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  1. I was thinking there was an after market radiator cap avail for the 1st gens. I did a search and did not come up with anything. It seems like it was a for a Geo or something like that. Any suggestions? RandyA
  2. Here is a question that occurred to me while riding along worrying about my blue '84's intermittent misfire and thinking 25 y.o. TCI. Does anyone make an aftermarket TCI that can be used on the First Gen xvz12 / 13's ? I subscribe to a few classic bike mags and in the small ads at the back there are often outfits that advertise electronic ignition upgrade kits for older, ie 50's 60's and 70's, bikes that originally had points and condenser (British mag) type ignitions. I realize that the first gen xvz12 / 13's would be a small niche market and so on but old bikes from the 50's 60's and 70's can't be that big a market either. I see, or think I see second gen xvz aftermarket TCI's on ebay from time to time. What about Vmax's they share similar engine type and they like to go fast, you'd think some enterprising somebody would have come up with an aftermarket Vmax one by now that would be the cats a$$. So it wouldn't really be that small a niche. Or maybe they exist but cost so much you can buy 10 first gens for the price so no one bothers. What do we know about this folks? Likely I'd have read about such a thing here already if it were a practical solution but, well I had to ask while I procrastinate and generally put off going hunting for my bikes intermittent ignition fault. Thanks, Brian H.
  3. All, I'm differing to the vast knowledge of you guys. I've got a 2007 RSTD with a Hoppe Quadzillza fairing and every radio that I've mounted has cut out after a short time. The latest Kenwood has lasted the longest at just under a year. But they all start out the same, first the radio light will cut out but the unit still plays fine then after awhile the unit starts to cut out and restart itself, next it'll cut out and not work until I restart the bike. That's usually the point were I replace the thing but this one has now cut out completely. I may have a blown fuse and I'll look at it when I change to a taller windshield for the winter, probably this weekend. Now my questions are does anyone have any experience with an after market radio with a remote that can take the vibrations of a motorcycle, and would adding amps help with anything other than sound quality? Also has anyone used a Harley radio on a metric bike? Thanks in advance.
  4. Has anyone found a good set of similar to stock mirrors that have an extended stem. With the addition of my dog trailer I need some additional height to my mirrors to see over it. The right side is a left handed thread on the RSV. I just found that out as well so the vast majority on the market will not work. I wouldn't mind just adding an extension, but again they are right handed as well. Thanks
  5. Dose anyone know if a tour pack from a venture would fit a royal star or do they make a after market one?
  6. I just purchased a 1986 Venture Royale and it didn't come with headsets. Is there any out there still on the market? Or ideas to make something work?
  7. Any one got a site for good quality cassettes I looked on e-bay and any thing good like Pink Floyd dark side of the Moon, ZZ Top AC/DC/ Led Zeppelin etc... hell they want like $10 plus shipping Back when I was buying them NEW I think they only cost lik $3.99 or in that area. I thought maybe 50cents for a cassette I even went to the flea market today here in Tampa not a single cassette to be found. Don't have a MP# player and don't want to buy a CD player, just want a few tapes for those long distance can't find a good radio station rides
  8. Please indicate if you will be coming to Tuckers Market place in Burlington on Sat Jan 7. as discussed in Fellow Ontario Friends... .I have made reservations for 25 +/- people would love to get an accurite head count. Here is the link to RSVP to http://venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=299&day=2012-01-07
  9. So all warm season riding was fine and my brake lever reach problem had subsided.here it is again.the lever is too far and also very hard to squeeze.Are there after market levers available that for closer to the grip. I checked and lubed all pivot points again and the lever is just so damn hard to squeeze Am I being a baby?
  10. There are a large number of very attractive Harley Davidson after market taillights / turn signals on the market. Is the contour of the RSTD rear fender adequate for adapting one of these sets? Does anyone have photos?
