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  1. Happy 236th Birthday Marines! Semper Fi Dave
  2. Semper Fi U.S.M.C. . I received this article from a brother Marine, It says all of what I believe and carry with me everyday of my life. All I know is that my transformation process to this state of "arrogance" started in September 1972 when I arrived at MCRD San Diego, Ca and by Jan 73 all traces of the "unorganized grab-ass tic" slothful being that disembarked from the bus had vanished from the face of the earth and a proud indestructible new being with a vibrant 197 year-old Heart, took form. That Heart still beats proudly some 39 years later as I recall the names, faces, places and events that ensued while proudly wearing Marine Green and knowing that I was a link in an unbreakable chain that was forged on 10 November 1775 but would be without termination. The blood of every Marine that ever was and ever will be, flows through my veins and mine in theirs. I have tried to "lovingly" explain it to non-Marines but as the axiom says, "To a Marine no explanation is necessary to one who is not, no explanation is possible!" Semper Fidelis - God, Country & Corps http://mail.aol.com/33953-111/aol-6/en-us/mail/get-attachment.aspx?uid=28586788&folder=Inbox&partId=4 Marine Arrogance The below was taken from the latest edition of Sgt. Grit . An excellent response: I wrote this in response to an Army guy on Facebook who posted a comment on our Marine Corps site that he was sick and tired of Marine "arrogance". As it would to any Marine, it pissed me off some and I posted this. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to repost it wherever you would like. Thank you and Semper Fi! Marc Ciacchi. Someone asked me what makes Marines special. I thought about that for awhile. I think that what makes Marines special, if only in our own minds, is that elusive Quality of Espirit D'Corps. It's the fact that we, as individual Marines, don't feel that we are individual Marines. When we wear our uniform, when we hear our Hymn, when we go into battle, we are going with every other Marine who ever wore the uniform. Standing behind us are the Marines who fought during the birth Of our nation. We're standing with the Marines who fought in WWI and gave birth To the legend of the "Teufel Hun den", or "Devil Dogs". We are standing with the Marines who took Iwo and Tarawa and countless other blood soaked islands throughout the Pacific. We are standing with the "Frozen Chosin" and our Beloved Chesty Puller. We are standing with the Marines who battled at Hue City And Khe Sanh and the muddy rice paddies of South East Asia . We are standing With the Marines who fought in Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom and now, are fighting in Afghanistan . Like real brothers, their blood courses through our veins, and when we go into battle, we would rather lay down our lives than be a disappointment to them. We carry on our backs, their legacy, their deaths and their honor. We Carry that for the rest of our lives. The Marine Corps uniform doesn't come off when our active duty is over. We wear it daily in our attitude, and our love of Corps and country. We wear it on our tattoos and our bumper stickers. We wear it in our hearts. It's why, no matter where we are in the world, on November 10th, every Marine celebrates the Marine Corps birthday. It's why we'll never be an army of 1. It's why we never stop being Marines. It's why, for most of us, being a Marine Isn't something we were. It's something we are. It's the most important part of Who and what we are. Some say we're arrogant. We say we're proud. We have a right to be proud. We are United States Marines. The most feared and ferocious Group of warriors to walk the face of this earth. When Americas ' enemies formulate their battle plans, they plan on going around Marine units, because they know D-mn well that they can't go through them. We are what the other branches wish they were. We are the modern day Spartans. This isn't bragging. It's written In the battle history of our country. When there's a parade and the Marines march by, everyone pays a little more attention. Some say "arrogance". We call it "pride"
  3. rod

    good if true

    I don't know if this is true but it is good none the less. Augusta, GA A heart-warming story. We need to hear of more similar stories Orville Smith, a store manager for Best Buys in Augusta, Georgia , told police he observed a male customer, later identified as Tyrone Jackson of Augusta , on surveillance cameras putting a laptop computer under his jacket. When confronted the man became irate, knocked down an employee, drew a knife and ran for the door. Outside on the sidewalk were four Marines collecting toys for the "Toys for Tots" program. Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of the Marines, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back, the injury did not appear to be severe. After Police and an ambulance arrived at the scene Cpl. Duggan was transported for treatment. The subject was also transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken ankle, a broken leg, several missing teeth, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions, assorted lacerations, a broken nose and a broken jaw...injuries he sustained when he slipped and fell off of the curb after stabbing the Marine. Rod
