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  1. I bought a 2005 Midnight Venture from a friend in Texas,elevation 1000ft,and brought it to Colorado Springs,elevation 6,000 ft.I've noticed that when decelerating,it will sometimes backfire.....not real loud,but it does backfire.Seems to run fine and don't really notice any loss of power at higher (12-13'000 ft) altitudes.Just wondering if any other people live at higher altitudes and whether they had to rejet.
  2. I started with the frame and engine Friday evening today I took it for a spin still have a long ways to go but it runs and moves and stops. I have everything but the tack working and could sure use some ideas. I know that the tack worked a year ago before it was taken apart. To be used as a parts bike so I am a loss as to why it wont work now. Thanks Orlin
  3. I haven't said anything about my weight loss but this week I hit the 77 lb mark in my weight loss program. I started out to lose 40 or 50 lbs but kept going because I felt great and had more weight to lose. I started at 300 lbs and would like to end up around 200 to 210.
  4. It was about 60 degrees when I got home this afternoon and just had to go for a ride. I put about 50 miles on the bike and with me filling it up on the last ride with no ethanol and the cool temperatures, the bike rode like it was straining to be let go. Several times I cranked it on from about 3,000 rpm's to about 8,000 rpm's in 1st and 2nd and it was all I could do to hang on. It really felt strong. I lacked about 200 miles putting 10,000 on the bike this year. I know I would probably have been close to the 12,000 miles I put on it last year, but with the eye problems that started in Sept that eventually led to the loss of vision in my right eye, it set me back during what is some of the best riding here in east Tennessee. As tough as this has been for me, I know that there have been others on here that have had a tough time also. There have been some bad crashes that could easily ended in loss of life. There have been other things some have to deal with. This has been a good year also. I went to my 1st Maintenance Day at Freebird's and had a ball. I met some great folks and was able to share all that with Linda. We have taken some beautiful rides and camped at over 5,000 feet on the Blue Ridge Parkway on a night that was so dark and clear that there must have been a million stars shining. I was blessed with an overnight stay with Aussie Anne and Al and also from Rocket. I know there are going to be some serious challenges coming in the next year and I hope the best for all of us. RandyA
  5. I need information as to how our triked '89 Venture Royale is going to react at mountain pass elevations exceeding 9000 ft. I know I will have some loss of power. Am I going to have to worry about overheating or burning a piston if I pay attention and take it easy?
  6. How much oil loss is there during a clutch replacement? 2nd question, how much time will it take me?
  7. I am at a loss. I seem to be missing both cylinders on the left side. When I crank my bike (05 Midnight Venture) the right side heats up but the left side doesn't. I have tried replacing the spark plugs but that didn't work. Any suggestions would be very helpful as I am at the end of my rope! Mike:confused24:
  8. With the key off I have power to the clock but as soon as I turn the key to the on position I lose all power. I was having problems with the charging system and I was told to check the plug between the alternator stator and the voltage regulator for burned connections. I accidentally tried to start the bike before plugging this connection back together and it made a weird buzzing sound and that is when this whole loss of power when the key is on problem started. So Now I need to fix this problem before I can finish repairing the charging problem. Does anyone have any suggestions? Where to start? I'm kind of at a loss on this one. I tried searching the forums for a similar problem already posted but wasn't able to find one.
  9. after reading about "BONGO-BOB'S "misfortune, it became obvious to me that some members here are "savvy" about peripheral neuropathy. my sister has it in both feet, and now her hands are showing signs of "loss of feeling". she is NOT diabetic, and is rapidly becoming a cripple. anyone who knows about this malady, please respond or p.m. me with your input. God bless all. just jt
  10. Hello, what does the second light down on the left of my 1989 venture royale mean? It kinda looks like a small bulb surrounded by a housing. Does it mean low brake fluid? Or could it mean I have air in my brake lines?? Is it a symbol for a drip of something? I don't have my manual, so I'm at a loss.
  11. Trader


    I'm at a loss for words with this one! Any suggestions what the caption should be?
  12. I recently had a Kumho installed on my 2007 Venture. From day one it has leaked air and I attributed that loss to normal things that tires do. Day before yesterday I walked by the bike and noticed that the tire was FLAT, not low but flat. I put the carbon one adapter on and lifted the bike with my sears RV/motorcycle lift. When I had it up I put 40# psi and let it sit overnight on the lift. This AM I checked the pressure and it had lost 5# overnight. I did all the pressure testing with a progressive zero loss gauge so the gauge is not a factor. Prior to setting the pressure for overnight test I made serious attempts to find a leak with soapy water - nada nothing My next move is to take the tire off and try submersing in water to find the culprit. Has anybody else had a pressure loss that could be construed as NOT normal ? and what is my next move should I actually find something ?
  13. Heads up: Vogal Stae Park cabin available. We had to cancel our cabin reservation for the state park since we won't be able to attend the rally. Our loss here can be someone elses gain. Larry
  14. If I asked this before on here, I guess I'm losing more than my hearing. I know I wanted to ask before. I did at least search my prior posts and found no entry for this so, here we go: I have a black Pace-Legacy lo-boy style enclosed motorcycle trailer. It's only about 3 years old but sitting outside down here in the sun & heat, the finish has developed that slightly cloudy, faded sort of look. That loss of a clean, deep black finish. It's not at all severe, but it is noticable. I've tried any number of different things to try to bring the depth of color back and failed. I'm almost positive that it's baked enamel and I'm frankly at a loss as to what to use. So, if any of you have any experience with this issue, I sure would like to hear your solution. I coming up blank. I've hesitated on removing the Harley-Davidson decal on the back door until I can come with a satisfactory fix for the finish, because I know there's going to be a difference in shade when the decal comes off and I want to be able to minimize it. Anyway, any help will be welcome. If I can't do anything with the finish (or maybe even if I can), I might just sell the darn thing. I haven't used it but a couple of times and the original reason I got it went away when my son got rid of his bike. That'll be a topic for another thread if I go that way with it.
