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  1. I was just wondering if anyone has any feedback over THIS lowering kit? I'm also curious why this kit doesn't mention anything about relocating the brake caliper? I'm interested because these links look well made and even with conversion from the pound and shipping, they still only cost about $72. Less then half what the Baron's kit costs.
  2. need to know more about lowering kit for my '04 RSV. Short legs are making things difficult with the little woman sitting behind me. She sits so high, its difficult to keep bike upright when we come to a stop. Would lowering the rear help? Where do I buy the Baron's kit, how much, how dificult to install etc.? Thanks
  3. Ya'll have convinced me. Once again I've read great advice from the many experienced riders/owners on this forum. Took my bike in for routine maintenance (do most of it myself but sometimes you just want a certified mechanic to look things over) and asked if they would lower my front forks. I'm going to go with 3/4". I'm 5'11" and can reach the ground with flat feet but the seat is a little wide so I do have to put them down solid. This will help that a little (as opposed to raising the rear) but mainly I'm looking forward to the greater agility at low speed and the feeling of less weight I'm hearing about. I should get it home this Friday (shop is very busy this time of year in NC). I'll let ya'll know how it feels for me soon as I can.
  4. I am not able to find a member vendor that sells the lowering links for a 2nd gen RSV/RSTD. Do we still have a member of this forum that makes and sells them? If not, do we know of a good outside vendor that makes and/or sells them? Yes, I know that I can make these myself, but...I am wanting to look at a few options. I am going to be lowering the front of my '06 RSMTD by 3/4", but I also want to lower the rear end too. So, please let me know if we have lowering links available. I did find the ones from LA Choppers/Barons but they also include the new bracket to relocate the rear brake caliper, which I find to not be necessary. No need to buy a kit with that bracket, if I am not going to use it. Thanks,
  5. Would anyone out there in VR world happen to have the dimensions for lowering links? I'm fabricating my own and looking to make the job a bit easier! I'm trying to get away from a lot of scrap metal by the trial & error method.... It'd be great if ya could help a fellow VR out!!! -Greg
  6. I'm not lazy, just don't want to cause myself "problems"!! Is someone within a few hundred miles of Columbia, SC skilled in lowering the front of the RSV,, and would do my bike, for a fee (or donation to a favorite charity)? I would like to get my 2009 RSV front lowered some (say 1") and would like a skilled person do the work. I live in Columbia SC and would travel a distance if you are skilled in doing this. (I had my RSTD done and,, I like it!) The rear is already lowered 3/4" (half of the Barons kit). But I would prefer to get that back to stock height and drop the front (not do the small tire thing). So, if this sounds like fun to you, let me know. PM me or post here, let me know. Have bike, will travel. Mike Griswold, Lugoff, SC 29078, just off I-20. mikeginsc@bellsouth.net 803-420-3388
  7. Anybody ever looked into lowering floorboards an inch or so for long legged riders.I have been looking at a 2012 RSV and they seem to sit high enough to allow such a mod without creating too much of a drag issue in corners,but maybe i am wrong.I am 6 foot 3 and maybe raising seat is an option also. I can always do highway pegs anyways but the floorboards just feel too high for my long legs.I normally ride a Raider and I am use to forward controls and pegs.Maybe pegs would be a good solution.Anybody have pics of a floorbaord to peg conversion?
  8. whats the differance between the levaling links and the barron lowering link? sorry for the dumb question.http://www.phatperformanceparts.com/Barons_Rear_Lowering_Kit_Royal_Star_Venture_p/ba-7530-00.htm
  9. hey guys i hear all this talk about the lowering of the tree in the forks but I have only seen it been discussed for rsvs. WIll it have a positive effect on my RSTC? I dont think i have low speed handeling problems but any improvement in handling will be appreciated.
