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  1. I am planning on camping at the cabbage patch campground March 6-9th if anyone is going let me know.
  2. Putting this out there for having a M/D on Sat. March 31st. I wasn't able to do it this past year due to knee replacement. I'm looking to have one this next year again so lets see what we can setup. Steve
  3. In the middle of March in Wisconsin. Two RSVs at the factory today. I'll have to go see if a third one is on the other side of the plant. Later, Scooter Bob
  4. will be there March 9th through the 15th.... anyone else going?
  5. I have to admit, it was kind of a between quezy and exciting when I got settled on the seat, adjusted the mirrors and fired up the motor. My daughter was standing next to me as I took the helmet off the mirror and handed it to her. She asked "Are you sure you don't want to wear this?" I'm living on the edge today kiddo. I think I muttered "hoka key." I belive that means "It's a good day to die." I rolled backwards out of the driveway and dropped it into gear. When I make my first stop I went to move my feet and had no where to put them. Odd. As I made my left turn I banged my head on the side window. Damn! Should have worn the helmet. And what the hell it this thing digging into my butt? Seat belt? Haven't seen one of them in a while!! You see, it was the first time since March of this year I have been in a car. Even sitting in one as a passenger let alone behind the wheel. I've been on my bike every day since mid March no matter the weather or conditions. So for most the riders I know in my area think I'm nuts. A daily seven month riding season in Nebraska? Nobody does that anymore. And I'm not done. I hasn't snowed yet. LOL! But tomorrow will be the true test. I have to go to Walmart and wiggle my way through the parking lot in a 3,700 car and find a parking spot. Yikes! Maybe I'll wear the helmet for that. Now I need to find a car for my daughter. She "borrowed" it in March. Wish me luck. Mike
  6. Could I ask everyone here to say a small prayer for me in the AM? I am going through some employment issues and need a few prayers. My motorcycle accident from back in March 2010 could play a negative role. Thank you VR family!!! Ben
  7. Three years ago, my daughter, Heather and her husband Adam accepted a position in Brechin (Orillia) ON as associate pastor for a very small church. They could not afford to buy a house so they looked for something to rent. They could not find that either, but one of the church members had just built a 3 car garage with a one room apartment above it. Now with 2 kids it was getting a little tight so the search continued. In November last year, they found a house,, not much, kind of old but serviceable. It needed a new roof, so the owner was replacing it when it rained, and ruined the whole inside, so that was all redone. They were told they could move in in March, and then the end of March, then April,, you got the story. Now all is done and they were packed and ready to move in this past weekend, when all of a sudden things took a turn around, and now the owner has decided not to rent, but to sell. Heather is going bald I think,,, she must be totally pulling her hair out. We're going there to see what can be done, there just seems to be no place to rent so we may have to become creative. So we need some guidance, maybe from you folks, but most of all from our Creator, so if you could ask Him that would be awesome. Carl
  8. just wondering what the most miles you've ever seen on a V4. I know they've been around for a while. i've seen several wings over 250k. I purchased My 01 rsv back in march with 40K on it and I plan on keeping this bike for years to come.
  9. Here's a couple of shots of our Supermoon in Arkansas tonight (March 19, 2011).
  10. Going to Texas during the week of March 5th~12th to see my Mom in Blanco! Would love to see any and all Venture Associates during that time! If weather is foul my daughter, she does not do cold well, and I will trailer the bike with a cage otherwise we are looking forward to a great bike trip: Made to be "modified" Itinerary 5 March Leaving Chattanooga, TN camping at Village Creek State Park, Wynne, AR http://www.arkansasstateparks.com/villagecreek/ 6th March riding to Beavers Bend State Resort Park, Broken Bow, Oklahoma http://www.stateparks.com/beavers_bend.html 7h March Dallas area, TX 8th~10th March Blanco, TX 11th March Houston and then camping at South Toledo Bend State Park, Anacoco, LA http://www.crt.state.la.us/parks/istb.aspx 12th~13th Chattanooga, TN via Natchez Trail http://www.nps.gov/natr/index.htm [ATTACH]54274[/ATTACH]
  11. Any of you going to Daytona there will a coffee tent set up on I10 at the Alabama-Mississippi State line. We will be there the 5th and 6th of March at the Alabama Welcome Center. Hope to see you there. Snack will be served. tew47
  12. We have 3 couples headed down to Tampa Bay (Ruskin) Going to be there on the 5th of March stay through the 11th of March. We will be taking off Tuesday the 8th on A ride over to St. Augustine(around lake george). IF you got any ride recommendations or wanna hook up give us a shout. We will be headed down to daytona on the ninth then back to Tampa the remaining couple of Days.