  15. Hey Folks, Here it is, D-day, so to speak and our time for weight loss is down to hours. I want to thank all the folks that grabbed this by the horns and pledged to loose weight or donate towards the goal. What I am asking now is for some other folks to donate towards the weight loss. We have less than 10 people that have pledged monies towards our weight loss goal, which probably wont quite be met I dont want to sound ungrateful, and believe me I know how tight money is right now, but if you could find it in your heart and wallet to donate even .03 per pound it really will help. If you have been to St. Judes or last year at Ronald McDonald house you'll know how much this is needed. We will accept money all the way up to and even after the weigh in, if you can help out, I ask that you please do. Thank you again to all involved and the effort that was and is being put into this Here is a link to the ongoing thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=31174
  16. hope this post don't get buried too quickly. recently i discovered a weight loss regimen, without even looking for one. i weigh 128 pounds, so i don't NEED to lose any weight. if you are curious, do a google on "honey bee pollen"and read EVERY word you can find . what it did to me, was cause me NOT to be hungry. your individual mileage may vary! lol just jt
  17. There's a Guy selling his '09 Vmax with 300 mls on the Odo due to Loss of his Employment. I took this from another Forum. I don't know the Guy, but this could be a real Steal ...
  18. Today was not a very good day for our family. Our dog Lucy died suddenly. Lucy died early this morning, Ron and our son Mark sat with her in her last moments. They chose not to tell me, I was asleep. It is strange how a dog becomes such a part of your life. We had her for 12 years. She was such a beautiful dog, people would stop to comment on her when we were walking her, She used to catch ground moles, and one time she even caught a ground hog in our garage. I believe her great dream in life was to catch a squirrel, unfortunately she never got one. Lucy protected us all these years. We always knew when some stranger was in our driveway. And yet she was very gentle, I think she loved everyone. I thought I would share this with you all. I feel such a loss. We still have our dog Cooper. But the loss of Lucy is going to take a while to deal with. Our son and daughter are taking it hard. I just wanted to share this with you. DO not walk by your pet and not acknowledge their presence. Always make the effort to notice them. Their whole life is to get your love and appreciation. Remember them even when you are busy. I will miss Lucy for ever. She was a wonderful friend to us. Yama Mama
  19. Yesterday I had an imprompt street race with a friend who just purchased a Kawasaki Voyager his first big bike and he wanted to see how it compared to mine ('89 VR with 54K miles) as he had ridden mine before. The Voyager held its own until close to 100. After we stopped and discussed how well his new bike ran and then headed out again I noticed a dramatic loss in power over 3000 rpm in every gear. As long as I shifted below 3000 it seemed to run ok. I pulled the plugs today and they looked fine. I put in new plugs and I am having the same problem. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
  20. I have the Venture Line bumper lights on my 87 and i bought some mini wedge LED bulbs #2060-0006 from Drag Specialties $2.95 @. They project less light because of the angle they sit. So i bought new lens because of the color loss and that brighten things up some. LEDs are good if they are used in straight direction.
  21. I purchased a Baron's waterpump cover that has the V4 emblem on it. I was wondering what to expect when I pull the cover off. Mainly I'm worried about coolant loss. Will it all come pouring out? If so is it okay to let it pour out, and then just add some more? Thanks.
  22. Well, here are the pics of the fire. Not much left and a lot of damage to clean up. However, the family is ok, vehicles are good, and bikes are just a bit dirty. A great loss for Ron and his family. However, he has a positive attitude and will come out on top. JB
  23. OK here goes. I was inquiring if anyone had a power loss from installing HD pipes on their RSV. Everyone was telling me that they experienced no loss of power just better sound. I kept changing pipes and still a loss of power and loss of top end. I found a set that seemed to bring my power back that came off a 05 HD Road King. Thought the problem was solved. Wrong. Well here is the tale of the tape so to speak. Changing pipes was not the only thing I changed. I also at this time added a set of the Yamaha Billet Carburetor Covers. Those who have installed these no where I'm going with this. The install requires you to remove two bolts from your carb diaphragm cover to use in the installation and replace them with the supplied bolts. There are two shims that fit into the diaphragm holes to secure the covers. Well....... You really should make sure that the shims are seated in the holes...... If you don't you create a huge opening for air to enter the carb from the outside, bypassing the air filter. The result is that when you twist the throttle full you create a vacuum in the carbs and the diaphragm gets sucked into the carb from the rush of the outside air. The tech working on my bike said that when the diaphragms got sucked in, I was then only getting fuel from two carbs instead of four to the cylinders. It turned out to be an easy fix. Re seat the diaphragms and realign the shims. Problem solved. Now I wont say who installed the carb covers or who might of forgot to check the diaphragm covers to make sure that they were tight. He will here from me ( I did it) later on this. Just as a side note... When I was trying to find out what was wrong with the power I took my bike up to 95MPH where it quit accelerating. Now think on that....... A V4 that will do 95MPH on two carbs into 4 cylinders and still be as fast as a Harley. :>) Moakster
  24. Over the weekend a coworker and friend lost his son in a motorcycle accident. My friend's son lost control of his bike and the accident was his fault, but knowing this does not make the loss any easier to the family. Please surround Joe and Donna with your prayers as they deal with the loss of their son. http://www.kjrh.com/content/news/breaking/story.aspx?content_id=945ef4e1-dc0d-48ae-ac99-47d7802a04bd
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