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  1. yea... I uh... heh... just lost one of my screws, the top right one... it fell into this slot between the inner right panel, and the outer fairing. Sitting there... smiling at me, taunting at me , telling me any hopes of getting him was LOST... which was true. I could not find our magnet, no matter where I looked, all I could find was our bleedin' (literally actually, it still, ahem, has some blood on it) Mop Magnet... so I went at it with pliers, and ended up knocking it SOMEWHERE. I don't know where, I took enough of the right side off to know, its gone (probably wedged somewhere else only to knocked free when I go ride to Madera today) -.-' I got three screws tho! and my K&N is NICE and CLEAN, but... yea.............................
  2. Hey All, This '86 I have has been putting me through my paces. It's my primary transportation and this is the 2nd time it's went down hard in the last month. I just completely redid the clutch in it, with all new steels, friction discs and slave cylinder. I now am in need of the stator magnet, or rotor assembly as it's called, it's part # 26H-81450-10-00 I just checked and from '83 to '89 is the same part # and all should work with what I need. The bolts that hold it and the starter clutch together came loose and took out the windings on the stator. I have a new HO stator kit coming from Earl (Skydoc 17) but upon inspection yesterday when I pulled the assembly apart off the crankshaft, I noticed the holes are a bit wallowed out and I'd like to replace it. If anyone of you 1st genners with multiple parts bikes have the magnet along with the 6 retaining bolts I would love to hear from you. My cell # is in my profile, and I'll be on the site daily to check for messages....Thanks in advance
  3. OK I know that this has been discussed in the past. most recently that I know of, at [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2536]Turning left on a red when the light won't change. - VentureRider.Org[/ame]. Most of this info is in that thread, but that thread is a discussion on the legality of a left turn on red when the sensor does not see you so this info is kind of lost. While at the WI MD (thanks again Jeff) this subject came up for discussion. First some background. What got me started on this was a newly built intersection near my house that I need to go through often. I tried every trick that I ever saw for trying to get that light to change for me, since the pickup coils are under the nice new pavement and were put in before the final layer of pavement I have no clue to exactly where they are. I have tried; Lining up on where I think the coils are. Side stand down. Center stand down Turn off engine and restart. I wussed out on the one that says to get off the bike and lay it down on the coils. I tried all of these in many locations to see if I could find a spot and method that worked. None did. I tried calling the city to see if it could be adjusted and was told that it is adjusted per spec and that increasing the sensitivity to "see" a motorcycle will cause false triggers from large vehicles in the next lane. This intersection is so busy that it can take 10 minutes to find a hole in traffic to legally shoot through on the red. I have done some experiments with the concept of adding a magnet to the bottom of the bike. There are some commercial units available for this purpose, and some have tried mining old hard drives for the Rare Earth magnets, or use magnets from the hardware store, none of these have shown much promise or benefit, they are just not strong enough. The magnet that I used is a 2 x 1 x 1/2 inch N52 rare earth magnet. The magnet that I used is http://www.kjmagnetics.com/proddetail.asp?prod=BY0X08-N52. It sounds small but it is rated as capable of lifting 195 lbs. Watch your fingers while handling this and think twice about where you set it down. This magnet will pull the picture on a monitor or TV from 2 feet away VERY possibly doing permanent damage, There are warnings that people with medical implants like pace makers or defibrillators not handle these magnets. I mounted this magnet to the center stand on my 1st gen since that was the lowest point on the bottom of the bike and I wanted to keep it away from all sensors and electronics on the bike. To date I have noticed no ill effects to the bike. I rode to the intersection from hell and as Murphy would have it a cage pulled up on the other side of the intersection to trip the lights for me. I went around the block and tried this 6 more times and every time a cage pulled up at the same time from across the street. Where the heck were all of these cages when I really wanted the light to change??? Finally I arrived at the intersection alone and within 20 seconds I was looking at my very own green left turn arrow. I did this 5 more times and every time I got a green arrow. So just to be scientific and make sure that there was not some other factor involved, I removed the magnet and left it a good distance from the intersection, and spent the next 20 minutes trying every trick in the book to make that light turn green. Nothing worked, just like before. The next test was to put the magnet in my sock and walked up to the light and I still got a green arrow, at which point I beat feet before the man in blue showed up and I would have to explain why I was stopping traffic on a busy highway by messing with the lights. I put the magnet back on the bottom of the bike and have not been held up by a signal light anywhere since last April when I got the magnet. I do still have to line the magnet up with where I think the wires are. If I pull into the center of the coil I still will not be detected. This is a minor issue that I can live with. I know that there are doubters. I know that even Snopes says that this will not work. I am just relating my personal experience. As a possible side benefit to this very strong magnet, I have found nails and screws sticking to it that may have been destined for my back tire. OK that was long, I'll shut up now.
  4. has anyone tried the green light trigger magnet you stick to bottom of bike? do they work? and would a strong magnet stuck near engine cause any problems with the bikes elec. systems i have completly stock 83. I am curious as i have 1 intersection thats on my way home and when its late hardley no car in site .and i have tried every section of the dam sensor, it just won't pich up a mc. i have even talked to hwy dept's manager of town and even the one at state level, just got the same ole "we'll check on it "
  5. I have a problem at red lights. The sensor in the road doesn't see the RSV. I added a green light trigger magnet and it still dosen't see it. My last bike was a 04 V-Star and it triggered the lights just fine. Anyone have any ideas? I have a large bar magnet that I'm thinking of strapping to the underside of the bike.
