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My cruise won't set so I opened up my Clymer manual and it said to start by checking the continuity of the main switch and set/res buttons, they were fine. But next step is checking the cruise control relay and I can't find a 4 wire connector with the colors it says it should have! I've found the cruise control module but it doesn't have a 4 wire connector. Please help
My bookmark is set to go to; and it works as normal there for me, HOWEVER, when I am at the above location, clicking on the 'FORUM' tab opens the 'ARTICLES' page ( ). Subsequent clicks on the 'FORUM' tab returns me to the 'ARTICLES' tab.
For those that have the Hannigan conversion, Is it possible to move the top trunk back to the rear or second location to provide more passenger room? Mine looks to be mounted in the first or forward set of holes and looks like it will hit the small lip that is on the Hannigan kit just above the bottom trunk if the top trunk were to be moved back. pa_don
I have a GoPro HERO camera with all the included mounts. I've scanned the forum here for mounting suggestions. I'm still a bit unclear on where best to put the mount/camera. I would like to have a central location (suction cup on gas tank?). I do not want to helmet mount the camera because I tend to "lollygag" (look around a lot!!) and that would cause the video be rather erratic. I would like the central/middle location so that the instrumentation is also visible if possible. What are the opinions/problems with mounting on the fairing lower or even the front fender? Also...the camera does not have a safety lanyard. I can rig up a nylon cord of course but was also wondering if anyone has another recommendation?
Just looking for everyones take on the carb slide vacum hole location when reassembling carb slides on my 87. It looks like they should point down at 6:00.
Anyone want to get together for a meet & eat Jan 12 here in S.E. Michigan? Ya I know timing is short notice but just found out my weeks for the month are filled with other stuff.Timing will allow folks to visit with Joe before he heads off to suny AZ on the 26th too. Larry Updated info: January 12 th, 6 pm till whenever we're done Location is : BWW 6677 North Wayne Rd. Westland, Mi 48485 If you're coming either east or west on I-94 use the Wayne road exit by Metro-Airport, taking that north to the BWW's location. For those traveling from out of state or country here's a link for area hotels :
hey guys just wanted to throw this out to you I am going out of town tomorrow and I'm going to pick up a couple small parts of a wrecked 87 first gen. It's gold. If there's anything specific that you might need me to pick up and that we can ship later let me know. I will post a picture of the bike later .bike looks clean except front end hit . I will be at the bike location Thursday afternoon .
I had my Stebel horn mounted on the right side in the stock location for over a year. Now that I have a sidecar, I would like my sons hearing to stay better than mine, so I removed the horn. Has anyone found a good mounting location on the left side of the motorcycle?
i am changing the location of the montgomery city meet june 21st,22nd,23rd to st. charles,mo. every thing including the rides will be the same. the new host motel will be red roof inn, 636-947-7770, 2010 zumbehl rd. right off i-70 in st. charles. i should have done this in the first place. the last two meets i had here were big ones. i'm just not getting much interest in montgomery city. check under meet and eats for the new details. bill
Okay, I was working on the new 86 and notice the horns not working. Okay simple answer is that the fuse is blown. I open the fuse box but no horn fuse there. I find an auxiliary fuse box with 5 and 10 blade fuses but no horn fuse there either. One of the 10 amp fuses was blown so thats taken care of but................ So i still am not sure where to find it. the schematic shows there is one, I've been on the different tech sections i just can't find any info on this location. i hope its not just out obvious someplace that I'm missing. Does anyone know where it is?????
Ok, after much thought and deliberation, (running up/down stairs 1000 times from mancave/stable to get on computer for tech help will speed up this process) we think it is time for a IPHONE APP for No small task I'm sure, but I (my knees) would be up for increasing dues to cover cost? Sure would be nice to take the forums on a ride, maybe posting location pins to map, maybe connecting with others while in a certain area, etc. Ideas? Suggestions? I am sure Freebird will enlighten....... please..... And then again, maybe this has been discussed previous..
I have looked high and low for the condenser. It is showen in the sechematic and wiring drawings but NO ware on it's phycial location. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Hi All Some of you my have seen that I have a new toy 1988 1500 Gold wing. The past owner put the NY state inspection sticker on the lower front fender. I really do not like this location. Do any of you have any other spots that may look good? I have been looking at chrome plates that mount like on the crash bars. Thanks Bull463
DO NOT ship by UPS ALWAYS ship via USPS (United States Postal Service) The reason's are: 1. UPS rates are generally higher 2. If sent by UPS ground, it generally takes longer 3. If the value is over $20, we get dinged brokerage fees when we receive the package as well as tax on the value. 4. If you can't be home when the package arrives, you have to wait for the 1st delivery attempt and then either go out of your way to their location to get it or have the delivery location changed. The latter cannot be done until AFTER a 1st deliver attempt is made. If you send via USPS, none of this applys. Why do I post this? Because I bought an item off a member on another forum for $65 + $15 for shipping and got dinged $35.71 after the fact for brokerage fees ... add that up and it's really not worth the purchase. What's worse is that UPS assured the sender that there would be NO ADDITIONAL fees. I f****n HATE UPS coz they have done this to me before.
