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  1. see attached pdf I provided link for radio shack relay, but is in fact not the one I used- and not sure where I got the one I used but the one I used is rated 12vdc 10a, and radio shack link I provided is 12vdc 1a. Not strong enough contact rating for incandescent bulbs, as all power goes thru this relay contact as well as the ep29 flasher which is rated for 20a. any spdt 12v relay will work if contacts rated at least 10a. I also need to rethink the resistor option, as upon review I propose placing it direct from ep29 to ground, and this would continusly provide the .02a sense current for the ep29, causing the ep29 to flash all the time, although the turns would not flash as they are open at the turn switch. Unnecessary wear on the ep29. I suspect a resistor would not even be required in any pratical install, but if it was required, the value would have to be experimented with at an amount greater than 600 ohms, so that the load of the actual turns plus the value of the resistor would cause .02a load, but the resistor buy itself(turns off) would create less than .02a load (higher resistance). As example: a 1K(1000)ohm resistor would provide a .012a load,and if the turn lights provided at least .008a load, then all would be fine for the ep29, and the resistor would consume .14w, so a 1/4w resistor would work fine with safety margin. 60880.pdf
  2. I had 2 e-mail addys for you and couldn't get these to load up ...yes I'm sure it is user error...hope it helps...........
  3. Ok- I have been a dabbler with Linux for many years. With the advent of Windows 8 I am much closer to dumping Microsoft in favor of a Linux box for our HTPC. However, I have not been able to find a Blu-Ray software program that will run under Linux in a SIMPLE way. I am talking load disc, click on an icon and enjoy movie. Anyone know of such a critter? It can be free or paid. JB
  4. Ok I just rode through town with issac blowing and not going I will down load pics as soon as I can
  5. Finally got the shrader valves on the bike front forks holding 18psi and back is at 50psi had to eliminate the compressor for now will load pics when I get home to computer
  6. Had a great time with Marcarl and Wizard765 and our wives except for having to load Wayne's VR on a trailer to get him home.
  7. rod

    win 2000 pro

    This is for you computer guys. I have been using win 2000 pro for years and never had a problem, no crashes or problems with any of my programs ever. The computer runs great but now the browsers and anti virus software does not work. I have an OEM XP disk. I want to up grade but can't get it to load. I tried to format from the bios but can't find the right menu. How do I get to the DOS promp to format the drive so I can re load the operating system or upgrade from the disk. I have backed up all my drives on an external hard drive. HELP Rod
  8. So I finally was able to connect with the owner of the bike junkyard and finalize the deal for the 2 MK1 carcasses he had rotting away in his yard. Got a big surprise though.. I had been wanting to buy the blonde and a frame that had the motor and rear drive train but not much more. When the owner directed an employee to help me " load the two Ventures" we walked out to the yard. I went looking for the frame as they had cleaned up and moved things around. The employee pointed to the gold one and said that one and this one... I was still looking ion the other direction for the frame. When I said " they moved it ... I can't find it.." He said "it's right there..." He was pointing to a different Venture with a lot more parts on it. I hadn't seen that one before. He said " that's the two the boss said to load" . So, I got both. A better deal than what I thought I had. The first picture is the frame I thought I was getting... the purple bike is what I got. Here are the pictures:
  9. A while back there was a thread about a MP3 player that interfaced with the radio and was controlled by the radio controls. Although I was hesitant because of a lack of info I took advantage of the sale that was going on and ordered one. I installed it today and thought I would try to get some more info out about it. Here is a video I made of it operating. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj3bAjEdPOc]Venture MP3 install - YouTube[/ame] Here are a couple of pictures. http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad166/midnightventure/CIMG1418.jpg http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad166/midnightventure/CIMG1414.jpg Even though I had a cold I couldn't resist going for a ride and trying it out. Rode about 35 miles on some rough paved roads and about a mile on gravel. It worked perfect on the pavement but it did quit and I had to cycle through AUX,FM1,FM2 and back to CD and it took right off were it left off. So far I am satisfied with it but I wish that I had felt better so I could have rode 100 miles. The directions state to load the songs for the first CD directly to the SD card and then create 5 more folders called CD02 through CD06. You can load 99 songs to each folder. Total of 594 songs. Also it says to make sure there are no odd symbols like ')in the titles. I had already gone through and fixed all my titles and ended up with 2 1/2 SD cards full. It plays MP3 and WMA. If you pop one SD card out and put nin another it starts at the same disc and song number it was on before. Long pushes on the switch changes Cds (folders) and quick pushs change songs. It creates CD01 soon as it fires up.
