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  1. Well, on this coming Friday, I will be retired from the Military Reserves. Sometime next year, I will be undergoing retraining over in Alberta. There is no big rush to do it, as I don't want to do the training, in below freezing temps. I still need to decide, on where I take the course, near Red Deer or up at Ft Mac.
  2. I am not big on endorsing product but I thought I would share this one. I bought a pair of Converse C8874 Combat boots with composite toe in January and I have to say this are the most comfortable boots I have ever owned. I use them to ride, hike and work with no issues at all. With the composite toe instead of steel it does not heat and cool. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Converse-C8874-Stealth-Composite-Black/dp/B000M36AJK/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1338298579&sr=1-1-catcorr]Amazon.com: Converse Boots: Men's Composite Toe SWAT Military Boots C8874: Shoes@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Sgmvd2beL.@@AMEPARAM@@41Sgmvd2beL[/ame]
  3. We live in Boiling Springs South Carolina, Ride a 06 RSTD Pearl White 84k Darksider and we pull a trailer. We are going to Peigon Forge in the AM (13 Jun) if any of yall are heading that way or want to stop by and say hey giv us a hollar. My wife name Melody,Im Ron we are retired Military 26 yrs Army Infantry 1972-1999...Kinda miss it. Hate seeing our young Soldiers come home this way, Ride with Patriot Guard. 864-398-0271 see ya. Viet Nam 9th inf (Clean up ) Ft.Jackson DRILL SGT. Ft Stewart Ga, Berlin Ger, Washington DC, Korea, Ft.Lewis Wa. Ft.Polk La, Ft.Lee Va. 3 kids 8 Gkids 1 dog God I Miss tha Military
  4. Just in case anyone wants to put this on their calander.... We are very proud to announce the 2012 Patriot Ride in Ham Lake, MN. This is the 7th Year of Minnesota Motorcyclists are making a difference for our military here and abroad. Sponsored by Dennis Kirk this ride came from the idea that citizens needed to do more to show their support in more ways than just slapping a ribbon magnet on their cars. Last year just over $100,000 was raised to support the MN Patriot Guard and the Minnesotans' Military Appreciation Fund. That money makes a meaningful difference to those in uniform from Minnesota. What really matters is that you show up and show you care. The crowd size, the cheers, and the tears all help make up the biggest military support ride in the Midwest. Along with the vendors and military equipment displays is a special Moving Wall. Many of you have seen a Vietnam Moving Wall before and wondered at the sacrifice. This year our friends from the Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association are bringing down the Canadian Moving Wall. I was personally stunned to learn that 121 Canadians enlisted in the US Military and made the ultimate sacrifice. How they must have felt watching the draft dodgers going the other way to Canada as they were coming to America to enlist.
  5. For 37 years I always thought that only those on activate duty or retired military qualified for military discount at various retail business. Two weeks ago I learn that some retailers also give similar discounts to anyone who has ever served in the military. Home depot gives a 10% discount to all those who are serving or has ever served all year round. For those who do not have a military ID card they require you to should your dd214 discharge papers or your Veterans Administration ID card. Well I did not have neither but I did find my Veterans Admin Certificate of Eligibility for my VA loan when I purchased my 1st house. I did need to get the managers approval for the discount. I purchased $2000.00 worth of new carpet and pad for my basement project. Now, you can not combine other discount programs with your military discount. You can only choose one. If you also need a copy of your dd214 go to this link. It if free but it could take up to 6 months. http://dd214.us/ If you need it faster there are other sites that can do that for you for a fee. Just search for "Copy of dd214". I am in the process of researching how to obtain a VA ID card so that I do not have to continue to carry my Veterans Admin Certificate of Eligibility paper. If anyone knows the process in how to obtain the VA ID cards please respond to this thread. So today when I went to OReilys to buy some seafoam at buy 2 and get the 3rd free, I asked if O'Reilys gives a military discount and they said yes. But theirs is a bit more complex. First no discount on sales items. 2nd some items do not qualify. So you will need to ask. They did say that most batteries gets a 15% discount. I'm going to be asking every retailer for this military discount. Also being that I'll be turning 60 soon, hopefully I'll be able to get some kind of a discount everywhere I go. Hope this helps some of you.
  6. ...carpal and tendon work on one hand and and injections on the other hand. Life as a young athlete, military, and getting old...one out of three bites! I will leave the one up to you.
