to go home and compare the data on these two oils. Delo is rated for use in all engine applications Both are rated for wet clutch applications. The Delo has a higher bearing load than the mobil one. The best I could fine on the net, Mobil is a 300 hour oil. Delo is a 400 hour oil, The oil analysis we did at 250 hour oil changes on the cats always showed around 60 to 70% of the oil life used (that was at 250 hours) meaning the oil could have been run close to the 400 hour mark. (Caterpilliar recommends 250 hours oil changes) All that depends on how the engine is preforming, air filters, oil filters, temp and other factors. After looking at all of this, I found myself thinking, why am I paying $40 for an oil change when it could be $12 for the superior oil. I change every 5000 miles anyway, that is only about 100 hours on the oil. I many here run Rotella 15w40, which is simular to Delo 400, don't know what rotella hour rating is, but I put the Delo 400 in my RSV. Will post the results over time, I had very little chirp or whine with the mobil. Gregg
  8. Have any of you all ever seen anything written up on Wally World's synthetic oil. Is it any good??? Its about $5-10 a gal cheaper than Mobil 1. Is doesn't come in a weight for the Ventures, but I use Rotella Blue for that anyway.
  9. I am using 10 W 40 Mobil 1 and when I talked to my local mechanic about my clutch basket change he suggested that on my next oil change I go to 20 W 50. The only Mobil 1 20 W 50 oil I can find says V-Twin on the label but it also says that it's wet clutch friendly. I'm guessing that the V-twin is meant for HD's, can this oil ( V-Twin) be used in my Venture w/o worry of any damage ??
  10. Well, I changed the oil yesterday - put "Mobil 1 Racing 4T - 10W40" in my '07' Venture. It didn't seem to quiet the whine at all. Please tell me I used the right oil Hate to spend another $50 and doit again tomorrow. BUT I will if I screwed up and put the wrong oil in. Should I have changed the gasket on the drain plug also ??
  11. On my second oil change away from MC oil and on the new silver cap Mobil 1 15W50 without the energy saving. Bike is still running better than before. My transmission shifts better than when I used the Yamalube. If anyone is wondering if it's safe, go for it. No clutch problems, and honestly the transmission runs far better than it ever had. less noise, easier shifting. This is on a clutch with 40,000 miles on it.
  12. I was reading the thread on oils. It sounds like most of you use mobil 1. Is that auto oil or do they make Mobil 1 for cycles to? & what kind of filters do you use? auto or cycle. I am new at this & just learning about the doos & dont's on hear. I road a HONDA 900 custom for 22 years with no problums. Just gas oil & tires. used nothing but honda oil in it with no problums. auto oil & filters would be a lot cheeper!!!!! I just got a new 08 venture. "not home yet" I hope it will be a good up grade? The Honda is for sale.
  13. Can I use this? Decided I needed to start doing my own oil changes and read a bunch of posts. Decided on Mobil 1 synthetic and then went to wal-mart for a filter and oil. I did not realize there was a vast selection withing that category. The 0W-30 states it exceeds temp specs of 5w30 and 10w30 and it was $23 for a 4.75 quart jug. This beats the $6 to $7 per quart for the others.
  14. Hello everyone. I wanted to see if anyone was having the same issue as I am having. I recently changed my 07 Venture over to Mobil 1 with a Mobil 1 filter. Upon start-up, I hear an inordinate amount of "clatter" from the top-end of the engine. I don't think this occured to this extent while running the petro Yamaha oil. I'm running 3.5 qurts of 10w-40 Mobil 1. Is this normal or should I switch back to the conventional oil? I'm not looking for a this oil that oil argument, just looking to as "why" my engine is making so much noise for the 30-45 seconds after start-up. THe bike has 2500 miles on it. Thanks everyone for your time.
  15. Am changing my oil brand from Amsoil to Mobil 1. Was at Wally's and noticed several different caps and I seem to remember that the gold cap is the one with friction modifiers. Silver cap does not. Is that correct? DJ :confused24:
  16. duke


    Could someone help please? I am looking for a place in the Apache Junction area (Phoenix) Arizona that sells synthetic Mobil 1 Motorcycle oil. Would greatly appreciate any help you can give. Thanks
  17. OK, 3000 miles ago I switch to the Mobil 1 full synthetic motor oil. With that said: do i just change the filter and go another 3k or change out the oil and the filter? any takers?
  18. I usually run Shell gasoline in my bike (91 octane by choice only) and the bike runs just fine. Occasionally I will fuel up elswhere but there seems to be a great deal of shell stations around here. However, the last long trip I took (about 800 miles) I used my Mobil credit card and filled up there exclusively the whole trip. I noticed that the further into my trip the more the bike started running rough. I thought it needed new plugs or maybe a tune-up but after running just two tanks of Shell gasoline through it, the bike seems to be running just fine. Has anyone else experienced this or am I all alone? This doesn't happen it my truck or my wife's minivan. Is Mobil fuel of a lower quality?
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