  4. If you live near Augusta and this isn't true, keep it to yourself. This makes my day! Guys ought to be more careful when they're running with knives . . . Maybe if he'd not accidently stabbed that Cpl, the Marines might not have chased him and he wouldn't have fallen. Funny how things like that--unintended consequences--happen, isn't it? Also, I think we have a new definition for "loser." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUGUSTA, Ga. - A U.S. Marine reservist collecting toys for children was stabbed when he helped stop a suspected shoplifter in eastern Georgia. Best Buy sales manager Orvin Smith told The Augusta Chronicle that the man was seen on surveillance cameras Friday putting a laptop under his jacket at the Augusta store. When confronted, the man became irate, knocked down an employee, pulled a knife and ran toward the door. Outside were four Marines collecting toys for the service branch's "Toys For Tots" program. Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of them, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back. The cut did not appear to be severe. The suspect was transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg, possible broken ribs, assorted lacerations and bruises he obtained when he fell trying to run after stabbing the Marine. The suspect, whose name was not released, was held until police arrived. The Richmond County Sheriff's office said it is investigating. And the investigators found out it happened just like the Marines said. Must have been a nasty fall! Semper Fi
  5. I need to contact my Son in the marines, Last I talked to him he was going to be in 29 Palms for the mo. of Oct. I called the recuiter station in lawton Okla and they was no help to me gave me no numbers to even try calling? all they said was he was in MojaveViper?. reason is my Dad his Papa Don has cancer and the Doctor said he has less than a week to live and I wanted to contact my son and let him know since they were so close to each other. I wont post my sons name or tag number here he is with 2nd Battalion 5th Marines first Platoon Gulf Co.. if anybody has any info on how to get through please let me know Thanks Buddy
  6. No, it's not about my new 'backrest.' It's to help stop an annoyance, and a disgrace! There are several car stealerships that try to take advantage of our younger, less-informed US Marines stationed here at Camp Lejeune (which is 8 miles from my house) by offering them GUARANTEED financing, blah blah blah. Well, they're now going WAY out of their way to try and bait these Marines in. Please take a moment to look at http://onslow.craigslist.org/cta/ This is the Car/Truck ads for Jacksonville, NC. There are a LOT of ads featuring "Brian The Car Guy" and others listed in Chesapeake, and VA Beach. I'm just asking all lthe VR Members (who read this, and can spare a few clicks to help out the Marines here) to find any ads for "Brian The Car Guy" "Chesapeake" or "VA Beach" and flag them as MISCATEGORIZED. These Marines already dodge enough bullets overseas, let's help them dodge these domestic ones! I've contacted these dealerships personally, and asked them to please remove their postings in this areas, since they are all over 3 HOURS AWAY. They pretty much told me Marines are easy targets. Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, and maybe I should just stay off Craigslist... but it pi$$es me off.
  7. The following video presentation has been brought to you by: http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/marinelogo.jpg Warning ! There is some very graphic language in following video clip of our Marines in action. You've been forewarned! This is an example of technology in action! The Marines on the ground have been pinned down by a sniper in the building in front of them. Enjoy Semper Fi [ATTACH]40411[/ATTACH]
  8. I've been reading about this story for a bit and I know we have folks that were Marines. So I thought this might be pertinent to them. Seems that Camp Lejeune here in NC had some water problems. There is a group that have come up with some health problems which they attribute to the toxic water they were exposed to. This is there website. It's going before the Senate here shortly and there is a bill where the Senator from NC is trying to get VA benefits for former Marines and their families due to this. The water seems to have been cleaned up now. Just thought I'd pass this on in case we have anyone that may have been affected and need to know where to go. http://www.tftptf.com/ Margaret
