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  1. This is amazing. Randy Driver survives his pickup truck's demolishing by two semis - CBS News
  2. Left work tonight and got about a mile down the road and the bike died, as though it had run out of gas. Tried to restart and it didn't even try to fire. I turned the key off and on and noticed just a single click. Does a mile sound about right if the fuel pump is not working? I tried the key several more times and heard several clicks and was lucky enough to get it started and got home. Is that a typical fuel pump problem? Is there anything else I should check? What about warranty? Thanks Mark
  3. Boy, am I lucky!!! No surgery, not buried by snow, AND tomorrow I'm going to pick up my new used 2007 RSV. Boy, am I lucky!!! Rode a 1984 VR until 2004, have been on a VSTAR 650 since then. I can hardly wait to get those 4 cylinders going under me again. Boy, am I lucky!!! Lots of things different on the RSV, but also lots of the same with the power, smoothness and the feeling of wanting to ride from sunup to sunset. Boy am I lucky!!! Temp. here in Indy is supposed to be around 50 degrees F tomorrow PM. Boy, am I lucky!!!
  4. Now this is a picture of winter,, lucky them. Ottawa Ontario, Canada.
  5. Just saw this online. Someone riding in a race t-bones a deer, gets up and keeps racing! Very lucky rider! http://jalopnik.com/5930273/this-motorcyclist-t+boned-a-deer-and-just-kept-on-riding
  6. Forgot to post this pic I took on our Newnan M&E. This little guys name is Lucky!!!
  7. What I want to know is: who had the intestinal fortitude to drive by place on Saturday past and not stop in. You have a lot of nerve,,, ya,, you got caught,,, my dearest seen you and don't be thinkin that she would have thought that you just happened to pass by, hey we're not on the main road anymore, and if she sees you, you came to visit, and if you came to visit and didn't stop by to say hello, you now have me all ticked. You're just lucky that I was about 2 minutes behind you, or I would have hunted you down. Hey, we don't often get company out here in the sticks, alright?
  8. Last week I decided to save gas money and start riding my Virago to work. We live on a mile of gravel, which I have driven for 13 years. I have to head east to get to the closest black top and the sun was directly in my eyes....met the school bus so I moved over to the right and caught a deep rut in the road. The bike shot out from underneath me and I flew off rolling towards the opposite side of the road. Knocked the wind out of me and my back was killing me. It was the first time in 8 yrs I had not put my cell phone on my waist bag and of course it was in my purse in the saddle bag. Wouldn't you know by the time I crawled back to my bike, I could see it was on the side that went down. Long story short, I had to limp back home about 3/4 of a mile to get to our land line to call the hubby. Had all my leathers on and helmet. Everything is scratched up...and I feel lucky. I was sure I had broken all my ribs on the left side but doc says bad bruising, no broken bones. Hurt like He## all weekend and am slowly healing. I feel very lucky! I have always carried that phone on me for this very reason, and the one day I put it in my bag, I needed it. Live and learn...
  9. A guy that I worked with sent me some pictures of one of his friend's Goldwing trike and a truck tire. This guy was on his trike and his wife was on her trike in front of him. A wheel/tire came off an 18 wheeler and came across the median and nailed him. He did get some injuries of road rash, a mild concussion and some chest pains, but he is doing OK. This guy was really lucky and for sure lucky his wife was on her own bike. RandyA
  10. Hi Just wanted to say a big thanks to Starstruck for adding to our recent holiday in Wyoming. It was great to spend lunch at the Irma in Cody with a fellow Venture rider and talk about where to go and what to see. It really made a difference to get some local knowledge. Those roads across the plain from Grand Teton to Laramie are awesome. Although we were in a can, we picked up some great riding roads like the switchbacks up to Dinosaur Ridge behind Golden in Colorado or the run up to Estes Park. You guys are very lucky to have a country to run in like that right on the back door. We've had five holidays in the States and each one has been FAB. The wife's even thinking about hiring a bike for the next one! Trouble is i can't read the speedo's on the new Harley's and that and BM's seem to be the only things out for hire. Thanks once again
  11. Two months ago my clutch worked fine, bike has set as I was out of town for work. Get back and have no clutch. I believe my slave cylinder needs to be rebuilt as I do lose fluid over time. usually I can fill the reservoir up do a quick bleed and back on the road. This time not so lucky. When I pull the lever there is absolutely nothing there, as if the lever is not attached to anything. I cannot seem to get it to build pressure. This has been going on for several days. ANy ideas or suggestions?
  12. Yesterday while riding on the Highway I noticed my windshield was getting closer to my helmet, then I saw the plastic chrome piece lifting up and my windshield was lifting up. I eased up on the throtle and put my left hand up to hold the winshield in place when it broke free from my fairing. I was lucky and had a grip of it and pulled over without a miss hap. The one screw holding it solid to the fairing was off and inside my fairing. One screw was lost and the others where still screwed in but the windshield just pulled out since they are open ended slots. I was lucky, and I have never understood why Yamaha only made one connection for the windshield.
  13. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSlW_xJMfJs&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - ‪Biker Gets Rear Ended and Survives!‬‏[/ame]
  14. This tire came off of Dave`s ( Just monkeyin around) 1st gen, it is not to the wear bars yet. Really lucky he made it on this thing.
  15. To say home with the wife, it is our 37th anniversary..............dont know how she has put up with me for so long, but I am one lucky guy to have a wonderful woman like her in my life........ :big-grin-emoticon:
  16. Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year, also wanted to Thank Don and the mods for keeping this family together. Thanks to everyone that hosted a meet that I was lucky enough to attend, looking forward to the New Year and New adventures. Craig & Kim
  17. I was taking a few pics of the snow and wham..IT happened...talk about being lucky with a camera....yep, the BIG HONCHO, THE MAIN MAN, MR. CHRISTMAS...still can't believe it..........