  13. Getting new shoes on the RSV tomorrow, and the "2011 Tour" is really shaping up to be a good one! Departing the ATL on: ~ Feb 25 - Palm Beach FL - 6 days ~ March 5 - Daytona Bike Week - 7 days ~ May 26 - Washington DC (Rolling Thunder) - 5 days ~ June 10 - Dayton OH - 4 days ~ June 23 - White Sulpher Springs, WVA - 5 days ~ Sept 8 - Philly PA (for 9/11 memorial) - 6 days Not sure how many miles that is, but it's more than I've done in a long time in one calendar year, not including the weekly 200 - 300 mile rides we do to the mountains from March through November, and all of the other shorter rides with the PGR and WWR. 2011 is gonna be a great year. It has to be, cause 2010 sucked! So when is the N. GA maintenance day???
  14. Hi all Randy stoped by to day to see how I was coming along. ( thanks for stopping by Randy ) I have with the help of Blackjack and others have held a M/D in my shop over thr last 2 years. I will be happy to do it again if anyone has an intrest in the meet. I am open for a time in March to hold it. Ist, 2nd, or 3rd weekend. I know it use to be the 2nd sat. of the month but if another weekend works out better thats fine. Let me know if you are interested in attending and when wold work best for you. Ride Safe and Keep warm Steve
  15. Off work today because of snow. We had a 2 hour delay on Monday, and got hit with another snow storm this morning. I told Ron that I have given up on my Christmas Day ride. There will be too much salt and other debris now. I told him he can get out the tool box and start tearing her apart. He has a bunch of things to do. So I figure if he starts now, it might be back together at the end of March rather than May which is what usually happens. Oh my. No leather for months. It is going to be a looooooooooooooooooong winter! Yama Mama:snow2::sleigh:
  16. I have been trying to contact Clearview this week to trace my order and the local and national phone numbers reply that they are full with messages and cannot accept the call. They cashed my check on March 17; has anyone heard of problems with this company? They have $261.74 of my money......and no windshield.
  17. Alright everyone just a quick update on the suppliers I mentioned in the other post ($6 LED's. $13 S&H. I like it.) Two of the suppliers LED's matched in brightness on fairly fast shipping and handling time considering coming from China and Hong Kong. http://stores.ebay.com/verimage_Car-...34Q2ec0Q2em322 http://stores.ebay.com/Julysky-NO1_C...34Q2ec0Q2em322 Both of these I was totally happy with. Now the nightmare begins. [/url]http://stores.ebay.com/ezonedirect_C...0Q2em14?_pgn=3 I would not buy from again under any circumstances. First let me say that they are very responsive to any communications and will refund your money if you have any problems. Now on Feb 2, 2010 I purchased 6 24ct green LED's from them. On March 5th I receive 3 of the six. On March 8th I received another one and on March 11th I received another one and today is March 15th and I still have not received the 6th one. Alright they are cheap enough I will go with that one if and when it shows up. Well I start installing them and I can't get them to work and I finally figure out that 4 of the five I have are wired backwards. Ok no big deal I'll just reverse the wires. Then I notice I have 3 different shades of green. That will never work. I have 2 that are the same shade of green and are the same shade as the rest of the LED's already installed. Of these 2 LED's one is wired backwards. Of the three remaining LED's one is only medium brightness and all three LED's their color doesn't match what is already on the bike. The 6th one is floating around the world someplace. The wires as stated before are very very tiny so I broke them a few times installing them but no big deal just make sure you don't cut them to short just in case you have to redo them. EZONEDIRECT is giving me my money back and has had great communication throughout this whole ordeal. My advice would be to stick with the other two dealers and by all of your LED's at once so they will match. The other two companies I bought 4 from one and 6 from the other and they all match. Conclusion, If your going for cheap (like me) then you are going to have a few problems. I would do it all over again because the cost saving far outway the problems I've had. My Cheap (Harry)
  18. Title says it all. I got a ride planned March 27-30 if anyone is interested. I'm gonna leave Northern Virginia on Saturday morning (27th) and head down to either Boone or Hickory, NC. I am supposed to meet my dad and a buddy there for 2 days of riding in the mountains i.e. Blue Ridge Parkway and possibly The Dragon. Camping is an option if the weather is condusive for it. I'll head back toward the DC area on Tuesday the 30th. If you'd like to ride with us, you're more than welcome! Look forward to possibly meeting anyone between here and there. More details to follow closer to the date. Ben
  19. And my scoot will be back out of the back of the garage and near the door ready to ride. Come on March......
  20. phill12