  6. I stumbled on this old thread "Magnets to make traffic lights turn green". I've only riden since Sept 2010 and before that it has been 27 years. So I have some catching up to do. I read all the comments and for the small cost I am going to install one. One of the links suggested to go to Harbor Freight and look up Welding Magnets. I'm concluding the more powerful the magnet the better. So I'm looking for some suggestions as to the right size magnet and the best place to install one or more on an 89 VR without a trailer hitch. http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/175x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_2816.jpg 4 Piece Magnetic Welding Holders Item #93898 Only:$4.99 Sale:$3.99 http://www.harborfreight.com/skin/frontend/enterprise/harborfreight/images/btn_add2cart_up.jpg Add to Wishlist Add to Compare ========================================== http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/175x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_1229.jpg Fixed Right Angle Welding Magnet Item #46297 Only:$14.99 http://www.harborfreight.com/skin/frontend/enterprise/harborfreight/images/btn_add2cart_up.jpg Add to Wishlist Add to Compare ===================================== http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/175x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_142.jpg 4" Magnetic Ground Block Item #30754 (3) Only:$5.99 http://www.harborfreight.com/skin/frontend/enterprise/harborfreight/images/btn_add2cart_up.jpg Add to Wishlist Add to Compare ====================================== http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/175x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_53.jpg 4-3/4'' Multipurpose Magnet Holder Item #1938 (4) Only:$3.99 Sale:$2.99 http://www.harborfreight.com/skin/frontend/enterprise/harborfreight/images/btn_add2cart_up.jpg Add to Wishlist Add to Compare ====================================== http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/175x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_54.jpg 6-1/4" Multipurpose Magnet Holder Item #1939 (2) Only:$5.99 Sale:$3.99 http://www.harborfreight.com/skin/frontend/enterprise/harborfreight/images/btn_add2cart_up.jpg Add to Wishlist Add to Compare ================================== http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/175x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_906.jpg 7-1/2" Multipurpose Magnet Holder Item #41629 (2) Only:$7.99 Sale:$5.99 http://www.harborfreight.com/skin/frontend/enterprise/harborfreight/images/btn_add2cart_up.jpg Add to Wishlist Add to Compare
  7. Some time ago I bought a magnet that is half moon shape and fits around the Oil filter. It will catch any small particles of metal and hold it to the lower part of the oil filter thus preventing it from getting into the engine. Question?? Does anyone know where I can buy these as I am unable to find them any longer. I acquired the one I have from Whitney but they no longer sell them. Help!! I two boys what one for their bikes. Thanks, Dan:depressed:
  8. You know the old saying "best to learn from other's mistakes than your own", especially when it comes to bikes. Heading off for a weekend bike trip later today so I had to switch to my normal windscreen instead of the shorty 4" screen.. And I use a magnetic parts dish to hold the screws. Nice rubber coated magnet under the dish, sits nice on the fender etc.. really nice. And strong.. Remember the old motto "The job ain't done till all the tools are away" lol It stayed there on the fender for about 30 minutes this morning as I was riding around before heading out.. Now THAT's what I call a good magnet..
  9. A friend of mine has a VTX1800, the oil dipstick broke off and fell into the engine. So far he has not been able to get it out. I have a strong magnet , hoping he can slide it up to the oil filler hole. If not will he have to split the cases? Does not have the money to take it to the shop. Any suggestions? tew47
  10. Hi, One of the issues my red bike came to me with is an intermittent brake fluid alert on the dash computer display, regardless of how much fluid is or isn't in the hydraulic systems front and rear. (The P.O. had disabled the red flashing light by cutting a wire on the back of the dash but I can't live like that.) When it happened to me today, I had forgotten, that I had previously (last fall) isolated this to the float switch in the front brake reservoir. Sometimes it seems to stick open circuit and nothing will persuade it otherwise. After a bit of headlight removing, wire tracing, continuity measuring and head scratching, it all began to come back to me so I popped the lid of the res and lifted the float by hand. NOPE still o/c on that float switch even with the float held at top of its travel. I just happened to have a very powerful magnet, from a computer disk drive, handy. When I held it close to the side of the reservoir casting, suddenly I had continuity at last. Remove the powerful magnet and bob the float and the alert comes back. The lessons here I think are that: A) a powerful magnet is a good but not obvious trouble shooting tool. B) that my float's magnet is weak or the reed switch has become unreliable or both. Questions I have come away with are: 1) Can the reed switch portion of the reservoir be changed? 2) Can it be done without removing the brake lever assy from the handle bar? 3) Is there any way to get a more powerful magnet into my float or perhaps rejuvinate the one already there? BTW, I also have a similar thing going on with this bike's engine oil level switch. I have in mind to replace that next oil change but it seems odd that two float switches would fail on the same bike. Is there any history of this? Do you think I should ask the P.O. if he experiences other odd phenomena like crops circles that might also have had an effect on the magnets on this bike? Opinions and advice welcome as always. Thanks, Brian H.
  11. New twist on how to replace the Stator with out pinching your pinkies. I had thought of trying this a long time ago and when the stator went out on me on the way home from FL, I thought what better time. I took 3 long bolts that came from a water pump, Cut off the heads and rounding the cut off end leaving 6.4CM of stud. Then installed them after removing all the bolts from the case. I was waiting for the pull of the magnet & to my surprise it just slid off. Mind the magnet still has resistance but it is easily overcome. When putting the cover back on, the studs will hold the gasket in place and eliminate the heavy pull of the flywheel there for allowing you time to get the shifter shaft through the case with out a hitch. Fred [ATTACH]10332[/ATTACH][ATTACH]10333[/ATTACH][ATTACH]10334[/ATTACH]
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