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  1. Files Updated on 10/28/2009>> All Audio circuits now on main page, so that all schematics are now just one page. Other minor corrections done to all schematics. Text realigned for easier reading Some Line types changed for easier reading. Gary I have completed the 1st Generation schematics. My goal in doing this is to make them easier to read and reduce the number of pages needed to display the information. I have used color and line types to make the wiring easier to follow. In some cases I could not use the exact color that is being represented due to visibility and printing issues. For example yellow is hard to see on the screen and does not print well. The previous posting for the 1983-1985 models have been replaced by what is included with this post. The 1983 differs significantly from the 1984-1985 models in the areas of Flasher, Hazard, Starting Circuit Cut-Out Relays, the Hazard Switch, Canceling Unit & Diode Pack. The files for the 86-89 models that were previously posted have been revised slightly and are now at Revision B. Major corrections done included coils were numbered incorrectly in Simplified Circuit & the Flasher Relay Assembly has been updated to include flasher information. The 1990 major changes from the 1986-1989 models were the TCI, coil pick-up & fuel pump control. This post supersedes all previous posts I have done in regards to the 1st gen wiring diagrams. All 1st gen's are included in this post. The files will look best when plotted at 11" x 17" size or larger. Office Max and Staples as well as others can do this for you for a minimal charge if you want a printout. I paid $1.00 for an 11" x 17" color print at Staples. 83 Yamaha Venture TK Wiring Diagram Rev C.pdf 1983 Venture XVZ12TK From 1983 Yamaha Venture Owners Manual. 83 Yamaha Venture Royale TDK Wiring Diagram Rev C.pdf 1983 Venture RoyaleXVZ12TDK From 1983-1985 Yamaha Venture Service Manual 83 Yamaha Venture TK Simplified Circuit Diagram Rev C.pdf 1983 Venture XVZ12TK From 1983-1985 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, page 7-1 83 Yamaha Venture Royale TDK Simplified Circuit Diagram Rev C.pdf 1983 Venture Royale XVZ12TDK From 1983-1985 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, page 7-1 83 Yamaha Venture electrical info.pdf This file is a compilation of various sheets from the 1983 Yamaha Venture Service Manual that would be helpful when working with electrical system. They are not modified in any way, just as they appear in service manual. 84-85 Yamaha Venture L Wiring Diagram Rev C.pdf 1984-1985 Venture XVZ12L From 1983-1985 Yamaha Venture Service Manual 84-85 Yamaha Venture Royale DL Wiring Diagram Rev C.pdf 1984-1985 Venture Royale XVZ12DL From 1983-1985 Yamaha Venture Service Manual 84-85 Yamaha Venture L Simplified Circuit Diagram Rev C.pdf 1984-1985 Venture XVZ12L From 1983-1985 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, page 7-1 84-85 Yamaha Venture Royale DL Simplified Circuit Diagram Rev C.pdf 1984-1985 Venture XVZ12DL From 1983-1985 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, page 7-1 84-85 Yamaha Venture electrical info.pdf This file is a compilation of various sheets from the 1983-1985 Yamaha Venture Service Manual that would be helpful when working with electrical system. They are not modified in any way, just as they appear in service manual. 86-87 Yamaha Venture DS Wiring Diagram Rev D.pdf 1986-1987 Venture XVZ13DS/DSC From 1986-1993 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, page 8-41. PDF file pages #467 & 468 of 496. 88-89 Yamaha Venture U Wiring Diagram Rev D.pdf 1988-1989 Venture XVZ13U/UC From 1986-1993 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, 1988-1989 Supplement. PDF file page #478 of 496. 88-89 Yamaha Venture DU Wiring Diagram Rev D.pdf 1988-1989 Venture XVZ13DU/DUC From 1986-1993 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, 1988-1989 Supplement. PDF file pages #477 & 479 of 496. 86-89 Yamaha Venture Simplified Circuit Diagram Rev D.pdf 1986-1989 Venture XVZ13DS/DSC - U/UC - DU/DUC From 1986-1993 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, page 7-1 thru 7-4. PDF file page #265 thru 268 of 496. 90-93 Yamaha Venture DA Wiring Diagram Rev C.pdf 1990-1993 Venture XVZ13DA/DAC From 1986-1993 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, 1990-1993 Supplement. PDF file pages #495 of 496. 90-93 Yamaha Venture DA Simplified Circuit Diagram Rev C.pdf 1990-1993 Venture XVZ13DA/DAC From 1986-1993 Yamaha Venture Service Manual, 1990-1993 Supplement. PDF file pages #492 of 496 86-93 Yamaha Venture electrical info.pdf This file is a compilation of various sheets from the 1986-1993 Yamaha Venture Service Manual that would be helpful when working with electrical system. They are not modified in any way, just as they appear in service manual.
