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  1. Some of you who have been around since the early days will remember Dan Lowery. Dan was one of the original officers when I started the "Venturers" site. I honestly don't remember if he ever joined this site or not but he and I did remain friends over the years. We rode together a couple of times when I lived in Dallas. I got word today that Dan passed away on January 9th which also happened to be his birthday. Dan was a good man and will be missed by those who knew him. Please say a prayer for his family and friends.
  2. I missed yesterday,,,, yep forgot until it was tooo late,,, but if you do it a day late, it extends the day before,,, right??? HAPPY Birthday Wizard765!!!! Hope you might get a whole lot older in time. God Bless you!
  3. A very good friend of mine passed away yesterday from that Godawful cancer,he was a great guy and a really good friend,he has been a motorcycle and car mechanic for years--I worked with him for 2 years at GM dealership,this guy could actually wheeley a Venture Royale,great rider he will be missed.
  4. Skid

    Hey Lewis

    I still got one spot left, I sure I get to fill it next year. I haven't missed one yet. [ATTACH]70484[/ATTACH]
  5. Now that the International is behind me, gonna pack up taters and do a little riding today...We missed all the rides at the rally so we're gonna get them all in today............all of them:biker:
  6. In memory of my Friend,Boss, and CEO of Lloyd Hoff Holding Corporation. 48 years old is to early to take that final ride. You will be sadly missed. Prayers for your wife and three children left behind. http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m580/ggrabose/BenOval.jpg
  7. Small turnout but a fun day, good food and great riding, a little hot, but as long as we were riding it was pretty nice............Had a special guest, he is in the last picture......a couple of bikes left early so they missed our special guest.....................
  8. On the way back from MD my radio crapped out. Stopped at rest area to look and antenna was draging behind me. Broke off the rack. Question is what racks fit?? 85- 93??86-93?? or 83-93?? Ithink it is 86-93 but wanted to check. Several on fle-Bay right now. Just missed one for 109 bucks forgot to bid. Maybe he will relist it. It was 86 pretty sure that would fit my 86.....
  9. Welcome back home Goose. Hope to see you helping everyone out. I know I sure missed you. Fuzzy
  10. I had noticed it before and could not find it in the owners' manual or the service manual (maybe I just missed it) and it really didn't bother me much until my Dad asked me what it was and I didn't have an answer... http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk208/eric_1964/venture-part.jpg
  11. Just got in from a LONG week in Taylor, TX, near Austin. Wish there had been time to visit some of our Texas members while there but this was a semi annual sales meeting and they have us busy from daylight until well after dark. I have tried to keep up with any requests here but if I have missed something, please let me know.
  12. We made it back safe and sound from our Carribbean cruise, didnt have to stay close to the captain in case he fell in the lifeboat. We had a fantastic time, have almost as many pics as Bobbie would take will take me a while to sort through them. This evening after work I will try to catch up on everything I missed here at VR. Its good to be home, but hate to go back to work. I am posting one pic to show I still had time for St. Jude while on our vacation.
  13. I have an Angel watching me because she kept me from getting killed or badly injured today. Took a ride throught Ohio and Pa with friends. We were heading to Fatboys biker hangout we like to ride to and get lunch when the weather is nice. We made a left turn onto a two lane highway and then approached a road that would be a right turn. I was looking at the leaves, a pretty girl was smiling at me from a car or I was just taking in the enjoyment of the ride. I WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTION! Woody activated his right turn signal and I missed it. The next thing I knew I had a Road Star turning in front of me! Life slowed to a crawl. I locked up both wheels in a panic manuver. The Royal Star was sliding back and forth like a snake on a griddle. I knew Woody could see me and I wanted him to just get out of the way. I could see the accident coming. Woody brought his years of riding experience from somewhere and gunned the Harley out of my way. I watched him hoping for a chance to just slip behind him. How we missed each other I will never know. I just made it behind him in a crossing pattern. I am 56 and on heart medication. I wonder if I should even keep riding sometimes.
  14. Phantom Wife's(sleepy2) MOM passed away last night 2 days after entering hospital with pneumonia.After a long and fruitful life.She was 81. She will be missed!
