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  1. Had a great dinner in Buffalo tonight with Taters. She is such a lovely and charming lady and I really enjoyed getting out of the hotel for once. The only bad part was that Big Tom was with her also and he even brought Kenny for backup so I had to be a perfect gentleman. Even still, it was a very enjoyable evening. My apologies to BongoBob, Becky and the rest of the NY group. It was somewhat a last minute minute decision to come here and I actually wasn't even going to mention that I was here until I happened to swap an unrelated message with Tom. I will be back soon and promise to give a few days notice before I come here next time.
  2. Thinking about heading out to ride the three sisters or twisted sisters. How far from San Antonio is it over to there and how much time should be allowed to ride them. Kind of last minute trip also wondering how crowded it might be on a holiday weekend.
  3. My brother in law's wife runs a non profit organization called Freedom Ride they keep rescue horses for handicapped children they are entered in a contest to win some much needed money if anyone could take a minute to check them out and then to vote it would help her cause immensely. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=uw8sxwcab&v=001ZxTRMtTNNkgFrGYm1GDA0nIcAvtCqdma6eAj-nNmW5FyHtbYhGl-kB6soJXHvBCXAk0Gq0kWis3mYkG1kMAcyjgRfueyx6ouKOgQK0k51NkfOag4ZIOV9Fj_zB4bY8Nj Thanks
  4. Check out this model....especially the night scenes. I used to be in the sign business, selling scrolling poster signs and if you watch at the 3:04 min mark and again at the 4 minute mark you can see models of what I used to sell! So Cool!!!!! EDIT: forgot the link!!!!!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz4NcTnQedo&annotation_id=annotation_781794&feature=iv]Knuffingen Airport: Kleinster Flughafen der Welt // The world's smallest airport - YouTube[/ame]
  5. Wanted to ride my ole 83 standard & learn how to sync carbs, troubleshoot backfiring/eratic tach, hit or miss headlight and meet yall. As expected rush jobs came in at last minute + son in law called & asked if I'd play 2 men and a truck this weekend. WILL I EVER GET TO PLAY WITH MY TOYS?
  6. Motorcycle video starts at the 1 minute, 20 second mark. [ame=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/43510285#43510285]msnbc.com Video Player[/ame]
  7. you have to see this. OMG!!! make sure u watch all the way this is tooo funny. take a minute and watch Check out this man who wants to know what his girlfriends go thru. http://biggeekdaddy.com/humorpages/Humor/ManWax.html
  8. Walk into a Bar / Rest. in Welden, Texas and there is a huge chalk board on the wall, this meassage was on it, I almost thought I recongnized the number for a minute...
  9. Joopster55

    Man Wax

    you have to see this. OMG!!! make sure u watch all the way this is tooo funny. take a minute and watch Check out this man who wants to know what his girlfriends go thru. http://biggeekdaddy.com/humorpages/Humor/ManWax.html
  10. Not sure if this has been posted yet but here is a link to send a free "thank you" card to our troops (sponsored by Xerox), please take a minute to let them know we appreciate their service: http://www.letssaythanks.com/Home1024.html
  11. A 4 minute rebuild [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgwF8mdQwlw]YouTube - Rebuild a Jeep under 4 minutes[/ame]
  12. I'm sure a few people have seen this before, but I just found out from a friend of Yellow Wolf's (the rider of the Goldwing) that he was testing a car tire off a mini cooper on the back of his Wing during this run and he ran about a 14 minute time, 3.5 minutes slower than his best on Metzeler bike tires. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nrMQ3QwyPo&feature=player_embedded]YouTube- deals gap on a goldwing/gl1800 by yellow wolf dragons tail[/ame]
  13. Rode my bike to work (as most days) and either mon or tues a couple on a black rsv pulled into my parking lot at olsens plaza in petoskey, they pulled right up and looked at my bike for a minute so I head out to say hello as they pulled off. They headed south on US-31 just wondering if it was anyone from here?
  14. A couple of these ATGATT threads got me thinking (oh nooooo). What do you use your bike for? If you need to run to the corner store for a gallon of milk, and your an ATGATT kind of guy (or girl), do you gear up or do you just not ride a motorcycle? What's your cut off point on riding, gear up for a 30 minute ride but take the car for a 20 minute jaunt? The reason that I ask, is that I don't. Wear all that gear that is. If I'm in the yard washing the dog and she tips over the dog shampoo, and I need to run up town for another bottle....I'm going in what ever I happen to be wearing at the moment and I'm going on a motorcycle. If I going to the beach, I'm riding there in shorts and taking a towel. I ride everywhere I go, for the most part. So, what do you do? This doesn't need to be a big, safety gear debate (probably turn into one though). I'm just curious how you decide whether or not to ride.
  15. I got the 89 out for a few miles yesterday thanks to Yammer Dan getting my attention off all the work stacking up.Anyway that Barnette clutch spring kit makes for a harder clutch lever pull but it grabs like a pitt bull. It's been over a year since I had it out and I have noticed some changes in my old body since then. My left elbow joint pain kicked in and I had to wait a minute or so before I could work the clutch. After about 75 miles of riding my left hand spasmed to the point my fingers wedged and I could not close my fist until the pain resided. The scoot ran great but I sure could use some grease on the old joints.
  16. My sister made these t shirts for Avery, Ethan and Logan. BTW, Ethan is a minute older than Logan... that being..........ENLARGE to see read.
  17. I have a 2005 RSTD. It hasn't been cranked in about a month or two. It has been too wet to ride. Seems that the sun only shines when I'm working. Anyway, today I washed her. When I was finished I cranked her and let her warm up with the choke on for a few minutes. I then pulled her back into the carport and shut her down. Thats when I saw a lot of steam coming from the radiator. Not from the top but through the fins. It only lasted a minute or two then went away. The radiator is not leaking and I sure the cold did not get to it. I've never had this happen before and was wondering if anyone else has had this happen and was there a problem.
  18. A long time ago a much older and much wiser friend of mine told me that with women "it's a h*ll of a lot easier to lose points then it is to get them". Well yesterday I was able to gain a few. Mary is a big C&W music fan so when we saw that Garth Brooks was playing here in Vegas I suggested that we try and get tickets. She said it would be impossible, that the show would have been sold out months ago. I said it don't hurt to ask. So at 3:00 yesterday afternoon we go to the box office and they have a line for last minute cancellations. No body was waiting so I said lets go. After a ten minute wait the girl called us up. She said there was two seats for the 10:30 show, centre stage, row O. I said we'll take them. Mary was so excited and giddy like a teenage girl. The show was excellent and even though I'm not a fan I really enjoyed it too. Trisha Yearwood, his wife, came out for a couple of songs as well. I was a hero last night. Now I just have to figure out how not to lose those points. Maybe tickets to Brooks and Dunn???
  19. hi folks with all the excitment of having squidley & sweetnothing staying with me after the rally. i forgot to say GREAT JOB to all involved with this years international rally. i'am sorry to have had to pull out of the kid's activites at the last minute but some you know why. i had not planed to come to the rally but at the last minute decided to leave houston at 2:30 am wednesday morning and head to the hub. even with one good eye i said i had to try and make it. good lord willing an the creek didn't rise i made it. surprised a bunch of folks plus my self 'cause of my eye i had not rode my bike in 3 weeks at that point. it was good to see all my freinds & fellow ventureriders from all over. especially my canada brothers & sisters who had made us ( sarah & i ) feel so welcome at the '08 international rally. i know i never will as i hope sarah will also. i look forward to the '10 international rally where ever it's held. peace & love to to all. best reguards don c.
  20. Guest

