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  1. Not one that I really wanted to join. About 2 weeks ago I started waking up in the middle of the night with a raging headache that was felt mostly behind the eyes. Went to the Dr. today because I couldnt shake this mornings headache, had to miss work, so went to the Dr. and now I have to take another med for high blood pressure. I am hoping the Dr. gets it right with the meds the first time, everyone I know has to take a couple of different ones before they hit on the right one. Starting out on Diovan, hope it works, cant take the headaches any longer.
  2. As I have posted I became a Grandpa for the first time New Years Eve and I have not yet seen my new Granddaughter. I have been sick and was planning on driving down to my sons house this Saturday to see Her and watch football. Went to the Doctors today and they did a chest x-ray and found that I have a lung infection now and Doctor said NO to seeing my Granddaughter. He did say I could go down there IF I wore a mask, rubber gloves, did not pick up the baby, and did not get close enough to breathe near her. Now what new Grandpa doesn't want to hold their new Grandchild? So got new meds and have to go back to Doc in a week and see if I get the OK to greet my Granddaughter properly. So for next weekend. P.S. For those of you on Medicare (like me) and have not refilled a prescription yet after the 1st of the year you may be in for quite a shock. One of my meds that I have to take went from a co-pay of $1.04 to $51.79. (before the 1st without insurance it was only $35.00 for 60 pills now with the NEW government improved pills they are $275.00 without insurance) Pharmacy said it's been a nightmare since the 1st because of new government guidelines on certain meds.
  3. I've had it now since Feb 5th ... which was the last time I took the medication ... but then the disease came back and it's really been rough these past few weeks... cold weather, rain, snow, wind .... I just haven't been able to get out and take the medication. But today .... ahhhhhhh yes, I will get a big dose of the meds today and maybe even tomorrow and hopefully this PMS will be GONE for the balance of the year!!
  4. http://articles.cnn.com/2011-06-01/politics/florida.welfare.drug.testing_1_drug-testing-drug-screening-tanf?_s=PM:POLITICS Hope the link works. It is kinda funny, what are they going to do about those already on it that are using recreational meds?
  5. Just listed my Venture in the classifieds. I think I am giving up touring.. since I was sick in the hospital two years ago I have had tons more trouble with my sinuses and pollen and junk in the air affect me much more, I often find myself with light head aches needing to take sinus meds, and with or with out the meds I am often light headed. I just don't feel safe taking long trips on bike anymore. I also have my Sportster listed, but if I sell the Venture I will probably keep the Sportster for around town and short trips. At this point I plan on switching to a sports car of some sort.
  6. I have been having some low back pain now for several weeks, I just got over a bout of Bursitis, which was very, very painful, I had an appointment for followup from that today. While at work today I was leaning up against a table in an office just resting and all of a sudden something pinched really really bad in my lower back and I almost hit the floor. I didnt really think much about it and took some pain meds. Later I starting noticing how painful it was to walk and everytime I put weight on my right foot it hurt my back like hell. So I went to the Dr. as scheduled and told him what was going on and he examined me and sent me for some x-rays. When he came back in the room the cheery smile was gone from his face as he sat down to show Charlene and I the results. First thing was I have scoliosis in my lower back, a little higher up signs of arthritis, and then the real bad part was a slipped vertebrae that was causing the pinching and pain. I couldnt believe there would be that much. So now I have to go back next week to a spine dr. and have either an MRI or CAT scan. No new pain meds cause I am already on them and they aint working, so he prescribed Steroids, in massive dose, went to get it filled and its backoredered from the mfg. Nobody had them, now I have to wait another day for the Dr to change the script. And I am also going to physical therapy to see if that helps..........Now I am seeing some of the same Dr.'s that Charlene was seeing for all of her problems...............Cant catch a break:bang head: All of this and Vogel 2 months away!!!!!!!!!!!!. :crying:
  7. I'm talking legally. Anybody here use it for chronic pain? I've been curious about it and it's analgesic and Bronchodilator properties. The meds I'm on now work ok, but give me headaches and nausea.
  8. No nobody ran over me this time. I caught one of the nastiest bugs I've ever had. Cramps so bad I couldn't stand up let alone drive and must have threw up 25 times yesterday. Finally got Son-in-Law to take me to Emergency Room last night. They couldn't tell me what was wrong but got cramps stopped. I'm so weak I can hardley sit in chair. I took flu shot about 18 hrs before this started. Could that be it? Meds they gave me for cramps going to wear off and I need to go to Drug Store. I wish somebody would teach the Warden to drive. I really love that lady and she treats me like a king but has never wanted to drive. Just won't do it??
  9. went in tues for my second surgery to get my leg to heal up from breaking it in 05 when i wrecked my 01 venture. around sun i started getting a pinching in my lower back and didn't think i was going to make it to surgery it was hurting so bad. they gave me 2 valiums while preping me and it didn't do a thing. when they rolled me into the surgery room the sleep doc gave me a shot and last i remembered was them strapping my arms down. when i came to they said the surgery went a lot longer than the 1 to 1 1/2 hrs to 5 hrs. the 2 bones in my leg had grown together and they had to cut and saw them apart. back was still hurting some, but my leg was killing me. they was giving me morphine but wasn't easing my pain much. got out fri and got home around noon and went to bed and got some sleep. pain meds last about 4 hrs and i stay awake a couple of hrs so i don't get hooked on pain meds. got me in a plastic walking form wrapped with a bunch of ace wraps. going back to doc on 15th to see how it's doing. hope it all works out in the long run so i can get back to work.
  10. Guest

    Medication Error!

    Not to slam medical professions, please understand this. A buddy of mine got seriously wrong medication from the pharmacy. I think he will be ok but it is a problem. Bottom line, folks - know what is going in your mouth or butt or where ever when you get meds from pharmacy or doctor or in hospital. Know what your meds look like, and ask the question if something doesn't seem right, in color, size, shape or anything else. It could be a generic drug and different manufacturers products will look different. It could be a change in dose that you are not aware of - but it could be an error. ASK QUESTIONS! My wilfe and I have had way too much experience in hosptials etc. And we caught more than one mistake. You have to know what you are getting. Ask. Especially ask if it is not familiar to you. You know what it is supposed to look like and don't be afraid to ASK! Got to take care of your self. Don't depend on someone else to do that for you.
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