Well after three years of troubles with both knees, I finally got to see the doctor I saw when all the problems started. He had an MRI done on the right knee and found a torn meniscus. He did surgery shortly after that. It felt good till things went south after a few weeks. It never got better. In the mean time my left knee started killing me again too. Another doctor, (thanks to workman's comp), had an MRI done on that one and said there was a degenerating meniscus, and there was nothing he could do about it. Now after all this time I was ale to see the original doctor. He looked at the MRI done by the other doctor and said it looks there was a tear in the meniscus all along. He ordered a rescan on both knees. In a way, I'll be pi$$ed if I find out that the left knee was torn all along, but then I'll be glad if it can be fixed.
After the last three years, and this summer, I'll have about enough of the doctors! I had a mammogram, (or is that a maogram), a few weeks ago. Luckily no cancer. Just a very tender, large, lump in my right breast. Tomorrow I get another MRI. This time on both knees. Who knows what that will lead to. More arguing with workman's comp I'm sure. Then on the 22nd I get to have surgery on my sinuses. Maybe after 38 years, I can finally breath through my nose and smell like a normal person.