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  1. Just wanted to share.. As some of you know I like to go through radiators for some reson... any ways. I just installed a new radiator and one of Stave Wagner's Grills. (in hopes of more protection) Steve does awesome work!, I even had it match my Millennium Color! I ordered the paint from Color Rite.. Millennium Color (hard to match), I have been really impressed on how they can match our bike colors.. I myself really like how it takes that black Void out of a light color bike...take a looksy! (before/after) (one happy camper) :thumbsup2:thanks Steve.. Jeff [ATTACH]17243[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]17244[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]17245[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]17246[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]17247[/ATTACH]
  2. I tried to buy new NGK caps for my 2004 venture but the parts store could't match the numbers off of OEM's. Does anyone have the NGK numbers or know how to get them?
  3. Hi all Is there a easy way to put a meeter on the cb cable to match the antenna? cheny
  4. It's not whether you win or lose, but how you place the blame. You are not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. We have enough "youth." How about a fountain of "smart"? The original point and click interface was a Smith & Wesson. A Fool and his money can throw one heck of a party When blondes have more fun,do they know it? Five days a week my body is a temple. The other two it's an amusement park. Learn from your parents mistake, use birth control. Money isn't everything, but it sure keeps the kids in touch. Don't Drink and Drive: You might hit a bump and spill something. If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you. Reality is only an illusion that occurs due to a lack of alcohol. We are born naked, wet, and hungry. Then things get worse. Red meat is not bad for you. Fuzzy green meat is bad for you. Ninety-nine percent of all lawyers give the rest a bad name. Xerox and Wurlitzer will merge to produce reproductive organs. Alabama state motto: "At least we're not Mississippi" Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity. The latest survey shows that three out of four people make up 75% of the population "I think Congressmen should wear uniforms, you know, like NASCAR drivers, so we could identify their corporate sponsors." Question: Do you know the real reason politicians work so hard to get re-elected? Answer: They'd never be able to make a living under the laws they've passed.
  5. The trunk on my 83 VR has not closed great since I bought it. It looks like the p.o. let it tumble off the bike while driving. The gaps on the top and bottom halves, don't match up when you close the lid. Has anyone tried to tweek the cases on these bikes? I have tried but I am a little scared of breaking them.
  6. Just installed the Clear View windwhield. This one is 2" shorter than the original and does have the recurve at the top. This allows me to see over the windshield instead of through it which I like. The lowers are wider and have a curve to them as well. I had made some flat lowers from black lexan to more closely match the lower fairing and the grill cover. I tossed those and went with the clear view version. Here are some pics. Oh, I splurged for the vent, but don't have an opinion on that yet. Looks like a difficult item to clean once it is full of bugs.
  7. Just delivered my Venture to the bike shop in Atlantic Iowa to be fitted with a Hannigan Trike kit. They will take it to the Hannigan plant in Kentucky for the installation, being the week of July 9 to July 14. First, they'll send them one of the saddle bags to use for a color match. I'll have an updated report on the results next month. Yeah, just calm down, huh! Owen.
  8. Wooohoo, we have the grand daughters for two weeks but there is one problem. I have been informed I can not "spoil" them. That being said I was able to get our daughter to "allow" me to get them something if they "need" it. So far I have figured out that they both "needed" new shoes because the shoes they had on when we picked them up didn't match their outfits they had on. I then determined that they "needed" sun dresses because it is hotter here than in CT. Oh, they also "needed" new sandals because they didn't have ones that matched the new sun dresses they "needed". Of course since it was so hot out and they had the new sun dresses they "needed" chairs that fit them so they could sit out side in their new sun dresses so I got them a canvas hippo chair and a canvas frog chair, but only because they "needed" them. Well as I thought about it some more I could clearly see that they "needed" a pool to put their chairs next to so I got them a 103 inch blow up pool. Now my brain was in a high awareness state and it was very apparent to me that their bathing suits did not match the color of the pool so I HAD to go get them the new bathing suits they "needed". Now as I was sitting there contemplating their needs there was no doubt in my mind that there was still one more thing they "needed". Now we all know that after a good day in the pool one needs to get their energy back up and what does that best? Why ice cream of course. Not being one to deprive Pappy's Girls of the things THEY need I of course had to stock up on ice cream bars in the freezer. So you all are now my witnesses that I have not been "spoiling" them I have only been getting them things they need. Right? Right? Ride Happy, Ride Safe
  9. Looking to get a drivers backrest for my '83. Does anyone have one that they'd like to part with? I'm looking for one in black to match my current seat. Thanks~
  10. Anyone in the area know how to paint need a trunk painted to match my bike. Any help would be greatfull. Joe
  11. http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/road-rage-carnage-in-brazil/1glbj4sni?from=sharepermalink-facebook&cpkey=26d16d18-deb8-4205-a706-3cde26b4a8e8%7c%7c%7c%7c I always envision this happening around where I work. Too many hot-heads behind the wheel during rush-hour. Our bikes may be larger than others, but they are still no match for even a compact car. Stay cool everyone!
  12. I ordered a trailer and was told it would be here in 2 to 3 weeks.. Well it's been a week and a half, (seems like a month).. I only needed a small trailer, so I ordered a Tag-Along http://www.lilthoroughbredtrailers.com/id2.html So far, I took my bike to the paint store "Finish Masters" they took a little computer out to the bike and came up with a color match I'm going to paint the trailer to match the bike. I fabricated a hitch for the bike pretty much following the design of others here. Below are a couple of pictures of how it came out and how it looks on the bike. Yes I know the bike is dirty but the weather here has been crappy.. It is hard to keep clean. Peggy and I are looking forward to using the trailer. It will make our trips a little more comfortable.
