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  1. Does anyone know where I can get the windows for the handlebar master cyl reservoirs? I am fixing to take the blonde off the road to do a ovehaul mostly cosmetic. Thanks Jeff
  2. Boy child called me. Bike is jumping out of first gear. Told him to start in 2nd a feather till we look it over. Then he call's back and lets me know that flid is running of of the clutch master. ARRGHH. I have a rebuild kit coming for the clutch master. Don't know if thats why the tranny was acting up or not. Any advice on either issue would be aprreciated. Both my son and I ride bike as primary transportation. So if it goes down he's down.
  3. went for a ride today and discovered my foot brake bottoms out with no discernible braking action. I do not appear to have any leaks (no spots on the garage floor), so I am figuring the master cylinder is shot. If someone has a good used one they want to unload let me know, otherwise I'll be going the rebuild route. Thanks!
  4. OK so I have 3 (probably simple) questions about doing an upgrade to R6 front brakes with stainless lines; I am also going to delink the system. I am going to order the calipers tomorrow. #1 As for the master cylinder will my current one work (IE is mine a 14mm or a 5/8)? #2 When I remove a line from the rear master cylinder what port will I use for the new brake and what port will I block off? And what kind of bolt do I use to block that port off? #3 For the front lines is a V-Max splitter necessary to use or can I use something like this https://www.denniskirk.com/russell/brake-line-fitting-male-3-t-junction-r4298c.p191349.prd/191349.sku OR just run a double banjo bolt and 2 seperate lines from the master to the calipers? I looked and could not find a clear answer to my question, and I know they are probably simple to answer. Thanks ahead of time everyone! And yes I know I said I have 3 questions and there was closer to 4
  5. Hey all, I have a 06 RSV. Everyone is talking about upgrading the brakes to R1. What year or type of R1? Am I doing just the front or also the rear? What about the other components, master cylinder, lines, etc. Any input whould be great. Thanks
  6. Would like anyones experience with the Tour Master Centurion Men's 1-Piece Textile
  7. Well it has happened , My poor old trusty 1996 XVZ Royal Star only 72000 kilometers or 45000 of your miles had started to consume clutch fluid and is starting to drag the clutch and sometimes is hard to change gear and to select netural. From what I have read on the forum it appears that slave cylinder maintainance is required. there are no apparent leaks visable. Because I am isolated here in rural Australia and there are no local dealers close by I would like some input from you great bunch of guys as to what is involved in this job as well as a reputable supplier for the necessary parts. I guess that it it advisable to change the slave out as against rekiting it. I am also thinking that a re kit of the master might as well be done at the same time. any thoughts about this please, Can the slave be changed out without dismantling any of the gearbox. Cheers to all, Winston66, Northampton , Western Australia
  8. Well I have searched the threads re this and went out and got a complete setup (in fact 2 set ups) 1 from an 07 roadstar with 14mm master and calipers and all lines inc splitter...#2 is a R6 blue dot caliper complete with master also 14 mm bought the R6 first and will be selling them after install......I am going to use the roadstar m/c and roadstar calipers as they look the same as R6...they have chrome dots .....Are these calipers the same internally? both are 4 piston.....the lines from RSV and roadie are same length banjo looks a little different...I will be replacing stock lines with SS....and EBC pads.....why the use of a Vmax splitter?is it for better flow?.also will roadie floating rotors fit..they are same dia. and have saame # mounting holes any problems that i might run into thanks for any info Les
  9. I've been doing some searching, but no luck yet, for a set of master cylinder covers. The only left-side I can find is in a set of Kuryakyn's for a VTX-1800. I have a set of aftermarket lids on both, but am looking for covers to hide the peeling/dull clearcoat on the reservoirs. I know I may have to do some "tweaking" because of the audio control mount. Here is what I've found so far.
