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  1. My brother is planning a trip to Guadalahara Mexico on his motorcycle. I've heard horror stories of motorcyclists getting their bikes stolen or taken away, mugged and any number of other consequences from riding across the border. I just wanted to get some feedback from some of you guys with firsthand knowledge or a safe way to travel in Mexico on a motorcycle in particular.
  2. Sailor


    Just got back from Mexico. Before I left I posted info about a flyer I got with my airline ticket about not taking U.S. cash to Mexico. I now have more information. Please do not shoot the messenger. I am just passing on the info I was given. When we arrived at the hotel they informed us that the Mexican government is very concerned about the amount of U.S. cash in Mexico. Between tourism and drugs it has affected the value of the Peso. The Mexican government is PROPOSING to order banks not to accept American cash. This will not affect credit or debit cards but businesses will no longer take U.S. cash. This will do two things...1. strengthen the Peso and 2. All those drug lords with untold millions in American cash will be stuck with worthless paper. Another thing they PROPOSE to do is tighten up their border to cut down on all the guns being smuggled into Mexico from the U.S. I do not know if they will actually do these things. While we were there the business owners told us that tourism has changed a lot there. Only 3% of the tourists are now from the U.S. while 46% are from Canada with the rest being from Europe. They will still accept Canadian cash.
  3. An interesting story I just read regarding Canadian tourists in Mexico... http://news.ca.msn.com/top-stories/reality-check-how-dangerous-is-mexico-for-canadian-tourists-1
  4. FYI Anyone going to Mexico. Just got our tickets to Mexico. Included was an advisory that hotels and businesses may refuse to accept American cash. They will accept credit cards. We are advised to carry Canadian dollars, Pesos or credit cards.
  5. My Wife and I are taking another cruise in January and we are taking our 20 year old daughter and her best friend with us this time. Anyway we got to talking and was wondering if people on here would be interested in a "Venturerider.org" cruise? For those that haven't been on a cruise you will either love them or hate them. This will be our 5th cruise in the last 10 years so needless to say we enjoy them. A cruise is really cheap considering what you get. I can put a cruise together leaving from either New Orleans, Tampa, or Cape Canaveral going to a couple of different places for about $675 per couple. This does not include transportation to the port the ship leaves from. These are 5 days cruises and would go to Grand Cayman Islands, Cozumel, Mexico, Progresso, Mexico or a combination of them. Anyway just thought I'd throw this out in case people would want to try and do something. I would do all the leg work and get us the best deals and set everything up. Leave your thoughts and we can move forward from here. Rick
  6. My brother just graduated with a masters in history. He is moving tonight or tomorrow to go to New Mexico. Him and his wife have done some searching and apparently there is a need for teaching jobs in New Mexico. Can anyone from New Mexico or surrounding states comment? Maybe for some sort of specialized field? I hope the best for my brother but considering the economy and schools around Indy are laying off instead of hiring I have my doubts
  7. Leaving this glacier on Saturday 1-22-11 for Playa Del Carmen Mexico, an thinking about renting a motorcycle for a day, looks like all that is aviailable is the H-----s @ about 200.00 bucks for 24 hours, I am wandering if anyone here as ever rented a motorcycle in Mexico, what insurance costs might be an/or other info that may help full. 2 1/2 months already since the roads have been iced over I am ready for a ride Thanks in advance John
  8. Just wondering if anyone is planning to attend this rally here in New Mexico? it would be cool to meet some of you!
  9. I notice that most of the profiles have a small USA map posted with various states colored in. I asume this is to show either 1) states visited or 2) states visited by motorcycle. Let me know which it is, and how I can post my own. I've been in every state in the Union, and most by motorcycle, and some places in Canada and Mexico. Thanks for the assist.
  10. Thinking of selling out and maybe head to new Mexico in the next year or so... any good locations, sugestions??
  11. i have a garmin 265wt...i loaded what is supposed to be a rt 66 map....all that shows up in the gps are POI's..for example ...n101..n stands for new mexico.....so, to make the gps follow rt 66...do i have to put every POI in as a "via" point...
