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  1. This will be another hard PGR Mission…. Every PGR Mission is hard… except for the one we did recently for a very much alive 90 year old that went for a ride on a trike. Monday I was informed that a friend of mine had passed after a sudden illness. Today they issued a Mission Notice that we were asked to complete a PGR Mission for him. This will be my second PGR Mission for a close friend. That just makes it harder, but yet more of an honor. I had the honor to baptized Harry many years ago. I was going anyways, now I get to honor him in another way. MISSION NOTICE: Harry Vandervoort enlisted in the United States Navy and spent four years defending this great country we live in. After the Navy, Harry joined the Arizona Air National Guard and spent the last 18+ years of his life in this service field. U.S. Navy Veteran Vandervoort was diagnosed a little over a month ago with a terrible illness and passed away suddenly on 3 January 2015 at 56 years of age. U.S. Navy Veteran Harry Vandervoort left behind his wife Rhonda, of 25 years and four children. The Patriot Guard has been invited and it will be a privilege to stand in honor of his service and love for this country.
  2. Look like they are going to attempt it again at 8:45 MT. http://www.redbullstratos.com/
  3. Last week I participated in my first mission. It was a KIA. I knew what the PGR is about but I didn't expect to be emotionally drained afterwards. When I saw the flag drapped coffin being unloaded from the plane it almost put me on my knees. I can't imagine what the family was feeling. Since the mission was local I went to the airport for the arrival of the body, stood in the flag line at the viewing at the funeral home and rode in the funeral possession. There were over 150 motorcycles that showed up. It was an awesome display of caring. The Westboro Church posted on their web site that they were going to be at the church the day of the funeral, but they didn't show up. One of the ride captains said she hadn't seen any of the WBC people show up in about two years. They had a permit to picket at a church in Marietta, GA. The church was a small church and when they realized how many PGR riders were coming they realized they couldn't handle all of them so they moved the services to the First Baptist Church in Marietta. When the Westboro people showed up at the small church no one was there. They found out the services had been moved to the First Bapist Church so they went there but were told they didn't have a permit there and would be arrested if they didn't leave. I talked to a guy from Phenix City, Al that said he bad been on the road for 14 days going to missions. I told him I didn't expect to experience the emotional drain and he said you never get used to it. Go Patriot Guard!
  4. This was our 1st Patriot Guard Ride, this past Saturday. It was to honor a young 21 year old local hero who died in an Army training mission. He had completed 1 tour in Afghanistan. They requested the Patriot Guards to do just a flag line at the church. We were called to attention when the mother and the grandparents made a special point to come out and shake each of our hands thanking us for our participation. I rarely tear up so this was a rare occasion for me. It was such an honor to meet the family and a heart felt experience. I’ve included a few pictures of the group. The last picture is on the old Buckley Hwy, with Mt Rainier in the back ground, and my wife Rachel and Cherry Pie, my 91 Venture. Actually our 1st Patriot Guard mission was a hospitality mission back in the summer of 2011, where we drove our truck and trailer to help moved a recent widow of another one of our young fallen veteran hero.
  5. Just got back from a local PGR mission, while I was there, another PGR member walked up and introduced himself to me, and said he noticed my VR patch and asked if I rode a Venture, as he did, he is also a fairly new member here. His name is Matt, aka Doppler. He rides a very nice 89, that has only 27,000 miles on it, not even close to being broken in. Going back at 2:30 to continue the mission for the visitation. Capt. Nicholas Whitlock, USAF. Another fallen hero.
  6. I went on a PGR mission today and ended up in the ditch. I was behind another bike that froze in a harpin corner and lost control with me behind him. I had nowhere to go as I was committed to the corner and did not want to hit him so I ditched it in the ditch. Now for the bad news, I need a front lower left cowling, and a radio exterior shell. the radio works but the case is severely damaged. Any one have any of these??? The other bad new is a cracked rib or two and two scuffed and brused knees and of course the pride issue. I did finish the mission with 200+ miles so i kept most of my pride. Any help on the two items would be appreciated as I am heading to Freebirds MD and at least need the radio repaired. I will need to paint the bike but don't know if I can accomplish this before MD. I guess I need to donate to the pot now!! WHERE???? Thanks:depressed:
  7. well we went for a despiration ride today.. 45 and rain.. men on a mission.. my buddy dwight, his son, and i.. had to ride the intruder.. 42 mpg.. 120 miles till reserve.
  8. I hope this posting is not out of line, if so, please delete it and advise me of my transgression. I recently joined an organization comprised of Senior Enlisted personnel (E-9). I am not sure where this org will be going, but I like the idea of helping maintain our military defense and the troops that continue to protect us. I am posting the Mission Statement; the website is: http://www.aftea.us/ "OUR MISSION The AFTEA mission is to advocate a strong national defense that will protect the security of the United States. We support a defense budget that will provide modern and sufficient equipment so that our military personnel can safely and effectively accomplish their mission. We seek to educate the public and members of Congress about the uniformed services and their most important asset, its people. We promote improved quality-of-life and economic fairness that will support the well-being of the men and women of America's Uniformed Services and their families. We give voice to our members' concerns about military pay, health care, pension and disability, survivor benefits, education, housing, child care, and other quality-of-life programs. The Armed Forces Top Enlisted Association (AFTEA) is a non-profit veteran's organization representing the professional and personal interests of active duty and retired men and women of America's Uniformed Services, National Guard and Reserve."
