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  1. Here are some pictures we took at Pork in the Pines. We had a great time and enjoyed meeting everyone! good food and good friends. Thanks, Tom and Anne
  2. Its getting close I will be cleaning the shop this week end and getting the campground ready. And I was down at the campground and that creek monster came out of the creek and went in the corn and started his laps threw the corn. Sure am looking forward to meeting some new freinds and seeing some old ones. Have a safe and enjoable ride here. Orlin and Sharon
  3. Headed to door county wi on 6/13/12 if anyone is interested in meeting up and going for a ride.
  4. Well Guys , We got a new member , Fender Lizard and shes all mine . She won't let me post a pic yet but I'll sneak one when shes not lookin . so she will let me work on the bike so she can go riding . I've tried to talk her out of meeting my so called friends but she has not learned yet and she wants to meet you all , O'well Thom I got a CUTE ONE
  5. Ron and I have been walking at the county park near our home every evening. Last night, we see a guy sitting on a First Gen in the parking lot. Naturally, we go over to meet him. He is a really great guy and he had never heard of our group. So of course, we told him all about the VentureRiders and he was really interested in joining. So Ted, if you read this, it was really nice meeting you. Yama Mama
  6. Hello we are headed to Boyne Falls, Mi and will be doing some riding on Friday May 4th and Saturday May 5th would be interested in meeting up with some members. Let us know!! Norr3mi@aol.com Mike and Di
  7. Got a call last night about 9 PM. Playboy was in town and wanted to get together. Too bad, I was at work. Asked him where he was staying and it was a hotel 1 block from my plant. So we agreed to have some coffee at the Waffle House when I got off at 1130 PM. Had a nice chat and he went to sleep and I went home. Sure do wish we had some more time. Anyway, meeting another man at his hotel room at midnight just didnt seem quite right.....:rotf: Sorry Vance, couldnt resist. But it was nice meeting up with you, even if it was only for an hour.
  8. just a reminder for the planners....meeting scheduled for tomorrow....2pm....my house..
  9. I just got back from meeting alazzurra aka Tim Mobley, he is in Atlanta for business and while here he purchased a 93 Venture. He was in need of some headsets for it, and I had posted about having a couple of sets for sale and he got the 2nd set. He was really excited about getting his first 1st Gen. He did it because his wife wasn't comfortable on his Ducati... Great new member looking forward to meeting up with him again, he lives in Memphis, and his son is also a patient at St. Jude. I expect we will be seeing them in Oct. when we make our yearly ride to St. Jude. Please give him a warm welcome.:clap2:
  10. Please let me know if your going to make the meeting next ON Saturday...I need to order the food by Wednesday.........
  11. Oh boy oh boy!! We are finally starting our 3 week vacation today! Driving down to Florida then taking an 8 day cruise followed by a day at Disney then heading back. The thing that is going to give this vacation that extra special touch is meeting up with members of the VR family along the way! As many of you know this site is special and very dear to my heart so I am really looking forward to the commute. Tonight is West Virginia meeting up with Skid and Yammer Dan. Haven't seen Skid since Asheville in '07 I think. Dan I always see at MD. We're leaving around 10:00 and having lunch in Erie Pa. Here's the link to the original thread... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=66301
  12. Back to Hill Country for the next three months! Looking forward to seeing our old friends and maybe meeting some new ones too.
  13. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bM7E5P4bDw&feature=related]Warbird Meeting Oberhausen 2010 - YouTube[/ame]
  14. Don't forget about the meeting today...See you all there..:fatsmiley:reservations are for 1pm
  15. Ok The plans have been laid for a thanksgiving colour ride. There will be two meeting places. and will take place Sat Oct 8(tommorrow morning) 1st meeting place will be at Rockwood (guelph line and hwy 7 ) at the Rockwood Petro Canada http://maps.gstatic.com/intl/en_ca/mapfiles/transparent.png 295 Alma (hwy 7), Rockwood, at 8:00 am 2nd meeting place will be at Mono Mills ( airport road and hwy 9 ) at the timmies at 9:00 am. From this point on we will be at Marcarl's mercy these plans are the result of discussions taken place in Brantford ride night threads http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=60487
  16. The dealer meeting to introduce the 12's is wednesday the 14th. Wonder when they will be on the web site.
  17. Here's my pics of the ride. My husband hid the camera for much of the trip, was very good meeting everyone. Hope to get out more. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v281/GAWildKat/Vogel%202011/#!cpZZ3QQtppZZ28
  18. So where is everyone posting links to their Vogel photos from this year? Can't wait to see them! Loved meeting everyone btw. Thanks for making me feel so welcome!
  19. I wont upload my Cody pics here, but here is the link at Picasa https://picasaweb.google.com/friesman1/VROrgIntlRallyCodyWY I had a great time:cool10: and enjoyed every moment and loved meeting everyone, I hope to see everyone again soon!! brian
  20. James Arness of 'Gunsmoke' fame dies at 88 I don`t think I have missed a single "Gun Smoke" I can remember meeting the entire cast at the Boise Stampede... when I was real young....late `60`s...
  21. Folks, I am in Minnesota for our semi-annual sales meeting. This is always a busy week as we have meeting from about 8:00 in the morning till usually about 9:00 at night. I usually manage to check my messages and etc. in the morning and later in the evening but just don't have a lot of time this week. If you send me a message or a request, please understand that the reply times are a bit delayed right now.
  22. On the weekend of August 27-28 some Vmax friends(Vmoa members) and I will be meeting in Topeka for a dyno day. This is the 7th or 8th year for this gathering. Since this will be the first year with the Venture I thought I would invite anyone that would like to meet up and say hi. We usually have a few "other" bikes and almost everyone dynos. We usually take up a collection for the Dyno operator and for The Morley Family that takes care of lunch. A great group of people that I enjoy meeting up with every year.The event takes place at the Topeka HD shop. Usually we are the only ones there. Lots of noise,hanging out and tuning going on. This year there is a ride planned further south on Sat to hit up a car/bike show. Would keep anyone posted that may be interested. Frank
  23. My pics from the M&E. Enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Pics are at http://s760.photobucket.com/albums/xx248/etcswjoe/Bike%20Rides/2010%20Int%20Bike%20Show%20and%20ME/
  24. We had a great time. Even though there was a small snow storm, 22 (I think) people showed up. Thanks to all, it was a pleasure seeing some of you again and meeting others for the first time. Well done Karl.
  25. I have just posted 5 new St. Jude auctions with consist of a Crusin' for St. Jude T-shirt and pin. The only size I am running short on is Large, I have sizes in Med, XL 2XL, & 3XL available. Squidley has also been kind enuff to post a couple of items for 1st Gens in the auction section also. So go check them out and let the bidding begin:mo money::mo money: Dont forget we will be meeting in Memphis, Tn. Sat. Oct. 2, 2010 to present all the monies to St. Jude at the Hospital. You dont want to miss this chance to see a fantastic place that will move you beyond words...............
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