  11. Ran across this on craigslist for $3750. I am not in the market for one and have no idea on point of cost but looks pretty good. http://www.austrackcampers.com
  12. Beth and I received some bad for us news yesterday, our tenants are moving out on June 1st....so we won't be able to make it to maintenance day in Ohio. THAT SUCKS! MD is the trip that I look forward to every year more than anything....I am NOT a happy camper. We are going to have to stay home and prep the rental unit for rent:confused24:......we need to rent it out quick, the payments are a bit of a killer. I shudder when I think of the clean up involved....I had let them paint the master bedroom...it's one ugly color, and they did an ugly job of it.....geesh! So...no MD lunch, no MD renewing friendships and making new ones, no partying at the Comfort Inn with all you crazies, dang it, no cheaper than Canadian priced wine, no getting the heck away for a weekend. Gonna miss meeting Aussie Annie and Quickie....er, I mean Quickstep...did I mention I'm not a happy camper....this is worse than snow! Just a wee bit of history then....when Beth:bighug: and I met, she lived 4 blocks up the street, we married, moved away. Her house sold, mine didn't, bottom fell out of the real estate market along with everything else. We decided to get a larger home when we moved back. It's been a battle with tenants ever since, the market is not good here in Windsor, and selling just isn't in the cards right now due to being locked in on the mortgage and the fees to get out of it are huge. In a nutshell..I guess that's it without a whole lot of boring, if not already BORING details. So...have some extra fun while you're all there at Don's, and think of us while you're doing it! We are going to miss out big time, $#@#$%%% it. gunk:depressed:
  13. How do y'all feel the natural and economic crisis in Japan will affect the bike market in the the coming weeks and months?
  14. It's time to replace my air filters. I was planning on using the K&N filters then it occurred to me that with the Barron after market mufflers it might run too lean. Do I need to worry about that?
  15. What are my options for installing a sissy bar rack on my 05.... Just buy the yamaha rack and be done with it or are their other after market racks available..?? Regards to all.
  16. How many members pulling one of the Piggy Backers, or any other brand that takes an 8" 5-bolt wheel would be interested in buying a set of machined aluminum wheels for their trailer? Also, in your opinion, what kind of a market do you think might be out there? I've checked everywhere and I can not find a manufacturer that makes them. Worldwide... I did find a company on the web in China that might be interested in making them, but rather than even talking to them about it I thought I'd see what others might think. Just because I'd like to find a set doesn't neccessarly mean there would be a big market... Whatcha think??
  17. For the last 4 evenings, Cable internet has dropped. Leaving me all alone in the twilight zone , No cyberspace either. Thank Goodness for my Droid. By tethering it to the laptop, at least I have connection. For those on the Droid network , download PDANet from the Market Place. It make it possible to get the Net for emergencies and travel. And it's Free and FAST too ! BEER30 via the Driod/Laptop
  18. How important is the stock exhaust to how the Venture runs? The bike I have has had the exhaust changed for some short little after market mufflers, my fuel mileage sucks, around 30 ,31 to the gallon, does anyone think that the reduced back pressure of these after market mufflers could be part of or most of or any of the cause for such mileage and lack of low end power? The bike has a great top end, but the low end is a little less than I figure I should have with the bike, 3000 rpm and above its a fast accelerating monster, below that it accelerates but kinda on the soft side if you know what I mean.
  19. Does anybody know what is coming down the pike regarding a new RSV. A new engine with fuel injection? Might be in the market for a new touring machine in a year or two.
  20. Anyone know if they make a after market kickstand yet for a lowered 2006 RSTD?
  21. Anyone know where to get a set of after market fork boots for a 93 Venture?
  22. i was wondering if beer 30 is still making tank bras? i may be in the market. steve
  23. Before I proceed to the stealers does anybody have a suggestion on an after market noise filter for an 90VR radio/cb part#INL88188-00 MOD# FR-88-34S0372 THANKS Stewart :canada:
  24. I was just wondering why we don't have a area on the forum to post suggestion and ideas that the Yamaha team can draw from, and reply to? I would think it would be great market research, and a great what to improve the machine and keep riders comming back and buying the latest and greatest thing. Just a thought.
  25. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcdmH_hVWBY&feature=related]YouTube - Michelin's Revolutionary Airless Tires[/ame] Only if they were on the market, Think of the possibilities. It's better than run flat.
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