  12. This was a picture of my wife and I last year on vacation at fossill rim , on our way to Albeque Ballon festivle in New Mexico .
  13. A friend is heading to the west coast from Ohio and was told that route 40 thru New Mexico and Arizona is heavily grooved from semi's. Anybody in that area have current info ? Thanks
  14. Ruthy and I just got back from a vacation in Mazatlan Mexico. Thought I would share some pictures. [ame=http://www.flickr.com/photos/71257533@N00/sets/72157623310925875/show/]Mazatlan 2010@@AMEPARAM@@offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=%2Fphotos%2F71257533%40N00%2Fsets%2F72157623310925875%2Fshow%2F&page_show_back_url=%2Fphotos%2F71257533%40N00%2Fsets%2F72157623310925875%2F&set_id=72157623310925875&jump_to=@@AMEPARAM@@en-us@@AMEPARAM@@%2Fphotos%2F71257533%40N00%2Fsets%2F72157623310925875%2Fshow%2F&page_show_back_url=%2Fphotos%2F71257533%40N00%2Fsets%2F72157623310925875%2F&set_id=72157623310925875&jump_to=[/ame] Oh how I wished I could have had the bike down there with me!
  15. You can just call me Grandpa now! My son, Jantzen, who is in the Air Force and based in New Mexico, is currently serving in Afghanistan. His wife is also in the Air Force and still in New Mexico. They had a son (my first grandchild) yesterday.
  16. THINKING OUT LOUD. We're thinking about putting together a ride from Tucson down to Mazatlan Ferry over to La Paz and do a circle around Cabo up to Santa Rosalia over to Guaymas and back to Tucson some time in Feb/ March. Trip should be a 2 weeks Great cheap hotels, excellent and uncrowded roads with plenty of thing to do and see with the friendliest people on earth. Come and go as you please the beaches and warmth of the sun are second to none. Camping is also a great option. Let me know. I am gone into the desert until after Christmas. Mull it over. Toughest part is making the decision to go for it. Remember all the gossip you've heard about Mexico is just except for those that love to gossip. Nevada Max:santa:
  17. Anyone been to Mexico ? What do you need to enter/leave ?.... besides a gun ! and passport . Cb
  18. Restaurant Reviews
  19. Headed for Colorado in the morning. Going to get an early start and leave about 6:00am. Meeting 2 other couples and are headed west. Plan on staying over at Norton KS. Saturday night and on to Colorado Springs on Sunday. After that down to New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and back to Missouri. Should be a fun trip, hope to take lots of pictures. So if you see someone on a charcoal gray Venture "I'm not lost, just not sure where I'm going" and I'm not late.
  20. Many of you may remember my story from New Mexico on the way home from Sturgis titled "May Pop Metzler in New Mexico". In that story I was forced to mount a Dunlop Harley Davidson used rear tire in Tucumcari, New Mexico to replace a fairly new Metzler that sudden showed thread all the way around the tire on a long lonely New Mexico highway. Well that was last August and about ten thousand miles ago, when I was fortunate enough to find a used tire with some tread on it that was the only fitting motorcycle tire within hundreds of miles of my location. Back then in New Mexico I paid $20 for the used tire and $6 to have it mounted and ballanced on the wheel. I had to remove and reinstall the wheel. Yesterday I removed the wheel again to replace that tire because once again I have thread showing. I got all the goody out of this tire too (10,000 miles). I'm amazed how much Goody, In fact I got more mileage out of that used HD Dunlap then I've ever gotten out of any new tire I ever purchased except the free front Metzler I'm still running that I got in Daytona 2008 (12,000 miles). $26.00= 10,000 miles rear tire life. Not bad
  21. Any down side to starting up in first gear assuming you have the clutch in. Thanks From Mexico Nevada Max
  22. Just got back from a six day trip to Mexico with a friend. For all my fellow Canuks, that white stuff on the ground is sand, not snow...LOL
  23. I just saw a Venture Royale with New Mexico plates going through downtown Washington Court House, Ohio. The driver was wearing a New Mexico Riders Jacket. If you are a member I just wanted to say Hi and welcome to Ohio. Nice looking Royale.
