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  1. When's the last time you saw one of these? If I only could fit. http://knoxville.craigslist.org/mcy/3487432169.html
  2. My local Drag Specialist distributor wants $15.00 for shipping for a $2.95 Baron Mini Lens. Something I can mail for about $2.00. Looking for a non cracked Baron Mini Lens like the small one in the picture. It can be amber or red and the color can be really bad for I will be painting it red to match the others that I've already painted. I will be willing to buy the lens and pay for postage.
  3. Happy Birthday you old coot. have a great day in Georga. BTW... Happy Anniversary to you and Mini also. (this one's a day late!)
  4. I sent a PM to a few of you and decided that a thread may work just as well. Becky and I are going to the Toronto Bike show next Saturday, and Motorcycle Tom and Amy are riding up with us. We plan on leaving here around 9:30 and should be in Toronto around noon depending on whether we meet up with anybody on the way. Sure would be great to meet up with you fellows! Maybe we could have a mini M&E someplace for dinner as we are going home in the evening. Let's get together! PS any of you WNY'ers going let me know so we can caravan up...
  5. Well after countless hours and I wont say how much money (dont want Mini to kill me) I made the blonde legal today got her inspected and new plates.We even went for a 80 mile ride in the rain just for fun.Shes running pretty good considering that she has been parked since 2008. After the next oil change or 2 I will think about painting her back to the original two tone blonde coloring.We decided that she has been such a good bike that she deserves to go back to oem paint.I replaced all 3 rotors with EBC's 4 new diaphrams,all new exhaust gaskets,all new black plastic around the radios new ebc brake pads,plugs,caps,wires,air filter,fuel filter assembly,new front master cylinder,new extra heavy windshield is on the way,I cant remember what all esle but I have been busy with her at every chance I had and today was the payoff. Almost got a ticket on the way to the shop to get Mini her lunch good thing it was raining or I would have been going faster.I do like the way she handles but the tires are fairly new and not scuffed in yet so I had to take it easy but there is always tomorrow. Jeff
  6. Until the WNY MINI RALLY.............. :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool:
  7. We are having a Mini Carb Float adj / Carb Clean Clinic, Instructed by VRO`s own " Ponch" June 18th @ 0900 This will be held at Kregerdoodles house. 18222 Blinka Rd. Waller Texas 77484 You will need to bring your Carb cleaner, and hand tools, I do have tools, just not sure if I have enough to go around. Please RSVP as I may through some grub on the pit.. Hope to see ya`ll here, and want to thank Ponch for his time and expertise. Kreg
  8. Happy Birthday Mini hope you have a good day at work :Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday:
  9. They keeping you that busy down there???
  10. No wind in your face, no bugs in your teeth, might as well drive a mini car I will pass on this one. http://www.wimp.com/ecomobiletests/
  11. Anybody going to Novi this weekend for the motorcycle show? My wife and I are going Sunday early because we both have to work on Saturday. So if anyone is going Sunday maybe well see you by the Venture display. Maybe a mini meet n eat.
  12. We forgot to acknowledge the help of your friendly canuck: Marcarl. His help in tracking down a reasonably priced car hire was great, his suggestion of a mini van, and now we hear it will have a CB as well :happy65::happy65::happy65:
  13. Any suggestions where to mount a mini volt meter on an 89 VR. Protected from rain preferred. Size of mounting hole is M4.3cm×2.3cm(1.7" x 0.9").
  14. The dates are set for my 3rd annual mini rally. please check out the dates in the regional rally section and in the calendar section to mark your attendance and join the WNY GANG for a great time......... Hope to see you there:fnd_(16):
  15. Yes I did. Now I'm not one to judge anyone on their looks BUT this was funny. I went into a gas station party store and in line was this guy, I'd say late 20's all dressed up in bike leather, patches all over, chains, piercings everywhere, attitude and looking like a 1%er without the colors. Well he left and I made my purchase and got in the van and headed down the road. Up ahead I see the cars slowing down then moving to the left lane to go around someone going slow. I get up there and here's this guy from the store riding a chopper MINI BIKE. The brigs and straton 5hp type. All racked out in the front, sissy bar and the tiny mini bike tires, riding along like he's the baddest biker ever to ride. Laughed so hard I almost rear ended the car in front of me at the light. Had his feet out on highway pegs but his knees was almost in his chin. If you would of seen him and his attitude in the store you would NEVER of guessed what he was riding. Still laughing just thinking about it.
