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  1. Using my carry-along netbook at the moment. I've taken the bold step of upgrading my laptop which got slower and slower the more things I loaded on it. First step was to see if more memory would help as that is relatively easy; so went from 3GB to the max 8GB. Not much performance gain. So, cpu is the next place to try. I did quite a bit of research and think I found the fastest processor that would be compatible that uses exactly the same amount of power, 25watts. Its a 2 core processor with faster speed and more onboard cache and faster memory access. Should be 2.5 times faster than the old single core cpu according to a benchmark site. (AMD V120 to AMD P650). Bought it used on fleabay for $30. I downloaded the maintenance guide from the Compaq/HP web page and off to work I went. Well, its all apart, parts in carefully marked envelopes. It now should be carefully cleaned. Did you know that 2 pounds of dog hair and potato chip crumbs can find their way to the insides of your computer? A couple of screws were missing, and I need some electrical cleaner and heatsink tape before putting it back together. Did I mention that you should never take a laptop apart... Too many small parts in a torture puzzle configuration. So, I need some VR prayers before attempting to get it all back together....
  2. The story: Left the Ipod on the bike last week. Yesterday the battery was dead. I put a slow charge for 6 hours on the battery and all seems well today. The problem: How do I reset the Audio Controller (left handlebar) so that it will allow me to play my Ipod using the Aux jack on the cassette player? I know the answer is probably very simple but the last time I did this was a few years ago and my memory fails me....and the Service Manual is NO help at all !! Regards and thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this! Boomer....the not-so high tech guy.
  3. I upgraded my laptop memory and I have a stick of 2 gig pc3 10600 cl9 204 pin if anyone can use it I will mail it to you free. Tom
  4. Ok guys (n gals too) I have a CB that is now staying on 09 all the time. It was working fine up until a couple of days ago. Acts like the red button is pushed or stuck but I checked that and does not appear to be the case. I know that there is a fuse that keeps the memory working so when the fuse is gone the CD reverts to 09 and that has happened before but this time I can't get it off 09 at all... I also noticed in the top right corner of the glass is another small 09 which occassionally disappears. Any ideas?
  5. Greetings all, Thought you might be interested in how we LEOs do it 'down-under'. Spear http://www.walltowallride.com/
  6. The first thing to go is the memory as they say. Where do I send my $5.00?
  7. can pc2100 and pc2700 memory ram be run in a computer at the same time. I'm saying no, but there are others smarter than me here that I know will correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. Hello all, Someone sent me this and I thought I would pass it along. The season is approaching fast! It was good for me to refresh my memory with these questionaires. http://msf-usa.org/CourseReview/Questionframe.htm Cheers! Nick P
  9. I would just like to ask all that knew Stephen and those that didn't if they would keep Stephens family(Marion, Sara, Kaitlyn)in their prayers as this will be a stressful time for them on the anniversary of his death. Stephen was a family man and a friend to everyone he met. God speed my friend Dianne DowntonWe thought of you with love today but that is nothing new We thought of you yesterday and the days before that too We think of you in silence we often speak your name All we have is memories and a picture in a frame Your memory is our keepsake with which we'll never part God has you in his keeping We have you in our heart
  10. I need some opinions on laptops.......i have a few possibilitys in mind.....im talking around the $500 price line.......with wireless.... basically to be used for travel, etc. I would like to know which would be the best buy with the best processor, memory, etc...of the ones ive chosen or are there better choices for the $$$ amount i want to spend post to this thread and i will pm you the info on them..... Thanks in advance
  11. I have an advantage as I only live 91 miles away from freebird, a little East and a tad South. Being a newbie to the board and to my RSV I didn't have a clue what to really expect. I got there around 10:30 and of course the first thing I did was look up our host and shake his hand. It was quite an experience, I'm not sure how many people were there when I got there but they were coming in all day. Funny thing was - there were riders from everywhere, I walked around and looked at plates on the bike, but there didn't seem to be any strangers including me. It was nice to put a face on a board handle, problem is, my memory is about as long as my hair and by next week I'll have lost the faces again. Maybe a second year and a little more interaction on the board will help my memory. THANKS DON !!
