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  1. Well the insurance just left and gave me a check for my totaled '07 RSTD Midnight...it covered about half what i had invested into the bike. considering my wife and i put on about 38K miles over the past 6.5 years, i consider the check fair and equitable. I will place parts in classified if there is any interest. I have complete windscreen assembly (chrome midnight version), complete pillion assembly- both these assembly look brand new, brand new (never installed) left cowling, new "SKYDOC" brake bias kit and EBC double sintered FA 123HH disc pad set. if interested you can PM me or answer this post. it sure is tough saying goodbye to my bike, she was a trusty and reliable friend, who never once left me stranded....farewell Black Beauty !
  2. My 2007 Midnight Venture is still under factory warranty intil Feb 2013, then I have 2 years extended. I have noticed in the past few days the riders seat is starting to split down in the creases. Also the left rear speaker is blown. I know the "Bumper to bumper" warranty isn't AS Bumper to bumper as it should be. So my question is, should I approach my dealer with these concerns or am better off just dealing with them myself? Thanks in advance. Joe 2007 Midnight Venture Monroe, GA
  3. Not sure where to put this question on the forum sorry I am wondering if the 2006 TSD I am looking at is a Midnight version have only pictures to go by and don't know what questioins to ask to verify if it is a midnight..all I know is that it is a black 2006 and looking at the history section appears that would mean it is a midnight model...??? Any suggestions on how to pin down the ident.??
  4. Just playing around at http://www.cartoonize.net/# Takes a pic from the web or your computer and changes it. LET's see you pic.s! Here are pic.s of my 03 Midnight Venture http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx250/C-M_Motorsports/MidnightRSVCartoon.jpg My 06 Venture .... http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx250/C-M_Motorsports/06Venturecartoon.jpg And my Wife's 08 V-Star.... http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx250/C-M_Motorsports/Forum%20Use/V-StarCartoon.jpg My Wife on the Road king... http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx250/C-M_Motorsports/CheryllCartoon.jpg My old Voyager.... http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx250/C-M_Motorsports/Forum%20Use/VoyagerCartoon.jpg
  5. just a short vid of the new paint
  6. Can anyone tell me what type of pump you use to pump up the forks? I don't want to damage anything. Thanks. (05 Midnight Venture.)
  7. I'll start with my Wifes 2008 V-Star Silverado and my 2003 Midnight RSV http://i39.tinypic.com/311xv9v.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/345d6oz.jpg
  8. Got a call last night about 9 PM. Playboy was in town and wanted to get together. Too bad, I was at work. Asked him where he was staying and it was a hotel 1 block from my plant. So we agreed to have some coffee at the Waffle House when I got off at 1130 PM. Had a nice chat and he went to sleep and I went home. Sure do wish we had some more time. Anyway, meeting another man at his hotel room at midnight just didnt seem quite right.....:rotf: Sorry Vance, couldnt resist. But it was nice meeting up with you, even if it was only for an hour.
  9. I was looking for a left midnight saddle bag, and stumbled onto this auction selling both on ebay. Some outfit tried to snipe it at the end, but I ended up with them. Here is a LINK A while back a rider behind me took off before me at a light, and climbed up the left rear of the bike, pushing me over on the right side. All cosmetic damage to paint and chrome pieces, and his insurance cut me a check for all new parts, about $3200. I ordered the parts from Yamaha dealer and one of the saddle bags arrived with scratches, so they sent it back and ordered another. It arrived and they called me and said it looked like a conveyor belt or something chewed the box up, so sending it back. I then cancelled that bag. I've been keeping an eye on used parts, when I saw this auction pop up. Since saddlebags are around $1000 new a piece, I'm pretty sure even if I have the two I won custom painted, I will come out ahead. Shipping is a tad high, but as my momma would say... I stoled that..... Ex
  10. 2006. Is just black a midnight model or other things different? Mine has chrome forks and was wondering. There is about a $900 different in KBB also between the 2.
  11. IM LOOKING FOR SOME USED PIPES FOR MY 03 MIDNIGHT VENTURE...4-2-4s..Vance and Hines..etc?
  12. Hey all have searched this site all day and can't seem to find where I can upload new photos of 07 midnight venture, anyone point me in right direction? Thanks Brian D.
  13. Did a U turn today and chased down a couple on a 2004 Midnight, they were not aware of the site so I gave them a card, hopefully they will join our big happy family. They seemed like nice folks which most Venture Riders seem to be there names are Chad and Tammy transplants from Minnesota.
  14. Just wanted to post a pic of what I have done to my venture, it is a 2003 and I have owned it since new. It started life as a Midnight Venture and now has been transformed.
  15. I am thinking of buying a 2002 midnight venture with 10,000 miles for $6400. Was curious to know if this is a good price and what I should look for.
