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  1. anyone know why I can't download these items from the tech library? It can't seem to find the files so I am wondering if this is a temporary thing or if I am out of luck. thanks
  2. Trying to clean the carbs but I'm stuck on step number one. It says remove the choke knob. Now I've tried twisting it off and pulling it off but I really didn't have any luck with it. Tried taking a short cut but i would really like to follow the book. Sooooo. Does anyone know how to get that knob off of there?
  3. not having much luck locating a hitch for my 07... sugggestions?? thx,.
  4. I would like to buy a set of jardines but after a week of searching I've had no luck. So I was thinking about removing the mufflers at the slip connector and putting on some 24" chrome tip turndowns, I have also looked for sound clips of option two with no luck. Does anyone have an idea if it would sound good or if it would just sound terrible. I can no longer take riding around on a bike that sounds like it belongs on the Jetson's
  5. Looks like we will be blowing the dust off this Yuppyville North Texas area and heading for Ruidoso, NM. We have a contract pending on a nice chunk of property in the mountains, and if all goes well, we'll be heading out by November 1. Looking forward to some cooler temperatures! The next challenge is gonna be to sell this place in Texas. Been retired for a couple of years, and the DFW area just isn't our idea of a nice place to relax. Haven't had any luck finding the right kinda place down in the Texas Hill Country, so we decided to change venues all together. The new place in the mountains has a great big shop and lots of land, so maybe we'll see some of you out there! Goose
  6. Well I guess when you ask for "Full Coverage" with progressive, that doesn't mean collision. I am out of luck on the bike, It can be saved, but at least $3000 in damage I think.
  7. Been trying to contact Earl with no luck. Just wandering if everything is OK. Mike Allen
  8. Systems eight years old with severe Trojan. Thinking of new one. Dell or where? Had pretty good luck with Dell. I do not know enough about the things to fix this one Black screen does not give you much to work with.
  9. Have the quick saddlebag fasteners gone the way of the dodo? I cant find them on ebay OR in the classified on this website. I've seen them for years and never bothered to order a set...and thought, well I'd like a set, but now I cant find them. Just my luck.
  10. we had some storms over the past few days. some heavy wind and rain. there was no trees down where i live. but lots of rain. well today i went out and washed my black pontiac grandprix and waxed it till it looked great. i then cme home and parked it.of course under a over hanging tree. i was going to go out and get some fast food when i saw somethig on the car. yep it was 2 tree branches about 4 feet in leant on the roof and the hood of the car. also the rear quater panel on drivers side was scratched. i called nation wide and i be damn there was a ajuster in the area and he would stop by. seems like im not the only one. he looked over my car and said hey the rear quarter panel has som rust bubbles by the fuel door. and there are some on the roof? and said the insurance company wont cover them? hey there are deep scratches and i left the branches on the car. he said sorry but he,s sure all they will cover is the hood. im so pissed i been with this company for almost 10 years never filed a claim on any of my cars in 25 years. and i got a $500 deductable. damn what luck huh? think i will shop around for another company. this company said they drop a $100 for every year you dont file a claim i say bull poop.. i can get the whole car repainted for $1500. not sure id a 2005 pontiac with 65000 miles on it is worth the paint job but she runs like a top. ok im done with my rant now
  11. HID kit arrived..going in for the install...wish me luck..lol
  12. I wouldn't have any luck at all... With only 40 miles left to go, while hawling an excavator back to my Dad's, I managed to blow the torque converter seal. Luckily I made it to a wayside. Now it's hurry up and wait for a truck to come and hook up to the trailer I had to drop. Then it's back here again with the same truck and trailer to pick up my broken truck to get it back to the garage. Then I am going to have to make time to pull out this POS E4OD tranny and swap in something better. Which also means I am going to have to track down a new computer to bypass electronics for this transmission. D'OH!
