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Just to let any members in the area know about a ride this saturday September 8th... This benefits the Fisher house which provides housing for military families and allows them to be close to their loved ones,while they are in the hospital....... Shari and I will be coming down for this ride....
On Sunday 3-11-12 my son lost his life on his new motorcycle. He had just purchased a Suzuki crotch rocket on Saturday. To my knowledge he did not have much (if any) experience riding. He was 41 yrs. old and lived in the mountains of N.C. I was not aware that he was purchasing a bike but I wish I had known. I certainly would have recommended him to take the MSF course before doing too much riding. He was on a long straight road with a hard sweeping left turn and apparently ran into so loose gravel according to the officer on the scene. He went into some trees and was killed instantly. He was my first born son and his passing leaves a huge void in my heart. He had great potential and loved life, he loved hot rod cars and apparently loved his new ride. I share this info with you all because I feel you are extended family in a way. Thanks to all for your support and love. I am confident that he will be in the presence of the Lord and that I will some day join him. I offer a link to his memory.
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Would have loved to have made this one. Couldn't have afforded any of them but it would have been fun to look around.
Thought I would share this message I received in a e-mail a few minutes ago..... In October of 1863, just a few months after the bloodiest fighting of the Civil War at the Battle of Gettysburg, President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation setting aside the last Thursday of November “as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise.” His proclamation read in part, “In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict.” We celebrate Thanksgiving again this year with men and women, husband and wives, sons and daughters, engaged in battle and fighting for our freedom, not on the soil of this country but in distant lands far away from their friends, family and loved ones. On this day, set aside for giving thanks, we express our gratitude to the warriors who selflessly serve to protect our country and the American way of life. We express our gratitude to their families, who tirelessly support our Service members while their loved ones serve in harm’s way. And we express gratitude to those caregivers who willingly take on the monumental task of assisting our wounded, ill and injured Service members as they travel their own road to recovery. This holiday season we encourage you to express your own gratitude to our brave men and women in uniform, particularly our wounded warriors. Shake their hands in the airport, take a few minutes to listen to their extraordinary stories. Or, best of all, connect them to employment resources and opportunities that will help facilitate their smooth and productive reintegration to civilian life. We echo the words of President Lincoln when he said, “I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessing, they do also… commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners and sufferers… and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility and Union.” A Happy Thanksgiving to All! Boomer....with best wishes and respect to all.
...and then this happens! Not sure where it was, but I'm guessing BC since there is a Canadian flag in the infield and a billboard ad for KISW radio 99.9 FM which is a Seattle station. This is going to ruin our reputation for being quiet and peaceful. But I would have loved to be there to see it. [ame=]air show crash THE CRUSHER world record semi truck jump by far the best video - YouTube[/ame] Andy
I don't know what to say about this:
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So where is everyone posting links to their Vogel photos from this year? Can't wait to see them! Loved meeting everyone btw. Thanks for making me feel so welcome!
I wont upload my Cody pics here, but here is the link at Picasa I had a great time:cool10: and enjoyed every moment and loved meeting everyone, I hope to see everyone again soon!! brian
I was riding with a few V rods today and loved the way they were able to lean more While I was scraping pegs. I had Forward controls on my 04 shadow and I just loved them. The only problem was not being able to stand and shift positions. Today I am thinking I could deal with that. I rode 3 hours without having to shift my rear once. I think The seat is breaking in my ass. SO what do you guys think about forward controls.
Looking for a Corbin for 06RSV. Road on one yesterday and loved it.
This is about my mom who passed away just these past hours. I know a lot of you here will express sympathy. It is one of the reasons I love this website. So, if you don't mind to much, I would like to pay tribute to my Mom!! Her name was Jimmie. What I know about her most was that she had 5 kids by the age of 22. Her and my father married early in life, she 14 my Dad 19. Once, thinking I was the reason they married so young, I checked the records. They did lie about her age but I was not the reason. They just hit it off. I remember being 15 and not being able to quite comprehend being married with a child at that age. At 52 I'm still in a little awe of her accomplishment. Mom didn't have an easy life. He mother was ½ Cherokee or so and could put the fear of God in someone. Ask my brother. He has always rebelled against authority figures except for his grandmother. She was the only person I ever saw to put fear into him. Anyhow, my grandmother would put my mom on top of moonshine and run it up to Chattanooga, TN from Alabama. She also hauled my mom off to California where she ran into trouble with the law. After that it was back to Alabama. Mom's husband, my dad, tended to blame her for most of our shortcomings and was highly critical of her most of their marriage. Yeah, he was a bastard that way but he was who he was and this is not about my Dad, who I dearly love to. Mom loved Elvis! She would tell me about her and her girlfriend jumping out of an old beat up truck to dance to his music, not caring about any traffic, as the hot asphalt kissed their bare feet. What can I say it was a different time. While I was in High School Elvis, toward the end of his career, appeared in a concert near us. I had grandiose plans of surprising her with tickets. But, alas, I was just a high school punk at the time. Still it would have been great. I remember returning home my first time on leave from the military. I found my mom asleep in bed without her teeth, and with dyed “white” hair. I thought I had aged her terrible. Nope just bad taste in hair color! Mom was crazy about her grand kids. Not sure how many there are. I know I haven't met all of them but I do know this if Mom loved you it was with everything she had. She was stingy with that love but oh man, if she gave it to you she gave everything. If she thought someone had done one of her loved ones wrong they were beneath contempt in her book, period. I grew apart from my mom over the years. With time the mom of my childhood, who was loved by all, was replaced by the mom who had faults, was more human, who wasn't loved by all. I rarely visited and would find reasons not to during our infrequent communications. God has his own way of communicating. He made it clear to me that I would never find love until I figured out how to love my mom. That I have done. I wasn't to late. I found out that I do love her! And I made sure she knew it. She made sure that I knew she loved me. Hell, I've always known that! I sit here crying as I write this I knowing I am blessed to have had such a mom!
