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Found 17 results

  1. anyone here change the fork oil using the method by freebird?? how much of a pain was it and what kind of oil did you use ?? getting ready for spring maint. and been thinking this would be a good one to do. like i need more fluids to flush and fill...lol
  2. I had the pleasure of going to Don's maint day in Ohio last year. It was quite spectacular. Seems like most of the maint days are quite far away from KC. Wanted to guage the interest level of having a main day in Kansas City. I am a novice with limited tools and even less skill. I have a 2 car garage and no where to camp (live in a neighborhood). Pretty sure my neighbors would be fine with us parking our motorcycles all over for a day. Wanted to see what the interest level would be in a one day or 2 day if you would like maint day in KC. Look forward to your thoughts.
  3. What's everyone running for engine oils and final drive oils, I can't see paying a dealer to do this every 3000 miles. I'm going to and do most maint. myself. Thanks
  4. Hey Everyone, I will be traveling to Don's Maint. Day by car this year due to my recent back surgery, and I will have replacement Clutch Diaphragm Springs for anyone that purchased a Clutch Spring Upgrade Kit over the past few months. I will also have complete kits with the new spring for First and Second Gen. bikes as well as a Clutch Spring Upgrade Kit for the MKI VR, which uses a set of 6 compression springs instead of one Diaphragm Spring. Because of my present physical condition, I WILL NOT BE WORKING ON MOTORCYCLES! But I will have many of the Items I have listed in the Classifieds with me for sale. I will mail a new spring to anyone that I miss at Maint. Day or anyone that doesn't attend. Thanks for your patience and understanding, it will be a pleasure to see everyone at Maint. Day again this year. Also, thanks for the kind words and prayers from everyone while I was down, and most of all, thanks to the people that helped Jean while I was down, she was very grateful, as was I. Earl and Jean
  5. Not me this time. I would rather it were. Warden went out to get mail yesterday got feet tangled up ended up with broke ankle. I had just got finished laying out everything to put bike back togatherr for Maint day. She was really hurting so I dropped everything and spent the day in the Emergency Room. Rained pretty good on uncovered engine with Air Box and everything off of it while we were gone. Warden is doing OK. I'm having a hard time keeping her down.Pain is not too bad but only has soft splint til next Monday. It is fractured and she has some ligament damage. Supposed to keep her off it and she is worse than I was. Bottom line is Bike should have been ready to go ( thats another story) but I'm not going to leave her here by herself. It would take a lot of things clicking togather now for me to make Maint Day. Not 100% sure but in the high 90's right now. Black Cloud still working OT!!
  6. Is there anyone from Arkansas going to Don's Maintenance day and would like some company?
  7. I have the 89 VR apart for entire maint on the rear end. When I unbolt the 4 crown nuts on the rear gear case what am I to expect when I pull the driveshaft out of the swing arm? Like, will just the shaft come out or will the seal washer and circlip from the front come out as well ? A LOT OF HELP PLEASE !!!!
  8. Some of you wanted Gloria's Pasta Recipe form Maint. Day. Here is the link to it if anyone is still interested. Have a great weekend. Steve http://www.recipezaar.com/recipe/Perfect-Pasta-Salad-27221
  9. Man, what a burden Squidley took off my shoulders. for the TX maint day, my bike was 2nd to be started on and 2nd to last to ride off. everything was seemingly checked. the clutch fluid was thought to the culprit. after the scooter was back together, a test ride showed the same problem. Squid took a ride and came back with a very good notion of the problem. Eck had a similar problem and mine was nearly the same. the shifter knuckle was seizing and not allowing the shifter to follow the foot. you could fiddle with it but while driving this is not a good thing. the seizing was caused by heavy grease mixed with dirt from my gravel road and the bike sitting up while waiting for the rear tire change. daily driving previous to sitting up kept the knuckle just loose enough not to be a problem. Squidley looked me square in the eye and said "you will add this to your annual maintenance list!" this was my first maintenance day and boy was it a good time. I have to thank James for giving me a place to camp for the night, Kreg and Janet for hosting this gig and Squidley for keeping me on the road. I thank everyone who gave advice on what my problem could have been and I look forward to being able to help out others at maint days as well as work on my own. It was a good group meet and fun to put faces to names. until next time - ride safe to all.
  10. I know my 05 RSTD is running rich because it smells like an open fuel pit when I start the bike and I get an occassional "pop" when I shift gears, no smoke noticed at startup or at any other time. So far the plugs are not fouled and I am getting 40.5 MPG riding 2 up. (I'm 280, wife is less tham 1/2 of that). The bike now has 5500 miles on it Question is: Can a carb synch and adjustment wait for another 1000 miles or so? Or should it be in the shop now? Inquiring minds want to know.
  11. Ok folks. My '04 RSV has a bad decel backfire. Just changed collectors on both sides without fixing it. Also had AIS removed by Snarly Bill. Took it to the shop to look over, they said they didn't find anything to cause it. No exhaust leak (they say) only offered carb sync as a possible solution. Going to maint day so will have that taken care of then. The caps on the carbs look ok far as I can tell. Those who know me, know I am almost the most non-mechanical person here. Looked at all the other threads for backfire too. So anyone bold enough too step up at maint day and see if they can cure the beast? Or at least give me new ideas. Other than the explosive backfire, she runs great, gets excellent mileage, but does occasionally have a gas odor. This makes me think It's getting too much in there and blowing up on decel. But again, I really have no clue and don't want to mess with the carbs by myself. The challenge is out there! See you at Don's!
  12. Anybody traveling or doing anything special this weekend? I can't believe it forecast says sunny and 80's all weekend.Were heading to the camp and I might take a scoot.Just got to load it on the trailer.Hey Craig MamaMo is in the mood for shinning up the 89. Does this mean we might be ready for Maint Day?:banana:
  13. Sometimes a plan just does not come together.This has been a wet spring and I have been working every weekend trying to get caught up.The 89 is not ready,99 still on the lift, and nothing has had service, oil change,etc.This darn creek has taken away the mood for riding. Hopefully we will have a dry month of June for the Skid Inn. Ramona has been working 6-7 days a week for 1-2 months and I been out of state on a few trips for work. So we will be caging it to Maint Day. Maybe I can talk her into loading down the back with peanut butter pie.Forecast for tonight freeze warning and 30 degrees.
  15. I can't believe it. The weather man is calling for 65 Saturday and 70 Sunday. For those of you who have an open shed for storage the first warm days mean scoot maint. I might fire up a few and take a look. Time for oil change and maint. Hey Dan you got ugly running?
  16. I need address for Don's Maint Day,Thanks Jerry M
  17. Do I have to do the 600 mile maint. at the dealer.....or can I just change my own oil & rear end lube???? And, if I do it myself, does it effect the warrenty?? I'll take it in if I have to....I just dont wnt to pay 250 bucks for an oil change!! Thanks.
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