    March of 1991 we bought a new Yamaha Venture. We put over 26,000 miles on it the first year. Here is some of the photos http://www.photoshow.com/watch/iy6Ea5JH
  21. Just wanted to share with you all, how much pride I have, marching in the Anzac Day parade tomorrow (25th April) wearing my fathers' (WW2), and my grandfathers' medals (WW1.) I even have the rising sun badge from my grandfathers army hat. Alan and I march every year--even argued with Dr's when in hospital(after accident) to go in wheelchair and march. To see the old "diggers"-- and our young people serving our country, has always filled me with such pride. And I love going to the RSL club afterwards and spending the day with them. Lots of beer, two-up and BS-magic!! LEST WE FORGET _________________________________________________________________________ NEVER RIDE FASTER THAN YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL:2133:CAN FLY
  22. scotty

    spring please

    I am getting tired of pushing snow off of the driveway. Spring can happen any time. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uddsey3yKc]YouTube - march snow 09[/ame]
  23. Just wanted to mention the Great Southern Motorcycle expo is happening this weekend in Jackson,MS at the fairgrounds. It's usually inside (and outside) the Ag buildings on the southwest corner of the fairgrounds at the Jefferson Street entrance. Here is a link to the info... Great Southern Motorcycle expo Found a better link... here. Great Southern Motorcycle Expo DATE March 21 - March 22, 2009 CITY / STATE Jackson, Mississippi (MS) DESCRIPTION The Great Southern Motorcycle expo will be held March 21st and 22nd. This is a great indoor/outdoor expo featuring over 60 vendors. There will be non-stop demonstrations,entertainment,live performances food and beer. There will also be many attractions including a dyno, a law enforcement competitive skills competition, and a custom motorcycle contest. For more information about this event, Please see below. EMAIL wsbissell@aol.com CONTACT Bill Bissell PHONE 601-832-3020 FAX 601-859-3579
  24. mrc

    March break

    Son’s March break The MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) has done it again. Here in Ontario they have close the fishing on the Sunday before the March break. 20 yrs of spending March break on Lake Temagami comes to an end. My son was upset. I am thinking of trying to go south riding for a week down around the Blue Ridge Parkway. What is the weather been like down in that area? They are calling for warm weather in the Toronto area (double digits) this weekend. Would I be able to leave the Toronto area on our bikes and make it south at this time of the year? What are you feeling? Would you try it or should I wait? I have never biked in the USA. I am a little nervous about the weather. I’m looking for some advice from people along the route. Any comments?
  25. Well here I set received my new ultimate seat yesterday for my road* lets ride. wait just a minute what do you think is on the way snow in mid March. Does anyone have a set of chains for a bike. :snow2:
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