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  1. The address I have used for Google maps, which was setup to my hometown, has changed. Before, it came up with Johnson City in the middle and I could slide the portion on the leftside of the page out of the way. Now it comes up with a box with a lot of symbols and scrolling down will get me a map of middle Tennessee, but I can not do anything with it. Has anybody else's Google map changed? I have tried downloading several Google Map addresses and it still does the same. RandyA
  2. I started this thread over on facebook and got a lot of great apps for my phone as well as getting thanked for a few apps that I posted up as well. Just cool things that help us with our riding or everyday tasks . So here goes. 1. MY CAR TRACKS for android... it allows you to record your driving progress and when you are done you cant print your route on google maps. This sis great when I go ride with a few friends and I dont know where I am. i get back home and can view my route. 2.FLASHLIGHT.... Creates a bright light on your phone. great for guys sbeaking out of the house early in the morning( to go to work) 3.FORUM RUNNER. .. This app allows me to read the forum easier from my phone with alerts for private messages and threads subscribed to 4. THE WEATHE CHANNEL, google maps, twitter , and facebook. self explanitory. 5. Pandora radio.. An online radio station geared by the music you listen to. I no longer plug my mp3 player in to my bike . 6.G strings tuner . An app to tune your guitar... just as effective as a tuner 7. GAS BUDDY... Shows you view maps where the gas stations are in relation to you and get this THE CHEAPEST GAS AROUND 8. And last but not least ANGRY BIRD
  3. Hey all you folks that use the maps of the USA and Canada on your sig line...how in the world, or where...did you get that couple of maps, that you can color in for each state you have ridden through, and the Canadian provinces ???? Is it going to piss anybody off if I color in every state...except Hawaii, and also color in all the Canadian provinces. Yes, I have in fact ridden to all 48 lower states, and ridden all over Alaska, and ridden to all the Canadian provinces. In fact, did all 48 lower states in less than 10 days. So, please...tell me where I can get one of those cool sig line maps. Thanks, Miles Million Mile Rider AMA - IBA:bighug:
  4. I have a question about making your own maps to load into a sd card for my gps. Are there any websites you can go to to do this? I tried searching for it but found nothing. Thanks Richie R
  5. OK, I see lots of "states I've been" type maps in the sig of many of the members. How do I put one in my sig?
  6. Sending out invite to all who want to come this Sat at Noon for BBQ at Goode Company on 290NW just past 1960. Same place as previous meets. Come out and introduce yourself to DAVE77459 again. He was missed since being TDY to Joplin, Mo for the last 6 months. And it looks like a good day for riding, Dave is way behind. See ya there. Here is several links to Location of Goode Company BBQ. [ame=http://maps.google.com/maps?source=s_q&f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=goode+company&sll=29.9076,-95.608625&sspn=0.007886,0.011094&ie=UTF8&hq=goode+company&hnear=&cid=12352199228659952764&ll=29.921613,-95.608521&spn=0.190439,0.324097&z=11&iwloc=A&vpsrc=6&oi=map_misc&ct=api_logo]Google Maps[/ame] http://www.goodecompany.com/our-restaurants/goode-company-bar-b-q/locations/20102-northwest-frwy.html
  7. Ever wonder how much would be gone if a nuke fell on a city or town? Or just having a bad day and wanna nuke something? Here is a website that allows you to select the nuke you like and drop it whereever you pick in google maps. It isnt violent but it can sure make you realize how much damage can be done by a warhead. http://www.carloslabs.com/node/20
  8. I found this software program for GPS's. It is a route planner that is supposed to be compatible with both Garmin and TomTom and works in conjunction with Google earth and Google maps. You are supposed to be able to plot out your route and then upload it to your GPS. I am curious If anyone is familiar with it and have tried it. Here is the link to tyre's home page http://www.tyre.tk/ It would seem to me (unless I misunderstood) that you would not have to keep updating your gps maps either if using this program. I have an old TOM TOM that I thought I would try it out on
  9. I have just added another prize to the Vogel Raffles. On the way is a Tom Tom XXL 530 Gps. [ATTACH]59231[/ATTACH] Warranty: 1 Year TomTom Condition: New Features: Extra-wide 5.0” color touchscreen control 2GB flash memory preloaded with maps of the US and Canada 3 million preloaded points of interest – easily find gas stations, restaurants, hotels and more along your route. Customize by adding your own points of interest EasyPort suction-cup windshield mount folds away for convenient storage and transport between vehicles Text-to-speech voice prompts announce actual street names at turns IQ Routes technology, used to plan the best possible route taking into account the real average speeds measured on the roads With MapShare you can correct errors on your map and share those corrections with other people in the TomTom MapShare community as well as receive corrections made by others TomTom HOME desktop software has everything you need to keep your TomTom device up to date - get new software, download new maps, access free content from the TomTom community and subscribe to services “Help Me!” Emergency Menu allows easy access to local emergency providers such as police, fire stations and hospitals Compatible with RDS traffic-info service (additional receiver and subscription required) available in most major urban areas
  10. wan·der·lust   [won-der-luhst] –noun a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about. We have been home from our ~6700 mile cross-country ride for 1 full week now... and I have already been looking at maps for a couple of days trying to figure out "where next". If there is a halfway house for this kind of thing... maybe I will wave as I go by.