  9. Wife and I are in need of the loan of some tools to facilitate me repairing her Jeep. If no one is near I can always find a Sears or Kmart and buy tools I need. We had a wheel bearing go out and cannot get parts until Saturday. We are at the motel we had chosen for our destination so no rescue mission is needed.
  10. Heres my two babys all dressed up in their PGR finery, i have a mission this afternoon and i dont know which one to take:8:
  11. During the last couple of weeks my 2004 Venture R/S has been back firing when I slow down, especially if the motor is hot. I have been doing a lot of traveling lately for the PGR and the miles are climbing. I'm sure some of you have had this experience; is it timing, plugs, or what? Need your help. PS: Leaving out this morning for Fayetteville, NC for a PGR mission. The mufflers will pop.
  12. This was an email from the Washington State PGR. Just incase someone here in Washington didn't get the info: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Patriot Guard We have been invited to ride with the Brothers-in-arms and our own Former State Captain, Cowboy, to the Wall escort. The date will be July 8th 2009 Staging Area McDonald's @ the end of the 512 in Tacoma (near Eagle Leather) 10417 S Tacoma Way Tacoma, WA 98499-4648 9:30am Staging 10:00am KSU to head north The Brothers-in-Arms will be stopping @ Exit 202 for re-fueling and then proceeding to Smokey Point Rest Area (northbound I-5) to group up for the Escort. (Estimated KSU 1pm) A few things I want to go over since Neither Cullen nor I can attend. 1)While this is not a PGR mission we hope everyone will act in the high standards the PGR represents. 2)The PGR is not a MC (Motorcycle Club) but several other riders will be. Usually, MC’s ride tandem (side-by-side) because the ride next to the same guy over and over. 3)We don’t ride tandem, the PGR rides staggered. It is safer for a group of people who do not ride next to the same guy every time 4)Have fun. Respectfully, Conan PS: while this is not a PGR mission, we are finalizing an official PGR mission for a Flag Line at the opening ceremonies on Friday 7/10/09
  13. It's been awhile since I've posted, had a long and busy riding season, no time for the computer, put over 12,000 Kms on the VR from April to October. I also had the sad honour of attending 4 repatriation ceremonies, as a member of "The C.A.V."(Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Unit), between August and December, the latest one last night I just thought I'd like to post some of my thoughts that came to me after last nights event, as well as a link for a media article by one of the local papers. We gather in the dark, the night is cold, but we seem not to notice, there is nervous tension in the air as word comes down, "they're crossing Younge St." We tense for the command, and look into the eyes of those around, then the street is awash in flashing lights, as they round the corner. "Honour Guard, Attention, to the Fallen Sallute." With quiet respect, we stand rigid, removing head-dress, or saluting. As the long black vehicles pass, there is a tightness felt in our chests, and the tears running from our eyes, are not caused by the cold winter wind. It is a sharing of the grief of the loved ones left behind, and of sense of great pride and thanks for those that carry on the mission, even though our comrades have fallen. They will be greatly missed, the mission will go on, but THEY! WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN! Ozzie http://www.torontosun.com/news/2008/12/08/7677991.html
  14. On 26 July at 8:36AM my 06 Venture and I went down on a Exit off I-95 South near Newton MA while enroute to a PGR Mission. My injuries: 4 broken ribs; 4 broken lower back vertebra; crushed left foot;twisted left ankle and knee; lacerations/abrasions to lower leg leg. Venture: $7K in damages. Bike is at Dealership in MA being repaired/restored. I am at home licking my wounds and attempting to create soft asphalt. Ride safe out there my Brothers and Sisters.....that road has no mercy! Boomer.......who failed to complete PGR Mission #103.
  15. Guest

    Mission B.C

    I am headed to Mission B.C. on Sat. and I would like some ideas on what to see and do there. I am taking my family so I will not be on my scooter. A little help would be nice:photographing:
  16. We were on a ride Saturday and my MM RSV when I had battery problems. We were 100 mi from home in Mission Veijo. Got AAA towed to Mission Motorsports in Irvine. The guy at the service counter got the battery tester out and checked the battery even tho they were busy. Battery was toast so he got the part number and walked me over to the parts counter and got me set up with the new battery before he went back to the service dept. Very friendly and helpful staff all around. Finished the ride no problems. Now I just have to see if I have a charging problem. Rod
  17. Found this pic on another forum. It's a Long Range Recon Patrol biker ready for a week long mission in Iraq. Awesome! God Bless our Troops!-Jack
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