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  1. I ordered a Carbtune Kit last week and it came in on Friday. I used it today on my 06 Midnight Venture after doing the 8,000 mile service. The Carbs were way off! It took me about 30 minutes but they are now synched. What should I expect now that the carbs are running in synch? I was getting abiut 35 miles MPG before the 8,000 mile service. I changed Spark Plugs as well. How often do I need to do a synch? The kit was rather expensive. If there is anyone in or near Southern AZ thats needs a synch done, please feel free to contact me. I am in Bisbee, AZ which is in the far Southeast corner of AZ on the Mexican Border. PM me or send me an email at dareman1@cableone.net.
  2. I ride with a few other Venture riders and recently we noticed all of our speedometer/oddometers are incorrect. When comparing the speed noted on our speedometers to our GPS units we noted our speedometers. all read out about 8% higher speeds than we were actually riding. we have also confirmed this using mile markers oddometers indicating 10 while mile markers had just passed the 9 mile mark. We have compared with automobile speedometers as well as other Yamaha bikes. Now while this allows a little buffer room, well it did untill we started riding a bit faster to make up the difference, it also racks up phantom miles that erode our resale values. Tire warrentes run out before their time, we change oil more often(not a bad thing) 0 to 50 is really 0 to 46 so we think we are faster than we think we are, but not actually half fast Have any other 2nd gen riders noted this? is it possible to recalibrate the speedometers? Al
  3. Shipped my Road Glide seat off to Rick Butler this morning. I have put some miles on it and was pleasantly surprised with it for a stock seat. I've done a Saddle Sore and a Bun Burner on it so I know that I can do a thousand mile day on it with no major problems. There is still room for improvement though so I figured that with the snow on the ground, it was a great time to let him work his magic.
  4. Left work tonight and got about a mile down the road and the bike died, as though it had run out of gas. Tried to restart and it didn't even try to fire. I turned the key off and on and noticed just a single click. Does a mile sound about right if the fuel pump is not working? I tried the key several more times and heard several clicks and was lucky enough to get it started and got home. Is that a typical fuel pump problem? Is there anything else I should check? What about warranty? Thanks Mark
  5. I purchased a set of E 3's last summer and love them. I have about 6,000 miles on them now and the tread still looks new. I am going from Ohio to California and back in August and will be about an 8,000 mile round trip. Trying to figure out if I should put a new set on before I leave or will my current set get me there and back safely?
  6. Started riding again 2yrs ago at 53 after a heart attack (figured if i was going to die it was not going to be walking down the hall at 3 am ). Smoked 12 cigars aday , 50lbs over weight , and diabetic ( 3 strikes your out ) . Quit smoking the day of my heart attack , now manage my diabeties , lost 50lbs. Now get up 7 days aweek at 4:30 am and go 1 mile on treadmill . 6:pm another mile on treadmill (everyday) . Use bowflex 30 mi 3 days a week . Before heart attack could not walk 100 ft without hips and feet killing me . Would not have been able to manage such a heavy bike as the venture . Point being i think we all should be spending more time devoted to our own well being and not worrying how to change our bikes to fill our laxing life styles. ( ps dont mean to preach but i fell great , hips and feet don"t hurt and hope to be riding this bike another 15yrs )
  7. i put the bikes away too early this year. got the strat in my shop for the winter, needing new tires. the v-star is in the trailer for the winter on the charger, that leaves me with the majesty scooter, and cushman to ride this winter. ugh. the weather here has been awesome. whats a guy to do? i did ride the cushman about a 1/4 mile last weekend to test out the new mikuni i put on it. guess i will just sit here and suffer.
  8. Going to visit my Grandkids in Illinois for Thanksgiving and I am considering renting a luxury Car or Minivan to make the 12 hour each way trip a little more comfortable (would ride but my daughter and her boyfriend are going too). I have never rented a car for pleasure so I have never had to deal with all the diffrent add ons. I have heard that my insurance will cover some damage and that credit cards will cover some items but I am not sure guess I should give them a call. The other thing is which rental companies do not charge per mile if you leave the area. Enterprise charges $.25 a mile if you are going further than the adjoining states. Any advice/tips are appriciated.