  10. Good Afternoon All, I have read just about every thread on lowering that I can find on this forum, but I have more specific questions. Like many others, I am concerned about dragging parts but I am also concerned about bottoming out. I thought that If I gave you specifics you may be able to help me decide what to do. I have a 2005 Royal Star Tour Deluxe with Venture Pillowtop seats with the Butler mod done to them. I also have the Bub complete exhaust system which does raise the mufflers closer to the sadlebags. I am 5'7" with a 30 inch inseam. My Wife and I weigh 340 lbs together, about 170 each. I have been considering buying the Baron Lowering kits for the front(one with emulators and springs) and rear. I also intend to add a scootworks trunk and a quadzilla fairing in the future. Given our weight and my plans for future mods, do you think I would have any problem bottoming out on front during quick stops or rear while going over bumps riding two up? My next question is: if these kits would be a good fit for us considering our situation, is it worth the money to go with the full blown Baron front lowering kit with progressive springs and gold valve emulators rather than just the spacers? I don't want to spend this kind of money for nothing, but either way I would have the forks apart and would like to do it right the first time. Has any one here used these kits on a newer RSTD that weighs about the same as we do? I would really appreciate any input, opinions or experiences. Regards, Tony
  11. I know this topic comes up a lot but its hard to find much on specifically lowering the RSTD because the majority of the expertise here is with the Venture, so the threads seem to quickly go that route and especially since the Venture can be lowered for free.. Actually this does also apply to the Venture - just wanting advice on lowering the bike using a lowering kit rather than the free Venture mod. I have done a lot of research on this as to better understand the options and caveats especially since I know nothing much about front suspension. So while doing this research… I compiled this summary DOCUMENT of what I gathered from all of you experts… Please let me know if you see any gaps or mistakes and hope it helps someone in the future.. But I do have some questions still.. It appears Barons has two options for lowering the front.. 1) A lowering kit (only two 1.5 in spacers) $25 2) A Performance lowering kit (the above plus Gold Valve Cartridge Emulators and progressive springs) $290 Questions: 1) Given the price difference… is the Performance kit really worth that much more money? 2) Knowing nothing about front forks… how does adding two spacers.. lower the bike? 3) I would probably have the dealer do this as I am not equipped for this.. espec the performance kit if I went that route.. but would the basic spacer kit be MUCH easier or not really? BTW, 2007 RSTD I have had the Butler mod on my stock seat, and it does help. I have 29”-30” inseam, so while its not imperative, I would just like to get a little lower for backing up and stability when two up at a standstill. So debating on if this is worth it or not.. Thanks for any advice, Globewalker
  12. After reading all the pros/cons about lowering the RSV I bought a Barons rear lowering kit. The instructions aren't the greatest (no pics) so I have a couple of questions on the install. - relocating the brake caliper: is it necessary to remove the mufflers to take out the rear axle? - removing the connecting arms: with the rear wheel off the ground (unweighted), when I remove the bolts for the connecting arms what prevents the wheel from dropping further down or do I have to support the wheel?? Doug
  13. my roadking pipes set 3 inches off the ground at rear of bike. my friend who just bought a 2005 like mine sets 6 inches off groung at same point. under the bikes look the same. how do you know if you have a lowering kit installed? bottom of my pipes are flatten , know why now. the guy i bought it from put every oem chrome part made on it and said he wanted it to look like a HD. so he bought one findly and i got the venture ,decked out and looking good. did he put a lowering kit on also. ? help someone and tell me what to look for. thanks
  14. Hello All...just wondering just how far you can lower the pillow seats and who does it? Would be great if i could find someone in Canada...
  15. Back in June 09, I purchased a RSV and finally got my wife on the back of it after 27 years of hearing that there is no way she would ever get on a motorcycle. I guess after a couple of years working in ER that would do that to you. Well, I got her on and the question I have is, I feel the bike is a little top heavy and sometimes hard to control even when she is not riding with me. I have been told and have read that I should get a lowering kit, to help the balance and control of the bike. Just wondering if I should go ahead and make the adjustment or wait. I am suppose to get it done tomorrow. Any Ideas? Well all, I went and had the bike lowered, and for the short time I took it for a ride and come to a stop it was great. Just that short distance of 1 inch did make a difference. Thanks to all for the advice.
  16. I'm new to the forum here but I've been doing some reading on lowering the RSV and I think the route I want to take is to lower the back with the Baron's kit 1" and do the front forks the 1-1/2" with the Barons kit as well. I just wanted to ask if anyone has any feedback on the front kit? I see it has progressive springs, which I loved on my Shadow. The kit is HERE. It doesn't say RSV, but isn't the RS Tour Deluxe the same basic chassis?