  10. OK, Rode into town this morning, TD started and ran like a top, stopped to meet wife for coffee. When I went out to leave, TD started fine, but then died, when I attempted to re-start, nothing, , ,no light, no fire, nothing, , , , Am new to RSTDs, , , , , ,littel help for what I am looking for. I am headed back into town in a little bit and will take tools/meter to check battery for power. Is there a master fuse and if so, where? Any other suggestions of what to look for???? Have never had a monutes problem with this bike so far. Kinda perplexing, , ,
  11. OK the project got started yesterday. Yesterday I took off my floorboard and brake pedal and removed the old master cylinder. Today I did a little planning and thinking and fabricating. I decided to use the stock brake pushrod and I am fabricating a mounting plate for the master cylinder. I am tapping the side mounting holes on the new master cylinder so I can bolt it to the plate. The plate is going to be bolted to the brake pedal equalizer mount. I am slotting the holes so that the master can be adjusted up and down a little, and adjusted closer and further away from the brake pedal. I did a lot of hacking away on the piece that is the brake pedal mount so that the fabricated bracket will work out. I am trying to avoid drilling holes into the frame if at all possible. I have been taking pictures but probably not enough for a step by step illustration. I will make a template of the mounting plate once it is finished, I'm using 1/8 inch aluminum. My next obstacle is coming up with a nice SS brake line to go from the master back to the T block that will be SAE on the Master cylinder end and metric on the T block end. More to follow and pictures...
  12. My Clutch master started oozing/leaking around it's sight glass. I have ignored the crazing ugly mess for a couple of years, but this spring she started to leak. Instead of risking my plastic, I bought the watch crystal as mentioned in the other thread and decided to get to work. First, open up the master and become horrified. This goo is all over in there, which means it's in the slave and line. yay, more work ahead of me. Clean it out good, I siphoned out all the old with an old turky baster and rags. then washed it with clean new synthetic DOT3 compatible. you can see the corrosion from the water that was in the fluid. Note: change the fluid more than once every 4 years. second, get a couple of tiny thin screwdrivers and a small hammer, you can go around the outside of the old glass making a gap, to eventually get most of the old rotted plastic out. at this time the little metal piece that has a slot on it will fall out. dont worry, you will not use this anymore. Third, get a small screwdriver and start tapping out the metal insert ring that held the old sight glass assembly. go careful as you can ding up the aluminum housing easily. Finally, clean it all up with a painters prep and get a good strong solvent resistant epoxy. I used JB weld as they claim it's brake fluid resistant and I cant find others that do claim this. but it has to be fully cured, so that means a few days without contact to Brake fluid. that's it. Unless someone finds a way to put a more modern one on the bike, we cant get replacement sight glasses, and Used ones are ready to fail just based on age. I really hope this helps someone, it took me a leap of faith to do it and I freaked out when the sight glass did not fit, that's when I discovered the press fit insert you have to knock out.
  13. Guest


    Hey Walt thanks for the help on the clutch yesterday, I got real lucky on that... I never seen poot like that thru the master cylinder....Anyhow thanks my friend
  14. I recently replaced my front brake pads with a set of kevlars and flushed the fluid. I now have excellent brakes. The bike will stop on a dime. The problem is the master cylinder has a leak when the bike is sitting from the handle side of the plunger. I am not getting any air into the brake system and as I said the brakes work flawlessly. The leak is not fast but fast enough that if left untouched the master will go from 2/3rds full to empty in about a month. Does anyone have a quick fix for this or is a rebuild in the only fix? Thanks, Ray.
  15. Does anyone happen to know about the finish on the OEM master cylinder? Is it paint, raw aluminum with clear, or some other kind of coating? I'm trying to get a used 14mm master cylinder but would like to make sure its the same color as my original silver color on the 2000 RSV.
  16. can anyone tell me if the front brake master cyl. part# 4xy-w2587-10-00 for 09 venture will work on a 97 RSTD witch calls for part #4nk-w2587-02-00 both master cyl do take the same rebuild kit any help would be greatly apricative i curently cant get my brake or clutch to bleed and am about to go insane not being able to ride
  17. hello all im new to all this been a while since i rode a bike getting back into it anyway here is my question what does 4xy or 4nk mean in the part # i have a 97 1300 royal star the master brake calls for part # 4nk-2587-02-00 i found a part 4xy-2587-10-00 on ebay seller says its for a 09 venture they boyth take the same rebuild kit will this work on my bike same seller also has clutch master i may need will all this work needing to get this bike on the road so bad i can taste it (have to stick my head out the window of my truck to get a little wind in my face lol) but will not compromize safety. bike sat for 3 yrs before i got it as an aniversary gift in oct. both master and slave are ruined i replaced slave with a new one dont like the price of new master cyl. ive done enough rambeling thanks for the help in advance.
