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  1. Several members asked about something to get the wind off their knees. I have made up some Knee Wind Blocks. They are 38.00 a pair which includes shipping (40 USD if you live in Canada or Alaska). They mount with Velcro so they are removable for hot days. For cold days and nights these will really make a difference on your knees guys. I made mine up 4 years ago and was happy I did every time it got cool. Mine cut about 90% of the wind off my knees These are available in Black or smoke. I will make them in smoke if anyone really wants them like that but they will have some distortions because of the heating and bending
  2. I've been using $40. 3/4 Fulmer helmets for the past couple years. They're 'green' [probably reason for good price. Mine gives me a sore spot on top of forehead after a few hundred miles, & Nav needs a face shield with hinge by ear, to block all air....she wears goggles with shield now due to dry eyes, but can't wear her glasses to see. We don't want full style, just 3/4 for a decent price. They are easy to find in catalogs, but that's like buying shoes from a catalog. I don't like a face shield, but it's a necessity for Nav. The visor is good for me to keep sun out, but Nav just needs shield with room for glasses, which are hard to find. I can move ears & mics over. Mine is easy, just a comfortable 3/4 & visor. Nav is harder with shield allowing room for glasses & pivot at ear, to keep air out. Any suggestions?
  3. Angelo


    So I keep getting punished for teasing everyone about the wonderful weather we are having here. My battery capped out on my bike, fortunately in my garage and not somewhere away from home, but still ruined a nice day for a ride even if it was to work. Before I go and buy a battery to replace mine I've learned to bounce things off you guys so here it goes again. Any batteries out there that is a benefit over the stock ones in these bikes? Can't imagine there are too many options out there but I figure I should check just in case.
  4. Here's mine..... how many motorcycles do you see?
  5. To make a long story short... I noticed that a buddy of mine has a set of scalloped tires on his Wing. He thought the $40 gauge that he had bought (gas station style chuck/gauge combo) would be accurate. It showed that he had 40lbs in the front. I checked it with my new Accutire digital gauge and it showed 32lbs. I understand Accutire brand are supposed to be accurate but I'm going to verify mine at work tomorrow since we have a calibrated gauge that is only used to verify other gauges.
  6. I have a 06 Royal star tour deluxe, a buddy of mine is selling me a 09 Royal Star Venture Corbin Dual Tour Seat, and i wanted to know if it would fit on mine or not, he is on a different state so im not able to check. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks C""
  7. I am looking for 1 carb slide for a 87 1300 . The diaphram does not have to good and I do not need the needle or attaching pieces. All I need is the black slide since I dropped one of mine and busted the top of it. Thanks and everyone have a Merry Christmas:fingers-crossed-emo
  8. Don't know if this has been posted before. Found and ordered one these wall clocks off of Ebay. ($25) He has all models of MC and other vehicles. Just received mine today. Here is the link: Merry Christmas to me. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2013-Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-S-Wall-Clock-Free-USA-Shipping-/121033158081?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D4230751189823041217%26pid%3D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D121033158081%26
  9. Is there a way to adjust the choke on 96 Royal Star? Mine looks to be closing the right carbs but not all the way on the side carbs. I am talking about the little plunger that the linkage bar hooks over. I actually need a new choke handle cause mine is busted.
  10. Both are 1977 models the blue one is mine and the red one a friend of mine. We still ride them quite a bit. This was from a ride we did last month. People sure can't figure out the 2 stroke street bike thing.
  11. What to buy Where to Buy Whats a fair price Whats the mininum on the rotor. I'm pretty sure mine has plenty of meat to turn. Just like to know the mininum limit.
  12. With a new post questioning second gear repair. I got to wondering how the others came out. i know there have been a couple of people asking about it. and one did a third gear repair. How did y'all come out? did everything turn out well, have you done it yet?? Mine is still holding well. I had to change my speedo out so i'm no sure of my mileage; but i'm thinking around 6,000 - 7,000 so far. And still going strong. Thanks again RandyA !!!