  13. Got a good set of 6 piston Sumitoma calipers for the VenMax today. Came off a 1997 YZF750R Yamaha. 100mm bolt spacing on mounts will match up to the MKII forks on it. Rotors are right diameter, calipers may need shimmed in slightly when I put the VMax front rim on this winter. They were going to need that with the R1's, about 1/4". Off with the R1's, didn't match well with that blue dot !! Gary
  14. Just curious - has anyone painted the plasti-chrome headlight trim to match the color of their bike? If so, I would like to see pictures.
  15. Here are a couple of pics as of last night. The trailer started out white (see my avatar) wanted to match the bike. Galaxie Blue/ Raven Black. The border pinstripe is a brighter charcoal than on the bike. I like it better, it does a better job of defining the blue and black. Working on my brother in-laws trailer too. His is going to be black to match his Midnight Venture. Now if it would just quit raining so I can finish the nose piece that houses the cooler.
  16. I want to make a set of saddlebag bibs that match my Hopnel tank and trunk bibs. I finally found and bought some basketweave vinyl that is a very close match. I thought that the vinyl braid would be very easy to find but I've looked everywhere that I know to look and haven't been able to source it. It is about 5/16" - 3/8" wide. Any ideas?
  17. I just don't get it. Maybe it's an age thing? Maybe someone can explain it to me, without getting into an arguing match. I see thread after thread about how the wind is touching someone, and they want to get it off. Gargantuan windshields, upper deflectors, lower deflectors, side deflectors, leg deflectors...etc... Part of riding a motorcycle is that feeling of freedom, and getting a little wind in your face. Without the wind, it seems like you might as well be in a cage. I don't want a pi$$ing match. I just thought I might be able to discuss this with friends, and maybe understand it a little better, that's all.
  18. Replaced the 70's style white wagon wheels with the red and blue pinstripe for some nice aluminum wheels. Now I just need to paint it galaxie blue and raven black to match the bike. Hopefully J-Bird will be at MD so he can pistripe it to match the bike. Let see some your trailers!
  19. Alligator wrapped bag lids to match the seats. http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn195/xxMPWATERDAWGxx/gator-1.jpg http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn195/xxMPWATERDAWGxx/gator1.jpg
  20. I want to know where I can buy paint to match my 1989 Venture Royale Maroon colour? What number do I have to give them to match the paint number? I live in Manitoba, Canada. Does anyone in Canada know where you can buy the paint? Thanks
  21. Billy Bob was going to high school and he was into wrestling. He was really good at it because he was a farm boy and he was big and strong from farm work.He was the top wrestler in his school and his coach told him that he had entered him in the district finals. Billy Bob assured the coach that he would do his best to win. They went and he won. His next match was the regional, and he was so big and strong that he won easily. He then moved on to the state championship matches. The other boys were strong and big but not like Billy Bob and of course he won. His coach told Billy Bob how proud he was of him and said that his next match would be at the champion ship matches for the United States, and you guessed it, he won easily. His coach explained to Billy Bob that his next match was for the champion wrestler of the world.He said that the only competition that he would have was from a small Japanese guy who had invented a pretzel hold where he tied up the competition into a pretzel. He said that no one had ever escaped this hold and if he got Billy Bob in it he would surely loose. The match began and Billy Bob was very cautious but just one and a half minutes into the first round and Billy Bob had been trapped in the pretzel hold. The referee counted, 1---2----and the little Japanese wrestler went flying through the air, landed on his stomach, and had the air knocked out of him. Billy Bob ran over and pinned him for the 3 count and won the world championship. After it was all over his couch really bragged on him but could'nt understand how he had ever got out of the Pretzel hold. Billy Bob said, COUCH ALL THAT I CAN TELL YOU IS A MAN DON'T KNOW HIS OWN STRENGTH UNTIL HE BITES HIS OWN BAG.
  22. I've read about a couple of different places to splice in the trailer light pig-tail, but I still have one question. What do you use to do the splice. Those squeeze together quick splices, or bare wires with a heat shrink tubing cover?? I have a 5 wire on the trailer to match what's on the bike so I think a plug and play is out if anyone even makes one...
  23. My Unigo trailer was black which matched my '04 Midnight when I bought it. Now that I have the blue '07 it bothered me that the trailer didn't match. So, a friend of mine helped me paint the upper 2/3rds of the trailer this weekend. That PPG paint stuff is expensive. It turned out pretty good. The color match is good but the finish isn't as glossy as I had expected. I've been told that I can polish it to a higher gloss once the paint cures for a few weeks. Attached is a poor photo of it. I still need to add a tape pin stripe at the color break similar to the bike. The paint store couldn't find a paint code so they used a device to scan the bike's paint and then mixed the paint to match. I'll post a better photo once I'm finished with it. DT
  24. Soooo. I need a set of tires on my '87. There seems to be lots of joy about tbe Dunlop E3s but what fits? 140/90-16 and 120/90-18 don't directly match up with what Dunlop lists. Sorry if this has been beat to death! Thanks in Advance! -BlueVenture87
  25. I have been given some info on a 2005 Yamaha that they believe is a XV17AS Road Star Midnight. It has 2000 Kms on it (1250 miles), has been sitting for some time as the owner has been ill. The bike is all black with soft bags and a tank cover to match. Can anyone that knows a lot more about the second gen bikes than I tell me if $9,000 cdn is a good price for this. its only :mo money:
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