  9. We do not hear any of this sort of news anymore, I wonder what kind of free press we still have? Pray for our Republic and its defenders! Outnumbered 8-1: 'A good day for the Corps' By Peter Bronson "Our vehicles came under a barrage of enemy RPGs (rocket propelled grenades) and machine gun fire. One of our humvees was disabled from RPG fire, and the Marines inside dismounted and laid down suppression fire so they could evacuate a Marine who was knocked unconscious from the blast." That's not from an episode of The Unit or 24. It's not from an anti-war movie. It's not from any newspaper or TV news reports I could find. The quote comes from a "designated marksman who requested to remain unidentified." He was reporting what happened recently in the city of Shewan, Afghanistan. The story was told in a Marine Corps News report by Cpl. James M. Mercure. It will give you goose bumps and make you want to stand up and salute the nearest flag. Here's more, because it's a lot better than anything I could write today: "The day started out with a 10-kilometer patrol with elements mounted and dismounted, so by the time we got to Shewan, we were pretty beat," the marksman said. Mercure reported, "Shewan had been a thorn in the side of Task Force 2d Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Afghanistan throughout the Marines' deployment here in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, because it controls an important supply route into the Bala Baluk district. Opening the route was key to continuing combat operations in the area." "The vicious attack that left the humvee destroyed and several of the Marines pinned down in the kill zone sparked an intense eight-hour battle as the platoon desperately fought to recover their comrades. After recovering the Marines trapped in the kill zone, another platoon sergeant personally led numerous attacks on enemy fortified positions while the platoon fought house to house and trench to trench in order to clear through the enemy ambush site. '"The biggest thing to take from that day is what Marines can accomplish when they're given the opportunity to fight,'" the sniper said. '"A small group of Marines met a numerically superior force and embarrassed them in their own backyard. The insurgents told the townspeople that they were stronger than the Americans, and that day we showed them they were wrong."' "During the battle, the designated marksman single handedly thwarted a company-sized enemy RPG and machinegun ambush by reportedly killing 20 enemy fighters with his devastatingly accurate precision fire. He selflessly exposed himself time and again to intense enemy fire during a critical point in the eight-hour battle for Shewan in order to kill any enemy combatants who attempted to engage or maneuver on the Marines in the kill zone. What made his actions even more impressive was the fact that he didn't miss any shots, despite the enemies' rounds impacting within a foot of his fighting position." '"I was in my own little world,"' the young corporal said. '"I wasn't even aware of a lot of the rounds impacting near my position, because I was concentrating so hard on making sure my rounds were on target."' "After calling for close-air support, the small group of Marines pushed forward and broke the enemies' spirit as many of them dropped their weapons and fled the battlefield. At the end of the battle, the Marines had reduced an enemy stronghold, killed more than 50 insurgents and wounded several more. '"I didn't realize how many bad guys there were until we had broken through the enemies' lines and forced them to retreat. It was roughly 250 insurgents against 30 of us,"' the corporal said. '"It was a good day for the Marine Corps. We killed a lot of bad guys, and none of our guys were seriously injured."' Such an amazing story of heroism and victory would have been on Page One in every paper in the country during World War II. Just 30 Marines giving eight hours of hell to 250 insurgents is the kind of story that would make a good movie - if that kind of movie still could be made. But these days, it did not even make Page 10. I couldn't find a story about it anywhere. The only mentions were on conservative blogs and military Web sites. The soldiers who are fighting for their lives and our country might as well be in another dimension. News from the battlefronts in Iraq and Afghanistan is apparently not important. It reminds the jaded anti-war crowd that they were wrong. We're winning. It reminds a self-centered nation that some Americans are making sacrifices much bigger than a loss in their 401(k)s. So we don't hear about it.
  10. This is for anyone who was stationed or lived at Camp Lejeune between 1957-1987. Evidently there was some sort of chemical in the drinking water during this time. The Marines are sending out letters, but just in case you haven't heard yet thought I'd pass this on. I saw the story on our local news so I looked for info. I know we have some retired Marines on here. Just thought I'd pass it along. https://clnr.hqi.usmc.mil/clsurvey/ Margaret
  11. Hilarious as all get-out ! Sorry if I did intentionally place this in the Watering Hole , but I think this Marine deserves the credit . A US Marine at a roadway checkpoint, bored to tears, talking to a Baghdad-bound Iraqi taxi driver. You have to understand Marine humor in combat-a little on the sick side, but very funny. This lad's sarcasm and cynicism is profound and hilarious. This is why the Commandant of the Marine Corps tried to have the Marines pulled from Iraq and sent to Afghanistan, because the lance corporals were complaining that they had no one to shoot at. Of course, Secretary Gates turned him down, so now the Marines are passing the word via cab drivers for the insurgents to come out and play . http://www.qubetv.tv/videos/detail/3483 BEER30
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