  12. Somebody "pre-crash" posted a fix for pins broken off of fairing. I've searched, cant find it, hope its not lost. If memory serves it was a metal grease nipple gizmo........yikes......help..:canada:
  13. In memory of all of our countries soldiers who have given their all for whats right....yesterday and all the tomorrows. Bless you all.
  14. I was doing a little surfing and decided to check out the some netbooks. Dang, they're right up there with full size laptops now. The Asus Eee 904HA has 1gb of memory, 160gb HD, a 95% size keyboard, 8.9" screen, up to 7.5 hours of battery lifehttp://www.twtex.com/forums/images/smilies/eek2.gif , for the low, low price of 349 bux shipped from NewEgg. A 2gb stick of memory is only 25 bux, so I would upgrade that immediately. Any reason why this would not be a good deal? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16834220442 http://gadgetmix.com/index/?tag=asus-eee-904ha-review
  15. I just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone that has put information on this website. Without it, I don't know if I would have been able to get the foks back on my '87 VR. I took it apart about 6-7 weeks ago and dropped the forks off to have new seals installed and put in the new Progressives while it was apart. I can just about fix anything, but when your memory has nothing to recall from past experiences..it makes it kinda hard. With all of the fixes that everyone has done and all of the pictures, I have finally gotten it back together and had my first ride in a very long year. Thanks again for all the help. Kevin
  16. Ok this is for the folks who wanted t-shirts from the Asheville event. I'm gonna put in another order for anyone who wants one. Not sure how much this batch will be since I don't know how many will order, so that part I'll have to let you know after I get the numbers in. I need at least 6 per shirt if not it'll be a bit more then they were last time. Let me know who wants one or two. Still have the choice of pocket or no pocket. This is the link to the last time I ordered them so you can see the shirts if you need your memory refreshed. Their will be no writing on the front I changed that but can't find the pic of that one. I'll give this till sun or monday. Then I'll get back to those who order with the prices. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=25173 Margaret
  17. If my bike sets for over a 24 hour period, the memory presets are erased. Does anyone know why this would happen? The radio works just fine and I can reset the memory presets. Thanks ahead for any input.
  18. I'm looking a buying a new MP3 player for use on the bike. Anyone have good luck with one they'd like to share? I currently have an old cheapy that's going south and doesn't like to work right anymore. Here's my list of things I'd like: 1. Low to Medium price range. 2. No video needed 3. Minimum 2g memory 4. Good battery life OR 5. Able to plug into outlet on bike. Thanks for any imnput, suggetsions, etc. Have a great day.
  19. I have owned my VR for a long time and I have always had a problem with the radio stations not staying in memory. Granted there are times that I do not ride for long periods of time, so if the battery goes dead I would understand it. However if I don't ride it for several days, I must reprogram the stations. It has been like this since the first time I bought it back in the late 80's. Is this a common problem, and is there a fix for it?
  20. Following up on the "Worst Presents" and "Bad Presents already received" threads ... we now bring you ... What do you say when you get a gift you *Really Don't Like*. 10. "Well, well, well, now, there's a gift!" 9. "No, with all the hostile takeovers this year, I missed the big Ronco/K-Tel/Ginsu merger. Would you just look at that! What will they think of next?!" 8. "Hey, as long as I don't have to feed it, or clean up after it, or put batteries in it, I'm happy!" 7. "No, really, I didn't know that there was a Chia Pet tie! Oh, wow! It's a clip-on too!" 6. "You know, I always wanted one of these! Jog my memory -- what's it called again?" 5. "You know what? -- I'm going to find a special place to put this!" 4. "Boy, you don't see craftsmanship like that every day!" 3. "And it's such an interesting color too!" 2. "You say that was the last one? Am I ever glad that you snapped that baby up!" And the number one thing to say about the Christmas gifts you didn't like is: "You shouldn't have! I mean it -- you really shouldn't have!"
  21. I can't find my 2004 RSV owner's manual. Is there one avail on-line anywhere? Failing that, can someone please provide me the instructions for programming memory channels in the radio. Regards, John
  22. And let them rest in peace, knowing that because of their acts of bravery, we can all live a better life ... The video at the following link is in their memory (although, of course, unfortunately the list of names continues to grow). [ame]http://members.shaw.ca/travner/CFTribute800x600.wmv[/ame] With respects,
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