  10. A few pics from my phone. When I get home will load some more. Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  11. When I try to down load photos it won't let me because it says they are too large. Does this site have a feature that will allow me to down size them.
  12. Hi guys, one last attempt with a new load equalizer to slow my signal flash rate. In the rear of the bike I have normal LED cluster but in the front I have the Custom Dynamics Moon Shinez white signal lights which is most likely confusing the system from accepting the normal load equalizer practice of placement. I recently picked up the Custom Dynamics Street Magic Metric equalizer unit but after discussing it with another member, it would appear we have the same unit but there lies some confusion about the wires and seemingly different instructions for the same product. The instructions I have says to hook the RED wire (which has a fuse holder and battery connector lug) to the battery... The BLACK wire to a suitable ground and then the BROWN and the PURPLE each to the right and left rear signal wire. (They state the REAR signal wires and it's supposed to work to quell the speed on front and rear LED signal lights?) The other member has his connected to the signal flash relay located under the right side cover (the square looking black relay) and says his actually does work, slowing down the flash rate properly... but his instructions and unit have different colours. The relay connector plug has 5 wires to it laid out as such: BLACK YELLOW WHITE with white stripe BROWN BLANK BROWN with red stripe with white stripe In order to make this unit work, and attached to the wires on the connector, which wire does what on the connector? What's the best way to find the correct wires as per instructions? Either I've been working at this too long and now totally confused or I'm just too jittery to experiment and blow up the bike..! If you know for sure (no wild guesses, please), drop me a line and fill me in.. It's totally possible that the Shinez front signal lights are indeed impossible to make work with a load equalizer but I dunno.. These lights stay ON bright and when signalling, they simple switch off... then on, then off.. instead of the typical dim running lights blinking brighter.. perhaps these are impossible to slow down? Anyway.. late night, time for bed.. hopefully someone will have the solution.. Thanks in advance. Cheers
  13. Erika is considering trying out the role of passenger with me. We will wear proper gear. I do understand the adjustments to the suspension of the bike for the extra weight. I have not had a passenger on the back of a bike in about 25 years, and she has never been a successful passenger. Back in her high school days her boy friend took her for her first ride and was showing off and they crashed, it was a bad crash with extended hospital time. So she is understandably concerned. Neither of us are small people and it will be a load for the bike. I am wondering about the best way for us to safely learn to ride together. My thoughts were to find someone that is an experienced passenger to ride with me a few times to let me get used to the extra weight, and higher center of gravity. Someone that already knows the dos and don't of being a passenger. I am sure the handling will come back to me quickly. and/or Have her ride with a friend that has done a huge amount of 2 up riding. Or just load her up and head for some deserted roads and/or my favorite practice parking lot. Any other suggestions?
  14. Just blew out the back tire on the highway. Almost made it standing. Used the grass bank instead of the pavement for the fall. Roughed up the bike a bit, luckily I am fine. Now to sit and wait for the wife to bring the truck so I can load it up.
  15. I have installed all bulbs including the dash bulbs with LED's and I can say that it was worth every penny because the load on the battery has changed from 15 amps to around 2 amps with a inductive amp meter wrapped around the ground side to see the diff. Jumper the CMU for running and brake lights and installed a 50watt 6 ohm load resistor kit on the let and right side to trick the turn signal relay just enough to have it flash. Will post pictures tomorrow of what I did and if any body needs the info on what bulbs went where I can send that to you. The total cost was around $130.00 for every bulb and the two load resistor kits. Now on to the rest of the bike to finale finish her up and give it a ride..
  16. I have installed all bulbs including the dash bulbs with LED's and I can say that it was worth every penny because the load on the battery has changed from 15 amps to around 2 amps with a inductive amp meter wrapped around the ground side to see the diff. Jumper the CMU for running and brake lights and installed a 50watt 6 ohm load resistor kit on the let and right side to trick the turn signal relay just enough to have it flash. Will post pictures tomorrow of what I did and if any body needs the info on what bulbs went where I can send that to you. The total cost was around $130.00 for every bulb and the two load resistor kits. Now on to the rest of the bike to finale finish her up and give it a ride..