  15. Just looked in the classifieds at the 2nd gen page and seen that 10 of the listings have been sold recently. Was there some stimulus offering that I have missed? Or did someone here hit it big in Lotto? :mo money::mo money:
  16. Just trying to think ahead a little. Would you guys and gals who joined us for the last one, and to anybody who would like to join in on all the fun for the next Leaf Looker Run, be interested in doing it on the first weekend of October? Last fall we did it on the second weekend and I kind of thought that we may have missed the peek a bit. Also, I have to work that weekend, If we can do it the first weekend than I only have to take off one day. Either way, I CAN"T WAIT! Apple orchards, VR members, and brats, OH MY! Thanks, Bill
  17. After replacing my broken fairing & putting everything back together, all works fine except when I plugged in my helmet headset cable tonight to the bike when going for a ride & got a super loud high pitched constant screeching sound. It happens with different helmets, different cables, and when connected to either the front or rear connectors...so I must've missed something when reconnecting all the radio wiring. I have mic-mutes installed too. Radio & XM work fine thru speakers though. Anyone know what I might've missed before I split the fairing again & go hunting for things?
  18. Once again I plum forgot to put the 3rd Annual Iowa: Southeast Iowa, WI, MN, MO, IL, MEET & EAT. on my calendar. So I missed it I do plan on riding up to Pork In The Pines again it was a hoot last year to say the least. Any one know the dates yet on that. I need to take a longer ride this summer was thinking up into Canada. Cody sounds fun too my bride likes 100 mile rides so I don't think she will want to join me. Anyway sorry I missed the Iowa Ride I live like 10 miles from the Casino where people were meeting. I would like to meet a few more Iowa Venture riders. Gary
  19. And here I was thinking you were "THE" DQ Ice Cream aficionado and you missed this one. Wait, actually that was probably a good thing. There wouldn't have been any left once you had your "piece of cake"
  20. Need a hand please. I need to remove the front caliper to inspect squeaky pads and have removed both bolts. I assumed the caliper would slide off, but it will not. Have I missed something or is there a method used for removal? Thanks in advance. Mike
  21. CATHOLIC GOLF Catholic or not you have to laugh at this one. A Catholic priest and a nun were taking a rare afternoon off and enjoying a round of golf. The priest stepped up to the first tee and took a mighty swing. He missed the ball entirely and said "****, I missed." The good Sister told him to watch his language. On his next swing, he missed again. "****, I missed." "Father, I'm not going to play with you if you keep swearing," the nun said tartly.. The priest promised to do better and the round continued. On the 4th tee, he misses again. The usual comment followed. Sister is really mad now and says, "Father John, God is going to strike you dead if you keep swearing like that." On the next tee, Father John swings and misses again. "****, I missed." A terrible rumble is heard and a gigantic bolt of lightning comes out of the sky and strikes Sister Marie dead in her tracks.. read on And from the sky comes a booming voice ...... "****, I missed."
  22. hello i got your message when i was in marion but you did not leave me your ph# to call you back my cell was off charging and did noy save your # i tryed to log on the site but had a problem that don fixed for me when i got back sorry i missed you we will try to meet up next time i put over 1600 miles on the bumble bee ran like a champ bumble bee
  23. What no pond monsters? I wasn't able to make the Freebird MD this year ...........AGAIN but, I did so love to see the pictures posted of the Pond monster sitings which I have not noticed from the postings this year. I also missed seeing any video on 86 er's buddy Bubba. I miss his insightful ramblings as well..
  24. Anyone checked out one of these yet? Looks like a nice scoot. I saw one yesterday while we were out on a ride. It was parked at one of our fav stops along the way but I missed the opportunity to chat with the owner. Very nice looking "bagger" IMHO. http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/victory/2010-victory-cross-country-review-88987.html
  25. Don,t get caught unexpected I missed my renewal notice because it got sent to junk mail. I barely make it through the regular mail so never saw it . Then had to wait for pay day to come around since I am trying to bring the plastic down from the trying year of last. I missed this place.
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