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  1. Guest

    Look Ma, no hands!

    This guy must have some sort of clutch and throttle modifications....not to mention front brake... http://autos.yahoo.com/blogs/motoramic/no-hand-man-motorcyclist-attempting-hands-free-525-145903268.html
  2. 20 more days till the TKR surgery....... It's kinda hitting me hard right now. I must be nuts, but it needs to be done. No backing out at this point. It has taken way too much of a toll on my personal life these last few years. Missed too much stuff. Took its toll on the family and pets, not to mention riding.
  3. Dear Santa, This year I have been a very good girl. If you are not too busy I would like to tell you what I would like for Christmas. I really need my very own computer ...a white one (my husband kinda hogs this one). And....I don't know how you feel about jewelry...but I really like it.... Did I mention that I have been a very..very..good girl ? Thank You for your time.... P.S. please bring my husband a little something. He is very very handsome. Did I mention that I have been very good this year?
  4. Did I happen to mention I HATE SNOW?
  5. yep. 2nd is jerking and today...CLUNK!...sounds like somethings giving out. ive heard mention of this 2nd gear issue, but, whats the fix?
  6. I'm still here!!! No Internet for three days!! How many were celebrating??? Thought you got rid of me didn't you!!! "Former" contractor chopped wires that go to phone and Sat wires. When it rained and it ran down the wires everything went out!! Phone went out,Internet went out and TV went out!!! What did we ever do before these things. I ain't telling how the Warden and I passed all that time with it cold and raining outside.... But I'm Still Here!!! Did I mention she cheats at cards???
  7. NO NO I wouldn't let her get away that easy!! The Warden,sister and neice are headed to Virginia Beach for a few days. Although I have left plenty of times back in the day chasing construction jobs, now going to Meets & Eats and things this is 1st!! She has never gone away without me!! I'm SCARED!!Hope she has a great time. They just wanted to do something togather and here it is. Did I mention I'm scared??Big Bad World out there and I won't be there to watch for her. And I got to FEED MYSELF!!! And fetch thingsand....Did I mention I'm scared?? I know she will sneak and read this and I hope you have a GREAT time Honey!! Just don't forget where I live. PLEASE!! OK PARTY TIME!!!:rotfl:
  8. 336 online & 88 of those members right now. You guys need to quit lurking out there and spend the buck a month it costs to come on here and be abused. Some of these fellows on here are sorta good at it. Plus a few of us can actually be helpful, sometimes. Not to mention, the boss wants to buy a can-am. Traitor. Gary
  9. Yes that's right front master cylender went leeked brake fluid on right side pocket lid so im setting around 80 miles north of dealer called them and they have some one fly in the new parts for tomarrow so I will have to drive it there hauling the trailer in the AM. Oh did I mention my phone took a dump to. Called them yesterday FED-X should be here any time with my tenth yes that's right # ten. Droid sucks phone:doh: Dray
  10. Hubby and I were considering riding up to visit his parents in Young Harris. Called them to let them know when we'd ride up. His Dad said not to take the bike, the roads are washing out and in places icing up. Also mentioned there's sleet warnings daily. It seems odd weather for NE GA this time of year and I was wondering have any of you heard the same? I should mention if we took the bike we'd take the back roads up to Helen then Hiawassee, no going through Atlanta for us on the bike. We were going to make this our practice trip run before committing to Vogel since we are new to this.
  11. Because I am the Chairman for the Motorcycle event and a big fan of VENTURERIDER you all get first hand knowledge of what’s going on and before this event hits the Nation wide Media blitz on May 15th and the hotel prices go up then get scarce. So if you’re going to make it to Las Vegas for this event book early. Some of the entertainment for this event are Carrie Underwood and Kid Rock are slated to perform. Just too mention a couple. The party after the ride will be big Ladies and Gentlemen. As Mentioned before September 11, 2011 marks the 10th year anniversary of the tragic events that fell upon our nation. To honor all that have been affected, I am proud to announce a spectacular memorial, "A Decade of Remembrance September 11, 2001-2011. A three day event that will link east coast to west coast via multiple media. This is expected to be one of the largest events to ever occur in Las Vegas. Here are some of the events that are going to take place over the 3 day event. 9-9-11 opening ceremonies with car show in the historic down town Las Vegas. 9-10-11 Motorcycle run down the Las Vegas strip to Russell then to highway 15 back to Las Vegas Motor speedway for a really big party. A 9.11k race and 1 mile fun walk. There is also a 91.1 k bicycle ride and Horses for Heroes Family day. On the 11th of September Heroes Processional then a Gala event on the evening of 9-11-2011 and not to mention all of the memorabilia that is being made such as coins, cups, t-shirts. pins just to mention a few. So I hope you will attend at least the west coasters the east coasters can hit NEW YORK....................Ron http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/184917_168905709823185_159022570811499_341940_3131757_n.jpg
  12. I put the bike up on the lift to do an oil change and noticed staining around and below the weep hole on the water pump. I've read a few threads that mention replacing the impeller with a metal one. Can someone point me to a supplier that carries the necessary parts?