Can someone direct me to the location of the Wiring Schmetic for the 91 VR.
I know I'm still a newbie here but I'm trying hard to fit in an get to know people. What i would like to see is an easier way to figure out were folks are from. I do not recognize many of the state flags or cities listed in folks profile or when they post. Is there something I'm missing or a place on this forum to go with a map an stick pin of peoples location. Trying to figure out who is close by my location and the places I would like to travel to. I have about wore out my atlas an my eyes trying to find this information. No i don't have a GPS
Have I just now noticed the blue google chrome location map use symbol under the name display ? Or has it been there for ever ? I like it and it is very neat. You just click on it and there is the map location. Thanks Freebird.... Fuzzy
Adding an ignition bypass switch in my open air shop. no pictures 'cause it is in a secret location Had plenty of help and she seems excited to be going to meet her namesake!!! :dancefool:
I need help. I was installing my wolo horn on my bike in the original horn location. I used the ground location behind for my ground. During preliminary tests, the ground was not tightened. The stereo was on. Long story short, I now have no audio, speaker or headset. Up to final assembly, stereo had worked. Did I fry my amp under the fairing? How much is that to replace?
An Elderly Newfie woman of advanced age visited her physician to ask his advice in reviving her husband's libido.. 'What about trying Viagra?' asked the doctor. 'Not a chance', she said. 'He won't even take an aspirin.' 'Not a problem,' replied the doctor. 'Give him an 'Irish Viagra'. It's when you drop the Viagra tablet into his coffee. He won't even taste it. Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how things went.' It wasn't a week later when she called the doctor, who directly inquired as to her progress. The poor dear exclaimed, 'Oh, faith, bejaysus and begorrah! T'was horrid! Just terrible, doctor!' 'Really? What happened?' asked the doctor. 'Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and the effect was almost immediate. He jumped straight up, with a twinkle in his eye and with his pants a-bulging fiercely! With one swoop of his arm, he sent me cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and took me then and there passionately on the tabletop! It was a nightmare, I tell you, an absolute nightmare!' 'Why so terrible?' asked the doctor, 'Do you mean the sex your husband provided wasn't good?' Lord tunderin, 'twas the best sex I've had in 25 years! But sure as I'm sittin here, I'll never be able to show me face in Tim Hortons again!'
I hate to ask this question, but what is the order of my cylinders on a 04 RSV. I'm working on the carburetors and want to make sure the main jets are in the right location. I have found post explaining the main jets are different, but they refer to cylinder 1, 2, 3, 4. Which cylinder is 1 and 2 and 3 and 4. I have been searching and can't find the answer, so I thought I would ask. Thanks.
Shot at an undisclosed location .... At last, a Harley for the 21st century!¤t=bike4wood.jpg
New DQ!!!
- coming
- dqice_awesome-vi46644
(and 1 more)
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THEY COULD NOT FIND THE ENGINE I PURCHASED ON EBAY 4 days ago!!! I emailed my arrival date along with my payment intentions. I called repeatedly to confirm. No answer, only busy signals. I arrived Dec. 28 waiting for the door to be unlocked. They spent 45 minutes looking for it before they told me that it wasn't where it was supposed to be. I did the requisite song and dance about deciding to do business with a company who professed their good reputation online, yet no one answering phones... blah, blah, blah, and "then I arrive here and you can't even find an engine you just posted on eBay?!?!" I was finally invited out back to start looking too...apparently in violation of strict orders from the boss who wasn't there...but after driving for 5 hours and spending the night in a hotel, they might have sensed that I was about to have a royal Canadian bird right then and there if I didn't get my engine. We found 2 other engines. One I recognized from online that looked like crap, which was why I went for the one that came up for sale more recently. The other engine we found was missing a side cover but looked a lot cleaner, however it might have 3 times the mileage than the one I saw online...ODO was 17, looked that clean but I have to doubt it. Amber, the girl behind the desk, couldn't make a deal, but she expressed her frustration working a job without the required manpower, and covering for people who weren't at this location. She phoned the boss, the only concession was $25 off. WARNING: Pinwall Cycle is moving to a new location. There are signs all over the shop saying they are moving to the old Canton Elevator building. The move is planned to be completed by August 2011. The place is in total chaos now, half crew at new location, half at the old place. If this move is going to last for 8 months, and they don't have the ability to keep track of a whole engine in the mean time, I'm warning you all about potential order problems in the coming months.
we talked about having a christmas dinner meet at the meramec meet. it will probably be down around cape jirardeau, missouri. will have a one night stay over. bring your car unless you want to freeze your butt off. need some input on location and dates. i'm trying to get a good central location thats easy to get to.