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April the 12th tentatively.... there is a group riding to Loveless Cafe In Nashville... Live in the Area? wanna meet up with us and ride after lunch? would love to meet ....this is the route we are taking back, join us and ride till you have to turn back...I will post times as the date nears.... route to Loveless Cafe
Due to the fact that a certian unnamed member lost his passport Ben (saddlebum) and Carl (marcarl) did not make it to the Detroit meet and eat. Rather then leave these two out standing members, out in the cold. A table for 4, was acquired at the China King restaraunt on the outskirts of Brantford. Dispite the short notice there was still a 50% turn out of VR members. Of course as is the norm Carl began the festivity's with a fine speech and since BradT was at the M&E in Detroit there was no one there to interupt his speech. Food was great and and at one point if you can believe it or not Carl was actually left speechless as you can see by the pictures below.
Anyone want to get together for a meet & eat Jan 12 here in S.E. Michigan? Ya I know timing is short notice but just found out my weeks for the month are filled with other stuff.Timing will allow folks to visit with Joe before he heads off to suny AZ on the 26th too. Larry Updated info: January 12 th, 6 pm till whenever we're done Location is : BWW 6677 North Wayne Rd. Westland, Mi 48485 If you're coming either east or west on I-94 use the Wayne road exit by Metro-Airport, taking that north to the BWW's location. For those traveling from out of state or country here's a link for area hotels :
As mentioned in a previous thread I was thinking about setting up a Meet and Eat at the Table Top Restaurant in Burlington ON. Sat Jan 5th. this is the weekend of the Big Toronto Motorcycle show. I realiize this is a bit of a short notice (due to me being in Germany most of December) but Last years was such a great success with a wonderful turn out that I thought it would be nice to give it another shot this year. So if anyone is up for it let me know and if enough interest is indicated I will set it up. Exact time of day yet to be determined, I was thinking of about 6:00 PM----alternate Time suggestions welcome. P/S The Table Top is an excellent Restaraunt with great food huge portions. Also very easy to get to. being just a couple turns of the QEW.
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Happy New Year Everyone: We were side lined more in 2012 than 2011 due to the death of both of my parents, but we did manage to make Sturgis for an entire week. Really enjoyed ourselves. The highlight of the trip was the suggestion to have a breakfast meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the Sturgis Highschool FFA breakfast. We got to meet at least a 1/2 dozen more VR members in person. Thanks to Patrolman46 and TX2Sturgis for suggesting and planning the event. As far as 2013 goes, our wishlist is to make Kreg's MD and the International rally in Galena IL. We may not make Sturgis this year since it is right after the Galena trip? If anyone travels this way this season be sure to let us know.
Hey Friends and family. I know we are hanging round for a while and have many eat a meet - ings, Fix a stuf day, International drink a days, Plan a pee stop rides ( by Eck ), Tail of Roosters days, Party at state park by Dragons days, Monster days, Eat more meet in the Pines ... and to many to remember. I did take some pics, but i know you guys have more. I have such a great time each and every whatever listed above. ( Or maybe is beer ) Please feel free to Post any pic of me and best one will win a price of your choice. Chicago Harley Davidson T-Shirt ( in your size ) 12 Pack of premium Beer ( Belive me on this one ) or $20.00 cash. I'm member since BC and old enough to remember ( "BC" Before Chrash ) Love Ya All.
Boys & Girls IDK if anyone else has posted about this product so I will. My right front seal has been weeping for awhile. (Muffinman can attest to it, he saw it at the meet & greet) I tried using a 35 mm film negative & it worked for a little bit but I still saw an oil line of demarcation. When I met Jeff at the Meet & Eat, he was kind enough to give me a list of all the parts I needed to replace the seals. I was looking up remedies on the web & ran across this. Basically it's the same principle as the film strip but the thing is not as fragile. It cleans the seal & then you have to reseat it by pumping the forks. (I did 3 sets of 10 pumps each) I used it as instructed cleaning the fork tube & dust cap. I cleaned the seal twice around, then I wiped down the tube. I pumped the front end to reseat the seal. & noticed the oil line. Wiped & cleaned & repeated the front end pumping. I saw a lesser line. By the 3rd time my tubes were dry. It's been 4 days now without any issues. If you plan on doing a few bikes I would pick up a couple of them. I found that they sell on EBAY as well. It's cheaper & free shipping. This is the seller RJ Engineering (RJ ENGR) Not a bad fix for $4.70 I will post an update again in a week.
