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  1. I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We have our daughter, son in law and granddaughter staying with us until New Years Day, so I do not get on here much. Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the things that everyone on this site does all year long. I know you are all aware of what a unique website this is. I especially want to wish Freebird and his family a Merry Christmas. This site has made a very big difference in our enjoyment of motorcycling. We have met so many people, we would have never had the pleasure of meeting anywhere else. God Bless you all. Have a safe New Year riding on your bikes. Yama Mama
  2. Today I finally met my first VR member. I have been receiving very nice PM and thread replies from a lot of you. Want to thank Steve K. Aka M61A1MECH for taking the time after his bike run to meet with me in his old stomping rounds of spring hill. A couple of things. First off his bike looks awesome, has a lot of nice add ons and modifications. More importantly was his personable, friendly demeanor. He was eager to answer all my newbie questions and add his vast knowledge on things I would have never guessed. I asked him to ride the bike and give me a feel. Came back and was happy as a clam with my bikes handling. After the holidays I am headed his way on the other side of the state to have him help me w a cool light bar set up. Over all I have not had one bad experience dealing w anyone on this forum and wanted to let you know I appreciate it since I feel like I am running a marathon with my shoes tied together and my eyes closed. If anyone has any questions regarding lights /LEDs etc, trying reaching out to him. He has some good ideas. It's nice to be surrounded by people who are genuine and not Butt heads Barry
  3. I know, I'm not the first one, or be the last to gripe about cagers that just got to squeeze you out of your lane or just get too danged close while trying to pass on the road. It's disturbing and it's all too often. But wait! There is a product out there that will help deter those who like to run snug against you. Maybe not stop 'em but at least a reminder to them that you have met. Well in our minds anyway. But I want a couple. (Yep, I had one of those days on the Interstate again. The old Snag was showing his teeth today) http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=14&products_id=55&zenid=bvh4343hbvggs4oall8vdu9i04 Mike
  4. I wish to have prayers sent for a friend named Eric Workman. He is a State Trooper in West Virginia that was shot in an altercation that left another officer dead. Eric is in intensive care with a gunshot wound to the head. I am a former police officer and this hits close. I know Eric from trout fishing in WV. He was a member of our group that met every April. I really do not know what to say other than Godspeed my friend and I hope for your recovery.
  5. I would like to give everybody that attended the WNY International a GREAT big thank you for making it special. This was mine and Steamers (Bob) 1st one and I am sure it is not gonna be our last. We met some really great people. The WNY people put things together that we thought you would enjoy and we hope you did. And for all those people that I had HOT SEX with, it was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!
  6. a1bummer


    I'm stuck sharing a room with IHTruck Guy and his wife!!! Buy the way, it was an awesome ride today on the Cancer Schmancer run fo Liz. Met lots of great people and life long friends. Picture to come later... Bill
  7. Went to dealer in New Castle Pa. today met a fellow going in for parts to fix his new to him 99 venture gave him web site address he sounded interested in looking here
  8. On my way to Sudbury to deliver a load,I got held up and was able to spend Monday nite with Hal and Gayle......Then I got ahold of Charlie and met him for coffee....... Always good to see my Canadian friends.... And Rhonda,I'll see ya next time when Brad's in Milwaukee:whistling:..........lmao
  9. I met bongobob and his wife today on there way down to go on a cruise. It is always nice to put a face with names of the Venturerider family and I hope to meet more of you.I should have taken pics but it wasn't on a post- it note so I forgot.... Tom
  10. Rick & Marilyn and kids stayed with us for a few days for shopping and fun. We had a great visit and dinner, We talked of the great people we have met on this site and the good rides we have had with the people we have met here. How much the people we have met on this site mean to us and the Pork in the Pines. It was sad for them to have to go back to Canada so quickly. They could have stayed for another week. We mis hearing A-BOOT and EH (lol). Now it is our turn to go to Canada, hope your trip back is a safe one………….Ron
  11. Haven't' seen her smile like that since........................since ah well ah since she met me:rotf::rotf:
  12. This question was asked a few months ago...... Now I personally have drawn hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of knowledge from this board not to mention dang good entertainment and camaraderie. the purpose of this post is that I just used a how to about fixing an e-4/e-1 code on the class system. followed Freebirds instructions reassembled and it now works perfect!!! Don't mind telling ya'll I feel a little proud of myself. soldering gun 5.86 solder 2.00 fixing it myself... priceless (with alot of help from friends I,ve never met) Thanks, Allen
  13. I was just talking to Tricia about Tuff Toms Trailer and it got me to wondering.......Do you suppose there are any trial members who have followed what went on with Tom's accident and how so many members stepped up to help him out in his time of need and still think the $12 a year membership isn't worth it? Most everyone who helped out had either just met Tom a couple of days earlier or had not even met him but yet everyone helped out. Just the words of encouragement were big when you are so far away from home and no family. I for one hope I never have this happen to me but I assure you I feel just a little more comfortable knowing that I am not alone no matter where I may travel. There will always be the people from this board willing to step up and help just because they care. Twelve Dollars, is it worth it ............................Just ask Tuff Tom
  14. Hello Everyone: I was surprised this morning when I met an oncoming silver venture pulling a
  15. Bought without wife's knowledge. Wife upset with me. I know-- I'll tell her Monty made me do it. After all, he and Angel were tent camping when we met them. He has a camper now. Dog gave his appoval. Wife took a nap in it. All is good again. Its a 2004 Aspen Classic--screen room--elec. brakes
  16. Met a fellow at a station along I-85 this morning while getting a soda. He was riding a 2001 Venture. Struck up a conversation and he is a member here. His handle is Pick and he lives in Georgia. I told him I would give a shout out on the site.