    the bible in 60 seconds!

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar_k8JjVWQA]YouTube - Bible In a Minute[/ame] i was entertained!
  21. I spoke with the Hub today and they would really like to have a final count for the Wednesday night dinner by a week before the dinner so that means......July 27 Im sure they will be able to accommodate a few extras meals in case someone decides last minute........but if they run out of planned food there is always their menu to order off of. and remember tshirt orders cut off July 13
  22. :starz:I had the most bizzard thing happen on the weekend. I came home after teaching a motorcycle crse and decided I would change my oil/filter before my trip to Toronto this week. No problem, done it before all was good......until.....I ran engine to circulate the new oil for about a minute....topped it off and fired it up again just to double check.......it ran for about a minute - rpm dropped - it chugged then died. Every attempt to restart that bike failed.:puzzled: I began my troubleshooting.......I figured with all the attempts to start the thing (maybe I flooded it - although I couldn't smell fuel) I would start by pulling one of the plugs to see if it was wet.......nope = dry. There's plenty of gas in the tank......lets go to the fuel filter/pump area.....fuel doesn't appear to be moving.....so.... There are two leads that go into the pump (checked the manual which says there should be x number of volts and alas there are none). Started pulling connectors cleaning them up, tore the entire fairing off to get at the relay etc, etc etc. I had also removed the fuel filter and blew it out, blew fuel through the pump to the carbs. I had done everything that the manual mentioned except diagnostics for the "ignitor unit" which I didn't know what it was or where it is located. Once I had blown fuel into the bowls it fired right up. Since this little episode I've ridden about 150-200 km's with no further problem. I spoke with a mechanic who said that obviously I fixed the problem but my big concern is that I don't have the foggiest idea what I did. He also mentioned that electrics either work or they don't and the problem was probably one of the connectors that I pulled apart and cleaned. Folks.....I put it to the floor.....should I be concerned taking her on a road Wed????
  23. just my usual reminder. the tshirt and meal notification deadline is approaching. 9am, july 13th. after that you can still register but may not get your t-shirts at the 09 rally. i have to notify randall who is catering the meal at the hub so he knows how many people he will have to have food for, at least 3 weeks in advance. i know quite a few people that are coming that haven't registered. if your not going to resgiter till the last minute, at least participate in cindy's poll in the sticky at the top of the watering hole. don't vote in the poll if you have already registered. also don't tell us you can't make. we just want to know who is planning on coming. we, the commitee are trying to avoid getting overrun at the last minute. we want ever thing ready to go when you'all get there. thanks. bill
  24. please start thinking about registering for the 09 rally, i have to give randall at the hub a rough count the first part of july for the final meal, and if you want your patches and t-shirts when you get there, cinderella needs a number so she can get the order off. we are trying to keep ahead on everything so we don't get all backed up at the last minute. so register as soon as possible and help us out. thanks. the 09 committee
  25. While today I was informed at noon that today was my last day...... Surprise!!!!!! Ya well no kidding.. I was laid off to due to the wonderful economy. It is not looking good out there folks. No new news there huh? They laid off so many that we were down to the skeleton of the company, now we are gnawing at the bones. It isn't the company's fault they are in a survival mode, just try to take the next breath from minute to minute. Those that are still employed here is a bit of advice, make yourself as useful and as valuable as possible and do what is needed. Those that aren't team players will be the first to see the door. There is no one that is immune here. The worst I am afraid is not been seen yet. I hope I am wrong about that but I don't think so. I hope all of you are doing OK and keeping healthy. Hunker down and ride the storm out is the plan while looking for a job. God Bless America and those that made it our country. Bubber (survivor)
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