OK folks. After taking a quick look at my schedule for 2013, I'm thinking about having my maintenance day on the weekend of June 8th. That is well after Marcarl's meet and the week before father's day. Am I missing anything?
any one interested in meeting and eating at bass pro in january on a saturday? it would be a one day deal . we haven't done it for awhile. let me know if your interested. if we get enough response i will set a date. we will meet their about 11 am and eat at the restaurant at bass pro and head for home. it's quite a place to see if you have never been there.
We are making plans to meet Dragonrider for the St. Jude ride on Oct 6. Anyone else going? This is always a great ride. You can tour the hospital or Ronald McDonald house...either one is a great tour. We meet for lunch first and then ride to St. Jude's where we present our check. Then we get the tour. If you can't ride, how about a donation? We could really use it this year since we didn't do "Vogel". Contact Dragonrider and he will let you know how to do this. If you ARE going, let us know...maybe we can meet up along the way and ride together. Patti
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Well, it's drawing closerso it's time to make plans! On Wednesday Sep 6th we are saddling up and heading for Mt. Rushmore on the trike! First stop Wednesday night is the suburban Detroit area to visit with my sister in Bloomfield Hills. We are also planning on hooking up with Ragtop69GS for a brief time and hopefully any of you Michigan people wanting to meet up lets make plans. Our goal is to get to SW Michigan by Thursday evening. By Friday be almost across Wisconsin, Saturday across into South Dakota, and actually be in the Mt Rushmore area by Monday. Our timetable is very flexable! Our primary route is Interstate 90 west of Chicago going out, and Interstate 80 on the way back. We want to meet up with Ventureriders along the route!! It was a great thing to do this last winter when we went to Florida, and are looking forward to meeting more people face to face!! So if you are along our route, let us know and we will try to meet up for coffee, a meal, or whatever!! Being retired we have no real timetable but want to get back in 2 weeks or so, a week out and a week back...
Sorry for the wait my net. at home stinks! took me a whole day just to get these photos up loaded! Here are some photos of the rides and meet photos are from Eureka Springs to War Eagle mill down to Ozark and around Jasper area the next day. We had a blast seeing everyone and enjoyed the cook out as well Will do next year? all depends if anyone wants to have it again next year? Buddy
we made it home from the meet. had a great time. we had a good turn out. great bunch of people and lots of commeraderie. wild hare came down and spent sunday with us. i want to thank buddy for putting on a great meet we had alot of fun.
Who is in Winnipeg these days? I have a son moving out there at the end of the week to go to U of Man and is looking for a place to live, maybe a smiling face to meet him at the airport. He is going for his Masters in Physics. :confused: He gets it from his mother in case you wanted to know.
the meet in eureka springs is just 2 weeks off. buddy is putting it on this year and it will be a good one. check it out under meet and eats for the agenda and motel accomodations. this will be a great meet as usual with lots of awesome sightseeing and things to do. this is one of the largest tourist areas in the usa, not to far from branson if you want to ride up there. it will be a fun pact weekend. if your not on the calender please do so so buddy can get a head count. we always have a great turn out. it's kind of a venturerider standard not to miss. see you there.