  17. I met a girl in the park the other evening. There was an instant spark between us and she immediately dropped to her knees and laid on the grass at my feet. As we lay making love, I thought "These taser guns are well worth the money". Boomer.....who wonders how long he's gonna be banned from the Forum.
  18. Now as a guy I find a need for a "Special" type of card on certian holidays. They just ain't out there. Hallmark don't have the kind of stuff to show how I feel. "I've always wanted to have someone to hold, someone to love. After having met you, I've changed my mind." "I must admit, you brought religion into my life. I never believed in Hell till I met you." "Looking back over the years that we've been together, I can't help but wonder: What the heck was I thinking?" "As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am that you're not here to ruin it for me." "If I get only one thing for Christmas, I hope it's your sister." "As I grow older, I think of all the gifts you've given me. Like the need for therapy..." "Thanks for being a part of my life! I never knew what evil was before this!" "Money is tight, times are hard, here's your freaking Christmas card!!!" "Someday I hope to get married, just not to you." "I just want you to know that I'm sorry for what happened, especially since you survived." "Happy Birthday! You look great for your age... Almost Lifelike!" "Congratulations on getting married! It's not every day you decide to ruin your life!" "I always wanted to be rich, powerful, and well respected. While I'm dreaming, I wish you weren't so damn ugly." "Congratulations on your wedding day! Too bad nobody likes your wife…" "I'm so miserable without you; it's almost as if you were here."
  19. Just got back from Bongobobbys meet and eat at the Hearth restaurant...My son and his girlfriend met us there and met my friends for the first time....We had a great meal and tons of laughs....when leaving my son came up to me and thanked me for the invitation and stated "YOU KNOW NONE OF YOU ARE RIGHT IN THE HEAD".......Ahhhhhh....its so nice that he thinks so highly of my friends...kind of reminds me of what I thought of his friends when he was a teenager... :rotf: :rotf:
  20. hey folks sorry it took so long. WE finally got home and after a fet Knap( Fat man knappin). I put some pics on the photobucket. Not sure what happened as a few of them copied twice but oh well. We had a great time and as always the hospitality of the sleeperhawks was priceless. From the very first time they met us we were treated as they knew us from birth. Thank you George and Bobbie. David http://s569.photobucket.com/albums/ss133/painterman6709/international%20MC%20show%20greenville%20sc%202011/
  21. fixing to buy some and i've heard alot of you say dont go back with the met go with the avon vennom. my local dealer said that he's had trobule getting the avon to balance,has anybody run into this problem? according to the laod limt u think that the met had the highest but may not be good for thr rsv.
  22. I was in greensburg Thursday around 530 pm and was at a gas america I think when I seen a raspberry and black 08 venture on a trailer. I watched to see who got in it but they got in the truck just as I met my kids so I didn't have a chance to say hi. I didn't know if it was anyone here?
  23. Met "Little Lizard" Raymond while riding the dragon last week. It's alway's good to meet another member. Nice guy.... Carl
  24. While speaking with a lifetime Harley Rider he told me the best thing about owning a Harley... You get to meet a lot of great tow truck drivers! (true story...of course i met him at work as he was on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck...)
  25. Riding today was pretty good. Met many bikes out on the road, But what caught my attention was the fact of who wasn't waving back. The ones on the GWs were the ones looking the other way, or just ignoring us alltogether. What's up with that. I know all GW riders as Not all HD riders are a__holes ,but why they want to look down there nose at us.Just really pisses me off when somebody passes judgement on me, thinking themselves better. We all ride two wheels, can't help it if I want to see my engine not plastic.:soapbox:Sorry I'll go back to my corner now.No offense to the GW riders on the site have met a few of you and like you all.
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