  16. The other night I was invited out for a night with the 'girls.' I told my husband that I would be home by midnight, 'I promise!' Well, the hours passed and the margaritas went down way too easily. Around 3 a.m., a bit loaded, I headed for home. Just as I got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hallway started up and cuckooed 3 times. Quickly, realizing my husband would probably wake up, I cuckooed another 9 times. I was really proud of myself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution, in order to escape a possible conflict with him. (Even when totally smashed... 3 cuckoos plus 9 cuckoos totals = 12 cuckoos MIDNIGHT!) The next morning my husband asked me what time I got in, I told him 'MIDNIGHT'... He didn't seem pizzed off in the least. Whew, I got away with that one! Then he said 'We need a new cuckoo clock.' When I asked him why, he said, 'Well, last night our clock cuckooed three times, then said 'oh chit.' Cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its throat, cuckooed another three times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, and then tripped over the coffee table and farted.
  17. Well to my dislike I sold Midnight last Month was not to my liking but due to my knees the bike was too top heavy and dropped it several times with Peg on board no damage was done to Midnight or Peg..... Peg and I talked it over one evening and either one of us wanted to sell Midnight but since I was having so much trouble backing out of the garage - parking lots and setting at red lights it got to where I was not comfortable riding Midnight after selling Midnight I bought a 99 V-Star 650 for riding to work light weight and good balance and figured I would save the money left over from the sale and buy another Touring bike in a few yrs that has a better balance? Well my best friend from work told me about a bike he saw at Honda shop the other day and said it was in pretty good shape and had a heck of a deal $ so Peg & I went over to check it out being its a touring bike? Well I looked the bike over not bad shape for a 2000 model but boy was this thing big Wow but when I set on it I could not believe how well balanced it was just like the Gold wing GL1800 Wow nothing like the Midnight - top heavy we took it for a ride and I really liked the smooth ride and power it put out and balance at slow speeds needless to say I ended up buying it with the money left over - no payments a plus too -and rode it home so far I had no trouble getting in - out of the garage - parking lots or red lights I read folks saying it was heavy but to me its nothing after being on the Midnight Don't get me wrong I loved my midnight very much! and I would still have it to this day if not for being so top heavy here is my new ride 2000 model Honda Valkyrie Interstate
  18. the virago is up for sale in the classified section, here is the replacement 2006 royal star midnight tour deluxe.
  19. Looking for riders to join us on the Midnight Run, the weekend of Aug 20th. The ride is sponsored by GWRRA - Michigan Chapter G. The ride starts 12:00am (midnight) in Rockford, MI, Saturday Aug 20 and arrives at the Mackinaw Bridge around 8:00am with 4 schedule stops along the way. Many events are schedule during the day at the Kewadin Casino in St Ignace, MI. More information can be found at http://www.mi-gmidnightriders.org/2011midnight_ride.htm. Those interested, a group will be putting their kickstands up at 8:00 pm, Friday Aug 19, at US-23 and North Territorial Rd, which is exit 49. We have a block of rooms reserved in Mackinaw City, but not many remain available. After taking in the schedule events and a nap, planning on a dinner run later that evening. Those who are not interested in riding the early hours of the morning, let’s plan a ride to meet the Midnight Riders Saturday morning. So VentureRiders in and around southeastern Michigan area let’s see if we can get to know each other and enjoy a weekend ride together.
  20. Just wanted to know if there are any RSTD bars with weights out there for sale. Kregerdoodle tells me that the RSV weights won't work with the RSTD bars so I will need the whole set-up. Any body up-grade to Flanders and now has the bars for the RSTD? I may have stuff to trade if that works for you. Oh ya! 2006 Midnight 2nd Gen. Bubber PS: I be asking at some of the other forums too. Thanks much!
  21. Thanks for all of your help. Is there a device to hold the rpms steady when syncing the carbs. When you are doing it by yourself, there should be a throttle clamp of some sort or some way to keep precise rpms. Thanks again Midnight ryder:cool10::cool10:
  22. This turned up in one of our UK national papers today. Perhaps the title should have read 'good breeding goes with good taste! I've tried to upload the picture but can only send you the link. Prince Charles aboard a Midnight Venture! well I didn't expect to see that. It was all in aid of a very good cause, but I bet someone was holding the back to prevent him dropping it! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/prince-charles/8583623/Prince-of-Wales-Charlies-angels-meet-the-biker-Prince.html Let me know if the picture fails to appear with the link
  23. On my way to Va today I saw a Midnight going southbound around MM 56 above Charlotte.
  24. I would like to replace my clear fairing protectors with shaded. Anyone know where to purchase some?? I have a 2007 Royal Star Venture Midnight
  25. I just purchased a 2004 Midnight RSV and I noticed there are light scratches or swirls in the paint. What do you use to restore the paint job back to normal? What procedure and what products?
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