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  1. While in Eureka Springs we visted this company's location and they are the nicest, most helpful company I have ever had the pleasure to deal with. They went way be on the call of duty by assisting me and HeatonMT with some custom installations of accessories we purchased and would not accept any payment for their additional service. Note: Sean at CycleGadgets is going to hopefully soon be stocking a CB Microphone Only for the Venture after He worked with Mike on modifying a headset to work as a CB Mic only on his 2007. If you have time go to their site and look around. Better yet, when in Eureka Springs, stop in an visit. You won't be disappointed. Jay
  2. I know I don't post here often as I haven't had a Royal Star for some time. However, I hang around and keep my membership as this has been the best motorcycle forum I have joined by far. Those who know me know that I had a tendency to trade and sell bikes (understatement) - so who knows what I am riding from week to week! Two years ago I sold my Tour Deluxe for a 2010 Kawasaki Voyager - didn't keep long - didn't like the engine heat. Took a 99 Roadstar in on trade which began a two year love for the Roadstar line. I know I bought and sold over 10 Roadstars in those two years. In April I came across a 2011 Voyager for $8200 miles with less than 9,000 miles. Met the guy 1/2 way and road it home. He lived on gravel and when I got into it I have never seen a dirtier road bike. I had to pull the side panels off to clean the caked mud off the inside. I replaced the rear tire and I'm surprised the wheel wasn't way out of balance due to the mud caked on the inside of the hub. She cleaned up pretty good but my concern was how well it was cared for. The good news was the PO had purchased an extended warranty - giving me some peace. The 2011 still had the heat issue but I had planned to have the dealer install the KAM system now available and comes stock on 2012 and newer Voyagers. The hard bags on the 11 were cracked slightly so I was trying to get Kawasaki to replace my bags under warranty and when I was at the dealer the salesperson told me they just took a 2013 Voyager in on trade. So I looked it over and the salesperson said, "The guy who got this traded it on a new Voyager and I can make you a sweet deal." I thought, "Yeah, right!" For the fun of it I said shoot me a price - and he offered it to me for my bike and $2200. Since, I had planned to have the dealer install the KAM (air management system that takes care of the heat problem) on my 2011 at a cost of $600 to $700 anyway and the 2013's come with the KAM unit I figured we are at $1500 difference. Plus, the 2013 has ABS brakes and mine didn't. So, i traded up two years and got a bike that wasn't quite a beat up as mine, Picked up the bike yesterday and all that I didn't like about the 2010 and 11 is gone. Felt no heat from the engine and the ABS brakes are a big improvement. The 2013 seems more responsive as well. A few of you may be tempted to start taking odds at how long I hold on to this bike. I am making no promises!!
  3. Trying to figure out what aftermarket r&r to install on my stock 87 standard. I am assuming it will be the Shindengen FH020aa. Thanks. Mike.
  4. Greetings: Denise, my wife, and I are planning a tripp to IL in July and would like to stay off of the Interstates as much as possible, any recommendations or map sites. Thanks Mike
  5. I have a number 2 and number 3 Famco arbor press that I need the round press plates for. Is there anybody out there that has one that can draw it up so I can make them. Famco wants a small fortune to buy them. Let me know. Thanks Mike
  6. With the world coming to an end today I just wanted everyone to know what a pleasure it has been. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member on these forums. It is one of the things I think I will miss most in the next life. I can't help but wonder if there will be motorcycles to ride or if walking will be the norm. Any how, I hope to meet up with all of you on the other side. Mike
  7. There is always a loop hole ain't there. Mike
  8. Hope you are having a great birthday Mike and I hope Shirley is being good to you. ps: Linda says love and miss. Hope to see you soon. pss: She also says "Mike, isn't it nice to be younger than our mates"....ha ha. psss: She also says "Sorry about that Shirley", forgive me, love Linda. (She made me do it) RandyA
  9. I'm looking for a set of carb covers for my Venture. Apparently they have been discontinued. Anyone know how to do a dealer search? My dealer says he could not find them. Part no is STR 4XY 27 42 02 Thanks Mike
  10. Go to this link...see what is coming!! http://www.redstate.com/2012/09/13/obamas-abusive-epa-edict-targets-bikers-atv-afficianados-gardeners-too/ MIKE aka Uturn
  11. Been trying to contact Earl with no luck. Just wandering if everything is OK. Mike Allen
  12. My phone & wallet went through the wash Sunday, The Phone was also dried. It didn't make it. so for the few of you that actually talks to me buy phone. can you please send me your numbers again. Thanks. Mike
  13. Mike Traynor, president and co-founder of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and co-founder of the Ride for Kids® motorcycle charity program, died Sept. 12, 2009, in Asheville, N.C., after a brief illness. He was 70. http://www.pbtfus.org/miketraynor/ May this good soul and kind man Rest In Peace... TERRY
  14. Someone just HAD to send B2dad some new bling for his bike..at least thats what I call it. He calls it LIGHTS...go figure! (thanks Mike) Patti PS. they sure are bright tho! :ice_thy-vi101212101