  9. I just got back from a 2600 mile trip to S Dakota from Southern UT. Now my 03 RSV is leaving little spots of oil on the garage floor under the vent hoses that come out of the bottom of the motorcycle just aft of the engine. The oil spot is about 2 to 3 inches long and 1 inch wide and it is not dark dirty motor oil but still it looks like motor oil. My guess it is coming from some kind of breather hose or something. Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? I didn't have this same issue last year when I got home from a 6500 mile coast to coast trip. Thanks Kent
  10. Sorry we missed you the other day when we passed thru. Had a great vacation in your part of the country and got out just as the big rally began. We did make it to the 'Wonderful House' () but that was all the time we had in Scottsbluff. We also colored in the states of S.Dakota Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. The cabins in Hemingford are great, I would highly recommend them, the only draw back was the half mile dirt road from the hwy. Here is a couple pics of our cabin, the name is Patriot Inn, just at edge of town. thanks for your info----yammer'less [ATTACH]70625[/ATTACH][ATTACH]70626[/ATTACH][ATTACH]70627[/ATTACH]
  11. Friday 8-3-12 around 5:30 pm. Caledonia WI Blue 1st gen. Headed south on HY 31 at the 4way stop on 6 mile road. I was headed north. Driver with a bald head....... Anyone we know?
  12. Today I rolled over my first 1k on my RSTD! Yea!
  13. --to nest in the neck of my Venture! Had spider fly out from the neck and splatter my faceshield today. Surprisingly the sucker managed to stay there for 23 miles. Musta got tired on the 24.6 mile. Come to think of it, should of taken a picture.... but... I was more concerned with cleaning the bug off.
  14. hello all as many may know i have had a bad running porblem with rt rear cycl i have ceaned jets changed coil took to two different shop last one dealer thay adj valves and tryed to sync carbs it is running better but still at 50 mph breaks down and will not run smooth dealer wanted to start changing parts hoping that it would fix it instead of trying to dignos it so i orded a set of carbs from pinwall today and hope that it will take care of problem the dealer said that with the bike being 12 rears old with 67000 mile it will never run right again i told him it did not mater how many mile or how old. it ran great before the problem started and should run right again if fixed correctly i guess ther are no mach only part changers bumble bee 1999 rsv
  15. I was doing som planning for a trip here in a few weeks. I was at the Tenn DOT site and a warnig flashed up. There was some kind of land slide in Tenn on I-75 and the road washed out. Last night it said there was one lane open each direction now. Expect long back ups. Mile marker 141 to 144. I know we dont like to run the slabs but sometimes its a necessary evil.
  16. Man, I had some stupidity rattling around my brain friday and saturday. I think I got it all out, but here's what I did. I wanted to adjust my brakelight to come on sooner when I hit the foot pedal. So- I looked in the pdf manual I bought and found what I thought was "brake light switch" adjustment. So I adjusted it much better. Then I left the acc switch on overnight and killed the battery. Noticed that one 2 hrs before I needed to pick up my daughter and got the charger going. No biggie- all fixed up and she started right up. Got about 4 miles down the hiway and I noticed it had no power. Then it hit me "oh shiyat I adjusted the rear brake too!" I had no tools- NEVER AGAIN! So I called my wife and she came to my rescue. BUT- there was a broken down Ultra classic a mile before me with a cop pulled up behind it. She assumed it was me and pulled in behind him. He turned and walked toward her and she says loudly "that's my husband!" LOL she said it was really embarrassing when a gal emerged from behind the cop car and gave her a look that could kill. Having recovered from the embarrasment and explaining to the cop and riders she wasn't really insane, she drove another mile and finally found me. Luckily I only cooked some pad life, but it was all good once I REadjusted it and let it cool off a half an hour alongsde the freeway. The same nice police officer stopped to see if we were ok, and we chatted bikes for awhile. He even waited with us to make sure we merged back off the shoulder ok. LOL I never accelerated away from a cop so fast legally. So all the drama completed, I picked up my 15yr old girl from her mom's for a nice country ride. We got a mile away and it started pouring rain. Since it was 92 out, that was kind of fun. It stopped, we dried out and later I pulled through an area of really really expensive houses that she likes to look at. I'm talking 4-5 million each. It pays to keep these teens motivated! Rode up a dead end street with no circle and stopped. Was gonna back into a driveway and pull away, but the Venture had other ideas, deciding it was now a good time to lie down and take a nap. Daughter did great, nimbly hopping right off and away once it was apparent the bike wanted a rest. Was impressed at the foresight Yamaha had in putting those wonderful shiny chrome bars that stopped it before it got really ugly. Anyway, emergency tipover-switch test completed, she helped me pick it up and we had a noneventful rest of the ride. My hip hates me today.