  11. I currently have 2009 WW Autoroute DEM Basemap NR 3.00 Software version 4.00 GPS 2.90 DSP 2.40 Text 4.00 Voice 2.60 I cannot find anything newer. Garming says all but maps are current. I find it hard to believe that 2009 stuff is current but hey you never know. Anyone have any additional knowledge of current software or firmware for this unit?? Also lifetime maps seems like a good deal at 90 bucks. Thoughts??
  12. I've never seen this question ever asked.But as I look and everyones US & Canadian States Covered. Only one question came to mind. Where they states you rode the motorcycle too, Or are they states you have visited? By Flying there?
  13. Okay, most of you know we are hoping to come over next year. Don't think we would travel far without a GPS So, will the unit come with Aussie maps and U.S. maps? Looking to probably buy from over there...so what do I do re: maps?
  14. I joined the group about 2-3 weeks ago and have been reading useful stuff about the bikes just about every day. I have already done a couple of modifications to my bike thanks to what I have learned here. Thanks to all of you that contribute so generously to help those who know less, like me. There is one small detail that remains a mistery to me: A lot of members have maps of the USA and/or Canada as part of their signature or their profile, and these maps have some states that are colored and some that are not. I imagine the colored states probably correspond to the states that they have visited while riding the bike. My question is: Where do you find those maps and how do you add specific states and then publish them as part of your signature or profile? Thanks,
  15. Well look what I found while planning a trip! Go to Google maps at 3240 U.S. 2, St. Ignace, MI, United States Click the little guy and drag him to see the road at that address. You will see a black pick-up on side of the road, click the arrow to go toward the pick-up and you will see a white Venture with a trailer come at you . Google got you!!! Anyone from here? You are a celebrity now! Bryan
  16. OK I may be able to get one but I will need maps. its a Tom Tom Go 700. So, Is this one any good??? Does anyone have maps they would like to sell? Thanks
  17. I updated my maps today (took over 6 hours) !!! Then when time came to actually load them on the Zumo, it announced that due to map expansion there was not enough room to load all maps and I should select the area desired...... Well.....That's really annoying !!!! Has anyone run into the same thing? And what did you do about it?? Now it seems you can load maps onto an SD card....So I did, but what does that mean? Is it then necessary to insert card each time you "run off the edge of the world"? and what happens to your music waypoints etc...? I am truly annoyed.
  18. Check this out guys! If yer running low on meat in the freezer plan accordingly to get yer fresh reindeer meat on December 24th.......... Ho, ho, ho! Track Santa in Google Maps on Christmas Eve. Boomer.....who is locked,loaded,and ready to holler out his own brand of HO HO HO.