  17. If you have the barons lowering kits front and rear can you remove the rear kit and go back to stock in the rear, leaving the front lowered with the barons kit? Would this react the same as leveling liknls would on a stock bike? Thanks
  18. I've read all the posts I could find and never did find a clear answer so here goes. I have a 2005 RSTD and for height reasons I'm getting a barons rear lowering kit put on in the next week or 2. I've read about the adverse effects but am going ahead with it. The bike already stands fairly straight up on the kickstand with the stock suspension and zero air in the rear shock. My concern is that by lowering the back, the bike will stand even more straight up on the kickstand. When I expressed my concern to the dealer he showed me the barons kit and said that a particular piece in the kit would compensate for this. I emailed barons and unfortunately the person either wasn't up on this subject or was just trying to get rid of me because he gave me a part number for a road star kickstand. So has anybody lowered their RSTD with a barons kit without altering the kickstand??? I know that I can buy a kickstand from an earlier royal star and it's 11 1/4" long which is about 2" shorter than mine but I'm not sure if it's needed. thanks for all your help Greg
  19. Hello, My wife just bought a 2006 Yamaha 650 v-star Silverado. However the bike is just a little to tall for her. I was wondering if any of you have installed a lowering kit on these bikes? If so, could you please explain the proceedure. I'm pretty good with mechanical repair and would like to do this myself. Thanks for the advice! Frank
  20. I'm considering lowering my RSV, front and rear, and have a few of questions for those that have done it. I would like to ask those that haven't done it not to express their opinions. No offense, but I'm only looking for first hand experience from those who have (or have ridden) an RSV that has been lowered. Parts dragging: On a stock bike, in the twisties, the driver's floorboards are the first parts to drag. This is safe, as they're sprung. They also have non-rusting metal pieces at the contact points. On a lowered bike, does that change to the mufflers dragging first, before the floorboards? This is when leaned over, not upright going over speed bumps and wotnot. Shortening the kickstand: How is that done? Is the kickstand actually shortened, or is the front stop ground down, to make the kickstand go forward more? Does anyone have pictures of that mod? Lowering links and brake caliper relocation: I'd prefer to lower both the front and the rear by the same, one inch. The Baron's kit has links that lower the rear 1.5". Has anyone found links, on eBay or otherwise, that lower the rear an inch rather than 1.5"? And if I only lower the rear by an inch, do I still need to relocate the rear brake caliper? Lowering just the front: I've read that it helps low speed handling. Does it make the RSV twitchy at higher speeds? Highway traffic in ATL occassionally finds itself at 95+ (indicated). Stock, the RSV is rock stabile at speeds higher than that. Does that change?
  21. Hi Everyone: I am really in a quandry. I feel like my 2009 RSV is top heavy and have read threads that say to lower the back end, to not lower the back end, to change tires on the front, etc. There seem to be cons and pros for all options. The dealer said that lowering the back end without lowering the front would make it worse. The dealer also said they don't recommend changing tire sizes. The dealer also told me that they had someone come in who had put on the lowering kit and took it back off within a week. Said it made it very unstable in parking lots, etc and made it more top heavy. I found a kit that is a "leveling kit" at Diamond Accessories" which actually raises the back end. This is supposed to make it more stable and less top heavy. Here is the link http://www.diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/proddisplay.php?name=Leveling Link Kit Will raising the back instead of lowering make a good difference? Has anyone tried this? Does anyone have any advice for me? I would like to do something to make it better but do not want to do it and the change not have any effect, or even make it worse. Thanks everyone for your help. Don Wood - New Venture owner
  22. I'm a new Royal Star Tour Deluxe owner. At 5' 6.5" I have trouble putting both feet flat on the ground when at a standstill. The bike came with a super Corbin seat, which I'm not going to change. So is a lowering kit advisable or not? I know this will reduce the cornering angle, but I've also read different things about how it changes the maneuverability of the bike. Anyone out there who has installed a lowering kit and can tell me if it's a good idea or not? My tendency is to hold off on putting one on and try to get used to the new feel. Any counsel anyone can provide will be appreciated. Glad to be part of the forum.
  23. Has anyone out there used this or know anything about it? I would like any and all info you can give me. Thanks http://www.phatperformanceparts.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=BA-7530-00
  24. I searched this sight about front lowering and think I will slide the front tubes up on my 2003 Midnight. It looks obvious how to do it but I know the best way is to hear from someone who has done it. So...how about some step by step instruction help? Thanks JerryK:Venture:
  25. I have a complete Baron's lowering kit. Its Used and in great shape. Comes complete with instructions for install. $140.00 with FREE SHIPPING to the lower 48 states, Pay Pal excepted.
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