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  1. I've noticed a "Welcome to the forum" pop up a few times for "new" members who have been here for a while already. Lone Eagle being the most recent. What's this about?
  2. Happy Birthday Flyinfool, VentureMax and Lone Eagle! Hope you have a wonderful day!
  3. LONE STAR RALLY NOVEMBER 6TH RIDE, Who wants to ride? We can all meet at my place. I'm in Katy and close to I-10. I know a back way down 99. We are open for suggestions on the time to leave. I was thinking about after we eat breakfast. The place I want to go to for breakfast is open at 9:00 am. Send me your thoughts on what time we want to meet and go. Thanks, Hal
  4. Well its almost time for the Lone Star Rally in Galveston Tx. Its Halloween weekend as always. I was wondering who is interested in going. I am leaving early Sat morning to head down to Galveston and have a room reserved on the SeaWall for Sat night. Anyone interested in meeting up and riding down there together? My room is at the Best Western and I will have a spare bed if anyone decides they want to stay the night. I hear that past crowds for this event has been up to 400k people :wow:with every kind of bike imaginable and tons of things to look at and do. Let me know if you want to meet up and head down there. :hurts:
  5. Well we have all been hearing me talk about going to Houston....it just took 1 step closer to being done. I had the POD delivered today, 5 days early and we are going to start packing it tomorrow. Seems a bit surreal and Lonna and I are both under a bit of stress right now, but I'm hoping that the Lone Star state will help cure that. So for all our brothers and sisters down in Texas....were almost there
  6. As posted on the radio in the Houston area, the Lone StarRally is still on. The Galveston area was devastaed by Hurricane Ike. City services are back up and schools are scheduled to resume next week. This is being slated as the "come back event" for the Island. Hotels are scurrying to make repairs and local businesses as well. So if you were planning on attending, Come On Down. Its Halloween weekend. check here for the official website for the rally. http://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Clubhousemagazine-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/ama-193.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/BudBiker-DP-logo-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Bud-Ride-Safe-First-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Jack-Daniel_s2-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/buzzlogo-139.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/galvestonisland.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/progressive-logo.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/sparkletts.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/KKRW.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/republicharley-1-193.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/SanJacintoHD.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/VixensVisions-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Shell_139-1.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Moody-139.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/moodyhotel.jpg http://t1.extreme-dm.com/i.gif http://e2.extreme-dm.com/s11.g?login=lsrally&jv=y&j=y&srw=1024&srb=32&l= http://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gif http://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gif 9/19/2008 Despite reports to the contrary the City of Galveston is back and WE WILL MOVE FORWARD IN GALVESTON WITH THE LONESTAR RALLY ON THE SCHEDULED DATES Please be patient with lodging as all are working on being operational ASAP SPREAD THE WORD, TELL YOUR FRIENDS WE ARE HAVING A RALLY!!!!!! SEE OUR PLANS TO HELP REBUILD GALVESTON http://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/LoneStarRallyPirate08-2.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/VENDORPACKETS.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/activities2.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/sponsorship.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Shop.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/PARKING.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/beachboys.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/LADYRIDERS.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Contact.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Pictures2.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/GALVESTONLODGING.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/friendsofrally.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/RallyDVDs2.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/camping.gif Cycle Trader National Convention VIP Gypsy Tours Ride in style to the three American Motorcyclist Association’s National Road Riding Conventions and AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days with Cycle Trader, the market leader in online and print motorcycle classified advertising in the United States. Click here for additional information and registration Sign up for the Lone Star Rally Newsletter THE 2007 LONE STAR RALLY WAS A HUGE SUCCESS!!! 