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  1. As some of you know, I have a problem,,,, I know what you are thinking, but this is a new one. I ride a 2014 Spyder and installed JMCB 2003 for a CB and intercom. The intercom works fine, and the CB broadcasts just fine. Now if we get 2 CBs close together I can hear the other, if they are more than 4ft apart I can't hear the other person. I can hear a tapping on their mic, but no voice comes through. Now hear is the next problem then. I contacted JM corp and they would like me to try to use one of their headsets. I use the Edsets with the proper cord, but they were wondering if I could try one of theirs. SO!!!! anybody in the area have a set they could lend me??
  2. I just received the mic splitter from Edset. Anyone has pics on installation? Gaetan
  3. After reading the material on these units I am very interested in purchasing one. I would like to Hear from any of the members that have purchased these units. I also have a question which mic do you prefer either the solid mic MH10-10 or the MH10-11 the slimmer one which fits inside the helmet? I have a HJC modular SY MAX 2 flip type helmet. I look forward to hearing your opinions on this unit whether it be pro or con. Thanks Dana
  4. Hey everyone... Feedback on intercoms solved!!! Well, at least my issue. I have headsets that clip on to the helmet. There are three wires that need to be reconnected when moving from one helmet to another. They only fit one way... or so it seemed. I was getting a ear shattering feedback loop with intercoms. Happened more than once. And what I discovered was that the microphone cable from the connector can easily get connected to a speaker input! That's the issue!! No wonder I was getting feedback- check to see that you're not connecting your mic DIRECTLY TO THE POWERED SPEAKER CONNECTIONS! That'll do it every time. There follow your mic connection to the clip with the connecting wires. I'm pretty familiar with cables and fancy myself a pretty good troubleshooter, but there's something about the way that the cables are coming off of that connector with the mic attached that makes it easy to connect to the wrong spot. After you get it right. Mark the mic connectors with colored tape. Problem solved! I have a half-helmet with the speakers in the removable curtain. Removing them would cause this connection problem every time! Not any more!!!
  5. While on cycle trip, my mic mute is acting up. One day it works...the next it doesn't. When it does work, then it's been good for the day. when not working, neither ptt button has any affect...the mic is always live. I checked all connections under seat but don't have tools or desire to split fairing while on the road. Anyone ever had weird problem witn them before?
  6. Ok, looking for a little help. 2012 RSV, everyone says they can't hear me well on the CB. They say it sounds like I'm whispering. Changed out the factory head gear and mic and replaced with J&M top of the line unit, no change. Changed out the antennas (Marshall Mod), no change. I can find no way to adjust the mic gain. Any ideas???? Don't know what to check next. Thanks. John
  7. Trying to make an adapter to use Harley Headsets on my bike but I need to know what the voltage is for the mic preamp in the Harley headset. Anyone know this or willing to check pins one and four on their late model Harley for me?
  8. SO I have kind of been studyin up on the Mic mute thing. I ran across an item on another fourm that is simply a in line mic mute. Made for the GW it says its a 5 pin connection. Looking around I have found them for $50. Wonder if I need one or two? Do they work? We have the high white noise static sound plus engine buzz. And I think because I have to run the IC volume so high it causes the aux MP3 player to not have as good of sound either. Sort of makes it "tinney" sounding. So far have only found one company that makes these jobs though. http://imcmoto.com/honda-goldwing-passenger-mic-mute-and-volume-control.html# http://imcmoto.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/800x600/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/g/p/gpms_goldwing_volume_controller_copy.jpg Oops sorry for second gen if I didnt have that mentioned.
  9. My RSV has had a backfiring problem, since I went from aftermarket back to stock pipes. It has been my number one priority to resolve this issue. Well, my sync tool came in yesterday and I synchronized the carbs. What an easy job! They were way out of adjustment. I rode the bike to work this morning with NO Backfires! Unbelievable! On to the next project... When I bought my 2000 RSV three weeks ago, the helmet speakers and mic booms and cords were in a bag and the guy said he never used them. When I inspected them, they were majorly dry rotted. (must have been stored in a hot garage.) So, I would like to buy new helmet speakers and mic booms and associated wiring and a couple of helmets that this equipment would fit comfortably in. Can you guys point me in the right direction? Thank you, kindly... dana
  10. While coming back from Cody with a stator that was putting out a charge I could finally turn on the CB to listen via the dash speakers since I didn't have a helmet with wired up with J&M's. I could hear everything Vic said thru the dash speakers, and I could reply... 1 click=yes, 2 clicks= no, and 3 or more clicks= did you see that set of....?? Now I'm thinking about cutting off the speakers of the headset, and just wiring in the mic. Think it might work to transmit only?? I have the room to mount the mic, it's those thick speakers that are a PITA. Beside I hardly ever listen to audio anyway... Whatcha think??
  11. I originally posted this on one of the Goldwing sites and got no response. For the last few weeks I've been trying to get my telephone synched up to work through the Zumo like I had it on the RSV. When I connect the mic splitter I get a lot of noise that sounds like alternator whine and I really don't know what to try next. The noise is coming through the mic circuit. Without the intercom on I don't hear it on the bike but the person on the other end of phone call does. I could live with that. However, when the IC is turned on the noise is unbearable. So far I have checked all connections and grounds. I replaced the noise isolator on the AUX input. I've tried both an MP3 and Edsets mic splitter. I tried unplugging the mic from the GPS but the noise is still there on the IC. If I take the mic splitter out there is no noise on the IC. I have the Honda rear passenger controller which gives you a filter that is plugged into the mic circuit. I've tried with and without it and there is no difference. I can increase or reduce the noise by moving the wires around but I can never eliminate it. Would a torroid magnet on of the wires help? Is there anything else I can try? Thanks for any help, Dennis
  12. ken