  2. Ok Fellas, I'm working on an '86 with 38000 miles on it and we are checking the valve clearances. Now I have always checked for valve clearances with the lobes facing upward 180 degrees away from the valves. The manual, like everything Yamaha does, is complicated to say the least. I find when I measure it my way that all the clearances are good except the intakes on #2. How the manual states is to go by TDC and the lobes should be facing away from eachother. My issue with this is that the lobe is already starting to load up on the shim as I can't get the feeler gauge all the way through. I need some help for you boys in how you have done this and what you know...PLEASE
  3. Please help! On the way down to Panama City yesterday my low beam went out along with the driving lights. I still have the high beam, and the headlight fuse is OK. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions before I search for the dealer here? Also, if the bulb simply needs changed, how do I do that? The owner's manual and the service manual are not much help...
  4. Any one know where I might find a service manual for an 83 Venture Royale that I could download on pdf files? thanks
  5. Hey All, PO of my bike has installed a set of Kuryakyn Iso grips, feel ok but seam very big. Is there a grip that is thinner? I have the originals as well, not sure if they can be reused. Is there a trick to getting the right side off, nothing listed in the repair manual, only the left side...Thanks
  6. Does my '83 Venture have a tool kit? If so, where is it located? I don't see anything in the manual referring to it.
  7. I just bought a 88 Venture. Love it but the air ride does not work and the display shows NOTHING. Pulled the white plug and checked all conections No voltage anywhere. Any ideas. Also, has anyone ever relaced the CLASS with manual gauges and switches? May sound lo-tech but Po' boys got lo-bucks. Thanks
  8. The gear indicator on my 84 stopped working properly last summer. I checked all the wires coming from the transmission with my ohm meter and all are making a complete circuit. Now where is the doodad/gadget/thingamabob that I have to check to see if it's malfunctioning? I can't find it in my manual. Thanks, Bill
  9. Any difference between the 'Service Manual' or 'Workshop Manual'? I'm wanting to get a manual for my Gen 1, thought I'd get a download version, found a link on this site and does not work. Any recommendations or input would be appreciated. Never Mind, I found a great link on this site, and I can not figure out how to delete my post.
  10. My late father-in-law had a First Gen a long while back - must have installed a CB. I just found the manual. It says, "Yamaha Accessories, CB Radio Kit for XVZ12. Installation Manual." The number at the bottom right corner is 59J-2B19Y-21. If anyone can use this they can have it. Just send me a personal email. If you don't hear back from me pretty quickly, don't give up. I leave for China and Thailand at the first of the week and won't be back stateside until mid-May. Lynn, Missionary Rider Vilonia, Arkansas
  11. I'm doing my 52,000 mile valve adjustment. My dilema is this. The manual states that when #1 cylinder is at top dead center you will see the timing mark through the viewing hole and the cam lobes will be facing away from each other. Mine lean in towards each other. When turning the engine 180 degrees and so forth it all works out that when you hit #3 cylinder you see the other single timing mark so I guess I'm doing it right. I noticed this last time nd chalked it up to a mispraint in the manual. Anyone else experienced this?
  12. I saw this on ebay....just exactly what is it and do we have a copy on the site? http://www.ebay.ca/itm/USED-86-Yamaha-Venture-Royale-XVZ13DS-XVZ-13-DS-XVZ13DSC-Assembly-Manual-/270944733172?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f159087f4&vxp=mtr&_uhb=1#ht_859wt_1178
  13. Does anybody have the part number for the o-ring that slips onto the coolant drain pipe assembly and then seats into the thermostat housing on an 83 first gen? I cant seem to find it in the parts manual. Any alternatives or if someone has one that they can measure up that would be great. Perhaps I can find a suitable replacement.
  14. I'm doing my valve check on my 2005 Midnight Venture tomorrow and have a question.I got the bike seat,tank,air filters,surge tanks and carbs off.Next is draining the coolant.The manual says to take off the side covers,one of the mufflers and remove the exhaust pipe from the #4 cylinder.Is all that REALLY necessary to drain the coolant?
