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  1. Let me begin this post with saying I am laying no blame for the condition of this memorial to the ones who at one time may have been responsible for its upkeep. I am also not looking for any thanks for cleaning up this memorial or the upkeep I will do in the future. I am an Ohio Patriot Guard and damn proud of what I can do for the Vets that served our country. I myself am not a Vet. I am an ex police officer and understand what sacrifice means. My girlfreind and I started walking our dogs at a local University. We discovered a memorial to the Vets of the Vietnam era that was in poor condition. I called the groundskeeper of the University and was directed to who knows who. Some guy called me back and I asked for permission to take care of the site. Sure he says, do your thing. I called the Dean and made sure I had permission. She was very cordial and said she would look into the matter and call back. I am still waiting for that call. My partner Char and I cleaned the stone and killed the weeds. We laid mulch and straightened the flags. I added a proper 3x5 American flag to the site. I feel better now. I have enclosed a pic of Char with our results. What I would like the members here is to check on the sites they know about that may need some care. I will retire in a number of years. I know the PGR would keep me busy. In addition to those duties I am now considering making it an ambition to hunt these places. WW1 Vets, Civil War Vets or any forgotton place. My Uncle Johnny died in Nam. This is special to me. http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w109/chromeandleather/100_2447.jpg
  2. A benefit and Memorial car and Bike show for Mark. http://www.mr-motorcycle.com/event_list_detail.asp?ecode=583922&smonth=10&syear=2012&emonth=12&eyear=2012&location=0&Submit=Search&inputpage=2
  3. Another great Memorial weekend in the books. I trust everyone is having a safe ride home today. It was great to see old friends and meet the new ones this year. We had a nice rides on both Saturday and Sunday even if it was a bit warm. And as usual, we managed to eat well. I didn't take a lot of photos myself but others did so please post a few here. Below are a few that I shot. Thanks to all who came and we hope to do it again next year. Dennis
  4. BaggerShield's 2012 Memorial Day sale is here. Receive 10% off all windshields plus free 2-3 day shipping ($20-$30 value). Sale price can be combined with your 10% forum member discount for ultimate savings. If you haven't gotten your member code yet shoot me a PM and I'll get it to you right away. Click on the picture below to visit our website. http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb402/BaggerShield/MemorialDayVRO.jpg
  5. As I do every Memorial Day on this site, I want to Thank some folks. I want to say Thank You to my Grandfathers, who served in the battle fields of WWII, 1 who was a medic, and one who delivered the supplies to the front lines. Thank You, to all the brothers and sisters I served with while I helped protect this country for 6 1/2 years. Thank You to likes of Boomer, Gunboat, Master Guns, Buddy Rich and Monty, and all the others here on this website who sacrificed some or all of their lives protecting this country. Thank You to all the modern day Warriors, who protect us as I type this. This is the most hallowed day to me, I take Memorial Day very seriously, this is the 1 day that after I left the service that I will NOT work on. Even though other countries honor their veterans on different days, I am honored to remember all the Canadians, Brits, Aussies, and all the other countries who have fought beside us in the worlds conflicts on our Memorial Day. God Bless all of you My Friends....
  6. Latest news on the Tsunami Harley is that the owner doesn't want it back. He would rather see it used as a memorial for all those who died or lost their homes and family. It is to be shipped from Victoria to the Harley Davidson museum in Milwaukee. After a year under salt water being bashed about in the ocean I doubt it could be restored. It will make a good memorial left as is.
  7. My wife and I are taking a long weekend memorial day and are looking at the Johnson City area. Any suggestions about places to ride and see there?
  8. Here of some pics from the 2011 Mean Dog/St. Jude Memorial Ride.
  9. Here of some pics from the 2011 Mean Dog/St. Jude Memorial Ride.
  10. 1 week till St. Jude/Mean Dog Memorial Ride to St. Jude........................ :Venture:
  11. Getting everything ready for our trip with the Warriors Watch Riders to PA for the 9/11 memorial ride and services at the Gardens of Reflection in Bucks County. 5 bikes making the trip from GA with a support vehicle and trailer in tow. Leaving the 8th and returning the 13th, with stops in the Harrisonburg VA area both up and back. Not attempting to get into DC, NYC or Shankesville this trip, as they will be crazy crowded. We'll make that pilgrimage some other time. The spouse of the pilot of Flight 93 will be attending this service with us, as she did two years ago when the Gardens were dedicated. Hopefully the weather cooperates this year (it was a monsoon in '09!), but either way, it's going to be a great ride with some great folks. Wherever you go and whatever you are doing on 9/11 this year, please ride safe, and thank you for honoring the heroes and victims of this tragic day. God bless America.....