:Happy Birthday: :Happy Birthday: Hope you have a great day even if it is crappy weather today. At least any snow that you get will melt. The sun will be back out. Just remember you aren't getting older you're getting better..Of course you will always be older then me, for a few months. Just remember you're loved. :bighug::bighug: Margaret
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Browsing the Harley site this weekend, and dang, I might be in love! I loved my Venture, but have always loved a H-D Road with the backseat and trunk, I may be sold. Oh yeah, the ABS helps too. What do ya'll think of this bike?
Well the Ultimate seats are in and install. Well take it out for the first ride in the morning if they ride half as good as they look it will be great. Boy it only took 4 days from order to get here. I had a set on the R* and loved them.
Hi everyone. Before I attempt to reinvent the wheel, perhaps someone on the forum has some info to help me. My daughter is 9 yrs old and yesterday I took her around our neighborhood on the bike, she loved it. In fact she loved it so much that she wants to take a longer country ride with me. I'm a little uncomfortable with her fit to the bike. Previously I installed some later model OEM rear foot pads for my wife. they sit about 4" lower than I'd like for my daughter to be comfortable. If I could find a few more of these used foot pads, I might be able to tig weld a nice machined block to them and be able to switch them out using the pin and clip to swap out for my wife or daughter. ( Of course other ideas welcome) Next, I'd love to be able to fabricate a few arm rests for her unless anyone knows of some available aftermarket options. Thanks, joe
She would give me this tour as a birthday gift: 40,000 miles, 6 continents, 8 months. It's only $157k for the two of us! She wouldn't have to get me a Christmas present!
AUSSIE ANNE! I LOVED your 'He said,,,,,, she said':rotf::rotf:
So... I got to Jonesing for a new bike. I was looking hard at the new Triumph Rocket III Touring. Test rode it for about 30 miles yesterday. I loved the power, the way it handled, and sooooo smooth. However, there's a LOT of hot air coming off the radiator and headers. In winter it would be great...summer would be a killer. Then I rode the Triumph 1600cc parallel twin. It was Surprisingly strong...would give the Rocket Tourer (not the classic) a good run. But it felt too small and light for Interstate riding. Plus it got real buzzy at highway speeds even with the 6th gear. So...this morning I went and rode a new 1700 Kaw Nomad. I have owned a 2000 Nad and loved it. The one I rode today ran pretty well, rode and handled nicely, but had an awful gear whine, which was a deal breaker for me. My RSTD whines but not like that. Anyway, I brought the RSTD home and will probably put 2 new tires on it and ride it a while longer until something else like a really nice Valk Interstate comes along.
I went to a funeral today of a very dear lady and friend whom I've known all my life from our church. I don't think she ever had any enemys as she loved everyone. Our preacher is from Florida and he is good natured and the lady who died (Jimmylee) loved to pick at him about the LSU tigers and him a Florida fan. He told the story today of how she would be going down the road and see a sign for LSU and say lets get that and put it in the preachers yard. So, she let it be know to the family and the preacher that she wanted an LSU funeral and her family obliged her today. The grandsons as paulbearer's wore LSU polo shirts and an assisting pastor wore his LSU tie and the Precher said he never thought he would preach in an orange shirt but he did today in honour of her. It was a good funeral service and here are some pics. The preachers came out blurry, sorry. Notice the LSU color casket flowers and a stand reef at the head of the grave in LSU colors.
Just got home last night from a quick trip through Yellowstone, sadly in the cage. We went over the Beartooth pass, I loved it, my wife absolutely hated it. Can't wait to take the bike over it. It is now officially my new favorite road.
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Met a nice gentleman by the name of Dave K that is the sidecar technician for Hannigan Motorsports, Murray KY . He and his wife was at the store this morning. They were heading home after being at the Hack'd reunion held in Buckhannon WV. Said they should be one next year the same time sorry for not knowing about it until it was over. I asked the wife about riding in the sidecar said she loved it and would never ride on the back of the bike again (she has a bad back). Her sidecar has air conditioning but no heat. And of course I took a couple pics. Said they work on alot of Ventures there too. Maybe this information will help someone.
Just got the news today of the passing of a dear friend .Frank Flickinger's grandson called to let us know he passed away Sunday August 3 after a lengthy battle with cancer.He was from Osceola, Iowa. Some of you may know him from the many rallies he attended wearing the colorful T-shirts that read My son is Vice President of Harley Davidson but I ride a Yamaha. Frank was very friendly and loved to talk about motorcycles. He never met a stranger. May you rest in peace my friend.Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family at this time. Allen & Patti
If anyone is going to do the Blue Ridge /Dalhonaga Ga run on Hwy 60 thru Suches just a little warning here. Bee very careful! The DOT has been hard at work throwing down "Tarsnakes" . I'm not just talking a few squiggleys ever once and a while. I'm talking a lot in every curve making the bike verrrrry squirrley. It was 94 as we were going thru there last sun. and it was downright scary. I have ridden this road many many times and always loved it but no mre for me for a while. It really seems to me like they put so much down to possibly slow down or stop the crotch rockets from flying thru there. I just wanted to give a warning:no-no-no:
A few months ago someone had posted a link to a awesome slide show set to Roll me away by Bob Seger. if any body has this link can you please post it again it was great!!! I forwarded it to my brother and he loved it as well. we were talking about it tonight and neither of us have the link.