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  1. Here's some pics of our Meet yesterday. Now I don't know but looks like Beer really missed some of us more then others. Of course he was on also as you can see when he had everyone's attention. The only amazing thing is that these folks don't see us coming and lock the place up. Margaret
  2. Forgot to post this pic I took on our Newnan M&E. This little guys name is Lucky!!!
  3. Those that have won auctions for St. Jude items, I will be shipping them next week, we are leaving for B2Dad & B2Mom M&E as soon as I get off work, if you are attending I will have items with me and you can collect them there, if not they will go out next week. I will have a limited number available to those who want them at the M&E, I will let Don and Patti determine how to distribute them.
  4. We will be going to Charleston the 4th week in April arriving sometime on the 22nd. Was wondering if anyone around the area would like to have a M&E thinking about the 23rd or 24th not sure how long we will stay in the area before starting our trek further south and back home. Would like to spend some time riding and seeing the country or just a evening meal.
  5. Just got back in from our invasion of Rome, had a nice turnout, a bunch of 2 gens, 1 MKII, a couple of Can Am Spyders, 1 Kawi Concours, 1 Valk. Interstate, and a few Tour Deluxe, and my V Star, very nice gathering from several states. The burgers were fantastic as to be expected from Fudruckers. Lots of new faces and some old friends. Looking forward to the next M&E. Thanks for putting this together Randy.
  6. I sent a PM to a few of you and decided that a thread may work just as well. Becky and I are going to the Toronto Bike show next Saturday, and Motorcycle Tom and Amy are riding up with us. We plan on leaving here around 9:30 and should be in Toronto around noon depending on whether we meet up with anybody on the way. Sure would be great to meet up with you fellows! Maybe we could have a mini M&E someplace for dinner as we are going home in the evening. Let's get together! PS any of you WNY'ers going let me know so we can caravan up...
  7. We'll be at Deadwood sunday July 3rd at 1:30 pm. Rocket and Rod will be here so this would be one way to have a group meet up with them from our area. Such a busy summer with Canadians, Australians, and Icelandic folk running about the states. Hope some of you can make it. I'm gonna post it to the calendar as well. Margaret
  8. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=60045 Looks like we may be in for a WET weekend guys. Let's monitor the forecast and if by Friday they are still showing clouds and RAIN for Saturday, well, *sniff* *sniff* ... I guess we'll have to call off the M&E ride. I'll contact everyone Friday with an update. Wayne, pls advise if you have an alternate plan / idea.
  9. I noticed where some could not get in the Edlewise Inn for the Eureka Springs M&E next week. I have had to cancel my reservations so I thought I'd let anyone know that might be interested in a room there. Maybe next year for me. Enjoy.
  10. Just heard about this place in Mansfield Ohio and thinking about taking a ride to check it out. We really liked the movie and thought it would be neat to go and have a look at the actual prison. Anyone else been there? As a tourist I mean... Or a resident...LOL! Maybe a good destination for a Ohio M&E???? http://www.mrps.org/
  11. I know this is short notice. I'm in Vancouver this weekend, docked at Main Street pier. If anyone is interested in an m&e let me know. My cell number is in my profile.
  12. I am thinking of setting up a M&E for somewhere in the Milwaukee area. I have been noticing that there are a few members in this area. I was planing to shoot for sometime in March to give a chance to meet each other just before the riding season starts. I do not have a specific place or date in mind just yet, it may depend on the level of interest as to how much space will be required and when everyone is available. So, watcha think??? I would sure like to match a few more faces to the names.
