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  1. This message is from Mary Hopey, she asked me to post this. "She would like to thank all of the Venture riders for their support and donations. This has been a great blessing to her."
  2. I got a call from Mary on the arrangements for Mark. There will be a memorial service on Tuesday at the Biltmore Christ Temple, 260 Fairview Road, Asheville, NC. 28803 at 6:30 pm. There will not be a viewing as Mark is to be cremated. She is trying now to get some pictures together for display. I suggested she may be able to get some pictures from here and have copies made. We talked about what Mark had expressed and she said he had earlier stated that he wanted his ashes spread on the beach in Pensacola FL and some to be spread at their favorite riding roads, such as the Blue Ridge Parkway. I suggested that we may be able to put a group together for a ride on the BRP and have a Memorial service there also. Mary has expressed that in lieu of flowers, she could really use any donations. I do not have a PayPal account for receiving money and if someone else would like to take care of this, it would be greatly appeciated. Mary has given me her phone number and if anyone would like to talk with her, please let me know and I will give you her number. I want to say again that Mark was really a great guy. He had a great presence of being a big kid. He was always smiling and had a fun personality. He absolutely loved this site and the people he had met. As I said earlier, I was not sure what I was going to be able to do about putting together an Asheville Rally and Mark stepped up and did a great job. He must have taken a weeks vacation so he would be there early to be able to meet everyone coming in. Mark will be missed. His last name is Hopey RandyA
  3. I just talked to Mary and as you can imagine, she is devastated with Mark's death. As best I can understand what she told me, as I could barely hear her, Mark had complained Thursday of not feeling well and having a back ache. When he went to bed, she gave him some back massage and he went to sleep. When she went to bed later, he was laying across the bed and was blue and had blood coming out of his mouth/nose. He could not be revived and was taken to Wake Forest for an autopsy. It may be awhile before it is known what caused his death, but at this time it is suspected that it may have been an intestinal aneurysm, which is probably one of the most deadly aneurysms. I did tell Mary that she has a whole bunch of folks on VentureRider that really cared for her and Mark and she and her family are in our thoughts and prayers. She said she will call me and give more information as it comes available. RandyA
  4. Gary and Mary,Again,Thank you for this special day with you guys. I feel like Im your brother when Im with you and Mary you are a blast....Thanks for the "Kiss" May never wash my face again.....Maybe.
  5. It isnt whether you ride a Harley or Yamaha or Gold Wing or any other bike..Its about the friendship and friends you have met along the way.. January 22,2012 Downtown Luckenbach,Texas with Gary N and Mary. Listening to the guys pickin and singin in 70+ degree weather sun shining...Life is good in TEXAS!
  6. Been having battery issues lately. Battery is due, actually overdue, for replacement however it has been good enough to start the bike twice in a row but not three times without a good run in between. About 4 days ago it would not start after work. Mary came and jumped it for me and I have spent the last few days at her place in town so I would not be stranded outside the city and could get to work. Today I'm off work and I was planning on getting a new battery. Started the bike on its own in the morning as would be normal. It was running well on half choke at 2500 RPM for perhaps 5 minutes when it dropped to about 1200 RPM. Took the choke off and it seemed stable at that RPM but after a few minutes the engine just quit. Mary arrived about that time so we hooked up the jumpers to her vehicle and it turned over really well but would not start. Don't have a freaking clue what is wrong with it. While it was idling it was smooth and was charging well, volt meter read just under the 15 v line. Bike is currently on the street in Victoria.. nowhere to work on it there. Gotta either ride it or tow it home but after that not really sure where to start. Almost anything could be wrong with it. Will get a new battery today. Perhaps the fuel pump quit. Possibly idled long enough to empty the bowl? Didn't overheat. Any thoughtful suggestions other than dynamite would be very helpful.
  7. I know it probably hasn't happened with the "I Do" yet, but I'm so excited that I couldn't wait to post it up. I wish you both all the best in your future together and look very forward to seeing you again as Mr. & Mrs. Nantais. We love you both, Lonna and I wish we could have been there to see it, just know that we were there in spirit with you and everyone else. God Bless you both and here's to many many happy years together!
