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  1. well as some here know the family had to put 2 of my aunts in a home. one suffers from dementia . the other one has lung cancer. the one with lung cancer was rushed from the home a week ago with breathing problems. today she stopped breathing. they now have her on a force breathing machine. it does not look good. the tumor is now in both lungs she has maybe 20% or less capacity. and it,s still spreading. her son my cousin is her last child out of 4 she out lived three of her children. right now all we can do is wait. doctors said she wont be comming out of the hospitial. just a matter of time. robert my cousin has a verry hard choice to make. he,s going to have to say pull the machine when the time the doctors say there is nothing more to do. my sister and i have not had to do that. but my mother died in my sisters house from bone cancer. my brother died in my arms from pancreatic cancer. in his apartment. with my sister by his side. my dad died from colon cancer . 20 minutes before i reached his bed side. my uncle died from lung cancer. this damn cancer took a lot of my family. and im realy tired of it. but what can a person do? when the good lord makes a call to you to come home that,s one call you cant put on hold. or let go to voice mail. well thanks everyone sincerly james AKA oldgoat
  2. Many on this site have know Paul much longer than I have. Since I met Paul a few years ago, he's been a great friend and a fantastic ridding buddy. Last Thursday or Friday he set out for a multi day trip with his wife Cynthia and they had a rear tire go flat. Details are still not all in. Both had to be air lifted from the Vernal, Ut area to the hospital in Grand Junction, CO. I understand that they are there still for a few days. Both suffered broken bones and at least one had a punctured lung. Any prayers, thoughts and best wishes would be greatly appreciated. All this after Paul had a solo accident (no real physical injuries) in Feb when he went down on his '08 RSTD and now he's down on his replacement Venture. Dave
  3. bj66

    Great News

    My mother in law took a fall early this fall. Her ribs kept hurting etc. and she finally went in and had some x-rays etc done. When doing this they happened to find some spots in each lung. They biopsied (spelling?) one right away, and on monday morning went in and removed a very suspicous spot on the other lung. The surgery went well and she is recovering just fine. The results came in this afternoon. It is non cancerous as well. Great news for a person who has been a smoker for many years. The docs attribute the spot/growth to scar tissue etc. as a result of her having pneumonia in the past. So the fall was a blessing in hind sight. Nothing was broken, and she is in better health now. Besides she quit smoking since going to the doctor. What a way to start her retiremnet. Her last day of work was Dec 31st. So thanks to those that let me bend their ear a little bit the last few nights on chat. It was kind of nice having somebody to talk to since my wife was at the hospital with her mother. You just cant talk to your kids quite the same way. So again, thanks guys.....
  4. When I posted Sunday night that I was going in for back surgery at 6:30am I said something didn't feel right I WAS RIGHT. Anesthesiologist damn near killed me. This stupid female anesthesiologist was in such a hurry and wouldn't listen to anyone, Nurses told her I was not given all the shots to relax me and I was not ready to go. She grabbed me up anyway and took me to surgery. As we are going into surgery I'm telling her I'm not supposed to be remembering all this (from preveious surgerys I have had) her assistant telling her I had not had some shot in my neck yet and some stuff sprayed down my throat. So she sprays my throat and starts shoving this black tube down my throat, I'm gagging voices I can hear are telling her I'm not prepaired yet, I hear her say she has to use a lock and starts shoving another thing down my throat with the tube she already has in there. I can't breath at all and hear everybody yelling and then she wants a "trek kit" I'm about passed out, I hear my surgeon yell stop. About 1/2 hour later I come to in a recovery room with nurses everywhere I'm coughing up blood everywhere while they try to keep an oxigen mask on me. Was told later she pulled everything back out of my throat shoved it in again and hit gold or red I should say, they said I started coughing and blood was flying everywhere. Surgeon cancelled everything of course, had a lung doctor come in and put a small tube with a camera up my nose then down the throat to check things. Told me he would be the anesthesiologist next time. Bleeding got stopped and was kept overnight for oberservation. Have to start everything all over again in 2 weeks when throat is healed. Get this; I had lung x-rays before the operation and they were good, after this all happened the anesthesiologist blamed it on my lungs. She came to my room last night when my son was there and said I had an ashima attack and my lungs are in such bad shape that they cannot take an operation like this. But I passed the lung x-ray they did after all this happened too. Would not be out of hospital if I had any respatory problems they said. Bottom line I'm alive, have very sore throat, and meds to take so we can try the back surgery later. And that anesthesiologist is under investagation. And I need to see a lawyer, can't pay all this mandatory co-pay twice. Much more to this but this is the short version.
