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  1. OK so I have been searching around looking for info on LED bulbs for the turnsignals and also the brake. What I would like to know is if you use the replacement type looking LED bulbs do you still have to put the special flasher units, resistors, controller or whatever in the mix? And I thought I read somewhere that the auto cancel function dont work with the LED's either. Something like this. http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NDIzWDQ0MA==/$(KGrHqN,!oME9c54uKu(BPr+S840(g~~60_1.JPG
  2. Does anyone know how to repair a chip off a colored porcelain sink? Or a contractor type that does this type of repair if possible? I contacted Home Depot and they have a fix kit for white but not colored. Or maybe I can get the paint shop to mix a pint and mix it with the white fix kit if possible.
  3. Some of you might appreciate this. Machinist's Workshop magazine tested penetrants for break out torque on rusted nuts. This was specifically addressed to rusted, other material results may vary The results are below, as forwarded by an ex-student and professional machinist, Bud Baker. They arranged a subjective test of all the popular penetrants with the control being the torque required to remove the nut from a "scientifically rusted" environment. Penetrating oil ..... Average load None ...................... 516 pounds WD-40 ................... 238 pounds PB Blaster ............... 214 pounds Liquid Wrench ......... 127 pounds Kano Kroil .............. 106 pounds ATF-Acetone mix.......53 pounds The ATF-Acetone mix was a "home brew" mix of 50 - 50 automatic transmission fluid and acetone. Note the "home brew" was better than any commercial product in this one particular test. Our local machinist group mixed up a batch and we all now use it with equally good results. Note also that "Liquid Wrench" is about as good as "Kroil" for about 20% of the price. Somtimes grandpa's solution still holds water...
  4. Picked up my 08 RSV today and with a 140 mile ride home I had time to make a mental list of things I need to do. First, I need the handlebars closer. too much of a reach so the old back lets me know it. Riser a possibility or different handlebars? Second, need to lower it also so i guess barons kit will be in the mix. Third, The old butt burn after bout an hour. What seat mods are available? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  5. This stuff is really amazing and easy to use, but man does it stink until it dries! Strongly advise to mix and use it in a very well ventilated area. http://www.plast-aid.com/video/Introducing_PlastAid_BB.mov
  6. Dear God , All I ask for in 2011 is a big, fat bank account and a slim body........PLEASE don't mix these up like you did last year. Amen
  7. Dear God, My prayer for 2011 is for a fat bank account and a thin body. Please don't mix these up again. Thank you. Amen Margaret
  8. Condor


    Dear God, my prayer for 2011 is for a fat bank account & a thin body. Please don't mix these up like you did last year. AMEN.
  9. Ok!! so now that my dog has been sprayed by a skunk for about the eleventh time, :bang head: I thought for those of you that own dogs, I would post the recipe that I use ( and have found to be the best non-commercial wash I have used so far) to de-skunk my dogs. I have done the tomato juice,yuk thing. I have done the coke and pepsi thing (a little better), but none so far have worked as well. NOTE ! I usually find that mixing 1/4 of the amount seems to be enough for an average size 50-60 lb dog. 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide ¼ cup baking soda 1 teaspoon of strong liquid soap such as dishwashing detergent. (polmolive or sunlight work well here) Mix the ingredients in an open bucket or bowl. The mixture will fizz. Wet your dog and thoroughly massage the solution into the coat. Be sure to keep the mixture out of the dogs eyes, nose and mouth. If it is necessary to apply it to the dogs face, very carefully use a washcloth or a sponge. After applying the mixture to all parts of your dog that may have been sprayed, rinse the dog thoroughly. *Warning* This mixture can be explosive, as it will fizz and creates pressure if it is enclosed in a seal tight container. Never store unused portion, always discard. Be sure to only mix in an open container and do not try to store or cover it in any way. Do not get the mixture into the dog's eyes, nose or mouth.
  10. My grandson picked up a Kawi 1980 kd80 non-runer. Kinda proud of him as it now screams like a banchee. The question I have is.... it's a 2-cycle with an oil reserve crankcase like a 4-cycle... does it need a gas/oil mix, or use straight gas?? All my experience with 2-cycles deals with a mix engine...
  11. Cool!
  12. Is my 9 year old Dakota Border Collie Husky Mix .One brown eye ,one white eye
  13. Just Bored and think to replace Antifreeze in Venture Cooling System, and get ready for nice weather rides. I Got one of Amsoil Antifreeze https://www.amsoil.com/storefront/ant.aspx , and they recommend to mix with Water in rate of 40, 50 or 60 % depend on region. Well Chicago have some arctic temperatures during winter, but over summer could be extremely hot too. So What is your experience with Coolant / Proportions. Should I Wait until Spring and use higher water grade. or just mix as directed on bottle? Little confused. this is my first time to change coolant fluid on Venture. I Know I'm never change coolant in my cars, and they works. What is your Recommendation. Thanks
  14. Got the tank unclogged, 81 honda cm400. was sitting since '84, all clogged up with tarnish + rust. unclogged petcock + tank with lauquer thinner soaking, got seaform now. My ??? is how do I use it to clean tank some more. I got 2 pint cans, should I mix it with anything or just put gas and seafoam in. I plan to reline the tank, any help is greatly needed.
  15. Seems the stock D404s I have on now are Bias ply. I've seen some mention that they use Elite 3's which are radials. I take it that's okay so long as I don't mix radials with bias? Why do I seem to recall that I cannot use radials on a bike that calls for bias ply?? What are the Avon Venoms anyway? Radial or bias?
  16. The April/May edition of Machinist's Workshop did a test of penetrating oils where they measured the force required to loosen rusty test devices. Buy the issue if you want to see how they did the test. The results reported were interesting. The lower the number of pounds the better. Penetrating oil .. Average load .. Price per fluid ounce None ................. 516 pounds .. WD-40 .............. 238 pounds .. $0.25 PB Blaster ......... 214 pounds .. $0.35 Liquid Wrench ... 127 pounds .. $0.21 Kano Kroil ......... 106 pounds .. $0.75 ATF-Acetone mix.. 53 pounds .. $0.10 The ATF-Acetone mix was a 50/50 mix (1 to 1 ratio).
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