  8. Randy and Beth showed up on our door step at 8:30 this morning just as I was having a medical issue and they helped me get to the couch before I fell flat on my face. Talk about good timing. Mary called EMS and I got to spend the day in emergency. They really couldn't find anything wrong and I'm feeling better now. Had a rough weekend on and off and I guess it might have been some kind of virus or something. Mary thinks I'm getting cold feet but I got to say my whole body has been freezing. Anyway, if there's a merit badge for good deeds please give one to Randy and Beth.
  9. Gary and Mary. Was really good to see you guys back here in Texas. I wish I didnt have to work this week as it is your last week here....but next year 3 Months! Im glad I got to drive you guys around yesterday Debby and I got a kick out of seeing you two eat like you did..cant beat that good ole Tex Mex,(Stingers)/Seafood meals! Anyway you two be careful going home and I PROMISE,next year the Leaky BBQ meet and eat will be around the first of April but I will have to get the others to make reservations real early as they get booked fast the first part of April.Anyway we will have a blast! Take care my friend. Tom and Debby
  10. What a great day with Mary and GaryN. I got to take them to places here they have not been. I think they were pleasantly surprised. Maybe Mary will post some of her pictures. Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARY!!!!!
  11. Merry Christmas everyone and A Happy New Year. I hope everyone rides safe in 2011. Jopie & Mary...
  12. My number two son, Jeff is marrying his long time sweetheart Jenna. He is the last of Mary and I's five children to get hitched. http://mi-cache.legacy.com/legacy/images/Celebrations/Photos/CAN-Windsor/photo_144672285.jpghttp://mi-cache.legacy.com/legacy/images/Celebrations/spacer.gifhttp://mi-cache.legacy.com/legacy/images/Celebrations/announce1/photo_BL.gifhttp://mi-cache.legacy.com/legacy/images/Celebrations/spacer.gifhttp://mi-cache.legacy.com/legacy/images/Celebrations/announce1/photo_BR.gif
  13. Wishing everyone a save and fun weekend. We would be there if we could. I'll be thinking of you all while I have a cold one looking out over the Pacific. Gary & Mary
  14. A long time ago a much older and much wiser friend of mine told me that with women "it's a h*ll of a lot easier to lose points then it is to get them". Well yesterday I was able to gain a few. Mary is a big C&W music fan so when we saw that Garth Brooks was playing here in Vegas I suggested that we try and get tickets. She said it would be impossible, that the show would have been sold out months ago. I said it don't hurt to ask. So at 3:00 yesterday afternoon we go to the box office and they have a line for last minute cancellations. No body was waiting so I said lets go. After a ten minute wait the girl called us up. She said there was two seats for the 10:30 show, centre stage, row O. I said we'll take them. Mary was so excited and giddy like a teenage girl. The show was excellent and even though I'm not a fan I really enjoyed it too. Trisha Yearwood, his wife, came out for a couple of songs as well. I was a hero last night. Now I just have to figure out how not to lose those points. Maybe tickets to Brooks and Dunn???
  15. mary christmas & happy new to all you to freebird
  16. I just spoke with mary at the oberlin inn and we are all lined up for the weekend of june 19th. They have rooms set aside at 89.95 per nite. Just mention venturerider when you call. They are anxiously awaiting our arrival. Mary says the sooner you call the better. If you have to cancel she says that is not a problem. Hope to see you all at don's.
  17. For those of you that were at Marcarl's Venture In, on Saturday, May 23/09, here's an update on Mary's condition after her fall with my bike. There is no bruising, but there is some swelling. She is feeling much better, thanks to Marca's "Tender Loving Care". She is only taking regular Advil for the pain, and is putting on ice packs. She is moving around unaided on her own. She had a good sleep last night and is now resting comfortable on the couch watching TV. Thank goodness it is only a pulled hamstring on her right leg, it could've been worse. A very special thank you to Marca and Carl, Sonny, Wayne, Robin,and everyone else that were there to help yesterday with her mishap. It just goes to show you what a great, big, loving, caring "FAMILY" that Venturerider.org members really are. From Mary and I, a great big "THANK YOU" to all. Jopie...
  18. There is a real story here that goes back 18 years. this is sad, but not over yet. This is there house Friday night about 8:30 p.m. No one was in there. This is next to Mary and me. Sending a few pictures. I will tell the story some day if one would to hear.
  19. i,m not to good,at posting,and i hope that all the riders i have visted with,don't think i'm an old prude,anyway mary christmas,and happy new new year
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