  12. To All: Have a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend! Ride defensively. :cool10: Steve
  13. Anyone interested in meeting up and going for a ride on sunday of memorial day weekend?
  14. Maybe I'll see another VR rider in the area. Not much luck running into another VR rider in this area that is a member, but I post anyway. A few of us will be riding from Albuquerque NM to the Vietnam Memorial in Angel Fire NM the Saturday. From there plans are to ride to Red River for the MC Rally. Mid afternoon we will split up and a few will return to Albuquerque and a few will continue to ride. We will ride North into Colorada and west over Wolf Creek Pass to spend the night in Durango. Sunday will be spent riding the loop to Silverton, Ridgway, Telluride, and back to Durango. We will be attending the Bar D Wrangler BBQ just north of Durango for Dinner and then DQ for ice cream. Monday will be the ride Back to Albuquerque by way of Pagosa Springs CO, Chama NM, Tres Predas and Taos. Hope to see someone in the VR family if your in the area. Shamue
  15. After the tragic accident that took the lives of four riders here last August this sounds like a nice memorial to them. Council Bluffs memorial to honor four dead cyclists Council Bluffs, Ia. — A western Iowa group has started work on a new building that will honor four motorcyclists killed in a crash last August. Ground was broken Saturday for the Fallen Four Memorial Building in Council Bluffs, and construction is scheduled to be complete in August. Keith Callaway of the Western Iowa American Legion Riders said the facility will "bring awareness to what happened to our brothers, but also the impact it has on families, communities and the nation as a whole." The victims were Dennis Chaney, 62, and Dale Aspedon, 49, both of Glenwood, Steven Benscoter, 62, of Pacific Junction and Jay Bock, 48, of Omaha. The men were returning from a motorcycle rally in Sturgis, S.D. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20101213/NEWS/101212014/1001/Council-Bluffs-memorial-to-honor-four-dead-cyclists
  16. I've had a few emails asking for the dates of my 2011 Maintenance Day in Oberlin, OH. So, I'm going to throw out a couple of dates for your discussion. May 28th is one choice. That is Memorial Day weekend. The good news is that it would give many people an extra day to get back home. There may be some who do other things on Memorial Day weekend though. Your thoughts? The next choices would be either the previous weekend, May 21st or the following weekend, June 4th. My first preference would be Memorial Day weekend as it gives me an extra day to get things somewhat organized again before going back to work. This is open for discussion for a couple of days and then I'll pull the trigger and set the date.
  17. Here's the first 3 bikes that showed up for our annual ABATE Memorial Dice Run.http://tapa.tk/mu/a6ea5d67-8639-210d.jpg Later, Scooter Bob
  18. Myself and another rider went over to Stoystown Pa to the memorial for the second time on the 17th. of August. The first time we were there it was QUITE impressive with all the memorabilia that folks had left. There were marble monuments, plaques and a multitude of out of pocket remembrances that people had left as their own show of respect for the heros on that plane. This time, they had moved the temporary memorial to a site over looking the crash site. We were still 1/4 mile or more away from the actual impact site and could see the construction equipment down below readying the area for the "plaza" being built. I was totally disappointed this time as they did not move ANY of the memorabilia to the new site. I talked to the ranger on site and she was vague about future plans for the trinkets and other items that had been left at the first site. There will be a dedication of the plaza on September 11, 2011. I haven't read anything about it yet in the media but I think it will be quite an event attended by many - There aren't any hotels/motels in the immediate area but 10 miles down the road in Somerset are several. Here's a link for the internet site http://www.nps.gov/flni
  19. On Tuesday morning 8/17 I'm going over to Stoystown to the Memorial. ks up @ 8:30 AM , leaving from Gullivers in Canton, Ohio Anybody that want's to go is surely Welcome - pm or call my phone is listed in my profile.
  20. Is anybody here going to DC on Memorial Day weekend ? I am going for the first time this year, been wanting to go for years. I've never even seen the wall except for the portable wall that I've had the privilege to escort a couple times.
  21. A number of my fellow PGR and Rolling Thunder riders are heading to DC on the 28th and come back the 31st. We will celebrate Memorial day and pay tribute to our fellow Vets. I've never been but I understand a few thousand bikes will be there. Hope Congress and the White House people are out of town; I wouldn't want to get s!!!! all over my bike; its a white one and it would really show. Hope everyone has a great Memorial weekend and don't forget to tell a vet "thanks".