Just wanted to post a big Thank You to Brian (Golf&Venture) for hosting the Washington State Meet & Greet today. We had about 12 people there, on 8 bikes and one car. It is always nice to put a face to those you communicate with on the forum. We had a ton of food, and Brian will be eating left-overs for the next two weeks. We did get his very damaged Gen One Venture unloaded from the trailer, and parked inside his garage. It only took 6 or 7 guys to do this. So, a day of hot weather, dry roads, good people, and lots of food. Thank you Brian, Miles
Okay, I cannot help myself. I am sitting here waiting for Brian (Golf&Venture) to get back to me, but since he went down 2 months ago, he moves slower know. So, I am going to put it out there asking for responses. Brian would like to host a Meet & Greet at his house in Buckley, WA. next Sunday, August 12th. Yes, we know this is a short notice, is the best timing we could come up with. Brian needs several hands on board to assist in unloading his totally crashed '91 Venture from the trailer. It is all at his house now, and he needs to get it unloaded. I offered, but he thinks we will need about 4 people. The idea is to have a barbeque at his house, next Sunday, August 12th, from noon to 4 pm. There will be burgers, chips, and drinks provided. If you would like to make a small donation to defer costs, that is appreciated, but not required. It is also a chance to have many of the Washington State riders, and anyone else from the Great Pacific & greet. I will be bringing my new Carbtune Pro, and am willing to adjust/balance the carbs on anyones bike, or assist them if they want to learn...all for FREE. So, we are asking anyone that would like to attend a Meet & Greet at Brians' home in Buckley, WA. to please respond, so we can get an idea as to numbers. The address is: 23318 123rd St. Ct. E. Buckley, WA. 98321 If this works out well and we get several members to attend, we would like to make this an annual thing, and I would host the alternate year event at my own home. We will NOT be barbequeing any of my Llamas, Alpacas, or miniature Goats. Thanks, Miles
32 days until Eureka Springs AR. Wanted to up date it here in the watering hole to give the family the heads up that its just 32 days away Aug31 - Sept.3 2012 If we have new family members or just old ones wanting to come and need info? everything you need is posted in the Calendar on AUG 31 2012 and in the meet-n-eats area under Snarley Bills Eureka Springs meet So as of right now Edelweiss Inn still has a few rooms left but for how long is any ones guess? being Labor day weekend Peg & I are looking forward to this meet since its the first one we ever went to as a venturerider and loved it ever since! Buddy & Snowflake
hello all as many of you know i have had some problems wilth the bike well to day i went on the interstate 120 miles about 80 to 85 mph buzzed like a bumble bee should it is nice to have it back running right again i will be in ashville thur morning early cant want to meet new frends and see 1 rooster again it has been awhile since we neet up muffen man said will sinc my new to me carbs and all should be well again bumble bee 1999 rsv
Wife took her parents o Marion,IL for a wedding and they were coming home today. So I go the bright idea I"d meet them over in Memphis (140 miles 1 way)for lunch & wife could ride back with me since her mom & dad could drive I22 home no towns nothing just a str8 shot..We meet at Backyard Bugers in South Haven/ Olive Branch MS have lunch and the skies OPEN UP and rained for 45 minutes to hr so it was nice to be inside. Rain finally stopped & there four couples leaving when we did & lo & behold 2 couples road so we struck up a conversation & they told us there was a wreck just up on I22 & told us how to go around it... Some of you know I was to start a NEW job the 30th.... WRONG... I start in the WISH me luck , & if you are ever in the area PLEASE stop by and see me at MOTORSPORTSUPERSTORE In Hamilton, AL....
Is there a meet & eat this year in Blanchard , Mi this year or has it off the table. I didn't get there last year cause I was in Arkansas with another group I ride with and this year they want to go to Utah this year and I don't have the time or $ to go there. So is there a meet & eat this year or not Ron:whistling:
I'm putting the final touches and should leave in a few days. First destination is Nova Scotia and the maritimes and then the international rally. If anyone is heading the same direction and needs company, let me know. We can meet up somewhere. I am thinking of going along the northern states for the first part. Still have to check out the maps. At least I know which direction to head in! Tom
the st. charles meet and eat is coming up in two weeks. check it out under meet & eats and get on the calender. 7
Go to link below and check out tne Newnan Meet & Eat.....................
Going to be in Newport News next week if anyone wants to meet up.