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  1. We are now under 2 weeks till our meet and eat in W. Memphis, Ark. From there we ride over in mass to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tn. to make our donation and tour both the Hospital and the Ronald Mc Donald house. Dont miss out on this great experience. All we ask is a small donation to help St. Jude in their research. I will have plenty of Cruisin' for St. Jude t-shirts for those attending and donating. We are meeting at the Flying J/Pilot Truck Stop that is located at the junction of I-40 & I-55 in West Memphis. We will be having lunch there before we go to the hospital. Looking forward to a good turnout for this special event. :Venture:
  2. st. jude memphis trip is getting close. only one more month. looking forward to it as usual. who all is planning on going? it's a no brainer. can't wait to see my buddy lewis, and all my other friends down there. :clap2:
  3. Guest

    RSTD Fairings INFO Please

    I have a 2007 RSTD and would like to put a fairing on it. I prefer a batwing or Stratoliner type. Memphis Shades seems to be the most reasonably priced aftermarket one but, with no Royal Star application.Will any other fit ? Has anyone used a Memphis one their bike? Is there away to modify a Stratoliner one? If anyone has put any one one their bike would you please tell what kind and how to do it. I know there are other threads on this but not with all the info. Thanks Reno
  4. Wondering if anyone from the Atlanta area or the Birmingham area is going to Memphis on Oct 1, for the Ride to St. Jude. We will be leaving around 4:00 am from Newnan, and we could meet up at the McDonalds at exit 11 on I 20. We would be there at about 4:30-4:45. If anyon is going from Birmingham area we could meet at the Pilot truck stop on Hwy 78, just off of 20/59.
  5. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g5lSVfquu4&feature=share]2011 Memphis Airshow - B-2 Fly-by - YouTube[/ame] Pretty cool. If you listen carefully, you can hear the first pilot, Jason, saying hello to his parents!
  6. anyone live near Memphis and going to the Air show Saturday? (It's actually being held at the airfield in Millington, just north of Memphis) Our son is flying the B2 over. The Blue Angels will be there. Going to be a fantastic show! If you are in the area, please come or at least look UP!! it's going to be awesome!
  7. It is only 1 week from tomorrow for the St. Jude Meet & Eat. We will be meeting in W. Memphis, Ark. at 11:00 am, we will have lunch at the Flying J, and then proceedi over to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to tour this fantastic facility and present our donation for this year. If you have a Cruisn' for St. Jude t shirt be sure to wear it, I will have a few with me so if you need one I just might have one for you. The Flying J is located right in the middle of where I-55 & I-40 meet in W. Memphis, you cant miss it. Look forward to seeing everyone there, you will leave this event with a very good feeling............I PROMISE!!!
  8. I have just posted 5 new St. Jude auctions with consist of a Crusin' for St. Jude T-shirt and pin. The only size I am running short on is Large, I have sizes in Med, XL 2XL, & 3XL available. Squidley has also been kind enuff to post a couple of items for 1st Gens in the auction section also. So go check them out and let the bidding begin:mo money::mo money: Dont forget we will be meeting in Memphis, Tn. Sat. Oct. 2, 2010 to present all the monies to St. Jude at the Hospital. You dont want to miss this chance to see a fantastic place that will move you beyond words...............
  9. Not a big response to our poll for the ride to St. Jude Childrens Hospital, but I need to go ahead an confirm the date with them, so it looks like we will be going to St. Jude Childrens Hospital on Oct 2, 2010. We will meet at the Flying J Truck Stop in West Memphis just across the river from Memphis at 11:00 am central time. We will have lunch at the Flying J and then proceed over to the Hospital to take a tour and present our check. I will also be posting some more auctions soon to help build up our fund. We now have $1088.00. Look forward to seeing a bunch of you there.
  10. Just got some pics downloaded. We had a great time!
  11. MEMPHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: :big-grin-emoticon:
  12. Looking for someone to ride to Memphis for the St. Jude/Mean Dog Ride. I am leaving Newnan, Ga. about 3:30-4:00 am Saturday. We can meet along the way. If your leaving from the Atlanta area we can meet at exit 11 of I-20, at the Mc Donalds, or somewhere else along the way if you want. I plan on arriving in W. Memphis around 11:00 am at the FLying J truck stop.
  13. Finally got the nerve to take a jigsaw to the stock windshield that came on the V Star, that sucker was 23 inches tall, now its just a tad over 19 inches tall, looks much better, and now I can see over it. Wasn't to hard to do, just had to take it slow and easy. I need to thank :thumbsup:Lowell and Steve Wagner for the tips on how to do it. I will be leaving it on for the ride to Memphis.
  14. All right, Vogel is over, everybody is well rested and it is time for the us to wrap up our St. Jude drive for 2009. I want to thank everyone who helped make this a very successful year for Ventureriders and St. Jude Children's Hospital. So far we have over $3200.00 to present them with thanks to the deep pockets of our members. The ride will take place on Sept. 12, 2009. We will be meeting at the Flying J Truck Stop in W. Memphis, Ark. It is located at the junction of I-55 & I-40, which is the last exit before you cross the Mississippi River into Memphis, Tn. We will meet there at 11:00 am in the parking lot, then we will have lunch in the Flying J, from there it is a 3-4 mile ride across the river to Memphis, Tn. where we will be taking a tour of St. Jude Children's Hospital. This is a fantastic place to see, you wont believe you are in a hospital, it looks more like a day care center. After the tour if you would like, some of us will be going down to Tunica, Ms. and we can eat at one of the fine buffets at Harrah's Casino and whatever else you might try your hand at there. One little reminder here, if you want to bring some kind of small gift, remember no stuffed animals, but coloring books, crayons, puzzles, crosswords, books are things they could use. I know we discussed teddy bears, but they just cant take a chance on those, due to the weak immune systems these kids have. Or if you or your company would like to make a donation, please make the checks out to St. Jude Children's Hospital. A donation or prize is not required to make this ride. Thanks to all again and look forward to seeing you at The 3rd Annual St. Jude/Mean Dog Memorial Ride.
