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Found 21 results

  1. After 23 years we say goodbye to our old house. Its going to be different, considering we are only moving 1/2 mile away. Its going to be nice out here at the family farm again, but I am going to miss our old home. Lots of memories and 3 kids there. But we will make memories here as well.
  2. "Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only to completely forget what that purpose was? Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses. Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an event boundary in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next. Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room and prepares a blank slate for the new locale." It's not aging, it's the door! :rotfl:
  3. "Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only to completely forget what that purpose was? Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses. Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an event boundary in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next. Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room and prepares a blank slate for the new locale." It's not aging, it's the door!
  4. here are a few more pic's. I love looking at them because they bring back memories which make me smile or LOL.
  5. Just made our finale plans for our trip. Big Mike and I will be in Sturgis on Aug. 5th . We have been talking about doing this for 10 years and its finally going to happen . I can't wait to get out there. I was out there in 1971 and need to refresh the memories of some of the stuff I seen at six. Now I need to make some 47 year old memories. Are we going to catch up to any VR members there for some fun ?
  6. Here it is again, June 21st, 15 years ago we took the plunge and decided it was time to have the same last name. Lots of drama and hard times, but lots of great memories. It isn't perfect, but I'll take it, and I'm glad that were still proving some folks wrong. Happy Anniversary I Love You Kiddo!
  7. .....I lost my mom to cancer. I sat up with her all night, holding her hand as she slowly slipped away, finally passing at 4am that morning, 15MAR 1989. Every year since, I stay up all night as I did that night and think of how lucky my brothers and sisters and I were to have had such wonderful parents that raised us right. Sometimes my kids would stay up all night with me and we'd tell stories and look at pictures, but they would eventually fall asleep and I would once again be alone with just my thoughts and memories. Tonight is no different, as the wife is fast asleep, and it's just me and mom. If she were here, she'd smack me upside the head and tell me to go to bed, but now I sort of get the feeling that she kind of looks forward to our once-a-year vigil on this special and sad day. I sure do miss her. If you still have any of your parents with you, keep building some memories with them. You never know what tomorrow will bring, or how those good memories will sustain you down the road. Time to make some hot tea and break out the picture books.......
  8. Hello Everyone: The 2011 riding season was the most active season for us thus far. Dispite almost losing our bike in fire in March, we still recovered and rode 7,000 miles. We have had so much fun this season! Cody Rally, Sturgis Rally, Saratoga WY ride, Hot Springs SD run. Ft. Collins CO ride. We are so thankful for the memories and friends that we made this year. What memories do you have??
  9. Where do we begin to express what this trip has meant? To all those who gave assistance, hospitality, companionship and friendship -- in Canada and the USA ...... we thank you. You made this journey so special, and have given us such wonderful memories. There will always be a special place in our hearts for VR members. We hope to come back again. VR.org
  10. renate

    Pip 2011

    I finally posted some pictures on my side. I have more to download but that has to wait untill tomorrow. Brings back great memories. FUN FUN AND MORE FUN. Can't wait to see ya'll next year. Stay safe and keep it up right.
  11. I would like to share some past memories of our motorcycle club "Tulsa Touring Riders" events. The first one is our fall gathering with the "Ark Regional Voyagers" in 2003 http://www.photoshow.com/watch/Ch5gH2jZ Phill
  12. I lost my BOSE 901's in a house fire in 1980. I still miss those speakers never replaced them or my albums. Watched a Pink Floyd concert video brought back memories of 30 years ago. Those were the days Crosby,Stills,Nash, Neil Young,Bob Dylan,John Prine, Moody Blues,etc.Just thinking nothing else to do %#@ winter.
  13. Well today it happened. I was a little saddened watching the VR rolling away from me on a trailer with its new owner. Bike hasn't been started since August (it never even made the move to the new residence. It was still being stored at the old one). 40* in there and the engine fired right up. Looking through the pics i have of it is what got me. pics of my boy posing with the bike, riding it in his diaper & helmet when he was younger. Had some good memories on that old bike. Can't wait to see what the future holds in store. I'll be seeing it alot I think, the new owner asked if i had the tools to do work on the bike like syncing the carbs and such.....we'll see. Anyhow, just had to put it in 'print' I guess.
  14. we went to the old thrasher show in montgomery city mo. and i ran across an old bkn 7 hp. wisconsin engine. i had one just like it when i was about 14 mounted on a cushman airborn frame, and the memories came alive. just had to have it. great shape. picked for $80.00 value $250.00, + $170.00. i should have never watched that show. :clap2:
  15. Just some of the memories of 1992 & 93 http://www.photoshow.com/watch/XX6MD4kd Phill
  16. http://harvestclassic.org/index.html Just wondering If anyone is going to go to this event in Luckenbach,Tx 10/23-24/2009 ? I went last year,not really a rally in my opinion but sure does bring back alot of memories seeing all the old motorcycles riding around and on display. I dont live far from there so I will be going to check out what bikes are there this year.
  17. since i'm back into the cushman scene. i was talking to a friend of mine about bringing some restored and custom cushmans to the 09 rally to put on display. may even have one people could ride. whats everyone think? they are really neat and bring back old memories. let me know cuz it will be alot of work for me and my buddy, which we don't mind. bill
  18. think we are getting there on the 09 rally. we are going to have vendors, probably some biker type games, lots of planned and random rides. good food, a final dinner, comeraderie, raffles, and what the heck else am i forgetting? i need help from the members. give me some ideas on things that we can do to make this the best meet ever. i am open to all suggestions. it's your meet and we (the meet committee), want every one to have a great time, and go home with lots of good memories. don't hold back we will take all ideas into consideration. if any of our members have something bike related they would like to have in the vendor area. contact danob11. he is the vendor guy and would be glad to work with you. if any one in the area, or that knows the area wants to put together and lead a ride contact me or colesgrandpa. he is my ride coordinator. i am personally going lead a ride to eureka springs for an on the town shopping spree for the gals, my wife is a pro shopper. lol. we still need some one to volunteer to put together a video on a dvd of the pic's and videos of the meet that the members have taken. so the members can enjoy the good memories. if it seems like i am shoving this meet down your throat, it's not meant to be that way. black owl told me don't let the members forget, and i really believe in what he said. so give me some ideas on what you folks think might make tis the ultimate meet. this ones for you. snarley bill :clap2:
  19. we want to put a dvd together of all the happenings at the 09 rally, like floyd has done in the past. floyd if your interested you have the job. if not we need some one with the talent of gathering everyones photo's and videos of the meet and editing them into a dvd with music so the members can have one after it's all over for memories. floyd has done a couple of these and they were awesome. we also need some one to take top quality meet pictures. i know we have alot of talented photographers out there so let me know. bill
  20. I enjoyed watching this and thought some of you may too! sure brought back some fond memories and look how many are no longer with us http://objflicks.com/thoseoldwesterns.htm Dray
  21. Might have to take a ride up through tucker county canaan valley next weekend. Fall foliage map shows that area at moderate color now. It might be High color next week. Got some memories of the red baron and blue beast up there. http://www.foliagenetwork.com/reports/southeast_us/
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