  17. I returned to riding after 40 years absence and bought an '04 VStar 1100 with 1,500 actual miles. Starts and runs fine except for a miss at very light load --- almost coasting. I've run 3 tanks with Seafoam and it's a little worse. I started out running mid-grade gas and then switched to low grade 78 octane when advised by a friend. Local dealer does not have a great reputation for repairs --- at least by some opinions. I am moderately good at mechanics and have good tools but no experience with motorcycles. Don't mind doing it myself and can follow instructions but they need to be in plain/idiot language. It looks like some may have replied to my earlier posts --- I could not find them --- I may know less about these "thread things" then about my bike. THANKS FOR YOU HELP & PATIENCE. Tompa3
  18. In early April, on a bike???? I've made a few memories from following up on some old country and truck driving tunes I used to hear when I was a kid. (and still love to hear, Satelite Radio rocks) I plan on going to Luckenbach, TX at the end of March, heading back through NM, and maybe visiting an old friend that moved to Colorado Springs a few years ago. I see Wolf Creek Pass is in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd see if that top load of chickens were still laying next to that tunnel. But I don't want to bash my MRSV into the side of the feed store in downtown Pagosa Springs. So, how are the road around there in early April? Later, Scooter Bob
  19. I've swapped out my signal lights to some decently insanely bright LEDs and have a pair of Load Equalizers to take up the load to make the signal lights flash at the normal rate etc etc.. One for the front and one for the rear lights.. However, though I know which wires go where, I do not know the best location to tap into the wires for this.. Can someone who has done this before be able to point out to me where best to located the wires on the bike to tap into for the best (note easiest) access? Thanks in advance. Cheers
  20. Boy, this guy sure knows how to bang his bike up! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykaDf0itx6A]YouTube - How Not To Load Your New Motorcycle[/ame]
  21. My main desktop at home seems to be "toes up" at this point. It started a while back giving me a BSOD message that it could not load c:\winnt\system32\config\software when 1st powered on or restarted. Power off and power right back up and it would boot normally and work fine, until the next reboot. Then it got to the point it would "blue screen" randomly, and then the power off and power back on did not work anymore. The can't load "software" message happened every time. I found a fix on Microsoft's site, where all the registry pieces in the "config" folder are replaced from the "repair" folder. Now it won't boot normally or in Safe Mode. I thought well I'll try a "repair". There lies the problem and therefore my question. When I select ®epair I get the message something to the effect "no windows system found" and it wants to install a fresh copy of Win-XP. The question is what does the install routine need to find to recognize there is an operating system in need of repair?
  22. My wife and I just returned from what is probably our last trip of the year. We left for the Amana Colonies yesterday morning at 0700 and just now returned. It was a nice short trip, (515 miles), but most of the fall leaves have already fallen. We took our new LITTLE MD80 video camera with us and clipped it to my wife's dew rag. I am anxious to see the videos to see how they turned out. I will post them to YouTube if they come out okay. We took our Roadstar trailer so we could load up on wine, beer and Root Bear. I averaged 34mpg at approx. 75 to 80mph. - Better than usual. The bike ran great. But I will have to check the heater out. It didn't seem to work as well this trip. Craigr
  23. Ok Folks... I just bought a time out Dart recently... and I'm wondering where to set the tire pressure... The guy I bought it from said to keep it about 10 - 15 psi, But, the max load on the tire says 90 psi. I realize that I'm not gonna be pushing the "Max Load" of the tire, but thought 10 - 15 sounded awfully low. The tires are "Carlisle USA Trail" tires 4.80-12. Thanks
  24. I notice now with Firefox that I cannot copy/cut and paste like I could with IE. Anyone else having these issues. It also takes longer to load on some forums and to post. Im not too happy with it. Any one else have any issues too with it?
  25. Looking at the max. load ratings on some of these tires and I'm wondering, on these bikes, what the weight distribution is? Say these 1st gens weigh about 800 pounds, then add 70 pounds for a tank of gas, oil & filter, plus another 250 pounds for the rider, clothing, leathers, boots, gloves, helmet, keys, pocket knife etc..., that's roughly 1120 pounds. How much of that weight load rides on the front tire and how much on the rear ? Is it about the same for the RSV's ?
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