  13. Anyone have one near Atlanta? I am in gainesville and would like to sync my carbs. Not to mention getting to meet other members would be cool too! Thanks.
  14. Don't want to pull a trailer(yet) but would love to place a larger cooler, in the center and lower on my bike as they can be heavy, not to mention leaky," oh well I guess I did mention that huh?". Question(s) is, Where is the best place to buy a receiver and/or does anyone want to get rid of theirs? Do they come with wiring for turn signal, hazard, stop and "Backup" lights?
  15. There is an article in the First Gen Tech Library on how to dry the desiccant on your first gens. Here is the link: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=9009#post9009 I just added a little tidbit of information to that article though that I received from another member here. He reported: "I came across the mention of refreshing the desiccant for the Class and the high cost for the stuff from Yamaha, and I wanted to mention that you can get it relatively cheap from any place that sells dryer for hearing aids. It is the same stuff and you can get a whole can of it for under $10." He told me that he found it at Walgreen's.
  16. I want to grease the spline of the drive shaft and the Service manual recommends Lithium soap base grease. I am not sure what to buy. I have looked at a number of greases and many mention lithium as a componenet but nowhere does it mention "Lithium Soap Base" . I have bought Lucas Red and Tacky no.2. The information on the tube mentions that it is a technical blend of lithium and polymer plus a heavy addition of antiwhear /anti -seize agents. Good temperature stability, resistance to Acid and Alkali, good resistence to rust and excellent water resistance. It is a readish color. Is that OK to use? What are the alternative that would also do the job that I can buy in Canada? Is White LIthium Grease (either in tube or spray cans) OK? I need your expert advice on what product to use. Thanks Jean-Claude
  17. I bought an '83 standard in about 40 pieces, Pretty much everything is there, trying to restore to normal. Choke cable; where does it attach at the carb end. Have and checked manuals but no mention of choke in carb sections or anywhere else, so where? Thanks in advance, Denny
  18. Got me a new ride ....for a moment and only cost me a few Peanuts. Rode it long enough to give a comparison to the RSV: Pros: Plenty of Ground Clearance. No need for leveling links. Cagers Beware! Ear Cooled Big Horn! Make my own path. No need for Ride on. Can see the road CLEARLY Handles the road with ease Better Cell phone reception and I can Text and Drive at the same time! Any LEO will have to look up ....at me now! No problem in carrying CASES of BEER Will not take any Crap now as I can give it ! I can ride either 1, 2, 3, 4up! No Helmet required in any state. No one tailgates. Just too many more Pros to mention................................... Now for the Cons: No Dealer will touch it for repairs, but I could persuade them easily for something else! Not enough trunk space. Keep forgetting my ladder. Afraid of mice. Hard to wash without getting wet myself. Can't trike it! Where to mount the license or LED's? Talk about Bugs Exhaust takes getting used too. Brakes work when THEY want too. Again, too many Cons to mention either! Overall,I think I'll keep my RSV!:banana::banana: Here's the 5 minutes of Fame! BEER30 http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm312/BEERCART/HaileyLauren/10230061.jpg
  19. 12 Days until MD and not one mention of "CHEESECAKE" :yikes: :yikes:
  20. All of you that live in the Tulsa area "Spring Fever" Rally this Sunday! Poker Run-Bike Show-Bike Games-50/50-Prizes and more and it is all free!!!! Did I mention Food! If you want more information E-mail me and I will send you a flyer pandlbiker@olp.net Phill
  21. Most of you already know who Kisan is and the great lighting technology that they offer for bikes of all kinds. You can now receive a 10% discount on all orders if you mention that you are a VentureRider member. If you order by phone, just tell them that you are a member here and the discount will be applied immediately. If you order online, mention in the comment box that you are a member and the discount will be credited to your order on the next business day. https://www.kisantech.com/
  22. After all the probs I had on the bike this summer with electricals on the engine, I opted to pick up a new ignition module (D3K) just for the peace of mind kinda thing.. Erhm can someone point out as to where this is located on the bike? None of the docs I have even mention it let alone say where it is.. Thanks in advance..
  23. Interesting writeup .... http://en.autos.sympatico.msn.ca/resources/article.aspx?cp-documentid=21060261 I commented re: no mention of the RSV in the article.
  24. If you haven't been to the Pork in the Pines. Great food Great people (well Red1 may or may not be there this year) Great riding and did I mention Great Food. So, if you really want to have a great labor day week end please consider coming to the 2009 Pork in the Pines. www.porkinthepines.com
  25. I love the Kumho that I installed. Here are the advantages. 1. Handles better 2. Rides smoother 3. Cost less 4. Replace less often 5. Makes the women fall all over you 6. Increases sex appeal by 78% 7. Better traction 8. Did I mention the women? Seriously, has anyone else noticed an improvement in turning radius or is it just my imagination?
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