  5. Here’s the last update on what has transpired since my wreck on Sept. 4th. As some of you might remember, when they did the CT scan after the accident, they had found enlarged lymph nodes in my chest area and also a suspicious look spot on my left lung. The two things together added up to trouble. I got into see a pulmonologist last week. He brings up my CT scan while my wife and I sat in his office. Takes a look and begins to tell us that the other doctors had made a mistake when they looked at the scan. Yes, I do have enlarged lymph node (twice what they should be) and it’s called sarcoidosis. There is over a 99% chance it will never turn cancerous. Then he looks for the spot on my lung that they were so worried about and tells me not to worry about that either. Apparently I have a blood vessel that is a little bigger than normal for that spot in the lung. He zoomed in on it and said, look, see how you can trace it? So it’s all great news. My wife and I were very relieved. The insurance company stopped by my house Saturday morning and gave me a check to total out the bike. So it’s gone for good. I’m not sure if I am going to ride again right now. With winter coming I have some time to think about that part. So here’s the deal of the day. I have an older Neosho 16 cu/ft Starlight trailer, 8” wheels painted black and red that needs some cosmetic work. It is road worthy, has a spare tire and rack for a cooler on the front. I don’t have pics right now but will get. I will sell the trailer and my Sears motorcycle jack both for $150.00. If anyone is interested let me know. The trailer really needs some body work and maybe a paint job, or the frame could be used as the start of a trailer project. I have pulled it for years, though. You can e mail me at whozleft@yahoo.com or call me at 740-403-1634. I live just east of Columbus Ohio. I am thinking that if I ever do get another bike, I more than likely won't get another tourer. I just don't need that big of bike again. My wife stopped wanting to travel on the bike a couple years ago, so a bigger bike is overkill. I appreciate everyone's prayers and good thoughts through these past 3 weeks. I am so glad that I can call the VentureRiders my family. Tak care and ride safe.
  6. Hi all, I would appreciate some prayers. I posted a week or two ago about the accident I had the Friday before Labor Day. I went down on the intersate in rush hour traffic. My helmet hit the pavem,ent so hard I more than likely would have been braian dead if I hadn't had it on. Aftyer reading the accident report this past weeken I also found out that a semi truck barely missed me as I was passed out in the middle lane of the freeway. Thankfully the driver was able to brake a swerve enough to get around me. God was with me and I didn't even get a broken bone. Only some road rash, very sore muscles, etc. from which I am recovering quickly. I also mentioned they found I had some enlarged lymph nodes in my chest area when they did the CAT scan in the emergency department. I followed uip with the doctor and found out on that visit that I also have a "nodule" in my left lung. Talk about a punch in the gut. I was never a smoker. They won't say anything else until they know for sure. They have already got me into a pulmonologist tomorrow and he will be scheduling a bronchoscopy for me so they can get a biopsy of the thing to see what we are dealing with. As for the bike, I got a call last night telling me they are going to total it. I am calling the adjuster back in a few minutes to get the details. So I will be Ventureless but will still hang around if you don't mind. My wife wants an end to the biking and I am just dealing with the health issues right now. So we'll give it some time to see how we feel in the Spring. I am feeling like maybe the accident happened so I would find whatever it is that is taking up residence in my lung. I am normally not good about going to the doctor and really haven't had any clue that there I appreciate you all. Ride safe.
  7. My wife jackie was feeling pains in her beck and chest today, so drove to emergency room. They ran some tests and everything looked ok, then the doctor decided to do a cat scan. to make a long story short they admitted her with blood clots in her lung. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers! You take things for granted till they change, the house feels empty, and my best friend isn't here! She's an awsome person! Thanks
  8. Well I wrecked the RSV yesterday. Truck pulled out in front of me and I had to drop it. Missed the truck, but he drove off anyway. Plenty of witnesses though, but none got a license plate. It tore up the whole right side of the bike. Me, I went over the handle bars and landed on the right side of my helmet and my right shoulder. Stayed alert through the whole thing. I ended up breaking my scapula (shoulder blade) and my number 4 rib. In the process of doing this, it caused me to have a partial collapse of my right lung. Spent the night in the hospital. My lung inflated on its own without surgery, thank goodness and the rest will just take time to heal. Went and checked out the bike today. She fired up, but didn't sound good. It would idle and I could give it some gas, but it sounded a little sick. Just waiting to see what the insurance says about it before making any decisions. Anyway, stay safe and be alert out there.
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