  16. Well I might need a place to set up the new bunkhouse travel trailer I just ordered if Mini gets mad at me when she gets back from the store. :dancefool::dancefool: We are finally going to be able to go camping without sleeping on the ground even got the ac duct for her so now I guess I need to find a lightweight ac in case we wind up camping somewhere that is to hot for her I dont care for ac but gotta keep the mini cool. Jeff Habib the unemployed tent trailer buyer
  17. I guess I missed the announcement that Jeff was back as I was out of town without a puter. Glad you made it back ok, looking forward to seeing you again soon...........Charlene says hi, and go easy on Mini.........she may be a little weirded out with you back home for good!!!!!
  18. Well lets get this started no sense in me being the only one that is excited that the contract is almost over.as of this morning I have 42 more days till I get to Kuwait and then it will be 1 or 2 to get back to Mini. I am not planning on doing anything non Mini related for at least 30 days so if ya want to see me then ya need to make sure she is going to be there. Margaret has been real good about this over seas trip of mine (the paychecks are helping) I know she is really looking forward to me being home to fix a few things and so that she will have someone to talk to. Thanks to all of you that have put up with her while I am over here in the sand box I really appreciate it. Who wants to go Riding I am looking forward to getting some good riding and good food into me as long a Mini is up for it I am sure that the miles will rack up on the bike. See yall soon Jeff
  19. Man! I put that title on the thread and about a million posts about Wild Hair 39 showed up! OK, you're not in this Lowell, unless you want to come cut my hair! I told Mini that I'm willing to let someone here cut my ponytail off. But the catch is that it's gonna cost ya. The proceeds are going to help bring Aussie Annie and Quickstep over. If you are interested, this will probably happen at Asheville on Sat. night or Sun. morning or we can set up a Ga M&E or as I told Mini, I will ride up too 200 miles one way to your M&E. Just send your donation to r4774@yahoo.com and in the message box put "Hair Cut". Mini will keep up with the donations and if someone "out donates" you, you can add to your donation. I'm not sure if this will bring any money, but it's worth a try! I've been working on this tail since '04. Six years to grow it and a second to chop it off!!!
  20. Well I am at Blackjacks house at the moment as I am leaving for the sand box tomorrow.And he has been kind enough to offer me a bed for the night and a ride to the airport. Mini and I rode the 650 V star over to Newnan and had lunch with Charleene and Lewis,Wing man and Plate licker (Paula),Grey ghost and his wonderfull wife Elizabeth,and even Todd(86er) showed up for the food and company.Lewis's grandsons were there with his daughter Kelly. We had a good time and a great meal Thanks Charleene and Paula the food was great. Mini will post pics when she gets home I am sure. See ya in 59 days
  21. Mini tops the table dancing from last night. http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/PICT0373s.jpg Gary
  22. Check out what Ponch and I found here in Texas, Genuine Mini Muffins, made by.........BIMBO
  23. Just wanted to give a shout out to Riderduke who synced my carbs and mounted my Stebel Horn today. My bike is an 04 and this is the first sync it's had. (I've owned it since September, trying to catch up on 5 years worth of stuff) He did a jam up job! We only had to call 4 other VR members for guidance! Just messin bro, you're awesome! I also met Mrs. Duke and Miss Courtney, he's surrounded by great women! You too Mini, even though you weren't there! Thanks again, the bike sure did have more kick on the way home! Rode great, can't wait to get the Avon's and stock height back on it! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: much appreciation, Ben
  24. Talked to Pioneer Motorsports and locked in the dates for the WNY mini rally for 2010...aug20th to the 22nd...check it out in the rally section and sign up in the calander if you can join us....lots of fun to be had with surprises along the way..Hope you can join us this year....
  25. I was checking out the "More" link under the mini stats on the left. Over 12,000,000 (that's million with an M) total thread views. Amazing. If I were a motorcycle company, I'd be paying someone to surf these sites all the time. Hey, maybe I'll apply for that job.
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