  13. trying to find a cover for my 83 royal. the ones i have seen are high dollar. this is not a show bike. just need a better seat. cant get mine wet as takes forever to dry back out. plus dont like wet backside.
  14. Can't seem to find the specs for the brace bolts eitehr in the owners or the shop manual. I am replacing mine with a SuperBrace (Thanks to Golf&Venture) & I see on various posts 14 - 15 ft Lbs is assumed so I've set mine to that. Just want to make sure it's correct.
  15. I had my Stebel horn mounted on the right side in the stock location for over a year. Now that I have a sidecar, I would like my sons hearing to stay better than mine, so I removed the horn. Has anyone found a good mounting location on the left side of the motorcycle?
  16. Any trick to getting the little rubber feet through the floorboard holes?? Had mine off and having trouble putting them back on
  17. Anybody have a good REAR brake disk for a 2nd Gen ? Mine is toast.
  18. I forgot to get my $12.00 sent in Its taken care of thanks to Sharon she takes such good care of me when it comes to things like this. I do good just to get out a post and to make a payment well I will say no more and yes I said THANKYOU THANKYOU I dont know what I would have done. There is no better way to spend $12.00 than here I have met some of the nicest people on here and have made some new friends and the information I have gotten is priceless. I had a member ask me how I liked this group and the site and I said it was one of the best things I had ever done. When Sharon and me got married she had her freinds and me mine and her friends and mine are from diffrent worlds. Now we have been blessed with a whole bunch of new friends that we call our freinds all I can say Thanks for letting us join in and be part of all of this and I look forward to more. Orlin and Sharon
  19. Does anyone have a spare computer board for the dash display for an 83, I think mine is bad and I am not to good with a soldering gun..........would like to just replace it and be done with it.........I know mine has been resoldered at least 2 times by the Muffin in the past, but he aint around...........
  20. On a 1st gen, how do you determine which ismk1 or mk2? Mine is 85 VR.
  21. I was looking at the site this morning and someone posted 4 pages of available accessories for the VR. Mine is an 88. Anyone know or remember where to find this post?
  22. http://novascotia.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-motorcycles-touring-2-for-1-1983-YAMAHA-VENTURE-REDUCED-W0QQAdIdZ374867023 Really looking to purchase this bike, and do not need it all. Will be looking to part out most of it. Just wondering how much 83' parts are in need? Also, mine is an 84, so can someone tell me how much of this I can use on it? How interchangeable are the parts from 83 to 84? Thanks
  23. Was parked at the Kangaroo gas station today (19-May-12) around 950 AM and a Blue & Black 07 just like mine went by going east on state road 42 towards Deland.
  24. The other day I posted about a recent project I had done. My handlebars extention studs for the 1st gen bikes. I had a few responses that some of you were interested in them. It turned out Bob Myers had done something much like my studs back in '08, much shorter than mine are at 4 inches and he made his at a much higher level of quality than I was able to. He actually has the right tools!!! So I contacted Bob and we talked about it. He has offered to make some of these sets for the guys interested, if there are enough to justify setting it up. So in the exchange with Bob the questions discussed where the material and the big one was how long should they be? Bob is looking at using 1" aluminum in stead of the 7/8" I did mine out of. The one Bob did for his bike is the 1st picture. Mine are the second shot. Which one looks better? Hello Mr. Myers! With mine at 4" on the bars there is exactly 4" between the inner ends. Some of you were interested in shorter ones. So for those that are interested in a set, or one, or a handful post your preference for for how long you would want them on this thread and we shall see what the choices are and what can be done to get this rolling. I can't give any idea of what the cost might be until we hit on some specs for Bob. By the way..... these will probably not be available in wood at this time. Sorry. Let us know. Mike
  25. na na! i made him a deal. its mine...all mine...my precious....
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