  13. Going to post this up in the watering hole as a way to hopefully bring a little more attention to it. Warrior is hosting a M&E on march 19th in Columbus NC. Planning to be there if I can . Going to meet at larkins carolina grill.MAybey a ride aft. I also seem top remember that Mark knows a manager at one of the local motels so may be a good l plac eto stay also. Give it a look as if I can go I will regardless if anyone else shows or not. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&day=2011-3-19&c=1 David
  14. My pics from the M&E. Enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Pics are at http://s760.photobucket.com/albums/xx248/etcswjoe/Bike%20Rides/2010%20Int%20Bike%20Show%20and%20ME/
  15. After a fantastic and wonderful 3-year run, the time has come for me to step down as Host of the North GA Monthly M&E. I had a simple idea when I started this, which was to create an opportunity for those of us in this, and neighboring areas, to be able to get-together on a more regular basis. That was an idea that proved fruitful, and now, after thirty-something get-togethers (we did miss a month here and there), I am thankful and appreciative for all of the extraordinary support. Thanks, too, to those who Co-Hosted events during this time! I'm not going away and there's nothing wrong! I am, thankfully, incredibly busy providing useful/helpful mortgage information to Clients all across the country. In addition, I am in the midst of starting up a new financial-assistance business to help people accelerate the payoff of their credit obligations (including long-term mortgages!), legally and ethically. It is my hope that this change in circumstance will provide an opportunity for others to pick up the ball and run with it; that is to say, I hereby challenge you (that would include anyone and everyone reading this) to schedule and host a M&E of your own! Again, my very special Thanks! to each and every one of you that attended a North GA Monthly M&E or one of the several "Joint Ventures". It really is an honor and a privilege to be a part of this great Forum Family. Terry/Blackjack/Habib
  16. I know that there are a few fans. www.usatoday.com/travel/destinations/2011-01-08-first-dairy-queen-usa-joliet_N.htm Maybe the Illinois gang can set up a M&E.....
  17. :Happy Birthday: :Happy Birthday: Hope you have a great day Joe and maybe warm enough for a little ride. Was great seeing you at the M&E for the beginning of the year. Hope you have a wonderful year to come.
  18. I just want to say thank you again to Beer30, Becky, MuffinMan, MiniMuffin, SaltyDawg, and Brandy for lending their time, tools, knowledge, and great sense of humor today. Got the carbs tuned and the throttle response is completely different. I think I even felt the front end pop up. Looking forward to making a M&E soon. Thanks again guys and to VentureRiders for be a great bunch. P.S. Muffin Man, I didnt take it easy. Rode it like I stole it the 30miles home.
  19. Man! I put that title on the thread and about a million posts about Wild Hair 39 showed up! OK, you're not in this Lowell, unless you want to come cut my hair! I told Mini that I'm willing to let someone here cut my ponytail off. But the catch is that it's gonna cost ya. The proceeds are going to help bring Aussie Annie and Quickstep over. If you are interested, this will probably happen at Asheville on Sat. night or Sun. morning or we can set up a Ga M&E or as I told Mini, I will ride up too 200 miles one way to your M&E. Just send your donation to r4774@yahoo.com and in the message box put "Hair Cut". Mini will keep up with the donations and if someone "out donates" you, you can add to your donation. I'm not sure if this will bring any money, but it's worth a try! I've been working on this tail since '04. Six years to grow it and a second to chop it off!!!
  20. Who's up for a ride to Gettysburg? We're thinking about September 4th but that is Labor Day weekend. That could be good or bad. Contemplating the same diner we had last year's M&E. Let me know alternative dates if that doesn't work. We can't do August at all or September 25th.
  21. I just posted a M&E here on the 4th if you are bored or looking for something to do. See the M&E Forum and sign up on the calendar...
  22. Guest

    600 Mile service

    On the 600 mile service how important do you think to have the dealer do it, or do it yourself, looks like going over bolts and nut and oil change and that is a breeze unless your old like me...Then becomes a challenge.. Also manual does not call for rear drive fluid to be change at 600 I think it better to drop it your thoughts.. Reason I'm asking this I might makea M&E that will put me over if I don't get to it before I leave, i'll be over no more than 200 miles.. I'm a real funny about doing it on time...
  23. Sorry it took so long I couldn't figure out how to resize my pictures for this website so I posted on photobucket. Check them out at http://s1025.photobucket.com/albums/y320/finfan125/Central%20KY%20Ride%202010/
  24. hi all anyone in the houston area would like to have a breakfast m&e next sunday morning? say arount 9:00 am at the luby's in tomball at the coner of 2920 & 249. this luby's sets just north / behind the shell gas station. they have a sign out that says " breatfast bar $4.99" this is a all u-can eat deal. you can cage it if you like, i don't belive we have had a breakfast m&e in a while. reguards don c.
  25. Hey guys, I talked Rickster in putting on a m&e and a ride and just checked the calendar and only 4 people responded that they will attend. I know the weather has not been the best lately , but 4 members reply. Come on New Yorkers, The Rickster jumped in to get his feet wet and we can't show a newbie our support ?....check out his ride and m&e in the meet and eat forum and lets show the RICKSTER the strength of our group.
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