  19. Lonehunter


    I have a ? about the maps that everyone has in there signature. Does this mean they have visited that state( car,Plane,train) or does it mean they have visited that state while riding a bike? Jeff
  20. Hi every one. We ride two up on a 07 Venture and my wife would like to have some arm rest, anyone have a resource? Also how do y'all get those maps that display the States you've traveled? Thanks for any help
  21. Well all, it is time to get serious about planning the spring rides. My brother and I have a real doozy coming up. Sometime around the middle of March, probably between the 10th and the 15th, we will be heading out to ride all the way around the state of Texas, sticking as close to the border as possible. We will be riding counter-clockwise, starting in Texarkana. The exact date is not locked in yet since we think this is still pretty early in the year, and the weather could get a little dicey up in the panhandle. We will be watching the long range forecasts and plan on KSU as soon as wee see a good two week window. Any and all of you that might want to ride along, even for just a part of the way, are more than welcome. I haven't finished the exact route yet, but it is getting close. Maybe in a day or two it will be all done. Best estimate right now is the trip will be about 4,500 miles and take maybe 16 days. You can see my work in progress here (but don't just click on the link!): Google Maps KML file link If you just click on that link it will try to load all the data into Google Earth, but then you won't be able to see changes I make. To display this entire route on one screen in Google Maps you need to kind of trick it. You need to COPY that link by right clicking on it and selecting "Copy Link Location" (or "Copy Shortcut" if using IE), open Google Maps and paste the link into the Search Maps box, then hit search. Once the map comes up you can put it in your My Maps and it will always be there. Each time you open or refresh Google Maps it will display the total route in its most current state. Every inch of this route has been selected by tracing the exact roads through the satellite pictures zoomed in close in Google Earth - several weeks worth of work! You will see lots of different parts of the track around the border, in various colors just so I could keep each piece straight while working on it. These are VERY detailed tracks, following every specific road and curve. Most of them stick to paved roads, - we're not riding dual-sport machines, ya know? But there are some sections, especially over in the panhandle and down above Big Bend where they get into some pretty significant dirt. We have no idea yet if we will actually attempt some of those roads - plan on deciding as we go along. I don't ordinarily care which exact roads I ride, but trying to stay close to the border on this trip has become like a treasure hunt for me. One other thing you will see are some much less detailed pink tracks. You probably want to un-check all of these to not display, since they really don't have any value in Google Maps. These are the special tracks I have made to import into my GPS and let it navigate the plotted routes. I have done a lot of testing with both my XOG GPS and Micro$oft Streets & Trips, and when told to navigate those pink tracks they follow the detailed tracks almost perfectly. Maybe we'll see some of ya on the road! Ride safe, Goose
  22. For my signature I have 2 where I have ridden maps, one of USA and one of Canada. And every so often I log on site and there will be 2 USA maps or 2 Canada maps and I will have to go back and redo the signature again to get it back the way it was. What am I doing wrong?
  23. Where is everyone getting the digital USA maps with the states colored that they have traveled in? Is there an internet site you download from?
  24. Has anyone got A Gps that's made for bikes (weather proof) or a web site I can get info on one? Also took my first 300 Plus mile since i got rstd last weekend and it was great in the Ga mnts. 2 up and 50mpg Is that possible?? One more thing while Im at it I see USA maps where everyone has rode . Where might I find one of these as well. Thank Kelly
  25. since all the members are going have input on our meet this year i am going to keep you informed every so often on whats happening on our planning committee. we have had a lull in the planning due to some personal mishaps and bringing a busy riding season to an end. after the st. jude ride we are going to start kicking butt again and cindy who is incharge of registration along with black owl will be getting the registration fee together and start taking registrations. since this is going to be a very big meet. we need all you folks to plan ahead so we can figure attendence numbers for the t-shirt orders and planning for the final dinner. the 60 rooms at the hub are full and we are starting to fill motels in nearby harrison. here's what we have so far. we are going to have maps available so groups can get together and plan individual rides. there will be to many bikes for planned rides for the whole group. we are going to have a catered final dinner in the awesome hall that we have available. we are going to have vendors on site inside the airconditioned hall. danob11 is incharge of the vendors . blackowl has suggested having skilled riding games so we will be working on that. rose bud is working on name pins for all the people who register, that are really neat so we know everyones name. don freebird has come up with an awesome logo for your t-shirts, and name pins that you will get with your registration. buddy is handling the motel accomodations and has a list of them on the site. roadkill is working on the raffles and i think we are going to raffle off a trailer again. colesgrandpa is working on the rides and ride maps. dooder1 and i are bringing up the rear and working on the food and all the junk that no one else is working on. members of the committee have been to the hub and they are working with us to make this one great meet. we have a great group working on this and i can't thank them enough. squidly and don freebird are on board to keep me out of trouble and make sure we don't forget anything. we have a few neat things in the works that i will let out down the road if they work out. anyone who has any ideas to make this meet any better. email me and we will take them into consideration. like i said this is your meet and we want it to be the best and most enjoyable ever. bill
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