  18. Anyone have a rear master brake cylinder? I bled the brakes on my first gen. Foot brake works great for a few days, then pedal will push all the way down - no resistance, no brakes. I pulled the master cyl apart and it is pitted. Anyone have any suggestions? Looks like it is obsolete. Didn't see one on ebay either. Thanks, Pete
  19. Anyone have a good rear master brake cylinder? My 92 xvz13d has a pitted one and the pedal will drop out after a couple days riding. Sorry about the repeated message. This is the first time I've done a forum or thread and i have no idea what i'm doing! Pete
  20. One of the screw holes used for securing the top cover on my clutch master cylinder is stripped. The screw is fine. Its the hole that is boogered. I currently have a slightly longer screw in there which did bite but I am not happy with it. Has anyone tried repairing the hole with a heli-coil or Does any one have a master cylinder that I can buy? Thanks, Ray
  21. I’m reworking an 83 goldwing . Had everything else fixed but could not get the front brake to tighten up. Might slow down the bike but not really stop it. Put new master cylinder on and tried three different old hoses, rebuild old calipers, looked like the rotor ran true when spinning the tire. Bleed the brakes about 20 times, replaced calipers from Ebay… ETC ,,,,,, Took to dealer, they spent three weeks and rebuilt the original master cylinder replaced brake hose with new and checked the caliper. Got a bit better but not right. Brought bike home and my son noticed that the caliper was slightly twisting when applied. Put a straight edge on the rotor and its warped like a bowl. It only out by 0.05 in but that enough to cause a real problem. Bought used rotor on Ebay and problem solved. Hopefully this may help someone else in the future.
  22. has anyone tried these?http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/305/index.html
  23. Well i decided to take one of my 2 new bikes out for a good long test ride today. Went over 200 miles and the bike ran flawlessly, minus the rear master cylinder seizing up and almost burning out my back brake. Only got 34 mpg though.
  24. I am currently in the market for a rear master cylinder or a rebuild kit. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  25. Bob Hill and his new wife, Betty were vacationing in Europe near Transylvania. They were driving in a rental car along a rather deserted highway. It was late and raining very hard. Bob could barely see the road in front of the car. Suddenly the car skids out of control! Bob attempts to control the car, but to no avail! The car swerves and smashes into a tree. Moments later, Bob shakes his head to clear the fog. Dazed, he looks over at the passenger seat and sees his wife unconscious, with her head bleeding! Despite the rain and unfamiliar countryside, Bob knows he has to get her medical assistance. Bob carefully picks his wife up and begins trudging down the road. After a short while, he sees a light. He heads towards the light, which is coming from a large, old house. He approaches the door and knocks.A minute passes. A small, hunched man opens the door. Bob immediately blurts, "Hello, my name is Bob Hill, and this is my wife Betty. We've been in a terrible accident, and my wife has been seriously hurt. Can I please use your phone?" "I'm sorry," replied the hunchback, "but we don't have a phone. My master is a doctor; come in and I will get him!"Bob brings his wife in. An older man comes down the stairs. "I'm afraid my assistant may have misled you. I am not a medical doctor; I am a scientist.. However, it is many miles to the nearest clinic, and I have hada basic medical training. I will see what I can do. Igor, bring them down to the laboratory." With that, Igor picks up Betty and carries her downstairs, with Bob following closely. Igor places Betty on a table in the lab. Bob collapses from exhaustion and his own injuries, so Igor places Bob on an adjoining table. After a brief examination, Igor's master looks worried. "Things are serious, Igor." Igor and his master work feverishly, but to no avail. Bob and Betty Hill are no more. The Hills' deaths upset Igor's master greatly. Wearily, he climbs the steps to his conservatory, which houses his grand piano. For it is here that he has always found solace. He begins to play, and a stirring, almost haunting melody fills the house. Meanwhile, Igor is still in the lab tidying up. His eyes catch movement, and he notices the fingers on Betty's hand twitch, keeping time to the haunting piano music.. Stunned, he watches as Bob's arm begins to rise, marking the beat! He is further amazed as Betty and Bob both sit up straight! Unable to contain himself, he dashes up the stairs to the conservatory. He bursts in and shouts to his master: "Master,Master! .....The Hills are alive with the sound ofmusic!" What did you expect... it's free from a demented old friend on the Internet
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