  13. Okay, on my '84 Venture the last owner had a mess of an exhaust that could not allow the centerstand to be put back on because he wanted it to be "tougher" with louder sound. Blagh to that. So I have a parts bike with the original exhaust coming from a 1300, mine is 1200, I have read they are the same. The real problem is getting it off the '83 1300. I have it unbolted from the front and from the rear, but I am missing something as it seems to be suspended in the middle. I can rock it back and forth. So what am I missing that I can't see? With my luck it is something simple, I hope. Steve
  14. I have a crack in my #3 carb and need to get another one.The best price I've found is 396.00Does anyone have an idea where to find a used carb.Venture carbs will not fit(32mm).I've already sent e mails to all the salvage yards I could find but no luck.
  15. I'm sure any of us that do some of own work on things, mechanical, woodworking etc have had a day when nothing goes right. Well I have had like 2 weeks of this. It started a couple weeks ago I was working on the bike wiring in a headlight modulator. Somehow I blew a fuse. Then putting the fairing back together, that took a couple times to get everything happy. Then a few days later I attemted teh lowering of the front end forks. When back together the handle bars seemed askew to the right. So a day or so later I took it all apart and redid it. The first time I couldnt get the forks to "slide" up so I had to take the wheel off. So you see where this is going right? Nothing is easy. So today I decided to change the plugs in the wifes Durango. I mean heck it only has like 110K on the orginals. So left bank goes OK. First one on the right bank is really tight comming out. So I do the a little out, then back the other way. About 4 or 5 into this program and "snap" @!#$% I'm thinking I broke of the porclen no biggy right? WRONG it snapped off the bolt part of the plug. I have the entire insulator and electrode everything but the threads and the washer flat part that seats. HMM what now. So I calls a friend @ the Dodge house, his suggestion is an ez out. Well I thought of this but was hoping they had something.... well a little more refined. So I did thru the tool box find the ez outs but the dang things all have square drives. And of course all I have is mainly six point sockets. So off the the store to get 1ea 12 point 10mm. So now I tap the ez out in. I have sprayed several liberal shots of liquid wrench at it hoping to relive some of the corrision. I carefully wind out the troublesome piece. It was a bugger bear all the way out. Should I have expected anything else with the luck I have had lately? Certainly not. Finnaly get the bottom part out and look at the threads, argh the last couple on the plug look like crap. I blow out the hole and try to look but heck its a foot below in a hole. Well maybe the new one will thread in. I have the new plug in a piece of 8-10" long fule line to thread in. No go, should I be suprised? Well as luck would have it the spark plug chaser I have aint right, go figure. It probably went to a ford or something I had 20yr ago. lol So off to the store again for thread chaser. The rest of teh job goes OK and the job is done. But man I'm scared to ride with the way my luck has been the last couple weeks. I think I have put probably 100+ iles on the car/bike/truck in the last 2 weeks or so running up to Autozone or Sears or Advance. The to auto parts places aint but maybe 4 miles one way and Sears is maybe 7 one way. I sure hope I have used up my bad luck.
  16. A friend of mine who retired from the salt mine was chatting with a friend of his about bikes. He knew that they were searching for a newer bike. Bruce gave Barry and Donna my telephone #, and contact was made. Well, they came over Wednesday night, had a look at our 04 midnite, and fell in love. Took it for a spin, had a friend check it out and came back with big grins on both their faces. They called after dinner tonight, and said that they were waiting word from the bank and wanted the bike. They currently have a 1st gen...it's an 85, and it has over 100,000 on the odometer. So, they wanted another, newer Venture. We had a nice visit....it was great trading "Venture" stories. I guess to make a long story short, looks like Beth and I are soon to be bikeless. I bought my first bike when I was 12 years old, a 50cc Bombardier, and except for a hiatus while raising my boys, riding has been a passion for me. But, in all honesty, I have lost my lust for this sport.....truthfully, the accidents this year have really hit home, and probably have had some impact on my decision. Once I get on the bike, it's just like home, the problem was getting my leg swung over the seat in the first place. We have decided to try to "look in to our future" so to speak. I'm tired of the cold and winter, and we have a desire to retire on the water somewhere warm.....so we have purchased a Bayfield 29C sailboat. We will try this out, and if Beth can handle the "motion of the ocean", we will sell the 29 footer and move