  7. Anyone else like to have fun with telemarketers? I just spent 20 mins on the phone with a survey taker, she asked me if I fished. I told here we went down to the Captain D's and it went down hill from there for her. She just would not hang up, I talked to her about everything from Hurricanes to the military, never did find out what she actually wanted. I just keep telling her how nice it was for her to call and check on me during the storm, that I was just so lonely.
  8. Just watched the documentary on tv. It gives you more appreciation of what our military service men and women did and do to sacrifice for our freedom. Thank you very much.
  9. Good job U.S. Military !!!!!!!!!!!! Beer30
  10. I am retired Navy and need to have a new decal put on my Venture. Previously it was on the windshield, but I had a new one made, which my wife doesn't like because its to low. So I would like to mount the decal some where else on the bike as I will probably be changing out the windshield occassionally. But no on the sheet metal preferably. Does anyone know of something that will work on the Venture? Any military out there who have dealt with this or something similar? Thanks
  11. AWESOME http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=5MtdIO23MKM
  12. Military Camping & RV Website Link: http://old.armymwr.com/portal/travel/paths/ Enjoy the savings
  13. Tomorrow Nov. 11, 2010 on Veterans Day, the Texas Roadhouse restaurant near me is offering a free "Early Bird" (4:00 to 6:00 PM) meal to our military, active or veteran. My offer (by email) is valid only at the Fishers, Indiana restaurant, but I would guess that if you check their main web-site there will be something there for other locations. Other VR members in the Indianapolis area may want to take a trip to Fishers. Must provide proof of military service. I will use a copy of my Honorable Discharge. It's only 44 years old. The DD 214 is getting a little faded.
  14. Here is an article on reflective motorcycle vests that also have military insignias for those of you who are active or retired military. They typically buy them for testing and then sell them at discounted prices and have some available for sale now. http://www.webbikeworld.com/r4/motorcycle-reflective-vest/tinwolf-reflective-vest/ Better hurry. If you like them and are interested, they only have maybe one of each military branch left.
  15. flb_78


    http://bpg-werks.com/ [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hh2nLWYnxkM]YouTube - DTV Shredder ~ Clip for Military Show[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5ADbwfktYs]YouTube - DTV - one year progress H264.mov[/ame]
  16. A tribute to our military from the group Kiss. This was filmed in Iraq at a USO tour at a US Marine Base. Not what you think of Kiss doing! Just turn up your volume and enjoy! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MtdIO23MKM]YouTube- Gene Simmons Military Tribute[/ame]
  17. Greetings all A Riding buddy and I are headed for points South from Halifax Canada, down to Key West and meander inland and north for a few weeks in mid May / June. Up til 2000, as a cager, I had used Military Transient Accommodation extensively throughout the US and Europe as a way to keep traveling costs down. Facilities were always clean and very adequate. Does anyone know if Post 9/11, if the bases still allow the uses of facilities such as these, by retired Service Members?
  18. I hope this posting is not out of line, if so, please delete it and advise me of my transgression. I recently joined an organization comprised of Senior Enlisted personnel (E-9). I am not sure where this org will be going, but I like the idea of helping maintain our military defense and the troops that continue to protect us. I am posting the Mission Statement; the website is: http://www.aftea.us/ "OUR MISSION The AFTEA mission is to advocate a strong national defense that will protect the security of the United States. We support a defense budget that will provide modern and sufficient equipment so that our military personnel can safely and effectively accomplish their mission. We seek to educate the public and members of Congress about the uniformed services and their most important asset, its people. We promote improved quality-of-life and economic fairness that will support the well-being of the men and women of America's Uniformed Services and their families. We give voice to our members' concerns about military pay, health care, pension and disability, survivor benefits, education, housing, child care, and other quality-of-life programs. The Armed Forces Top Enlisted Association (AFTEA) is a non-profit veteran's organization representing the professional and personal interests of active duty and retired men and women of America's Uniformed Services, National Guard and Reserve."
  19. Our youngest son, Jason(Air Force pilot) is being deployed to Afghanistan in March to fly reconnaissance. He leaves in February to train on a new plane...NC12. The civilian plane is the King Air 350. This is his 3rd military plane to fly. He started out flying the B2 Stealth. He currently was a pilot instructor for the T 38. Some of you have met him as he rides a ZX 1400 and has rode to some of our meet n eats, especially to St. Jude's and to Snarley Bills at St. Charles. We support him and all our military and pray for their safe return home. Don and Pat
  20. Yesterday I received a telephone call from a member who felt that we should come up with a way to honor our military veterans. I knew that he was right and tried to come up with something yesterday but just couldn't get it done. I have now added a new award category that will add a icon to your posts that signify that you served and in which branch of the military. At this time, I have only found icons for the US branches of Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy. If some of our Canadian members can help me with icons of their military seals, I will get them added as well. The same goes for our members in other countries. In lieu of that, I could try to come up with some type of generic icon. Now, if you wish to have this icon added to your posts, you only need to click on the VRAwards link in the upper menu bar and request the reward. Don't be shy about it because if you don't tell me, I won't know. I know this is not a huge deal but hopefully it will in some small way show our appreciation for all of you who presently serve or have served in the past.