  15. Friends: I took a 600 Mile round trip last sunday to Ohio. When I left Virginia it had rained the night before and lots of water on the highway. Trucks blew by me and the mist seemed to collect on the windshield rather than sheet off like my former Memphis Shades windshield did. Anyone know any tricks for treating the windshield so the moisture sheets off? This moisture on the windshield made it difficult at times to see. I know that the manufacturer does not recommend products like RainX. Any and all ideas appreciated. Thanks, Steve
  16. just got back from memphis and st. jude. what a pleasure to spend the weekend with a group of the finest people in the world. we had 19 bikes, not sure how many people. so many neat things to tell about could'nt begin to cover them all. we went to ronald mcdonald house and it was awesome. lots of pic's were taken. went to harrahs in tunica miss. last night with dragonrider, b2 dad, b2 mom, and their son. this was one of the highlights of the trip. b2dads son road in on a zx14 crotch rocket, looked like a young and very handsome yul brynner. whan i first met him, i said oh one of them crotch rocket riders huh? then said just kidding. i have one just like it. any way we ate the buffet at harrahs. and b2's son had to leave to head for home. he was one of those kid's that just seemed to have a certain carisma about him. could'nt put my finger on it. got to talking about him and to my surprise he was not mid twenties like he appeared but mid thirties with kids. here's the kicker. he was the pilot and captain of his own b2 stealth bomber. i was totally blown away, as i think dragonrider was. i have a new hero in life to put next to my other hero audy murphy. what a great guy. mayby b2dad will come on here and elaborate. anyway lewis and i shared a room and when leaving memphis we met 2 couples at the motel on harleys and one must have been a minister cuz he blessed all of our trips home and our bikes. must have worked cuz i had a great trip home and a great time with all my venture rider friends. bill :clap2::clap2:
  17. The invasion of W. Memphis will no doubt be a grand success,after we conquer it, its off to Memphis, Tn. to conquer that town. All in all it looks like we should have a bigger turnout this year, lasts years invasion saw 11 bikes, this year the reinforcements are joining us. Ronald McDonald house will not be the same once this gang of marauding motorcyclist depart............. Everyone have a safe ride there and enjoy the trip, I know I will, been waiting too long for this one.....:dancefool:
  18. This website will give you a preview of what we will be seeing at RMDH in Memphis.........The Ronald McDonald House, Memphis, Tn. www.rmhmemphis.org
  19. If anyone from the N. Ga. area or S.C. area is going to Memphis for the St. Jude/Mean Dog Memorial Ride, and want to join me for the trip I will be at the Mc Donalds just of exit 41 of I-20 at 4:30 am. I will wait till 5:00 am to depart and make my way towards Memphis where we will meet up with other Ventureriders at the Flying J in W. Memphis, Ark at 12:00 noon for lunch. We will then be meeting with a representive of St. Jude Chidrens Hospital to present the donations that were received by Squidley. If you would like to call me both my phone numbers are listed in the VR assistance list. It would be great to have a group of riders from this area make the ride.
  20. Come on folks, we need some more riders for the Ride to meet in Memphis for the St. Jude trip. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26475 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26753 :stirthepot::stirthepot:
  21. For those you that will be coming to Memphis, Tn, St. Jude Childrens Hoespital for the St. Jude/Mean Dog Memorial Ride, here is a map and address and contact number for the Flying J. I will be posting the meeting time at a later date, so just keep your eyes posted on this thread and the other 2 concerning this event. It is located right in the middle of where theI-55 & I-40 intersect, it can be accessed from either one, cant be missed. Flying J Truck Plaza (870) 735-8500 3000 Service Road Loop West Memphis, AR It is exit 4 on I-55 and exit 280 on I-40. Hope this helps. Flying J Truck Stop
  22. If anyone is planning on attending the ride to St. Jude Childrens Hospital on Oct 18, let me know as I am trying to organize a group of riders from this area to ride to Memphis to meet up with others to make the donation for Squidley's "Getting Inked For St. Jude" Rmember this is in Honor of Mean Dog and benefits the kids at St. Jude Hospital. A group of us went last year and it was fantastic. This will be an early morning leave time or we might even leave sometime Friday afternoon, and spend the night in Memphis before going to St. Jude. Need some input so we can start making plans. This is the thread about the fundraiser ............ http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26475
  23. Any members get hit in the big storms around Memphis last nite?
  24. Ok, folks, this is the last post I will be making before departing for Memphis, Tn, at 0400 tomorrow morning, If anyone from the Atlanta area is planning on going and want to meet up with us, we will be at the Mc Donalds at exit 11 of I-20 westbound. We will get there around 4:45- 5:00 am, we will wait till 5:15 before departing for Birmingham, Al. We will meet up at the Flying J truck stop in W. Memphis Ark, just across the river from Memphis on I-40. The truck stop is located between the intersection of 1-55 & I-40. Meeting time there is 12:00 noon. We will depart there at 12:30 pm and ride back across the Mississippi River on I-40 to St. Jude Hospital. Looking forward to seeing all of you there. Please make sure you read the attatchment regarding interaction with the patients............... Thanks and safe riding. Lewis/DragonRider
  25. I have updated info for the Memphis, Tn/St. Jude Childrens Hosp. ride. Wanted to make sure it got noticed, I updated the previous posts, this is the link with all the info. No destination for meeting up has been set, will do that as soon as we see who is coming and from where............. Travel Date...St. Jude/Vogel Donation
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