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Found 15 results

  1. There is always a loop hole ain't there. Mike
  2. I and 3 of my riding buddies are heading west again tomorrow. We're headed to Glacier National Park via Cody Wy and Chief Josepht Highway, Beartooth Pass and Red Lodge. Here is a link to our approximate route: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=209345560562245148088.0004c40c214cc5ab7ecae&msa=0 We'll be making the big loop in a counter clockwise direction. So if you see 3 Goldwings and a Tour Deluxe going down the road give us a shout or a wave. Dennis
  3. Guest

    Navarre Florida

    I will be heading down to Navarre Florida next Tuesday 6/12 if anyone wants to meet up for lunch or dinner or maybe a ride.. This is the loop I have planned for Wednesday if anyone wants to join me... http://tinyurl.com/73d9z5n
  4. Check this guy out. Taking my pillion to see him on Saturday night. Catch him if you can. Man - he's F-A-S-T! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni5WHnVqWBI&feature=player_embedded]YouTube- Bruce Mathiske with loop pedal[/ame]
  5. Taking a right hand corner with plenty of lean my spring loaded right floor board drags. Taking a left corner with plenty of lean the boot loop on the kick stand (it is fully up) drags and recently caused the back wheel to hop right a few inches. That was a little unsettling. Didn't pay much attention for location of wear and tear until that wheel hop thing. After examining the kickstand loop. it appears that the bottom side is now about half worn through. Am I way too aggressive in the corners? lol Is my experience normal or is there something wrong with the kick stand or something else? Jack
  6. I bought a quick release for my helmet. This is the one I bought: http://www.ironhorsehelmets.com/quickrelease.htm Okay, so how the %^#* does the black end attach to the loop with the two D hooks?
  7. Can one of you smart folks out there tell what these are? Left rear cylinder has a chromed wire loop and a small curved chrome plate on top. Right rear cylinder has a chromed wire loop on top. I'm baffled! Thanks to anyone who solves my mystery.
  8. I know there are only a handful of members within a few hundred miles of Lubbock, but I was by the local dealer today and they have a Victory Semi out front. Stopped in to see what it was all about and they are having a demo day tomorrow. Inside the truck I saw their touring machine, a street-glide rip off and a few others. But figured I'd throw that out there just in case anyone is interested. It is located at Family Power Sports off of the West Loop 289 http://www.expedia.com/pub/agent.dll?qscr=mcst&strt1=4202+W+Loop+289&city1=Lubbock&stnm1=TX&zipc1=79407&cnty1=4Family PowerSports Lubbock 4202 W. Loop 289 Lubbock TX 79407 Phone: 806.793.2551
  9. Me and a buddy are gonna be doing this loop today. Any body on this loop to stop in on or meet up with? http://www.openroadjourney.com/loadroute.asp?rid=1963 Leaving 10:00AM from Philly.
  10. My Venture is lowered and now i need to shorten my kick stand a bit. I was wondering about how much i need to take out of it? I am thinking maybe an inch, does that sound about right? Also to those of you who have cut your stands, did you cut it above or below the loop on the stand?
  11. Need some help. Anyone here know the difference between these 2 switches? I'm trying to install some LED lighting in my trunk so that when I open the trunk, the lights come on & when I close the trunk, the lights go out. Just testing the switches with the lights attached, I hooked up to my truck battery, but both switches turn the lights on & when the other side of the switch comes in contact, the lights don't go out. Regardless of the switch (open loop or closed loop), the lights are on whether in contact with the other half of the switch or not. What am I missing? Thanks.
  12. to all of you good people. my "give a damn is busted"! i come here and read all of the threads, everyday, but i just don't seem to have anything to contribute. to all of you guys who sent p.m.s, i want you all to know, that i do appreciate them, just can't seem to get back in the loop , for whatever reason. just jt
  13. I've been out to Colorado several times and a few buddies and I are planning a trip this year. So far I've planned for the Ouray-Durango-Teleuride loop. The Black Canyon of the Gunnison loop (my personal favorite ride, maybe better than the Dragon!) and the Rocky Mtn National Park-Nederland-Blackhawk route. If we have time I'd like to do the Ridgeway-Gateway-Grand Junction ride. Does anyone have a favorite hidden route that is a don't miss? I've got several in Southern MO that people have no idea about that are terrific, so I'm sure there are some that I need to know in CO. Always looking for new pics!
  14. Guest

    My great escape

    Ok, so I'm overdoing it just a bit ... got the bike all ready for the road - new rubber, new tail light bulb, put all the new "safety" accessories on her (mud-flaps from Timberwolfe Leather, new grips, some "shiny" floor board covers for the front, floorboards for the rear, engine bolt cover, oil cap, etc.). She looked go nice out on the driveway that I couldn't stand it and off I went ... didn't go far, only about a 50 km loop, but man, did it feel good!!! Now, I'm just waiting for the new CB antenna and the trunk wing light to come in and that will be it ... (yeah ... right!!! ) Cheers,
  15. We don't have the challenging curves or beautiful fall foilage rides. However, we do have miles and miles of glorius roads that will take you through small beach towns along the Atlantic Ocean. A1A South out of St. Augustine to Daytona is a very nice ride along the Atlantic Ocean. It will take you through small beach communities and nice lunch spots right on the water. I recommend the "Hightides" restaurant near Flagler beach. The Loop in Daytona It's like no other ride. It's freedom, sunshine, open road and graceful curves. It's called the Loop and for motorcycle enthusiasts everywhere, it's a riders dream. The Loop begins with a northerly trek at the foot of the Granada Bridge on John Anderson Drive in Ormond Beach. Going North, riders are greeted by a cathedral of trees up to the Highbridge Road where they hang a left (to go west) and go over the bridge and the Intracoastal Waterway (the Halifax River). There are several places to stop along the way and just enjoy the Florida countryside. After more winding turns, you'll come upon Walter Boardman road where you will make another turn that takes you further west to Old Dixie Highway. When you reach Old Dixie Highway, take another left (to go south) toward Ormond Beach.
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