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  1. Our area at the Michigan meet&Eat at Maxie's will have it's own pool table. So I will have a trophy made up and we will have a single elimination pool tournament. Does NOT matter if you ever played before of not, smack them balls and see where they land. Winner gets a trophy and bragging rights. Now as far as letting me know who is attending or not. The only reason I wanted a number of people attending is for the special menu. Mike Abraham is a gourmet cook and I wanted some of his razzle dazzle specialize creations to tantalize your taste buds. BUT if the comment number is low I will have him make up a simple menu. Does not matter if you say you are attending of not, last minute attendees are welcome. Now I'm going all out on this to make it the best M&E I can so hope all you can make it. Hoping to make it an annual thing. See you all on the 15th....Karl:fatsmiley: Updates on Hotel rates soon.
  2. Here is the Menu for Thursday Night/Evening for those staying at my place and riding on to Big Bend Friday AM. 1. BBQ Beef Brisket 2. Baked potatoes 3.Salad 4.Pinto Beans 5.Tortillas 6. 5 cheese garlic bread 7. Peach Cobbler 8. Blue Bell Homemda Vanilla Ice Cream 9. All the coffee you can drink! 10. Frozen Margaritas 11. Sweet Ice Tea If you dont like any of this you better get a bite to eat before arriving..Be Safe ALL!!!
  3. Here is a program that I had posted about before the big crash and just wanted to put it here again. Although the site now has automatic image resizing for profile pics, avatars, and images posted in the threads, it is NOT a fool proof system. If your images are HUGE...there could be time out problems before the pic is resized. Also, auto resizing does not work in the vBPicGallery at this time. There are many programs out there for resizing images but if you use Windows XP...there are NONE easier than the one at the following link. Once you install this little program, all you have to do is open the folder where your pictures are saved, right click on the file name and choose "resize" from the context menu. A box will open up with options. The default option is 640 x 480 and that is the one you want to use. Just click "OK" and it will save your picture at the proper size and resolution to upload. It will NOT write over your original picture...it will save it as a new picture with the same file name except "small" at the end. This program will not create a new icon on your desktop or anywhere else...it will simply create a new link in the right click context menu. This is the ONLY thing I use now for resizing pictures. It is simple and very effective. So...just click on the following link. Scroll down until you see "Image Resizer" in the right menu, download and install. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/xp-downloads#2TC=powertoys
  4. :-( Thought I might get to go home today, but the cafeteria lady just brought around my menu selections for TOMORROW...... :crying::crying:
  5. OK folks...I guess it's time for me to update the VRAssitance list. If you are not on it and want to be or if your telephone number or services offered has changed, please get it updated over the next few days. To be added to, removed or update your information, simply click on UserCP in the upper menu bar and then "edit details" in the left menu. Scroll to the bottom to add or edit your information. Probably early next week, I will get it all together and create a new .pdf document and Excel file for those who wish to can download.
  6. Attached are front and rear scans of the menu at Quaker Steak & Lube for anyone interested in going Friday night from MD. Manager said they could accommodate us, I told him I would try to let him know Friday afternoon how many were coming. Try to leave Don's 7:00-7:30pm. Its about 30 minute ride from Don's. It's in Sheffield Village, not Oberlin,as post title would suggest. I added PDF file of menu scans, its a little more readable. Almost 2 meg size. Gary
  7. Stopped by the GDI restaurant 1/2 mile from my house tonight with DEBRA and DARRYL and guess what was on the menu.................................you guessed it..................... HOPPERS.. WHODA THUNK IT:think:........BEER BATTERED AND DEEP FRIED .....
  8. I received and have confirmed a big with the software update. The "Mark Forums Read" button in the Login Box at the top of the left side menu returns a security token error. I will find and correct the problem when I get the time. In the meantime, there is also a "Mark Forums Read" link in the Quick Links drop down menu on the right end of the upper menu bar. That one still works.
  9. Folks, I'm getting quiet a few PMS and emails asking when your memberships expire. Most of you can click on "UserCP" in the menu bar and then scroll down until you see "Paid Subscriptions" in the left menu. Click on that and it will tell you when your subscription expires. I THINK that only works for those of you who went through that link to pay. If you mailed your dues and I had to do it manually, I'm not sure it will display the dates. Those of you who got in close to the beginning of the process will be coming due primarily between the middle and end of April. Assuming that they system works correctly, you should get email notifications if you subscribed through that link. Renewals can be done at anytime you wish.