  15. I have the Chatter Box system with the open helmet mike. I got tired of having to replace the foam covers because they either got lost or got chewed up for opening and closing my modular helmet. I ordered the mike cover for a full face but it didn't fit the open helmet mike. I finally got fed up and made my own mike cover. I made the talk into side red so I know which side to turn towards my mouth and I made they other side black so it would kind of blend it the helmet. The black side is elastic material and the red side is a shear polyester material. Here is what it looks like.[ATTACH]70440[/ATTACH][ATTACH]70441[/ATTACH][ATTACH]70442[/ATTACH] Ride Happy, Ride Safe
  16. I ride that route several days a week. It would take nerves to walk out into traffic there. The hospital is only a few minutes from there and I'm sure the man knew he could get him to help before help could get to him. Hoping for a good recovery for the rider. http://www.ketv.com/news/local-news/Mystery-man-saves-motorcyclist-s-life/-/9674510/15851280/-/eli0nez/-/index.html Mike
  17. I just talked to Mike
  18. Well, Dang!!! My 20 year old daughter was just offered a position with her current company to do a remodel at one of their stores there. Looks like the possiblity of a long term position. Now I haven't spent any time in Windy in 25 years but I have no really fond memories of the place, traffic or anything else. Sorry. Maybe it was just me and the business I was in. I spent most my time there in Cook Country Court representing transportation companies. So for anyone familiar with that area these days, what's the area like now. Open to any and all feedback. Anything that will make me feel at least a little bit supportive of her new position offer because right now I'm not feeling it. Being a single Dad to tough sometimes. Mike
  19. MikeWa

    Happy 4th

    Happy 4th of July. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday. Mike
  20. Just a quick note, Big Mike is selling his 2000 RSV with 30,000 for 6700.00 . I think he will go down a couple hundred. Its on craigslist here in MIchigan . think his number is still here in his profile.
  21. Well don't that beat all! Just noticed this on the WebBikeWorld banner on the right side of the screen. http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-news/2012/wearing-full-face-helmets-will-be-shot.htm ATGATT ...... Except the helmet. Mike
  22. I am looking to replace my HJC and Scorpio open faced helmets, but I am having difficulty finding helmets that can be fitted with the Yamaha standard open-faced head-set and mike. I have a Scorpio half-helmet, and used Velcro to secure the mike. It works OK, but is not ideal. The HJC is getting old (6 years), and works well, but the new ones I have found in the dealers will not readily accept the mike. Anybody using a recent open face helmet with the audio gear that they are really happy with?
  23. Well yesterday the wife and I were headed out on a ride and a few miles into it the rain came down. With the wet roads the bike seemed to handle very funny so we stopped and I looked the bike over. Nothing obvious to be found. We take off and the bike felt like the back tire was going flat so we decided to go home and check the thing out. Well after putting it up on the lift and taking the bags off i found the problem. The wheel bearing was worn completely out. I could move the wheel up and down. This is now 1:30 pm on Saturday so by the time I figure out what all I am going to need to repair the thing it is gonna be to late to order parts and I don't want to be down a week. So I decide to text Mike (EUSA1) and see if he has an extra wheel. He calls me and and wants to know what's up. He then says I will come down when I get off work (he Lives 100 miles away) and bring, parts and a wheel just in case. Well he gets here and we get the wheel off and because the bearing has been going out for awhile it has destroyed the tire. Plenty of tread but flat spots on the side, middle and just real ugly..Mike says it would be easier if you had a new tire on his rim and then we could just put then different rim on since I needed a new tire anyway. So by now it is 6:00pm. I call a friend of mine who owns a Trike Shop where he converts 2 wheelers into 3 wheelers. He doesn't have a tire since he works on 3 wheelers but says if I can find a tire he will come down and open his shop so we can mount it. So I call another member Tim (mystor09) who lives about 8 miles away and he has a new tire and says come and get it and just order him another one and we are even. So from the time I find out the problem until it it is fixed takes about 6 hours with time off for some food, mike driving 100 miles and then us driving another 75 or so to get the tire and go to my buddies shop to mount it. I say I am lucky to have friends from this site who stepped up for me and got me rolling in such record time Thanks to everyone.
  24. I don't know how many of you can see this on Facebook, but we lost a brother from Pearl, MS. A fine young man, Investigator Mike Walter 5/1/2012 R.I.P. Mike!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=3005272852752 At least the POS that did it met the same fate!!! Here is another link... http://www.fox40tv.com/mostpopular/story/Investigator-Mike-Walters-Final-Patrol/TMUGNT6inUmhG5bOCnh-pA.cspx
  25. Yamaha Extreme Sports in Sumter, SC is having their 11th annual open house May 5. This year event is "Cinco de Mayo", a toco flavored fest. Door prizes and demos and free dyno tests. Any proceeds will benefit the Lupus Foundation (sponsered by the Sumter STAR Touring chapter). (Also their parts dept is pretty competitive on legit internet prices, tires, OEM accessories,,,. I usually bring in a "print page".) You have probably seen several on this forum with very good things to say about this "Yamaha only" dealer. So, head on in on 5/5, 9AM to 3PM. http://www.extremesportsyamaha.com/ Mike G in SC
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