  24. I had planned on making my trip to Sturgis an adventure to remember, and I weren't lying. I've been on the road since 7/29 and since leaving home I've covered 5051 miles which lands me in Las Vegas, New Mexico at this time. Trying to get reliable internet access on the road has been near impossible so I have not been able to describe what has happened on this trip so far. There is so much to tell I don't know where to start and I'm sure it all can't be covered in one post so I'll have to tell ya'll this story in installments. Trying to summerize will be fruitless. Each day has been a minute to minute amazing , wonderfull, overwhelming, adventurouse journey. I have seen so much that I'm am sure that a book will be the end result of this trip. When posting before leaving on this trip many of you asked for pictures, so there are hundreds of those. In addition there is about thirty hours of video. A notebook full of hand written notes. Dozens of interesting people with stories of thier own. Places full of magic, beauty indescribable, history of our country's past. I only hope that I can be articulate enough to describe the range of emotions I have experienced in such a way to stir your emotions the way mine have been. I suppose the best way to cover the whole trip will probably best be segmented by each day or by each state that I've covered. So far on this trip I have visited 14 states, (in order visited): Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinoise, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Colorada, New Mexico.... To date Before I get back home to Atlanta I will add Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama to the above list. Although starting with yesterdays travels (New Mexico) Is kinda starting in the middle of the trip, yesterday was a prime example of what an adventure each day has been. So I'm gonna cover yesterday as a teaser to peak ya'lls interest. 8/20/08 New Mexico Part 1 I started the day in Trinidad, Colorado with housekeeping banging on my motel room door telling me that I have worn out my welcome by still being there after check out time.A condition that has been repeated each time I opted for a room rather than sleeping out under the stars. When I do finally drag up my gear and reload the bike, do my morning safety check, grab a cup of coffee, gas up and hit the road I start todays ride on I-25 heading south into New Mexico. By this time I had told myself and others waiting on my return in Atlanta that I was definetly on the way home by the shortest and most direct route possible. But as soon as I crossed the state line it became obviouse that I had lied once again. You see I had said the same thing in SD, WY, ID, UT and CO. The problem has been that the road atlas I have been using have these green dots along side certain roadways that indicate a scenic route and these green dotted roads almost never seem to be heading in the general direction of Atlanta. I had planned to cross into NM for a short distance and pick up 64/87 heading in a southeasternly direction toward Amarillo, TX. But when I got to that point I noticed on the map that there was a longer green dotted road going in a south westernly direction headed toward Sante Fe marked the Santa Fe Trail. So off I go following the Sante Fe Trail. Mostly because I had heard of the Sante Fe Trail before and had never seen it, but, I had never heard of 64/87. After all this route will only detour me by a few hundred miles from what I could tell looking on the map. The first part of that route was wide flat priarie on both sides of the road with high Rocky mountains on the horizon on both sides. Even though the road was long, straight and flat the monotany was broken up by sitings of herds of Antelope, deer and an occasional Elk. Until I come across this large mission style building sitting off the in distance off the road with this huge front entrance sign which read NRA Whittington Center. So I turn in and proceed down the long driveway lined with flags to see what this is all about. It turned out the structure was the new National Rifle Association facilty that included a firearms museam, gift shop and museam of the NRA. So I spent some time looking around. Turns out that this new facility was located out in the middle of 36,000 acreas owned by the NRA devoted to the shooting sports where they offered guided hunts and all manner of shooting ranges and competition settings for every type of caliber and shooting skills and sports. See pictures below. From there, I soon found myself entering the mountains into an area called the Cimarron Canyon where the Cimarron river follows the twisties, switchbacks and clover leafs that snake through the rock cliffs and hugh rock formations. It was quite a beautifull ride even though there seemed to be thunder and lightning storms all aroiund me except for the sunny patch that followed me all the way through the canyon. Evidently I'm limited on how many photos I can include in one post and I need to get some sleep before housekeeping kicks me out again so I'm gonna post the rest of NM later. But, to keep your interest I will tell you that NM part 2 will include the National Vietnam War Memorial in Angel Fire, NM Being detained by the NM State Police as part of a murder investigation and Madrais, NM where the movie Wild Hogs was filmed.