    CB Mic help.

    Just picked up a Astatic 636L noise canceling hand held mic. This mic is 4 pin so I also got the 5 pin din adaptor to go with it. Well, I tried it out and all I get is feed back through the mic. I have an older sears 5 pin that work sso the problems has to be in the wiring in the mic, I think? Does any one know what I need to do to correct the problem?
  13. Does anyone have a 4 pin CB mic they can try on thier bike and see if it works? I want to get a power mic, but most are 4 pin and the price goes way up to get them rewired to 5 pin. I'm thinking the 4 pin will work but I'm not sure.
  14. What do you think of this mute mic? Is this the same one that guy on our website sells? http://www.mic-mutes.com/Home_Page.html Hal http://mail.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/14.gif
  15. ken

    CB mic?

    Has anyone ever tried installing a CB mic. If so did you have any problems?
  16. Anybody had any experience with these? I have bought 2 pairs of used headsets in the past...both were junk! Don't want to throw away any more money. [ame=http://cgi.ebay.ca/Yamaha-Venture-Royale-DYNAMIC-MIC-HEADSET-/350215499880?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item518a787068]Yamaha Venture Royale DYNAMIC MIC HEADSET on eBay.ca (item 350215499880 end time 10-Jan-11 08:21:24 EST)[/ame] after shipping it would be about $100 each set
  17. I am looking for a junk headset that someone may want to part with. I need the mic from one that goes in an open face helmet. I have a new Elite series 584 for a full face and the mic is just a wire so I need to have the boom mic so I can attach it to it for an open face. Hope this all makes sense.
  18. Hi All Im looking for 2 ea mic and headsets for my 83 VR. Just woundering if anyone has two sets they dont need anymore. Bull463
  19. My Bike, being an 83 Standard, did not have the factory intercom or CB, and I picked up an Autocom Active Duo system last year from a friend who hardly ever used it. The intercom works flawlessly, and as well as connecting the MP3 player and cell phone, with seamless VOX operation for both driver and passenger. The Autocom has an additional Aux 4 connection for bike-to-bike communication, primarily for CB or other radio. The standard VOX operation applies to the CB as well, which is a bit of a pain, as the driver and passenger would be merrily sharing their conversation with everyone within CB range. Acknowledging in hindsight that this may be inconvenient, Autocom offered optional Push to Talk (PTT) cables for a fee. Long story short – as I have used it so far, my system works wonderfully and I am very happy with it, but I would now like to connect a CB for bike-to-bike... primarily so Marcarl can let me know when the next coffee/ice cream stop is coming up. The crux is that Autocom seems to have temporarily suspended business while new ownership takes over and their days of creating custom cables tailored to the specific CB (or other) radio you wish to connect to are over. However, how hard can it be ? I have the pinouts for the Aux 4 connection from the Autocom system, and I have the pinouts from the mic connection from the Uniden 510XL CB that I wish to use. The Uniden uses the mic button to switch the radio from “Receive” to “Transmit”, so I am thinking I need a Double Pole, Double Throw Push button to select between the two (using the COMMON or Screen), with Receive being the Normal position. The VOX on the Autocom should take care of providing the input from my headset to the MIC OUT pin which needs to go to the MIC pin on the CB. The CB has a connection for an external speaker at the rear... a 2.5 mm jack, which I need to connect to the SPEAKER IN on the Autocom. Can I do this ? At first glance, 2 output wires cannot both go to one pin. However, if one is a common or ground, then I only need to determine the hot wire, and connect it to the SPEAKER IN, correct ? Secondly, if the output of the CB through that jack is 7 watts, is there anything I can do to limit that so that the Autocom system does not get overloaded ? Sorry for not providing a wiring diagram but electrical drawings are not my forte... I can usually read them, but creating them is a whole other issue. Any input/advice would be greatly welcomed.