  15. I've looked for the switch everywhere. Owners manual doesn't say anything. Thanks
  16. Hello, does any one have an exploded view of how the parts go inside the rear brake proportional valve. My manual does not seem to show it. Thanks.
  17. I have the final drive off right now, how do you remove the shaft from the drive unit ? I removed the snap ring but it is still in there. What's the secret to getting it off, the manual is no help. /
  18. I'm looking at buying a RSV and have read the owners manual on line. One thing it does not explain, and the salesman at the dealership couldn't tell me either, is how the intercom works. The manual only tells how to adjust IC volume. I'm used to the GW and HD where you can use it as PTT or as open mic. How does this one work?
  19. So when I bought my bike from the dealership (2006 RSTD) it didn't have an owners manual. For my old Honda, the owners manual was a little book about 5" wide, 3" tall and about an inch thick. It fit on one of the side covers for the bike. This way if you were ever on the road and had a minor service issue, you could refer to the book. I never needed it, but like wearing an armored jacket and a helmet, I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Anyway, I ordered the owners manual from Yamaha's site because I was expecting something about the same size that would slip right into one of the little pockets in the hard bags. I figured that it was worth the $$ to have the right sized manual that fit into the pocket (where I assumed the manual went) rather than print out the Owners Manual PDF that I could get for free online from Yamaha. The Owners Manual showed up today and I'm a little disappointed. Rather than being the little small booklet that would slip right into the pocket, I've got a book that's 8.5" wide by 6" tall and not quite a quarter of an inch thick. It won't fit into what I thought was the "manual pocket" and now I'm kind of bummed that I spent $30 on it.
  20. Hello fellow riders. I'm a brand new member to the Yamaha family. I've been riding cycles since I was 16. My first bike was a Harley Sprint. That died on me when I was young and didn't get another bike until back in 2003 when I bought a Honda Shadow 600. That kept me happy for the last 9 years but I wanted something bigger that I could ride 2 up with the wife. Was just kind of looking around and fell in love with the 2006 Royal Star Tour Deluxe that a local dealership had for sale, so I pulled the trigger and now I'm the proud owner of said bike. I've got a few questions. 1. The bike itself didn't come with a owners manual. I've got the one off of Yamaha's site, but I'd also like a service manual. There are some things that from the owners manual didn't seem very clear to me and I'm hoping that the service manual will help clear it up. Any suggestions as to what service manual I should get? I've seen a lot of the electronic ones on e-bay for 2. This is the first bike that I've owned that's had adjustable suspension. What kind of tool do I need to adjust the suspension? 2a. I think I've found the suspension adjustment (again, the PDF from yamaha wasn't very clear) for the front forks but can't find where the rear adjustment is. (I have hard bags on if that makes a difference) 3. I'm not afraid of doing some of my own maintenance especially since there really isn't anywhere local I can take the bike to get serviced. (thus question 1 about which service manual I should get) Are there any kind of "specialty tools" that I need to get? It already seems to me like I might need to get a tool to sync the carbs and some kind of low pressure inflator/gauge to check and adjust the suspension? I think that may be it for now. Thanks in advance!
  21. Can somebody scan the pages of the cruise control operation from the owners manual? I have a scan from an 83 but not a Royale. The cruise on my 84 works fine but since I don't have an owners manual for it I don't really know the limitations. I did read here that it won't work over 80mph & I also read it takes a bit to engage (1 to 1.5 mile). Does it work in EVERY gear or just when in 5th? I finally have the bike running great with no smells or issues & the wife & I are making plans for longer road trips. Would be nice to know exactly how this thing should work. Andy help would be appreciated.
  22. Coming up on 16000 miles on my 06 RSV and the service manual says to repack the Rear Arm Pivot Bearing at 16000 miles. Maybe I'm missing it in the manual but I can't find it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Now... I've got the parts I should replace (courtesy of Venturers tech page... hehe..) but I noticed a step I cannot do. On my YVR 90 I cannot seem to--with the CLASS control panel) reduce PSI to 0--of course on manual. It will at best decrease to 6, and even then the system pumps a extra psi in. Their another manual way? Or is it because I'm not really off the ground on the center stand?
  24. I had noticed it before and could not find it in the owners' manual or the service manual (maybe I just missed it) and it really didn't bother me much until my Dad asked me what it was and I didn't have an answer... http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk208/eric_1964/venture-part.jpg
  25. I'm specifically wondering about the meaning of the left most and the right most blocks (one on each end) blinking? Guess it is time to order a service manual.
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