  22. I'm putting this one out if there is anyone that would like to take a ride on May 31st. Waterloo is the birth place of Memorial day and the money raised help some local groups to keep going. It was a fun ride last year and they put on a good meal afterwards. If you decide to ride bring your flags, they did hand them out last year, but I don't no if they will this year. I have a small group meeting meeting at my house, then riding over to it. So if anyone else would like to meet us here you are more then welcome to do so. My address is 215 E. Elisha St Waterloo and we would like to leave about 9am. It's just down the road about a mile, but would like to get a parking place to keep us together. You can try and print the form from below, if not I will have some at the house. Jerry Memorial Day 3rd Annual Bike Rally Sponsored by Eagle Auto Rental & Sales MONDAY, MAY 31st Ride with us through the beautiful Finger Lakes Region this Memorial Day and show your support for those who serve to protect our freedoms! Return to the Waterloo VFW for a Buffet Lunch! 8:00am – 10:00am - Registration at Waterloo VFW, 29 E. Elisha Street, Waterloo 10:00am – 2:00pm – Sceneic Ride through the Finger Lakes Region 2:00pm – 5:00pm - Return to Waterloo VFW for a Buffet Lunch ALL PROCEEDS SUPPORT New York Patriot Guard Riders, Waterloo VFW, Waterloo American Legion and Celebrate Commemorate Event Name: ______________________________________________________________________ (Last Name, First Name) Address: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Email: ________________________ Club Name: __________________________________________________________________ Price includes ride and buffet lunch! Rider tickets __________ @ $20 ____________ Passenger tickets __________ @ $10 ____________ Total enclosed: $ ____________ Make checks payable to & Mail by May 24th to: Celebrate Commemorate P.O. Box 382 Waterloo NY 13165 Questions? Chris Shaffer days @ 315-539-3353, evenings/weekends 315-719-8106 e-mail: chris@sesslerwrecking.com For more information regarding this event and other Celebrate Commemorate Events; please visit our website at http://www.waterloony.com WAIVER: I wish to participate in the Memorial Day Annual Biker Rally , a one-day, non-competitive ride to raise funds to benefit NYPGR, Waterloo VFW and Waterloo American Legion and Celebrate Commemorate. I understand that the Rally will use public streets and roads, and that certain unavoidable hazards exist. Although we will make every effort to minimize these hazards, I agree to accept all responsibility for any personal bodily injury, loss, theft, or damage to myself and my property arising from or otherwise incident to my participation in the Memorial Day Annual Bike Rally or special events associated with it. I hereby release and forever hold harmless for myself, heirs, executors and administrators from all claims, damages, rights of action present or future, whether the same be known, anticipated or unanticipated, arising from the Memorial Day Annual Bike Rally , cities and towns along the route, any and all sponsors and volunteers, and their respective contractors, employees, trustees, directors and agents. I have read, understand and agree to the above. SIGNATURE__________________________________________________ DATE SIGNATURE__________________________________________________ DATE
  23. Hopefully no one will mind me posting this here. This is not MC related but it is something very dear to me and I would imagine any dog lover. This was a memorial dedication at Va Tech where we dedicated the memorial to all the police dogs killed in the line of duty in Va. One of the dogs I trained in 1999 is on this memorial. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDSQ9nYYniY&feature=youtube_gdata]YouTube- Virginia Tech: Law Enforcement K-9 Memorial[/ame]
  24. I only recently learned of the passing or member Ronald V. Cleveland, Canadianrider here on our site after his long batter with cancer. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the family and friends. I have added Ronald to our memorial page. I used a picture off his personal blog page. I hope that is OK.
  25. I just got back from my first visit to the flight 93 memorial site. There was a lady ( a volunteer ) gave a presentation with pictures of the crew and passengers, giving a little background on some of them. A very moving experience as well as enlightening. She said that they have already archived 37,000 pieces of memorabilia left by visitors to the site. The actual impact area has been declared a mass grave site and is cordoned off. She had an artist's rendition of the future memorial that is supposed to start with a groundbreaking yet this year. If you have a chance to visit this memorial site, you will not be disappointed. I know I'll go back again in the spring and again when the memorial is completed. It's really difficult to explain what is going on right now as the visitors come in in busses, cars, van and motorcycles with many leaving tokens at the site. In walking around I noticed everything from St. Christopher medallions to an allen wrench and anything else you could imagine. Hats, flags, vests and every type of memento you could imagine. Something I wasn't aware of was that as the plane crested the knoll just prior to impact it was 40 feet off the ground, traveling 536 mph and upside down. Parts and pieces were found as deep as 35 feet. I glad I finally made it over there. God bless those heros on Flight 93 !!
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