up to a larger sailboat closer to retirement, outfit it the way we want to, and then, as the saying goes......sail off into the sunset. We have made a lot of great friends here on this site, and we will miss each and every one of you. We do plan on continuing to attend local meets and eats...er greets when my work schedule allows us to do so. I want to say THANK YOU to all who have helped me through their posts working on my bikes, who have actually worked on my bike, who have directed me to sites to purchase new safety chrome and other accessories for our ride. It would have been so much harder to dress the bike up, have the confidence in it's mechanical abilities to just get up and go for weeks at a time. Before finding you all and this site, I couldn't do most of the repairs/updates that I've done over time on both my 96 royal star and the Venture. Changing out a clutch slave cylinder, doing the brakes, adding lighting....the list goes on. I'm still going to pop in on the site now and then to check up on everyone...wouldn't miss the enjoyment of reading all the posts and updates here on the site, seeing who is getting into "trouble" with the mods..., what's new in everyone's lives. Anyways, good luck to you all....Gary and Mary, you're just a half hour away, we'll drop in now and then, Monty, good luck with the boys overseas, Freebird, keep fighting the big "C", you are going to completely beat the beast, Ponch, keep up the good fight, we're all in your corner pushing you on, Yammer Dan...buddy, you keep the site interesting!!!! IBents, we'll see you at the wine party and get you out for a sail next summer I hope. Carbon One, keep those ideas rolling and producing accessories for these great rides. Squidley, Lonna, Kregerdoodle, Gunboat and the rest of the Houston gang, we had a blast down there last year, we'll not soon forget that ride! A ton of great memories, awesome times, great friends! gunk
  17. anyone seen a trunk top rack like the one in this pic? this was my gf's old bike she had to leave with the x and she wants same rack for our 83 . Ive been looking all over ebay craigss anywhere no luck. now im thinking this particular one might not even associated with yama but i dont know.
  18. Hello Everyone: Following in the foots steps of a few other RSTD owners. I recently finished installing a Harley Tour Pack on my 2005 RSTD. I had it painted to match the raven black color of our bike. I wired up the tail, running and brake lights last night. I was pleased with my first DMY trunk however we really wanted something a little bigger. I bolted the Harley Trunk directly to my Wompus rack and my wife was satisfied with the height. I have pictures but have not had good luck up loading them to the website the past few weeks. I have tried resizing them, but no luck yet. We are looking forward to the Cody Rally!!!
  19. Well, I think I am ready for some aftermarket exhauts. I know they aren't made anymore, I've been checking ebay with no luck. I may make a set but it would be easier if somebody had a set even if they need some work. Thanks in advance.
  20. Been stuck with an install in Monroe MI missed MD because of it, probably be spending the next few weeks there also. Nice small town but the selection of common restaurants is lacking. Any one have any ideas of what places are good seems to be allot of non chain places but I'm not to keen on eating alone in a non familiar place my luck it will turn out to be some strange sort of bar.
  21. If anybody is interested, I got the following message from Eddie. I put a new set of Avons on my bike. The ones I took off have about 8000 on them . They are in good enough shape for someone who might be down on there luck and can use a set. Let me know if you get wind of anyone. I can send them to them or to you and maybe we can give them to someone at MD. Please send him a PM if you are interested. His username is ...uh...Eddie.
  22. here's what you'll be looking for when you come to pick up the Honda. There is no way to attach pics to a PM, so this was the next best thing I also PM'd you my address. Good Luck, Bill
  23. If anyone is looking for a left mirror, I have a place for you to look. Also if anyone knows where I can find a right mirror that would be great. Contact this person. They are in BC, Canada. Good price $20. Good luck countrymotorsport@gmail.com
  24. My wife is going in for surgery today at 8:30 to correct a broken nose that she got playing baseball as a little girl. Please wish her luck and keep her in your prayers this morning. Thanks Joe
  25. The Bad this week: Wife rear-ended in daughter's car (sore neck) Accidentally paid off credit card (-$3500) (clicked pay balance instead of make payment) Car broken in to (iPad stolen/window broken) The good this week: No damage to daughter's car Less debt No one hurt when wife's car was broken in to All in all, they were just possessions...we still have our health and faith, but are glad that the series of three's is done! Hopefully we are in for some good luck now!
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