  20. I know that the intercom is always hot, which means lots of road noise. Have just gotten some headsets and am really surprised how loud the wind/road noise is. Did some searches and see several possible remedies: A solution often proposed is the "mic mute" or similar product that mutes the mic until rider or passenger activates the microphones. Well and good, and seems to be well reviewed. But it seems to me that when the mic is on the issue of road and wind noise is still there. Another option would be helmet headsets that have noise canceling microphones. How well do these work and in fact, do they work to keep the background noise down? Or is that only when someone is actually talking? Finally, what about voice activated headsets? How well do they work? If the sensitivity is set to prevent the road noise do the people speaking have to shout in order to trigger the VOX? Lots of questions I know, but wonder what people think or have actually tried. Thanks in advance.
  21. Rode to Jacksonville yesterday. First time using intercom since getting new fairing under warranty and I also have the mic mute. Everytime I hit a bump in the road the intercom would activate. I would have to hit the ptt button to disengage the intercom. Also with the mic mute you hit the ptt button once and the intercom in engaged until you hit the ptt button again to disengage it but now you have to hold the ptt button continously until you are finished talking and then release the ptt button to disengage. What's up with dat? While the dealer had the bike installing the new fairing I asked him to put dielectric grease on all the connections while they had the fairing off. Is is possible they reconnected the mic mute in the wrong connector and caused this are is something else going on? Thanks for your suggestions. Also, thanks Ruffy for the m & e in Jacksonville. Food was excellent.
  22. Is anyone having any trouble with their Zumo motorcycle cradle. Last summer I started having trouble with a lot of noise during phone calls. Mainly the noise was with the party on the other end of the call. They were picking up a lot of noise as I would accelerate. By accident I found that if I wiggled the mic cable at the cradle connector I could influence the noise. Make it better or worse. The problem continued after I changed bikes. I checked the mic jack and it seemed fine. So I concluded that the connector in the cradle must be bad. I called Garmin with a warranty claim and they sent me a new cradle. I installed it today and everything is fine again. I researched this a bit on www.zumoforums.com and I found several complaints about the connectors on the cradle. Mainly dealing with the 3.5mm audio out connection. Garmin was good about replacing the cradle. I just worry now about what happens after warranty. This may be a weak design point. Dennis
  23. anybody install m/m on a 1stgen , got a new j&m headset and i hate all the noise , i would like to turn off the vox and use ptt , anybody know if i can turn down the mic ? Thom
  24. Art708

    CB Radio

    I noticed that inside the black plastic box that protects the CB that there is a gray 1/4" (I think) plug that's not being used. Is this where a microphone could be plugged in instead of having to use the headset mic? I want to use a handheld mic for times when I don't wear my full face with mic and speakers. Thanks......
  25. Ok here goes... The Garmin site says that the 785T is compatible with an external mic. Does anyone here have one they can look at for me? How about the Ram Mount bracket? What I want to know is Where is the mic input? Unit or Cradle? If it is in the cradle does the Ram Mount cradle have it as well? I really want to be able to use my phone if necessary and cannot justify $700 for the Zumo 550. The 785T has all the features I want for $300 and I can bag it if it looks like rain. Any input here is welcome.... and appreciated.. Wayne OR does anyone want to sell me a Zumo 550 for $400 or less??
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