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Found 7 results

  1. So I got the forks off and the springs removed. I cannot figure out the removal of the 10mm hex head bolt in the bottom of the forks. I can get it to turn, but not loosen. The manual talks about some special tool, but I don't see any mention in the instructions I am following. Help ??? How do I remove those bolts ????
  2. I had a noise in the rear end and through the tech library I figured out what it was. I had recently changed the rear tire and didn't loosen the bolts on the drive and put the axle in. After doing this and puting it back together I no longer have the noise.
  3. Kickstand won't come down.Tried everything to loosen it up but still wont come down.
  4. To loosen the handlebar bolts, there are chrome caps over each one. Does anyone have a special method to remove these caps, so as to get at these 4 bolts? Thanks.
  5. Hey all went to take off left saddlebag today so that i may look at rear tire and change final drive for its new 600 mile change and i got three of bolts loose but the top back bolt striped when i went to loosen used a 4 metric hex head with flex ratchet so needless to say i can't get it to turn or remove . any ideas or suggestions, also pushed it in tight prior to trying to loosen, anyway not happy, three weeks old and this happens. thanks Brian d.
  6. I wanted to loosen my fairing vents up since one was frozen, and two were hard to close/open. So I decided to spray some silicon on them, and what a mistake. They started to discolor almost instantly, and washing it off did not help. I was careful not to get any on the painted surfaces, but not my black vents have lightened in sections to a dull gray. Whats also frustrating is that it did not even loosen them up. So the moral of the story is not to use spray silicon on your plastic parts that are visible. BTW- my vents are so stuck or tight that I dare not try to close them with force for fear of them breaking. What is the best way to lube them up?
  7. I posted this a while back on a similar post and I suspect what you are experiencing is an alignment problem. I have used a procedure for mounting a rear tire on any Venture that will align the rear end perfectly every time. I was told about this proceedure by a Venture mechanic back in 89 or so and have used it ever since. 1. Before removing the tire, put the bike in gear. 2. When removing the rear tire, loosen slightly the 4 - 14mm nuts to the rear member. This will also give you a little wiggle room to remove one of the wider tires. 2. With the tire off remove the 4 - 14mm nuts and remove the rear member and drive shaft. Grease the drive shaft splines and slip it back in the drive tube. This can be a bit tricky but feel for the inner spline U joint and move it up and rotate it where the drive shaft enters the U joint and the studs enter the holes. Put the 4-14mm nuts back on but leave them a bit loose. 3. mount the wheel into the rear member. Grease the axle lightly and slip it into the wheel through (1.) the large washer and (2.) the caliper bracket. Tighten the axle nut to where it pulls the axle through and snugs into place and then loosen the nut. With a 10mm allen wrench, you can rotate the axle. Turn the axle until you feel a loosest spot around the circumference of the axle. Mark this spot at the pinch bolt slit with a file for future alignments. 4. With the axle pulled through and snug, tighten the pinch bolt and then torque the axle nut to 110 lbs. This gets the axle and inner wheel splins into perfect alignment with each other. 5. Now go back with a good 14mm boxed in wrench and tighten the 4-14mm acorn nuts on the rear member in a cross pattern. This now pulls the drive shaft into alignment with the rear member. 6.You are finished with this part and can now put the caliper back on along with everything else that you took off. Now you really don't need to go through this entire process, but you do need to raise the bike where the rear wheel is off the ground and loosen everything up as follows: 1. Raise the bike with the rear wheel off the ground. 2. Loosen the axle nut completely. 3. Loosen the axle pinch bolt. 4. rotate the axle until you feel the loosest spot and mark this spot on the axle at the pinch bolt slot. 5. Loosen all 4 - 14mm acorn nuts from the final drive assembly. Now you are ready to tighten it back up starting with: 1. The axle to the point the axle nut just starts to tighten. 2. Tighten the pinch bolt 3. Torque the axle nut to 110 lbs 4. Tighten up the 4 - 14mm acorn nuts in a cross pattern. If it's still making a clicking noise then take it back to the dealer and have them look at it. If the rear fluid was not flushed at 500-1,000 miles, then you might have a set of needle bearings going bad in the final drive
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