  18. ok any one know of this one in IOWA . i have to go there tomorrow. i have been fighting a military injury for ten years now. mostly to get them to own up to it.. and get some help . i have heard good things about this place. im going in for a brain scan. to see if my MS could be caused by a chemical spill that happened when a 6x6 over turned in our convoy. till this day i do not know what was in them barrels? this happend back in 82. and i didnt think nothing of it untill 1994 when they found out i have MS and some nerve and neuro damage. with the interferon shots for the MS weekly i do ok. but do due then good old economy and health care BS medicade and medicare are trying to cut off this medication. reason is it cost $1200.00 a month and i will need it for rest of my life. there saying theres a cheaper pill out there i will take everyday. and its around $550.00 a month. now im getting tired of who can and who cant controll my treatment. i dont want something that might not work when these shots are doing the trick. and i for one dont think a vet should be treated like a lab rat. if it aint broke dont mess with it. thats how i think. i guess im a lucky one i could be one of the 1000.s of homeless vets around this state. its hard to say im on ssdi and cant work like i use too. $750.00 a month plus being forced to get food stamps. makes me feel less like a man. sometimes i think of what my friend went through when he decided it aint worth it no more. then i see my daughter and great niece and family and just keep on keeping on. i now think when i get up every day insted of saying F it i place my feet on the floor when i roll out of bed and look up and say thank you. for one more day.
  19. Well, do ya? http://www.flixxy.com/lucky-day.htm
  20. I know everyone says "Your lucky, you have a job", but working 60 hours a week sucks, and if we dont work it we are subject to being laid off in the next round, when I started working there, there were 12 fabricators working in the shop, now we are down to 8, we did have as many as 16, and rumor has it 3 more lay offs coming by Feb. 1. They took away our Christmas bonus, small as it was, they took away our safety bonus, upped our ins. premiums, increased our deductibles and out of pocket expenses on the medical ins., waiting for them to stop or at least reduce our 401k match, all we have left is our gainsharing bonus and I am sure that will be elimanated soon. I am so glad I only have 1 year 8 months left before retirement from this place. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the wage freeze.......!!!!!!! Last one lasted 3 years!!!!! I am so lucky to have this job.
  21. Well folks as I have posted recently I had my second interview today for the ISO Coordinator position I applied for. SO it is with a heavy heart that I am announcing that I will have to get off the government dole and unemployment ranks and go back to work. The interview was at 1:30 today and I left their offices at 2:55, I went to pick up some small engine parts and by the time I got home at 4:30 I had a phone call to call her back. So I took a deep breath and called her back. She did not answer so I left a message. Then I said to myself.... self don't be a dumb a$$ call the main number and have your new boss paged. I sure am glad I listened to myself. That is when she informed me she was going to offer me the position. I want to thank all of you for your prayers, and thoughts. I just want to make sure the man up stairs knows how lucky I am to have made it this year and the great people that I have come to know here at the forum. I can't honestly tell you in enough words how thankful I am. I was beginning to think this day would never come. This forum has been such a great outlet form...... you will never know. God must have had a deafening roar with all the prayers said over this job. How could he have possible said no. I have to go now .......... I have something in my eye and and need to say a special thank you to someone........... How lucky I am????? Thanks you all again Steve working stiff like the rest of you.
  22. Its been 10 years today since my lovely wife said I do. I cant believe shes kept me around this long. Just wanted to toot my own horn . 10 years together and she rides her own bike too. As I said I;m a lucky man. LOve babe David
  23. I blew a valve cover gasket on my 89 VR yesterday. This is my second season riding it after it sat idle for about 13 or 14 years. Do you guys think I should just go ahead and replace all of them? I don't want to be stranded somewhere. Lucky for me yesterday I was in town, if I hadn't been on call there's no telling where I would have been. Thanks for your input, Jackie
  24. My oldest (stepson) went down Saturday and walked away with nary a scratch!! No gloves, no helmet, no armour, the foot brake lever and highway peg are bent, thee are minor scratches on the air filter cover and exhaust and he's got road rash on the front fork and rear fender. Oh and he needs a new tank on his HD. Sean says last he saw he was doing 50, I saw the "turn", I'm thinking more like 80; apparently his front wheel jumped the curb but the rear did not followhe left the bike and landed in a freshly mulched shrub bed. Still lucky he didn't hit one of the many river rocks or trees there. I'm gratefull he's OK, as far as the underlying cause: lets call it operator error; he was ticked, he had been drinking and he was going somewhere he did not want to go (lets leave it at that)
  25. Well I made it home from Espanola late last night in first gear. I was very lucky, I was almost home, but got off the Highway well before I should have because of traffic. Then my steering was acting up. I had a hard time leening into a turn. I heard something metal hit my radiator or engine area so I stopped and looked at my steering and tire. Everything looked ok, so i kept riding, but the steering was getting worse giving a bad shake. I had to drop it down into 1st gear and go slow to keep the bike up and straight. As I pulled into my driveway and took my tire presure I only had 10lbs in it. Boy was I lucky. I put air in with my car mini compressor and I could hear the air leaking out of my tire and then found the little hole. The nail or what ever it was must have been blown out and that was the noise I heard. I had just bought a MC lift two weeks ago so lucky me again, up it went as I don't think I'll have time to get the tire fixed or changed before I leave for Europe in two days. Other bad news I lost or rather forgot my Venture Rider mug at a gas station after filling up. I leave mine attached to the gas cap with a beer foam holder so I always have to remove it when gasing up. Nuts.......am I mad at myself.
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