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  1. Well for lack of finding a better place to post these questions, I figured this is probably the catch all place. The wife and I were discussing some vacation plans. We were going to spend like 4 days in Vegas. Not my prefered place but it was partialy paid for. So I got to looking at my schedule and I have some time availabe in mid October. So I suggested we go up to Franklin Nc. A friend of the wifes has a house there we could use as a base. She liked the idea. I know from there we can make alot of day trips out and around, small towns antiques, rock shops etc. My main concern is at that time of year did I make a big mistake weather wise? I know its hard to tell now, but we shouldnt have to worry about snow and that right? WE are just hoping for leaves changing cool weather etc. The farmers almanac is forcasting averages of 68 for high and lows in the mid 40's. Man I hope I aint messed this one up too.


    While out at lunch today Big Tom got up to use the rest room and came back 4 shades of red. Just getting ready to ask him what he did....the woman that was sitting at the table next to us came over to the table and said " well...did he tell you what he did?"... It seems that Tom and this woman came out of their stall at the same time and were facing eachother. She said " am I in the wrong place? " and he said to her...."well one of us is".... It seems that he entered the Ladys room by mistake... I was dying...all I could get out was...well...you did stop to wash your hands didn't you? And he said...h&ll no!...I ran out as fast as I could. I can"t take him anywhere....
  3. The Night Nurse...the more you think about this one, the funnier it gets. Short & sweet, A very tired nurse walks into a bank, totally exhausted after an18-hour shift. Preparing to write a check, she pulls a rectal thermometer out of her purse and tries to write with it. When she realizes her mistake, she looks at the flabbergasted teller, and without missing a beat, she says: 'Well, that's great....that's just great ..........some a***ole's got my pen!:shock3:
  4. As I noted in my post on Rick,s "Rookie Mistake" thread, yesterday while going very slow and coming to a stop while encountering some very fine gravel, I slid the front tire and went down. Fortunately, other than busting up my left fairing, we were able to get up and go on. It now appears I may have encountered a delayed injury. About 4:30 today my right eye went very blurry and I am also seeing areas of red. I went to the local VA because I was not sure if I had had a light stroke or what. At the moment I either may have a detached retina or a Vitreous Hemorrhage. The big question I got was have I done anything to exert myself and I said yep, yesterday I picked up an 800 pound motorcycle that I dropped. So, I am to be at the eye clinic at the VA first thing in the morning for an evaluation. RandyA
  5. Interesting evening yesterday. I was in the hotel last night and decided to check my banking account. I do do that on a regular basis so it must have been some sort of premonition. So, I get paid twice a month via automatic deposit. Yesterday was not a payday but due to some sort of computer glitch, the company did a payroll deposit. They almost immediately caught it and then sent out a deposit reversal to all our banks. No problem right? WRONG. Then my bank made a mistake. They never credited the initial deposit to my account but were kind enough to withdraw the REVERSAL...so....my account was debited the amount of two weeks pay from my balance. It was truly by chance that I even checked the account last night. I contacted the bank and they immediately corrected the mistake and it caused no problems but you REALLY have to watch this stuff.
  6. What is the differance in the mount for the Venture and the Royal Star. I may end up with the wrong one off of ebay, my mistake.
  7. Is this a mistake?? http://www.autotrader.ca/used_cars_Motorcycle_details/Prince+George_British%2bColumbia_1994_YAMAHA_VENTURE%2bROYALE_1292559.html?srcID=5&frnID=7516762&ms=motorcycles_atvs&cofid=CT2005315103339706&prv=British+Columbia&r=9
  8. I just picked up a Venture CB with the splitter. Hope I did not make a mistake. What else will I need to complete this. It is just the CB and the splitter.
  9. Deleted.
  10. I wanted to loosen my fairing vents up since one was frozen, and two were hard to close/open. So I decided to spray some silicon on them, and what a mistake. They started to discolor almost instantly, and washing it off did not help. I was careful not to get any on the painted surfaces, but not my black vents have lightened in sections to a dull gray. Whats also frustrating is that it did not even loosen them up. So the moral of the story is not to use spray silicon on your plastic parts that are visible. BTW- my vents are so stuck or tight that I dare not try to close them with force for fear of them breaking. What is the best way to lube them up?
  11. 6pak


    I would like to thank the moderator who saw fit to remove a rather tasteless joke from the forum sometime during the night or this morning. I have posted a few borderline jokes that I have received through my email, and have gone so far as to copy/paste into the thread and then delete after thinking and rereading during preview. :2cents:I guess that we all have to remember that what some may enjoy, others may not. I try not to insult anyone, or get too political. It seems as most of us do. However, once in a while everyone makes a mistake, and I guess that's what you guys are for. We have a good thing going here. Very enjoyable, friendly, and helpful. Maybe the post last night will wake a few of us up and help us remember that there is a time and a place for everything. Thanks again, Joe.
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