  25. I'm back home now in Atlanta safe and sound after riding into the remnants of hurricane Faye's rain from Birmingham all the way to Atlanta. The last part of the trip I was trying to complete the Saddlesore 1000 from Amarillo to Atlanta. Which I will cover under a different post. But, I still needed to finish telling y'all the rest of the New Mexico portion of the trip which be covered in three parts. This part being # 2 which will cover from the Cimarron Canyon to Las Vegas, NM. Which was one of the most interesting parts of the trip. Leaving the Cimarron Canyon I reach a place called Eagles Nest. Where Eagles Nest Lake is. Supposedly the best Trout fishing in New Mexico but I'll never know because my fishing pole blew off the trailer somewhere in Tennessee. But I know it sure was windy all the way to Angel Fire. NM where I toured the National Vietnam War Memorial. I spent some time there and was sincerely moved by the exhibits and the movie presentation of the Vietnam Years both in country and stateside. Vietnam was the war of my generation and the images depicted brought back quite a few poignant memories. After Angel Fire as I'm entering Taos, NM I stop to check the map. While stopped I decide to answer Nature's call so I step off the road and into the woods and walk down this incline about 15 yards where I reach this creek culvert where I stand to add to the water flow of the creek. As I'm finishing up I look over to my left, and notice something strange down in the creek. It appeared to be some bones sticking out from under some clothing. The clothing appeared to be some sort of jacket. Now if it were just bones I would just assume it was some deer or animal carcuss but since it looked liked it was wearing clothes and I had never seen any wild animals wearing clothes in this sort of setting my next guess was that it was the bones of a person not an animal. Not knowing exactly what to do at that point, I decided that I probably should not get any closer to it so that I don't get totally grossed out or disrupt a crime scene should it be one. So I take a picture of it and climb back up the hill and get on my bike and ride on into town. As it turns out I find a New Mexico State Police office about two miles down the road so I stop to make sure I can ride off with my conscience being clear. So I pull in to report it. One of the Officers followed me back up the road to where I had pulled off and I lead him down the hill to the exact spot on the culvert where I first saw the bones. He evidently saw the same thing that I had seen because he immediatly gets on the radio and calls for a Supervisor and back up. While I was wondering why he needed back-up I slowly backed-up the hill. Turned out he needed a Supervisor to make a decision on what to do next and back-up for a third opinion on if it was a crime scene or not.So by the time the third, fourth and fifth cop car showed up and all of the officers had a chance to walk down the hill and stand where I first stood. They all had decided that it was very suspicious and maybe they should call for the criminal investigators to come secure the scene. It was at that point that they politely asked me if I wouldn't mind waiting to tell the criminal investigators How I happened to stumble over this exact spot all the way from Georgia by way of South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, and Colorado to this exact spot in New Mexico. One of them did suggest in somewhat of a joking way, I wasn't laughing, that they did have handcuffs and I could be REQUIRED to sit in the back of one of the cop cars until the investigators arrived. Seeing the futility of refusing their invitation I graciously accepted. I did however agree to sit in the back seat of one of the cars when it started raining only under the conditions that they would leave the door open and I could leave one leg out with one foot on the ground. I stayed there only as long as it rained and used the excuse that I wanted to take a picture of the double rainbow as a ploy to escape from the car. So five hours later after everyone arrived and stood on the spot on the culvert and then the ones dressed in suits got to get down in the water a drag it out of the water since they were they ones that got paid the big bucks to do that sort of thing. I was set free to go my merry way. I could have stayed there and camped out but some of the officers had been talking about the big mountain lion that had been seen in the area and if this could possibly be a cougar kill. That seemed somewhat unlikely to me since by now they all had agree that the clothing I first saw now appearred to be a large sack tied up with rope. But, to be on the safe side I opted to ride off into the night and find a safe motel well away from any wild animal danger. Which I did some hours later in Las Vegas, NM.
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