  21. Renne

    Ft. Hood

    I grieve, this is a travesty,,,...! I've google'd the perp. I won't go there on this site but may I say please do the same and draw your own conclusion. Lift our military folks up!, please pray! I'm so sick! Renne U.S.A.F. ret.
  22. I know Veteran's Day isn't til next month (November), but wanted to put this info out there for some planning purposes. If anyone knows of other Veteran's Day / Military Appreciation specials that our veterans (self included) can partake of, post it up here. And, to make it Motorcycle related.... maybe you can manage to ride your ride to one of these events..... Eat Free at Applebee's - Wednesday Nov 11, 2009 Military veterans and active-duty servicemembers will be able to eat for free at any Applebee's across the U.S. on Veterans Day, Wed., Nov. 11, 2009. There will be six entr? from the menu to choose from. Guests will be asked to show one or more of the following as proof of service: a U.S. Uniform Services Identification Card, U.S. Uniform Services Retired Identification Card, Current Leave and Earnings Statement, Veterans Organization Card, a photograph in uniform, or wearing a uniform in person. For more information about Veterans Day at Applebee's, visit the Applebee's website at www.applebees.com/vetsday. A complete listing of all Applebee's locations is available at www.applebees.com. Eat Free at Golden Corral - Monday, Nov 16th, 2009 Golden Corral's 9th annual Military Appreciation Monday dinner will be held on Monday, November 16, 2009, from 5 to 9 pm in all Golden Corral restaurants nationwide. The free dinner meal is a special "thank you tribute" to any person who has ever served in the United States Military. If you are a veteran, retired, currently serving, in the National Guard or Reserves, you are invited to join us for Golden Corral's Military Appreciation Monday dinner. To date, Golden Corral restaurants have provided over 2.2 million free meals and contributed over $3.3 million to the Disabled American Veterans organization. To locate a Golden Corral near you, visit www.goldencorral.com/locator
  23. When I get more time, I will post pics of my father's day weekend with my daugther and also pup in my pup tent. In high school I was part of the explorer scouts (basically a recruiting tool for the National Guard). We did camping so I have a military pup tent (assuming Army). I haven't had it out since high school but thought it would be fun for the kids to play in. Anyway I tried setting it up and did an ok job of it. Here is where some of you might have to break out your field manuals. LOL. Is there an SOP for setting up a military pup tent? For instance in order: Poles on each end, guy line on each end, ground stakes on each corner and 2 in the middle. My problem was that there was a bow in the middle and I just imagine the ridgeline should be straight. When I post the pics, you will see what I mean. Also what was used for ground covering and guessing it isn't waterproof, so what was put over it to keep the water out? Seems like I remember a rain poncho thrown over the top or used for ground covering and just snapped the poncho to the tent. Been a long time so I don't remember anymore. I don't know if there are any variations of military pup tents but, the tent itself it 2 halves that overlap in the middle and snap together. You have 2 holes on each end for the tent poles and a loop on each end for the guy line (I think that is what the rope is called). You have 3 holes on each side for the tent stakes (really 4 on each end if you include the holes for the flaps. There are some markings on the tent that I wonder if anyone might know about or how to find some info. about it. It says DR MO W2 2PEQ. The tent pole is in 3 sections on each end and all but one is stamped 1975. The other one I don't remember the date, seems like either in the 80's or early 90's.
  24. Thought I would post this information here for any of our member Vets who are planning on drawing their Social Security. Anyone who has served on active duty prior to January 2002 is qualified for a higher SS payment because of their military service at any time during the period of 1957 through 2001. You can qualify for up to $1,200.00 per year of earning creidits applied at time of application. This can make a substantial difference in your month social security payment upon retirement. You must bring your DD-214 to the SS office. and you must ask for this benefit to receive it. This is not just for military retirees, but for anyone having active duty service during the eligability period. But You must ask for it. For additional information, go to www.ssa.gov/retire2/military.htm
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