  17. Don’t' Trust PO mods Had a very interesting start to my day today, I did my normal routine checked tires, lights, etc fired the bike up and headed off to work. I was got about half a mile away and my bike just went dark and I could smell something burning scary thing at 55 miles an hour in heavy traffic. After sitting on the side of the road for a few minuets the bike came back to life and I was able to start it and get back home. When I got home I pulled the seat to find out the fuse block the PO but in had shorted against the frame and had melted the positive wire. After I finished removing the battery leads and made sure nothing was on fire I hopped on my other bike and headed to work. Firts Aid Kit You would think that this would have been enough for one day but no about half a mile from work I came upon a motorcyclist down he was scuffed up but nothing apparently serious. I stopped helped him out, did not have to use my first aid kit but I was sure glad I had it. Seems like a car ran him off the road and took off, I just could not believe nobody had stopped before I got there.
  18. Parked next to my Tour Classic. Darn it I didn't have any of my VRO cards with me. I waited a few minutes, but ice cream was one of the things I bought, so I rushed the mile home, dropped off the groceries, picked up a VRO card and headed back. Of course he was gone....
  19. I hate to be the one to re-post a thread but I give up. I have been searching for actual 1/4 mile & 0-60 time for the 2005+ RSTD for over a year now and keep coming up empty handed. I know that these bikes aren’t made for the strip but these are figure I like to know on any vehicle I own. I have seen a couple of places that has said something about the 6 second range 0-60 but that number doesn’t seem correct. The only mod's done to my bike that I am aware of is a pair of BUB slip ons and it seems way quicker than a mid 6 0-60 run. There was one occasion were I pulled up behind a Cherokee SRT8 at a on ramp for the high way with a nice Borla exhaust and as soon as I stopped he start revving it up. Normally I wouldn't pay any attention to it but I wanted to see how quick one was off the line in person. Knowing I was going to see the Jeep in action was enough for me to try and give him a run for his money. Well any ways when the light changed he laid the hammer down and I dumped the clutch in chase but to my amazement next thing I know I was changing lanes and he was slowly disappearing in my mirror. I slowed down when I hit 70 and just went on about my business but right before my exit he shot back up beside me trying to get me two give him a second try but I just gave him a thumbs up and got off my exit (it wasn't worth passing up Bass Pro). I know a lot of people would think a jeep would be no comparison for a bike but the SRT8 is an AWD capable of sub 5 second 0-60 runs. Also they pretty much eliminates the issue of a good or bad driver, even though it has over 400hp with its AWD launching and wheel spin is not a problem. But anyways if I could leave that jeep sit then the numbers I have been reading seems like they are off by a bit so if anyone would has any personal experience or knows or read of any 0-60 or 1/4 mile times I would greatly appreciate it.
  20. I have an 08 RSTD with just over 50k trouble miles free miles until today. It started fine and I pulled out of the driveway and made it maybe a tenth of a mile and it felt like it was running out of gas. I reached down and checked the petcock it was on. Then it finally just quit. It would fire again but then cut out again. I'm gonna check the filter and see if I got bad gas(water). I just changed the airfilters and plugs and synched the carbs. It ran fine coming home from work this morning after filling up which leads me to think it could be the fuel pump. BTW I pushed it the near 1/4 mile back to the house... that was a B. Any thoughts?
  21. The following link is the official Web site for the 25,000 mile ride in 25 day ride by Darrell Rall to raise 15 million dollars for the Diabetes research facility at the University of Iowa. www.ironeagle.org
  22. I am from KENTUCKY where everyone pulls over to let a funeral procession pass. We don't have fireflies, we got "lightning bugs". "Taters" are mandatory while shoes are NOT. Chicken is fried. Biscuits come with gravy. Ale-8 & sweet tea are the house wines. You can hear your daddy whistle a mile away, Momma says grace over every meal, & "neighbor" means more than just the house next door. We're proud of our roots, & we never disrespect our elders! Fuzzy
  23. just curious, i found this tire listed on ebay Kenda Kruz k673, in rsv sizes, decent priced, anyone know anything about them or ever tried them, they claim to have a 20,000 mile warrenty ,, steve
  24. I finally got time to take the fairing apart and clean the connectors, coated with dielectric grease and put some tape on to help hold them together. We went for a 220 mile ride and the audio system worked better than before it messed up. Thanks ventureriders.
  25. I have about 2000 miles on nankang car tire 2006 rsv midnight. Today I blew the cobbs out and hit rev limiter in 3rd gear, about the time 95-100 mph got the wobble. It felt more like the bike was weaving in the back end. Just finnished a 600 mile round trip to KC for bbq riding 2 up no problems. I will probably stay on the darkside as I don't usually go past 75mph.
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