486,000 attended as per TX.D.O.T. figures Dates for the 2008 Lone Star Rally are Oct. 30 - Nov. 2 Plan your Rally Schedule using our activities page!" Pirate and Halloween Theme Ride in the World’s Largest Halloween Costume Biker Parade on Friday night to win $1,000! Attend the World’s largest Leather and Lace Ball on Friday night at the Convention Center. Tour our Ghost Ship “The Elissa!” at Pier 21! Three stages with over 60 live concerts! Lone Star Lady Riders Conference Ms. Lone Star Rally Pageant and Fashion Show- Lone Star RV show returns to the floor of the Convention Center Leather and Lace Ball plus Costume Contest- Featuring Vince Vance and the Valiants Costume Contest winner gets $500! Demo fleets- Factories return with great free rides on all of their new machines! Dolphin Tour (formerly the champagne cruise) Deep Sea Fishing Trip Charity Casino and Auction bbenefitting Ronald McDonald House AMA Tours and Poker Runs Dyno Horsepower Shoot-out Rhett Rotten’s Wall of Death Special Super Star Concert at Moody Gardens Outlaw Dave Ranch Ride Go to Chopper College and try to win the chopper of your design Music Music and more Music no cover charge many venues . EXCITING NEWS! The fabulous Beach Boys will take to the beach for a very special concert under the stars at Moody Gardens during the Rally on Saturday night. Joining them will be a minimum of one surprise guest star! Moody Gardens is one of the finest resorts in the world and we are very excited to present this American icon for the super low ticket price of just $20! Even better, book your lodging for the Rally at Moody Gardens and receive two tickets free! (3 day minimum). Also happening at the Gardens is a very cool IMAX movie about the ocean plus all of the other cool attractions that make Moody Gardens famous! They will also offer special secured motorcycle parking and shuttle service from our downtown sites. For you golfers, there’s even a brand new, world class golf course! How you get your clubs there is up to you! LSR will also re-route their shuttles to take you to and from Moody Gardens from the seawall and downtown. Check out our web-site beginning next week for details on special room rates and ticket ordering information. 2007 Lone Star Rally Official DVD Double click the arrow in the center of the video to play a short sample. Order your DVD from Lone Star Rally on DVD 2006 Lone Star Rally Official DVD Double click the arrow in the center of the video to play a short sample. Order your DVD from Lone Star Rally on DVD 2005 Lone Star Rally Official DVD Double click the arrow in the center of the video to play a short sample. http://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gif © 2007 - 2008 Media Magic http://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Parrot.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/partyboats.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/baywatch_gif.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Hooters139.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/mancusopower-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/AmpcoParking.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Premiere.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/StubbsHD-1.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/sierrasprings.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/espn.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/GPMCompass.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/patterson-139.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/KILT.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/WM_Logo-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/black_iguana-139.gif Regards, Ponch
  7. Anyone going to this in October? (halloween 3 day event) I am going to go since I am only 60 miles away but, would like to have others company along, especially anyone who has attended before.There will be some really good stuff to see since it includes a costume parade and pretty gals showing off chaps n thongs etc. You will see every kind of bike imaginable. Dealers will have new models availble to show and test. Vendors galore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seems there will be about 400k bikers in Galveston that weekend. We can meet up really early and ride in Sat or, plan ahead and still try to find a room in Glaveston. Moody Park will have events including the Beach Boys Concert. Ride on the beach and ride down the strand, eat good fresh seafood. My Grandmother lived there for years, 200 yards from where the flagship hotel is/was now. That Pier was an amusment park back then Here is the info http://www.lightningcustoms.com/galvestonbikerally.html Feel free to PM me if you want info about Galveston area etc., or you want to get together that weekend. Here is a page from last years notes in Houston the party is ON in Galveston! It is time for the Lone Star Rally, one of the largest AMA sanctioned events anywhere. Where to start? There will be a humongous amount of activities going on, and stuff. We'll highlight a few and let you bang the link to the website for the full list. First, there will be the Leather and Lace Ball and Halloween Costume Party at the Convention Center on Friday night. There is an Amateur Mixed Martial Arts fight card. A Swimwear Fashion Show and Ms. Lone Star Rally Contest. Saturday, part of the Lady Riders Conference is a special ride to raise money for the Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation. More of the Mixed Martial Arts fight card Saturday night in the Convention Center. Over 400 vendors are expected and there will be three stages hosting live music during the weekend. Most of the events are free, or have a minimal cost associated with them. The Island anticipates about 600,000 people plus their bikes over the weekend. WOW! Like we said, bang the link for the most recent activities list jb :cool10::cool10:
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