  10. We have a dedicated forum for the purpose of members sharing their favorite restaurants around the country. It is a bit confusing because it uses forms to keep them all formatted the same and many people have asked how to submit a review. There are two ways to do so. 1. There are two menu bars at the top of the forum. In the lower menu bar on the far right side just beside the link to Log Out is a link called "Quick Links". If you click on Quick Links, the last item in the menu that opens up is "Submit Restaurant". Just click on that and you will be taken to a page with the forms for each area. 2. On the home page of the forum there are blue bars that designate each forum. Watering Hole, Tech Talk areas, etc. The one for the restaurant section says "Member Restaurant Reviews" and just under that, still in the blue bar, is text that says "Click here to submit your favorite restaurants". That is the text you want to click on and it will take you to the same forms at the link under "Quick Links".
  11. I was made aware that the link to request a VR Award was not working. I found that if you used the link in the left menu, it worked OK but if you used the link in the menu bar at the top, it would not allow you to request and award. I have now resolved that problem. Thanks to all for the heads up.
  12. OK folks, I've added a couple of new features to the forum. Some of you may find them helpful. There was a request for a place to view the most popular threads over the past 7 days or so. If you are away from the site for a few days and want to see the most popular of what you have missed, there is now a way to do it. If you scroll to the bottom of the forum home page, there is a new section that shows the "Hottest" threads. If you click on the drop down menu that says "View More" in that section, you will get a more complete list. I have also added a new feature to the search menu. You will find a link there that will bring up your latest posts and/or threads that you started. This will make it easier to find a question that you have posted and/or a post that you have added. That's about it for me today. I'm at another hotel and the Internet service is awful. I will check out of here tomorrow morning and try to find one with better Internet.
  13. Thanks to all of you who have been busy submitting your favorite restaurants for the rest of us to enjoy. I've had several emails asking how you post to those forums. I have now added a link to the forum header for you to click on and be taken to the "forms" page. There is also a link under the "Quick Links" menu in the second menu bar at the top of the forum. So, just click on either of those links and then choose the form for the state or province where the restaurant is located.
  14. Guest

    no chat room link?

    Is the chat room gone? For whatever reason, its not showing up as a menu item anymore...or has it been moved?
  15. You may notice that I have been doing some work on the menu bars at the top of the page. The lower menu bar was getting pretty crowded while the upper bar was almost empty so I've moved some things around. So...if you think something is missing, just look around a bit and you should find it. For example, the link to the chat room is now in the upper menu bar on the right side beside the donate button. Really...I just did it to keep you all confused.
  16. For those of you who use the Mellow Yellow theme, just wanted to let you know that I do realize that it's a bit messed up right now. Double menu bars at the top are missing and the buttons and etc. are not correct for the theme. The reason is that I had to update the templates to solve a "security token" issue. I had to do it on all the themes but that is the only one that requires different settings and etc. for the buttons and etc. It will work fine as is and I will finish with the menu bars, graphics and etc. later this evening or tomorrow morning. Thank you for your patience.
  17. Folks, I get quiet a few email here from people who are trying to contact another member. For example, you post that you are looking for a part or have a part that somebody might need and a member clicks on your username to send you an email or PM and you have both turned off. Then I get an email asking me to contact that member and etc. and etc. Please check and make sure that there is a means for a member to contact you if necessary. If you don't want to be contacted then that is your right but I think there are some here who are doing it by accident. Just click on User CP in the menu bar above. Then in the left menu, click on "Edit Options" and you'll see settings for email and PMs. Please note, even if you elect to accept email from other members, your email address will not be publicly viewable. I have "safe" email set up so that it is done through the server without your address being shown. Same with PMs, it does not subject you to spam and etc. If you post something and a member tries to respond via PM or email and you have it turned off, there is really not much I can do. If you do indeed intend for it to be turned off, then I assume you don't want me giving it out either and I really don't want to be the messenger between members trying to work out a swap, sale, whatever. Thanks for your help with this.
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